Making a HOLLYWOOD LEVEL Adventure Movie Poster Design!

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I bet as kids we've all seen Indiana Jones and just wanting to be like him because he's so badass and so cool and well today I'm gonna try and make that dream come true I am going to put together a cliche but professional looking movie poster making my own logo transforming myself into a true Adventurer and combining everything into a fire poster design you don't want to miss it let's get straight into it [Music] a project like this dares a bunch of steps to be followed so let's start at the beginning usually one first makes a movie and then a poster to promote it but since we don't have a movie we first have to come up with something everything all of this is gonna be based off of just the title and you guys are gonna help me with that let me ask you guys in my Instagram story let's put something like help me come up with the name for the next non-existent adventure movie there you go well let's see what happens in the meantime let's go and gather some inspiration from other movie posters Indiana Jones is obviously one of the most iconic adventure movies but all of these other posters give off similar Vibes which is exactly what I'm looking for really there's a ton of green colors due to the forest and jungle environments but also a lot of warm yellow orange tints this proves to be essential for this poster design the idea is not to make an original poster necessarily but just see what works in other posters and put that all together into one final epic cheesy cliche result because you know cliches are cliches for a reason they they work really well and I think it's pretty fun to learn about meanwhile let's go and take a look what you guys came up with um let's see the enchanted Labyrinth all right secret of the seven worlds okay the Forbidden cheese land sure Pringles are the secrets of the tunnel there's some crazy stuff here this one though has to be my favorite quest for the Golden Phoenix that is perfect actually because the Phoenix is a pretty big thing on my channel nowadays let's go and find a fitting font something we can modify later a little bit all of these aren't really adventurous I mean this one's pretty good let's um go with that time to open up Adobe Illustrator for a change and get to work I typed quest for the Golden Phoenix in the font we just chose and right away I knew I wanted the end to have one of these swooshes so to speak so I drew that on there I had to come up with a few different nice configurations and eventually I chose this one it just felt right I also thought it'd be fun to warp the hell out of this and make it look even more adventurous that's looking pretty sweet so let's move this over to photoshop up and make it pop using a gradient I gave it this golden color and instantly began working on the bevel in layer Styles you can do so many cool things it's ridiculous I added a metal texture to really give it that goldish look and add the second layer on top giving it even more detail it's still pretty basic though so then I thought let's add a pattern to that I used this pattern from a Novato and put it on there I made sure to offset the shape a little so it doesn't fully cover it only on the inside I tweaked some of the colors and also thought it looks sick to have an extrusion as well again using layer Styles I added the goldness to it and after some were testing and tweaking it ended up like this I was quite happy with the effect but the general shape I wasn't really so sure about I changed it up a few times and eventually it became this I felt like it's a bit more balanced and strong looking the old one is just a bit weird and wide and too warped I guess now that we've got that settled let's think of a basic concept for our poster I'm thinking we begin with me as the main character in the middle I mean that's kind of the whole idea of today's video I'm gonna be surrounded by plants and trees with some supporting characters behind me after spending some time looking for actors I decided to go with the legend himself Nicholas Cage then Madeleine Klein seemed fun to have as like a love interest and Brian Tyree Henry as a scientist character because I just love that guy those will be surrounding me in the background We'll add a nice guy and further details are yet to be determined let's first go ahead and take some pictures of me to turn me into a true Adventurer I found myself some fitting clothes that resemble Adventure the most and well moved to my studio to take the shot as usual many options but I went with this one I like the lighting a lot and I was sure this was gonna work perfectly and well you're gonna find out soon enough it actually did turning Benny into an adventure in almost 10 steps step one clearly we don't need this boring background so let's mask it out boom there you go all done step two I'm hella skinny so in order for me to look badass let's use liquify to add some weight to well me on my arms most of all just thickening that up a little bit and of course my legs can also use a muscle looking fit there let's move on step three this shirt has to be nice adventurous tan brownish color so let's use u.saturation to make that work also these buttons would look way better when they're metal so let's spice those up as well now that is a lot better if you ask me step four we want to have a nice looking backpack so let's pop this baby in there and blend it on there first some warping so the shape matches and then the same thing for the other one we could add some Shadows for some realism and those extra details to spice it up there you go that is looking Sleek then the backpack itself same thing again some warp and right after some shadowing to make it match the rest step 5 epic adventure hat required let's pop that on there remove the parts we don't need and add correct lighting that is sexy as hell let's continue to step six obviously I can't have a freaking lightsaber in my hand so let's put a mysterious map on there details like these really add a story and that seems quite important when you make a movie poster step seven the Belt doesn't match at all disgusting so let's make that brown there you go also epic Compass to go with it definitely a must easy peasy lemon squeezy step 8 in the jungle one must be able to protect one itself so revolver required that right there seems about right step nine I'm supposed to have gone through hell to get here so let's quite literally mess me up we gotta add some dirt all over to make me look real dirty also some nice scratches on my face from all those Twigs that slap you in the face in a forest and Bam I'm now a terrible Indiana Jones knockoff I'm not gonna go too deep into fixing the supporting characters the idea is mainly just replacing faces adding nice details and hats and backpacks and well here we have our supporting characters finally ladies and gentlemen we can begin on the actual poster and it's important we make a balanced composition things need enough room to breathe but also can't be too far apart as it's gonna have to be harmonic still I moved stuff around until I had a basic setup that I quite liked and this is where a pretty cool idea came to mind many older posters have borders around them for example Star Wars jaws and yes Indiana Jones what if we do this as well but instead make it like Stone like some sort of built Edge that has cool symbols and figures on it that seemed super cool so let's go and make that first I began with a basic shape of a border and then found some cool phoenix-like symbols to use on vectezi I started spreading those around and added some extra details to give it this Aztec kind of vibe and of course give subtle hints to the Golden Phoenix towards the end I also use the texture we use on the title to fill up the empty areas now if we put this into Photoshop we can add some Stoney textures to it I filled this up completely with stone textures and then roughened up the edge for extra realism I gave it this Sandstone kind of look by tweet making the colors and made a bit of a bevel inward so it looks like it's actually 3D I then overlaid the pattern we made on top and used bevel and emboss to add some depth to that this made it look like it's actually carved onto the stone instead of just you know floating on top it is really part of the stone now true craftsmanship if I do say so myself I made that a little bit darker and well guys I guess it's time for a tedious amount of plants [Music] [Music] [Music] do fill up the whole background I first added a basic landscape and above that a sky to cover up the entire height I experimented a little bit with red and orange coloring for that and soon after I replaced the sky with another one because I wasn't really happy with the one I had and just looks a bit flat and boring I now thought it'd be a good idea to make sure the lighting on the subjects matches the environment I added some extra highlights and later would make sure they have the correct orange coloring this took some time because there is a lot of ground to cover the same thing had to do to the other characters too of course nothing quite special there since on top there in the sky it's pretty dark I thought maybe it's fun to add a detail like stars in there that definitely made it feel just a little bit more magical I suppose the last bass element I want to add in there is trees in the back so it looks like they're in an actual jungle the further back they go the easier it gets this makes for some nice atmosphere which I think is a must for a poster like this on both sides I played some different kinds of trees for a variety and well that looks pretty sweet to me before going crazy easy with the details I first wanted to have some text in there I began with the names of the actors on top since that's often a thing in these posters I use the same font as the logo of course and on the right I added yet another name Steve Carroll later you're gonna find out who that will end up being oh God then for the credits below the title for which I found this perfect font Cinema dog Graphica cinematograph sit bloody hell cinematographica I guess I typed a whole lot of nothing because obviously none of this is real so uh there you go I guess I added the release date that being February 30th and some logos like Dolby some 3D stuff and the universal logo because how badass would that be I added it to the poster and that actually makes it look super legit like right away as you can see the general idea of the poster is pretty much finished at this point we just have to add a ton of different effects refine everything add just fun elements something like a plane flying around I want to add the moon so we have a new white light source on top maybe a parrot on his shoulder one that talks and is being voiced by Steve Carroll it all makes sense now there's a ton of stuff we could add so let's get into that all right [Music] foreign with a final camera raw filter added little lighting fixes some tiny little extra Vines more Vines plain lights and well I present to you Quests for the Golden Phoenix [Music] different versions one with and one without the border and I think both are good in their own way personally I do prefer the one with the Border also because it's probably the only remotely original thing about this entire project now you may rightfully argue this is just a poster with a bunch of characters and not much else and this tells you nothing about the story or the movie um true that is a valid point except neither does this or this or this so I I would say we're pretty much golden besides from all this you can tell there's going to be an epic plane chase scene they're looking for something because I have a map in my hand the obvious thing I guess would be to put a phoenix somewhere but I feel like that would just spoil the movie if you're gonna put like the main thing in the poster that's kind of lame so I just call it mysterious I did actually come up with a story for this and it's incredibly whack it it makes no sense but I still did so if for some weird reason you want to actually know about that story I may release it if a lot of you guys uh want me to so I would first have to refine it because right now it's in a horrendous state but I guess there you have it this poster turned out to be so much work in the end that actually for one video it's a bit much that's why everything went so fast I still think the result is spectacular definitely one of my favorite posters I've made in the past understanding why certain things and elements work is very valuable and I think it's just fun to learn about if you liked this video and want to see more in the future make sure to leave a like subscribe hit the Bell so you don't miss a single single upload and that I hope I'll see you in my next video [Music] laughs [Music]
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 454,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, adventure, indiana jones, temple of doom, ark of the covenant, the last crusade, adventuer movie, poster design, movie poster design
Id: YX9umTKXn08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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