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hello friends hmm we're not gonna complain about my hair today because the Mon not to flex on you or anything but I brushed it and I sprayed it with some hair stuff so here it is no complaints before we start this video I wanted to tell you about my rough day this is how you know I've peaked adulthood I got a new couch white linen and spilt some juice on it and that juice hella stained the entire couches existence I tried every cleaner known to man and I can't get that juice out so I literally like scrubbing my couch for two hours crying I'm being dead serious right now that was the highlight of my day so if you're ever wondering what I do off YouTube could I ever stained linen anyway today's video is about the Photoshop troll Jamie fragment you asked me to photoshop something and he will do it but you gotta be careful what you asked for I really like this picture but could you make the guy on the right doesn't look like he's peeing on his kids Thanks oh my god actually looks like it it's like when you've seen a group of people taking a picture your first instinct is like oh let me get out of the way while they take their picture no not this man I'm gonna make it look like I'm peeing fix put him in a porta potty where he belongs you know now there's a door and it just makes you girls look stupid like you just took a picture in front of this guy peeing did you open the door - you guys are horrible make me the bad guy did you make it look like I'm kissing a dinosaur instead of the guy in white a utahraptor would be nice but I'm not picky I don't like it this is the cursed image we would like to uncurse this image is hands to scrape y'all's some crazy things hi James may I please ask that you do something with the guy behind me he looks ruin my bag I'll really make his looks ruin your pick damn he put him in the same outfit who wore it better come up below or the girl or the guy may pose into trying to look all cute for the photo bomb brought what about all the other people in this picture they didn't ruin it it's just specifically this dude right there honestly the picture was ruined when you took it like 20 people in the background you're posing like you have to pee getting even that dude but now he really gonna steal the spotlight from you hi James James couldn't even spell the name right we love one boy and I want to send this photo to him can you make that eye look great and the other girl in black shoes look bad sorry thanks hey you sure didn't make you look great done graded herself while the one on the left looking cute and unbothered this is so incredibly petty like we already know girl on the left she cute girl on the right thirty-some dressed like she's six years old also if y'all both like the same boy why y'all hang it out together doing a photo shoot at the park why aren't y'all ripping each other's hair out not only me for me for real hey James what's in my bellybutton you name it it's moving what why what is this sorcery bro this some next-level Photoshop oh I didn't know this possible this is so creepy the way it just goes from like picture to like sliding down to pull various objects out of the crevice of her belly buttons is very disturbing I don't like this I thought it was tripping out after that stuff I have movie love this is a hey James could you make it look like I'm fighting the goose okay one two zero damn get rekt by a goose goose is gonna bust apart and I dance on your dead body hi James I need your help I lied to my friends that I visited Paris can you photoshop me in front of the Eiffel Tower thank you very much I could read her accent through her misspelled words there you go I felt our Wow she really went to Paris I'm so jealous hi James can you make my right leg longer it looks at very short pink love Nastasha moustache on the nickel sure I really hope this is long enough for you my long legs bring gum a ghost to the farm and they're like it is longer than yours is gonna get copyright god I'm I wonder if she posted this on Instagram I feel like at least one person would be like damn girl you got some long ass legs they go through the fence completely legitimate respond hey Photoshop ster can you make my eyebrows bushy Thanks sure slap some bushes on there pushy perfect for Instagram and Republicans hello James could you make me taller in this photo I'm in the middle got you you wanted to be taller plus two feet upgrade is this okay now you'll rule your friends and the world can't do the evil laugh anymore why my camera keep doing that man I keep putting you like this and they keep going like this stop it stop it stop it stop it stop that's what I get for using on boxes with tripod can you Photoshop us in the same picture this dude took a picture like this bending over on substan wait so this is like the same spot I thought this was like some long-distance relationship where they both filed the set upstairs and leaned over like they've Atticus each other but as the same spot in the city like wearing the same thing why didn't you just take a picture together why don't you ask someone to take a picture of you why is one much worse quality that the other do they take it on the same day like what y-value is I don't care about the specification can you photoshop it together or not yes yes I can this dude photoshopped into being arrested as the girl of like no baby but she herself has been detained by another officer whatever y'all do man is illegal while you do the crime if you can't do the time hello James can you please close my girlfriend's eyes in this picture thank you Oh what kind of psychopath is gonna kiss her boyfriend at Disneyland like that like underrated quality of a psychopath they gonna kiss you with that eyes open like you never know but here we go random hands coming in for the same called that girl's eyes don't worry random arm got you hey can you please adjust this picture in order to make me look like as if I'm holding the cliff thanks brah literally take it right the first time somebody is taking the photo once they tell you to like adjust your arm accordingly so it looks like you're holding the cliff I never even understood these kind of pictures I understand like holding the moon or holding the Eiffel Tower but like a cliff come on man like it's so long and perpendicular this ain't happening even with Photoshop it doesn't look impressive to me either look like a tail it looks like she got like a camouflage tail what is that I literally don't know but yeah this what she got well if you want to be holding the cliff then your arm is gonna have to go down here okay nothing is wrong with my little bro but could you photoshop my mom with a handsome guy cheers that's so weird like it's a picture of your little brother and your mom but you want to photoshop your brother into a handsome guy come on mami that desperate thought is rubbing off on her son like come on we gotta find her a man even if he's photoshopped damn Zac Efron life-sized pick by the way now Barbara could show it to all her friends at the book club like snag me and Newman's sad sack a frog no my Newman's hey James can you make it look like we are in more dangerous waters want to look cool yeah we put you in some boiling water throw some pasta in there the floor is literally lava new YouTube challenge you touch it you die Wow nothing says badass like canoodling and a pot of boiling water hey they told me you were good in Photoshop I have this photo and my sister and I don't want that she appear can somewhat edit this photo I don't want my sister she appear they disappear a few moments later they picture you don't want to be with your sister we'll put you with someone else in another situation how you like this can you make this fight scene look more epic we got two ladies on a beach fighting with some sticks I don't think it could get more epic than that sure awesome selfie sticks on there epic selfie battle who could take the most selfies okay I like the sticks better I mean this one's too epic selfie battle to the death hi James could you please hide the gap in my father-in-law's mouth with things oh damn he actually did what he said no there's got to be a catch oh like if you see it he took the gap in his father-in-law stood and gave it to him oh you see that you see that I see that he asked him to hide it so he gave it to him but good I'll switch around can you make me look better I got a shows to my wife's father bro this is indecent slip-up brought on those duties father-in-law proof of all the pictures baby this one what you want what did you expect for him to photoshop a suit under your shirt so it was like we all business under here nah now we know what Victoria's Secret really is James I love your Photoshop work would you clean the Stonewall for me thanks I'm on it wow he actually did it and photoshopped himself cleaning behind her Wow get you a man like this also who asks this stupid worthless unnecessary edit the stone is probably hundreds of years old what do you mean clean the stone walk for me my girl your bra strap is shelling you felt worried about a clean wall for can you make me taller than my dad please of course I got you mm-hmm how you gonna disrespect your father like that come on you couldn't wait a few years get your growth spurt be taller sweat some dude really be this salty oh he's taller than me well at least in my experience the shorter the human the more compact the hate short people feisty can you remove the sunburn on my girlfriend and I distribute evenly no you went to something burn God you gonna have to put on sunscreen like the rest of us no free passes here I'll help you out by giving you the first step lotion I love your Photoshop work could you please make it so my boyfriend's armpit hair doesn't show it's grossing me out bro armpit hair comes with the boyfriend don't get a boyfriend if you can't deal with the armpit hair you feel me but he got you there we go nothing to see here no armpit hair it's just Ernie's natural god-given hair thank you could you please open my wife's eyes she constantly does this thanks Brougham here's a long-term solution wham bam thank you ma'am we got open eyeglasses lack of mind for every picture and we gucky and all that bro give her some sunglasses or something your eyes will probably be closed too if you had the Sun on your face that you was trying to take a picture like he got sunglasses where's her sunglasses requests make it awesomely insane from regular grandpa to insane asylum straitjacket grandpa oh hey look more like a uncle to me I'll blow up like this please while my back is killing me I bought a pillow specifically for this hi Jamie could you please do something with the lady in the background she ruined our anniversary - no problem yeah I know it's one big happy family her and her spider-man backpack no one left behind hi please can you make it so my friend is running from something scary thank you they see you I know the technique Tubby's oh you're gonna come on my boy tinky-winky I used to watch that I used to have a tubby Tusker ball that I used to eat cereal and okay I'm gonna ask you to refrain from roasting my childhood please hey James could you crop him out without it looking too obvious there you go existence eradicated from the universe gone all that's left of him are his clothes now you look stupid posing with Invisible Man I don't understand why people ask him to crop out like 20 19 people still don't know how to crop a pig I feel like my mom even knows how to crop a pic can you please make my head look less round you got a square face Ashley square face Ashley square face Ashley square face anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button and uh hey and make sure you subscribe down the hall back I upload a new video every single day I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Applause] [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 20,147,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, photoshop, james fridman, photoshop trolling, james fridman photoshop, funny photoshop, photoshop fails, funny pictures, funny photos
Id: 0BLsOg2Ilww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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