Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'LET'

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hello everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here today for today's lesson I want to take a look at phrasal verbs that use the word let okay and for this lesson I've chosen seven different phrasal verbs that use the word let we're going to look at some definitions and of course we're going to look at lots of examples okay so let's see if we can start the lesson so the first one here we can see is let down okay we've got two different definitions so the first one is to disappoint someone okay so if I let someone down then I have disappointed that person okay so if I let my parents down right let's imagine I am cheating on a test okay at school okay and then my parents find out and the teacher finds out so I have let my teacher down I've let my parents down and probably I've let myself down right so again I disappointed all of those people okay or maybe you were really looking forward to going to your favorite restaurant and when you get to the restaurant it's closed so you are let down or I was let down right so again that just means I was disappointed I was let down that the restaurant was closed okay all right the second definition says to cause to move down or lower okay so this one if you think about a sailboat if I'm going to let down the sails that means I'm going to move them down I'm going to lower the sails okay and usually when we use let down for this meaning it's usually something that we do slowly so you would let the sails down slowly same thing if it was a construction site okay they're like making a new building and there was something really heavy up here and they need to move it down here well then they will let this object down slowly right so you're going to move it down but you're going to do it slowly and carefully right that's what it sounds like okay next one says let in and the definition is to admit to enter okay so if I let someone in my house that means I've allowed that person to enter my house same thing if I let them in my car I've allowed them to come inside my car okay maybe my apartment is really dark right all the curtains are closed so I might open the curtains to let in some sunshine right so that would be another way to use that also if there's somebody in your life who you don't like right you don't like this person and so you don't talk to them but imagine you change your mind so now you will let that person into your life right so you'll allow that person to enter your life again in this case okay next one it says let someone in on okay and the definition is to share a secret with someone okay so if I let someone in on something then I am just sharing this secret with them so if I have a surprise imagine I've got a surprise for one of my friends okay but I'm going to tell another friend about it so I'm going to let my other friend in on a secret right about this surprise for another person right so anytime you let someone in on something you are sharing something with that person right and again it's usually a secret okay next one says let off and we've got three different definitions for this one so the first one there says to free someone from responsibility okay imagine my mom wants me to do work around the house right some chores she wants me to clean my room she wants me to do the dishes or take out the garbage these kind of things okay but actually outside it's a beautiful sunny day a-and I want to go meet my friends so I asked my mom mom can I go out and see you know see some friends and she goes okay I'm gonna let you off for today so that means she's gonna free me from all these responsibilities right the washing the dishes and cleaning my room so she's gonna let me off she's going to let me not do these chores right okay a good expression is to let someone off the hook so again that's just the same definition so in this example I can say my mom let me off the hook so again that just means she freed me from these chores or from these responsibilities okay the second meeting is also very similar it says to allow to get away without punishment okay think about somebody who commits a crime okay if I steal something from a store okay and then later the police let me off this means the police are not going to put me in jail they're not going to give me a fine or a punishment they're gonna allow me to get away without punishment so they will let me off and again I could also say they will let me off the hook so that expression to let someone off the hook can be used for both of those first two definitions okay same thing maybe if my dog I come home from work and my dog has eaten all of the furniture okay so I could get angry at my dog or I could let my dog off the hook so again I could not punish my dog right just let him or let her off the hook okay we have a third definition and it says there to explode or fire okay so usually at Halloween people let off fireworks or firecrackers so that means people explode those firecrackers or cause them to explode right so if you've ever been to a firework show you can say wow they're really letting off a lot of fireworks right that just means they're exploding a lot of fireworks okay as it says they're also fire so if I hear a bang I might say I think somebody let off a gun right so we can use fire to say he let off his gun right he fired or he shot his gun so we can use it for that definition as well okay next one says let on we've got two different definitions for this one so the first one says to allow the truth to be known okay so imagine this imagine I'm gonna have a party okay and I've invited many friends but I didn't invite these friends okay there's two friends that I didn't invite so later maybe I'm at the shopping mall or on downtown or I'm somewhere and I see these two friends so I don't want to let on that I'm having a party right I don't want the truth to be known that I'm having a party so I'm not gonna let on that I'm having a party okay second example there a second definition Tory says to pretend okay so imagine I'm a married man or a married woman okay but I'm in a bar and I see another person and I think this person is really attractive I want to talk to this person so I might let on that I'm single right that I'm not married so I might pretend that I'm not married so any anytime somebody's letting on that they're single or letting on that they've never done something right then they're pretending that thing right so if you've if you're pretending that you don't know a person then you're letting on that you don't know that person so you're pretending right okay we've got a couple more next one says let up and the definition there says to stop or diminish okay this is a good one to use when talking about the weather okay if I say the rain has led up that means the rain has stopped okay I could also say the rain has let up a little okay in that case it means the rain has diminished remember diminish means to get less right or to become less okay so if it was rain really really hard and I say the rain has led up a little that means it's still raining but it's not raining really hard maybe it's just rainy lightly now so the rain has led up a little okay all right same thing if I am being really if I'm really angry at somebody okay and I'm yelling at that person and then my friend says hey let up a little bit that means try and be a little less aggressive right diminish how angry you are or be a little less mean right so hey let up a little that means stop being so aggressive stop being so angry right lesson that a little bit okay all right and we got a last one here and it says let out we've got three definitions for this one so the first definition says to release from for example a jail or a cage okay so if my dog sleeps in a cage maybe every morning I let the dog out okay or if the dog lives in the backyard and there's a fence around the yard I might open the gate and let the dog out or let my pet out okay same thing if I'm in jail and the police let me out of jail that means they have released me from jail so anything we let out we release from somewhere right usually from somewhere like say like somewhere like a cage or a box or a jail something like that okay next one says to finish or end for example a class school etc okay so if I say school has been let out for the summer that means school has finished for the summer or if I say class will let out at three o'clock that means class will end at three o'clock again if I say the movie will let out at nine o'clock that means the movie will finish at nine o'clock okay but be careful with this one we say here the definition is finish or end but we use let out only when there's a schedule okay so if I finish reading a book I'm not gonna say I let out the book that doesn't work because there's no schedule for reading the book so it has to be something that is a schedule right like a meeting right the meeting will let out at two o'clock or again if my workday finishes at five o'clock I can say work lets out at five or we will be let out at five o'clock okay and one last meeting it says to make known or reveal okay and usually again this is talking about something that might be a secret okay so if a story is let out to the media that means the story was revealed to the media and again it sounds like maybe that story was a secret right or it you wanted to keep it private right so if we think about celebrities right often their private lives get let out right in the newspapers or on the internet and magazines right so their private lives are revealed or are made known to other people okay I'm going to see if we can erase the whiteboard and I want to take a look at some written examples using each of these phrasal verbs all right so let's take a look at some of these examples here so the first one says that movie really let me down right to that movie really disappointed me okay next one be careful let it down nice and slow okay so this is the one I was talking about be careful right move it down nice and slow okay next one open the window and let some fresh air in right - let fresh air enter inside the house or inside the building okay next one I wish I could let you in on this secret but I can't so again I wish I could share this secret with you but I can't okay next one I'm so happy the teacher let us off the hook this weekend I wasn't for looking forward to doing homework so again as I said to let someone off the hook means you're freeing them from the responsibility and in this case the responsibility was homework right okay next one can you believe they let him off he totally did it okay so in this case right remember can you believe they let the criminal off right he totally did that crime right so they let him off he's not gonna receive punishment okay next one every Halloween we let off so many fireworks right so we explode them right okay next one don't let on that you know me okay so again don't reveal don't don't tell anyone that you know me okay next one she let on that she liked me so I'd help her study right so she pretended that she liked me so I'd help her study and help her with homework okay next one I really want to go outside I hope this rain lets up soon so I hope this rain stops soon or at least you know becomes less strong right okay next one the man will be let out of jail next month so the man will be released from jail next month next one what time will class let out today do you know so what time will class finished today right and last one who let this story out I didn't tell anyone so again who revealed this story right or who made this story No right okay that is the end of today's lesson I hope these examples were easy to understand so thank you so much for joining me here today and I look forward to seeing you again next time
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 35,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, phrasal verbs, two word verbs, two-word verbs, verbs, three word verbs, let down, let someone down, let in, let someone in, let someone in on, let in on, let off, let on, let up, let out, phrasal verbs let
Id: WaIMY8HHck4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2016
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