Phrasal Verbs - Expressions with 'TAKE'

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hello everyone and welcome to maple leaf ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me in the classroom today for today's lesson I'd like to take a look at expressions that use the word take I've chosen the most common phrasal verbs or two-word verbs that use the word take and I've also selected the most common definitions of these phrasal verbs just remember some of these phrasal verbs have many many definitions but I have chosen the most common ones okay let's get started so the first one here says take back and the definition return something like to a store ok imagine I buy something like a sweater and when I get home I realize I don't like this sweater or maybe the sweater has a hole so I want to return the sweater to the store and get my money back so in other words I want to take back the sweater to the store and get my money back so that's one definition second definition retract a statement and again here it says usually because of regret ok imagine I say something not nice to one of my friends for instance your haircut looks ugly ok now my friend starts crying now I feel bad I wish I hadn't said that I wish I could take back my mean statement ok so if you want to take back a statement it means you wish you hadn't said it ok so those are two meanings for take back ok next one take apart it says here to disassemble ok if you've ever wanted to look inside of a computer or look inside your TV then you want to take apart your TV or take apart your computer also if your moving apartments you might need to take apart the furniture so you might need to take apart your bed you might need to take apart your kitchen table something like that so to disassemble something okay next one there is take off and I've got three definitions for this one so the first one there says to leave okay if I'm at a friend's house and it's getting late then now it's probably time to take off so in this case take off means go home also if you're at work or you're at school and you're finished for the day then you will take off you will leave you will go home so to take off needs to leave or to go home okay second definition to remove okay and it for example clothing or shoes okay so we can take off our jacket take off our earrings take off our hat take off our shoes things like that okay and finally to spend time away from work or from school okay if I'm going to take off tomorrow or take tomorrow off that means I will not come to work tomorrow or I will not come to school tomorrow okay the reason could be anything maybe I'm sick maybe I have a dentist appointment maybe I'm taking a vacation so the reason could be anything but if I'm taking school off tomorrow or I'm taking work off tomorrow that means I'm not coming I'm not coming to school tomorrow okay so those are three definitions with take off next one take up it says start something new okay usually this is for a hobby if I take up badminton that means I have started a new hobby of playing badminton if I take up chess that means I have started playing chess so to take up something means to start usually a new hobby okay next one take two it says to become fond of or to enjoy doing something okay so we can take two people or we can take two activities so imagine you have a new teacher and you realize hmm I really like this teacher so you can say I've really taken to our new teacher so again that means I'm fond of our new teacher okay same thing if you've started a new hobby let's say you started playing billiards if you say I've really taken to playing billiards this means I've really started to enjoy playing billiards so you're starting to enjoy your new hobby so again we can take to an activity or we can take to a person and this is a very positive thing okay next one take over so it says here to assume responsibility for something okay let's imagine a manager in my company has decided to leave the company so he or she is quitting the company this means we need to find a new manager to take over okay in other words we need to find a new manager to replace the old manager or to take over for the old manager so this is to take over okay also sometimes a company will take over another company usually a bigger company takes over control for the smaller company so that's another way to use take over okay last one it has three meetings we can see here take out so the first one there says to vent or to become angry okay let's imagine I go to work I have a really stressful day it was not a good day and then I come home and I get angry at my family so I am taking out my anger or taking my stress on my family so this of course is a negative thing I should not be getting angry at my family it was not their problem that I had the stress so if I take out my anger or take out my frustration on other people this is usually not a good thing okay two more definitions the other ones here says to kill or destroy okay if you take out a person this is a slang expression usually somebody like the Mafia or a gangster will take out someone okay or will have someone taken out so we can see this expression use a lot in the movies if you ever if you've ever seen a movie like The Godfather or Goodfellas there's a lot of people being taken out so there's a lot of people being killed also there it says destroy if you drop a bomb on a building then the building was taken out the building was destroyed so that's another meaning for take out okay last one says to make an application is it says here usually for money so often we will take out a bank loan or you might take out a marriage license or take out a gun license or a fishing license so any of these kind of things is we make an application it's usually something for money or like a bank loan okay I'm going to erase the whiteboard and I'm going to write up some examples with all of these phrasal verbs so we can look at them a little more okay so let's see if we can take a look at some examples on the board for most of these new phrasal verbs okay the first one I wish I could take back the comment I made to my friend it was really mean so again in this case take back means I wish I didn't say it I wish I could erase my comment so I wish I could take back the comment I made my friend okay next one the repairman must take apart my TV to fix it so again here take apart means the repairman needs to look inside the TV and all the little wires and everything okay please take off your shoes inside the house so again please remove your shoes inside the house do not wear your shoes inside the house next one I've been working too much recently I think I will take tomorrow off so again I will not come into work tomorrow right notice - I put tomorrow in the middle of this - word first so I could split that - word verb and put the word tomorrow in the middle okay next one my sister decided to take up golf so here my sister decided to start a new hobby right in this case the new hobby is golf so she decided to take up golf to start a new hobby okay we all quickly took to our new soccer coach so in this case this means we all quickly liked our new soccer coach we think he's a good coach so we quickly took to him okay next one mr. Vargo will take over as manager next Monday so in this case mr. Vargo will replace the old manager right he will take over as manager okay next one the manager often takes out his anger on his employees so again this is a negative thing probably the manager has a lot of stress and he should deal with it himself but he doesn't he gets angry at all his employees so he takes out his anger on his employees okay next one several buildings were taken out in the attacks in this case taken out means destroyed if we think about September 11th in New York City we can say that the World Trade Center buildings were taken out right they were destroyed okay and last example we need to take out a loan to pay for our new car so in this case we need to apply for a bank loan to pay for our car or we need to borrow money from the bank to pay for our car so we need to take out a loan okay I hope that these examples helped make these expressions more clear thank you for joining today's lesson my name is Andrew and I will see you again
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
Views: 42,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phrasal Verb, Two Word Verbs, ESL, Study English, Learn English, Phrasal Verbs, Teacher, Lesson, ESL Lessons Online, Grammar, English Grammar, Take, Expressions, Expressions with Take, take over, take up, take to, take off, take out, take back, take apart
Id: iSVgiZbnhX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2015
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