Picking my BALDURS GATE 3 Roleplay character at RANDOM! | Baldur's Gate 3 Prologue

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I made a video where I said I would leave my character choices for Baldur's Gate 3 up to random chance I know the time has come to pick my fate [Music] here we are inside the uh Early Access character creator for Baldur's Gate 3. now this is where the film begins I say fun may turn out to be a complete disaster but you never know we're gonna roll with it uh we're gonna start with race uh because I think that's that's a good place to start uh it's a good uh you know a good grounding a good Baseline for how our character is going to be played um so what we're going to do is we're going to be actually role playing as this character properly it's not just gonna be like a template character it's going to be a character where we would make all the all the choices and all the dialogue and everything as that character so if I end up playing you know an evil gnome um with one eye then I'm an even known more than I you know it's one of those things alright so what I've done is I've loaded uh all of the races and all of their respective sub races into the wildlife names uh and basically we're just gonna leave it up to choice and to make it you know super duper Fair I've added a free choice option so if we land on that I could pick anything I want [Music] um which defeats maybe the whole purpose of this exercise but who cares I think it'd be funny okay here we go our first spin please be something good please be something good don't screw me over praying praying to tymora for something good okay okay half drought not bad not bad it would have been half drow or half elf and then the next one was half orc the one before that was Dragonborn okay so a bunch of nice interesting options well I think half trial would be quite cool uh considering the problems that drow face on the surface world I think that'll be quite good for role playing all right let's move on to class okay so let's think about this logically what we're gonna what would we want for a half drow we would probably want a fighter maybe a cleric uh Ranger role would be good uh probably the worst choices here might be bard uh Barbarian probably wouldn't be that much fun um Druid maybe Druid of spores would be quite good you know under dark mushroom mushroom druid uh but let's have a look for a class [Music] ready to time Aura once again Lady of luck less me okay okay sorcerer okay I'm liking it I'm liking it so far half drow sorcerer I'm seeing it I'm seeing it in my head maybe throwing Throwing Fire around okay so we're on sorcerer so we need to decide which sorcerer we're going to pick so sorcerer gets three options in Baldur's Gate three we got wild magic uh which is pretty much explanatory you you cast a spell uh you cast a high enough level spell you got a chance to roll on the wild magic table basically anything anything could happen uh as we've seen in critical role your skin could turn blue you could lose all your hair I know that wouldn't really matter for me right now but you know um storm sorcery uh again pretty explanatory lots of lightning uh draconic bloodline uh you are blessed by and uh I think it's a dragon ancestor or Dragonborn ancestor um and you get your powers from that um and you can have like scales dragon scales on your face and stuff so that's gonna be interesting I'm actually hoping for Dragon buff line oh [Music] and we get it um everybody say hello to my car who has no concept of personal space or that needs to work um so everyone say hi see now she's gone what draconic bloodline okay I I had visions of Bitcoin really really wrong I thought we were going to be stuck like playing I give Yankee bad a male gift Yankee bard but uh so far half drow uh draconic sorcerer so that's our race our class and our subclass so we need to decide our gender identity um and what else let me have a look at the character creator [Music] um I'm gonna do alignment for role play purposes even though like alignment doesn't really exist in Baldur's Gate 3 the game um I am going to do alignment for role play purposes it it will like if we choose you know evil character on the on our little spinny wheel we're gonna be picking the meanest dialogue choices we can uh you know that kind of thing our in-game choices will be reflected by our alignment Choice here and I also want to see if we will multi-class as well so I'm going to do a yes no I'll do that now actually we'll do that now okay is our half drow Dragon bloodline sorcerer going to multi-class yes they are okay that makes things a bit more difficult because now I have to go and load in all of the class names again have a look here we go is it gonna be something good is it gonna suck real bad foreign that's pretty good so pretty much like a battle mage half drow battle mage draconic bloodline I'm liking this I'm liking this I would like to emphasize that nothing you know everything has been left up to chance 100 percent [Music] um I've not messed with anything I have not rigged anything in my favor like I said I thought I and was gonna end up playing like a a really ugly male uh get the Yankee Bard so look is on my side for once we are almost done we can almost start creating uh let's pick our gender identity [Music] we are a half drought so male will suck uh oh we just edged it we just edged it okay so female if so if we meet any other drow along the right on the along the way we are probably going to have an easier time uh the drow of faerun uh the underdog of faerun uh it's a matriarchal society uh ruled by a council of women uh so we are we we may have an easier time in dialogue and things like that if we come across any other drought uh in the world okay so we are making this a three-way choice for the alignment uh just just to simplify things uh we've got good evil and neutral rather than adding um lawful and chaotic in there as well um so this is probably one of the most important ones I think um for our actual character and the way we play the game uh and I like that it's um you know 33 chance for each [Music] we're good okay a good a good female half drow Dragon sorcery fighter okay I like it I like it let's make her now this is the fun part we actually get to create our character um so in terms of names drown aims that's going to be difficult in itself so we'll save that till the end let me have a research and I'll come back to the name but let's have a look at our background um okay acolyte you've spent your life in service to a temple learning sacred rites uh providing services to the gods or God your worship uh serving the gods and discovering their sacred Works will get you to Greatness okay that's not good for us uh considering our class so charlatan uh you're an expert in manipulation prone to exaggeration I'm more than happy to profit from it uh bending the truth and turning uh allies against each other believes a great success on the road well we are good so we probably wouldn't be a charlatan uh we wouldn't be a criminal either because we're a good character but you have a history of breaking the law and Survive by leveraging the less than legal connections profiting from Criminal Enterprise or leads a greater opportunity now we could spin that into something like a Robin Hood rub from the rich give to the poor kind of thing um but it's stealth proficiency we get um stealth and deception deception could be good um but um it would be a waste of stealth because we wouldn't be a stealth character Dragon sorcerer fighter um you live to sway and subvert your audience engaging common crowds and high society alike preserving art and bringing Joy to the hapless and downtrodden heightened your charismatic Aura a performance and acrobatics Maybe would be a good one Hulk hero Champion common people people challenging tyrants and monsters to protect the helpless saving innocence in imminent danger will make your Legend grow uh animal handling and survival [Music] maybe maybe um I imagine like within um Divinity original sin 2 um your background will play into your dialogue so you may have like a folk hero dialogue choice or you know the same way that you would have a drought dialogue choice so this also accounts for that uh Gil dartson your skill in a particular craft has earned you membership into a Mercantile Guild offering Privileges and protection while engaging in your art repairing and discovering rare crafts will bring new inspiration um I like that I like that background um you know finding more about finding out more about your draconic powers um finding out how you could be a bit more powerful Research into how Sorcerers are born maybe and we've got insight and persuasion which is a very a very good combo this is this is winning so far Noble which could work for a drow female or although a half jaw female drought are very um well they're not very nice to um half elves so they're called ibliff Abomination which is not nice so you were raising a family among the social Elite accustomed to power and privilege accumulating renowned power and loyalty will raise your status so we get history and persuasion which is which are quite good Outlander which good for a half trout uh you grew up in the Wilds learning to survive far from the Comforts of civilization uh surviving unusual hazards of the wild while enhance your prowess and understanding and what do we got Sage I think this might be the last one nope a couple more uh you are curious and well read an unending thirst for knowledge like that learning about rare law uh of the world will inspire you to spot this knowledge to Great purpose I do like that Arcana and history I do like that maybe maybe our character is a real nerd maybe she's a real door Soldier you are trained in Battlefield tactics and combat having served in a militia mercenary company of school you show smart tactics and bravery on the battlefield to ensure prowess with Athletics and intimidation okay urchin uh this is like bloodborne uh the waste of skin the waste of skin option surviving important bleep childhood um you know how to make the most out of very little Street Smart Sports to your spirit for the journey ahead and then we go back to act like okay so I really like Sage and I really like Guild Artisan as well so just let's change our class here we will we will actually um start as our Dragon sorcerer let's just get you know like a base template going um [Music] Ray Stroud uh oh it's half drow there we go okay so let's go back um insight and persuasion that could be very good or our sorcerer um so hello that's back then you stop being nosy please I'm gonna create our character [Music] um I think no not normal Gilda arson might be might be the one persuasion because because we're a Charisma caster sorcerer uses Charisma as their primary stat [Music] so let's go with that I think we could go with that [Music] come on this isn't twitch you can't keep interrupting [Music] how'd she go so race we are a drow half elf elf a drought half elf uh we get to choose our cantrip uh well we don't get to choose our country sorry which is Dancing Lights which is very good because I hear we do go into the underdog in Baldur's Gate 3 so we can do that um okay we got plus one wisdom and plus one dexterity but can we change these we can change these let's give ourselves we can't give ourselves plus two wisdom uh because we've already got plus two charisma we get it from our race anyway okay I like that that's good uh we get dark vision of course and we have fate and their ancestry here which means we get advantage on saving throws against being Charmed and we can't be put to sleep um let's put this into Constitution let's give ourselves a little bit of a um a little bit more of a boost we've got higher decks we've got 13 decks so we could be a DEX fighter instead of wielding a massive two-handed sword we could go with the bow when we when it comes to multi-class we can you multi-class on level up I think so um we could be a bow fighter dagger fighter maybe or duelist um I like the idea of a sorcerer with a Rapier spell in one hand Raper in the other I really like that [Music] um so let's put it into decks yeah I like that draw half elf those are ours um class is sorcerator chronic bloodline and we get to pick our our ancestry now we are good so that does leave all the chroma X out of it uh so we need to pick a metallic dragon gold silver bronze copper and brass um are these the same I know right golden brass share fire [Music] and they do share the same level six bonus right okay [Music] cold may be good old may be good resistance to cold but I don't know it's a larion game you see it's a larion game so a lot of fire a lot of fire and learning games if you've ever played you know they've been irides in one and two you know that that game is you know Feel the Fire the game [Music] um so we could do resistance to fire [Music] um but so what would a drow look like with brass scales [Music] zoom in very interesting I do like them uh obviously this isn't going to be final because we do have to pick our others copper is very nice [Music] not really a fan of that silver silver could work gold gold is uh a strong option to be honest lustrous gold against like a very kind of dark drow skin we get to choose our scale pattern as well uh I imagine there will be more in the full really full release again this is the Early Access character creator so we do get to uh pick how many options of scales for this so far four are we gonna go with like a band or are we gonna go with as many scales as we can I do like that because you can see the scales a bit better so let's go with gold uh what else do we get Skye's self okay so our class features our uh Constitution saving code proficiency good DACA proficiency see there you go we could um definitely use that deck of efficiency from the sorcerer to help with our fighter multi-glass later on and we get a light crossbow proficiency as well uh subplus features um your maximum hit point increases for Yeah by one for each sorcerer level that's good uh Dragonite scales couple parts of your skin when you aren't wearing armor your base armor classes 13. not bad it's not bad all right let's have a look at our can trips let's see what we can pick Let's see what this gives us first uh Chill Touch acid Splash true strike we'll keep that and Light um okay well we've got Dancing Lights already so we'll get rid of that we've got Dancing Lights already and I'm not really a fan of Chill Touch because even though I am going to be multiclassing into fighter I don't want to get too close so what have we got we've got blade Ward magehand could be very helpful uh friends could be very helpful uh considering it's a Charisma based spell uh Fireball um could go in with our gold dragon gold dragon ancestry uh rare Frost shocking grasp minor illusion uh which is very good as well so we will take I think Fireball and what was it magehand magehand friends uh Mage hunt friends or minor illusion okay I think friends because it could help us out with dialogue um we get some spells for Mike orb and which ball see what we can uh start with love Cloud charm person sleep burning hands magic Missile classic Mage Armor Thunder Wave which ball uh color spray pulse life Ray of sickness expeditious Retreat uh feather fall oh that's helped that could be helpful and jump well oh triple its jumping distance interesting all right so let's get rid of which Quantum put Thunder Wave in and I think we'll leave chromatic carbon because that is another classic like magic Missile that's another classic I think for a sorcerer chromatic orb is quite good um so we can our appearance now okay so we are female um we don't need to worry about the voice right now because what I'm what I'm going to do is in full release uh Early Access version won't be compatible with the full release so I will recreate our character in the full release so we don't need to worry about voice for now um and this is just giving us an idea of what we're going to do in the final game because obviously there's going to be more options in the in the final release um and the character actually looks very different it's not sliding menus like this you actually get to pick your head and your hair um okay [Music] think that she was going to be quite nerdy even though we've not gone for the sage option I don't want her to be quite friendly friendly looking um sad though doesn't she I do want our skin to be quite dark or a half tomorrow because I really I really want those scales to shine [Music] I like I like the almost well it is pretty much purple that purple drow skin like very classic drought like that uh drought eyes are usually like red to like pink but she's half so we can change it up a little bit and give a lilac ice I like that it matches the skin color uh we're not really gonna go with the pixie cup [Music] I think she's gonna have like quite let's have a look at the the options we've got maybe quite longish hair do have an idea for like a personality in my head already Sean I think she's quite nice quite gentle despite how half drow up in particular are treated um and maybe she didn't spend too much time in the dark but when she goes there it's not a nice place for it to be like I said before half um half elves in drow are called idlis Abomination so you know but I'd like to think that it didn't partner I like to think that it made her nicer more kind foreign bonds should we have the Fawn bonds or Big Bun she looks like a scholar she looks like hard at work twirl it around stick a pencil in the back I quite like that I do like that okay so we can go all the way down um I do want to try and keep the drow hair a little bit darker we could probably have a couple of highlights in she's rebellious she's a half elf and she spent a lot of time on the surface Maybe she's got some highlights or we could go with like dark hair and we could put the drought ancestry in her hair I like that I like that idea yeah we're gonna do that so let's make those highlights really strong let's make them bright white gray natural gray white yeah great white um no tattoos because they're facial only and we don't want to cover up those lovely scales uh makeup I imagine this is just facial stuff yeah you can't really see on a draw anyway so we'll keep that nice and simple I bet she doesn't really have that much time for makeup anyways she's so she's so caught up in her studies a bit like classic black luck and we'll keep the scales like that [Music] I like it so far I'm liking her so far uh class sorcerer we've done this we've fixed it it's all good let's have a look at these skills Okay so inherited skills by our background insight and persuasion nice uh Arcana and deception we get a plus five to deception I don't know but would she lie though she's a good character I don't know if she would lie that much and but the same the thing is I want her to be friendly so I don't I don't know if she would intimidate either so maybe like she maybe she'll tell White Lies here and there so deception [Music] it is it is a charisma skill as well so these are our skills without proficiency and we select these no [Music] uh and our abilities we don't get any more points to put in especially bonuses two which we add to our attack rolls yeah okay so these are quite good we do get that lovely plus three to Charisma yeah which make it which makes our persuasion plus five very nice just gonna be a talker my favorite kind of character to play She's gonna be a talker okay uh let's give her a name this is based on another uh character I have her name is Lena uh but Lena is a pure blood drow um my own character for a project I wrote a long time ago but Lena uh I just like the name Leonard is a pure blood draw um she's a cleric of Love uh she's not nice she fits right into men's embarrassing yeah she's not nice but I'm gonna take that name from Lana because she's not a nice person on we're gonna be a nice learner we're gonna make Lena in another timeline where uh she had uh half elf half drow parents or maybe half human half through our parents to do now I'll look it up [Music] this um Auto mod extension is a mod [Music] it's called improved UI and here she is let's just have a quick look at her I think I'm quite pleased I think I'm quite pleased I think we are going to have a really fun time in bald skate 3. and that's it Leonard is born how will she do in Boulders gate three things aren't looking good at the start because as we all know you do get infected with a an illicit uh tadpole so things aren't good but we do get some psionic abilities so it's you know a bit of a trade-off so our high Charisma very nerdy can't Shut Up character uh she's a sweetheart I'm very excited now I was I was already excited to play my excitement was here now it's here I'll see you next time when hopefully episode one of Baldur's Gate free will be here thank you for watching
Channel: Simon Peter
Views: 3,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, RPG, CRPG, larian studios, dungeons and dragons, astarion, shadowheart, #ad, baldurs gate 3 guide, lae'zel, baldur's gate 3 ps5, baldur's gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 romance, baldur's gate 3 speedrun, baldur's gate 3 ps5 review, baldur's gate 3 builds, baldur's gate 3 astarion, baldur's gate 3 astarion romance, baldur's gate 3 auntie ethel, baldur's gate 3 adamantine forge, baldur's gate 3 all romance scenes, baldur's gate 3 act 1 secrets, astarion baldur's gate 3
Id: GvEmBZkW0bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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