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Apparently this girl will be a weird thing in Japan.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jhvanriper 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello friends let's meet your favorite messy hair youtuber back at it for another video so today video is very exciting for almost 20 years I've been wanting to go to Japan I finally did it your girl booked the tickets and I'm finally gonna go this is very exciting for me there's so much I want to do today's video we're gonna be checking out some stuff that they only have in Japan too you know in America so many people have gotten shopping these tattoos like oh it says this but it actually means this you know I think ariana grande did that too so even in Japan they got wild translations that don't make any sense like this sign you are my angle don't treat me like potato you talk like angle walk like model but your body look like Buffalo are they supposed to be like cards for your lover you strong like Rambo look like hero but your brain just like potatoes I really makes perfect sense like if this makes perfect sense to you stay woah ok so I made a whole video on vending machines around the world but Japan has got most of them they got a lot of really crazy vending machines like you get anything 24 hours 7 days a week you could get chicken nuggets you could get french fries you could get a hamburger you can get any drink imaginable but do they have a Starbucks vending machine that's a really good idea what a vending machine with a car how does that even work don't you have to fill out like hollow paperwork you need license registration insurance like you need a lot of stuff to buy a car by now in Japan is just like credit card in what it just dispenses the keys like here you go complete stranger I don't know I don't care where you got your money from but here's a car totally like undocumented or maybe it's like your responsibility to like fill out like registration and do your license and stuff you know the good old trust system that we don't have an American anymore because of folks like Ted Bundy no I was watching that movie and people back then and like the 70s 80s or so trusting like cop pulls you over you ran two red lights if you like oh no sir I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I was just lost twenty ninety they would be like did you not stop completely out of stop sighs I've killed somebody license suspended you gonna have to go to court pay five hundred dollars like this is no joke you do in 85 and a 65 you're going to jail well you see here in America we got green traffic lights I think most places have green traffic lights but in Japan they're blue well why are they blue I mean it works is it weird yes and it's even weirder because it's like all traffic lights are the same color green and it's like when you see one that's like slightly off you like your violator the law oh my god even the traffic cones are freaking cute pink bears is this really necessary yes you know people here they won't stop for anything they'll see the traffic cones a bit ah cute okay you know what I'll be cautious I'll stop I'll do whatever you want me to do okay food food is another thing and it's hard for me because I have celiac so I have the gluten-free which is gonna be really hard cuz I can't eat a lot of the food in Japan which sucks but I have friends the allergic to gluten that can try it for me and explain with great detail how it tastes like we got heart-shaped Doritos even though the Rito's are cute like triangle hell nah that ain't cute I guess I thought the riddles are too obtuse and so they made heart-shaped Dorito and look like they're like white cheddar flavor I'm okay with it comment below would you try these this is what blows my mind um months I don't even really drink soda but they have a Sakura flavored Pepsi it is pink they have frickin pink Pepsi and that is not all they have so many labors of Pepsi it's like a whole alternate universe of flavors that you've never even heard of in America Pepsi Carribean gold flavor what excuse me ribbing gold what does that even taste like Caribbean gold kind of sounds like pirate piss why is a potay flavor oh it's a fruit white sapote is a fruit I repeat it is a fruit but what does it taste like is it like MAME I have had this I had a mommy or a spot oh if you know you know we got banana Fanta that's just right up my alley I love me some banana flavored anything and it's white no offense but I don't like dark-colored sodas I only like it when it's this color it has to be like white clear pink pink is okay - I mean purple is fine I don't like it when it's like bright orange orange Fanta sorry to disappoint you but just not for me but like fresca fresca is best soda ever made oh not me we got another gold one Mountain Dew Pepsi there's a snowman flavor what does it taste like I need to know these things you know what when I go to Japan I will personally go on a mission to obtain all of these limited-edition flavors for you guys and I will try them I will let you know in detail what every molecule of my taste buds are experiencing as well as I can but also me yeah that tastes good oh my god this is blowing my mind right now because there are so many flavors of KitKat it's like Pepsi and Kit Kat these are the two sacred chosen foods of this land we must make them in every single flavor possible wasabi I thought that was green tea you know people here when they finally got their hands on green tea Kit Kat it was wild but wasabi spicy KitKat cheesecake one sounds hella good though I am anything cheesecake delicious it's a shame I can't have KitKat though got an apple flavor we got a strawberry flavor that's just dandy taro flavor a wine and cheese flavor what the hell a citrus flavor citrus chocolate pineapple bro y'all need to calm down that's enough you could only pick one which KitKat flavor are you trying a lot of food restaurants have a lot of special food items on the menu that you can only get in Japan McDonald's has a Halloween choco potato you tell me us chocolate sauce what's the orange cheese come on y'all gotta pick one I don't think I've ever had chocolate on fries now does that sound really good oh you know why I had like chocolate-covered potato chips which were one of those things that make me sick just like thinking about it like my tummy is not gonna enjoy this comment below would you try this ah I know they had this for Halloween here so like McDonald's and Burger King do a black burger which looks absolutely disgusting putrid it just looks like a nasty patty and ain't nobody wanted a nasty patty I know look at that and be like hmm delicious finally some good effing food no you know if it's black it could be moldy and you just like wouldn't know I can't show this but this is a real thing they have an eggplant emoji festival yes all hail the great eggplant King nice by the way they are actually holding up an ginormous statue of an eggplant emoji in real life nice not America we do like makeup and wigs and cosplay some cosplayers take it to the next level literally a whole nother face I'm not just cause playing soccer I will literally become her look freaking mass how did they even see I want to know what these maskull's like up close cause like from far away they kind of pass I mean it looks so weird like you see anime character a real life and you be like wait no I didn't want it like this like the idea is cool and then you finally see them in real life like walking around you walk into a bus full of white foods I don't know some people might be into it I will be creeped out ain't nobody got face like that in real life and I can guarantee some of those are probably guys another thing I really wanted to go to it sucks because they don't have the Kingdom Hearts one anymore per se why did they go through so bad is an anime cafe so an anime cafe is like a pop-up restaurant with food drinks merch decor everything that has to do with anime I know there's a Pokemon one right now because detective Pikachu just came out and they serve a very cute pokémon food so you got Pikachu coming out of the dirt my god look at the parfait so stinking cute yeah Pikachu burger and Pikachu after he had Taco Bell God all the food looks so cute how many freaking yellow foods are there that you can make Pikachu's face out of is it just Pikachu that gets all the recognition this it was my dream it was my dream I would have literally died if I knew this existed when I was a kid I used to love Pokemon I don't know what happened when I grew up I know people like grew up and they still loved Pokemon but I grew up and I was just like I'm more of a attack on fighting kind of girl now don't talk to me unless you're caught up with a manga I'll spoil it Oh another thing I have to try is the pot hotel yes this is success I will feel like I'm suffocating I don't know I've been having weird anxiety about stuff like this I don't know what it is how long do you think you could go in here before like going crazy I think what would drive me insane is I can't actually like sit up in the pot like all you can do is lay down in it and it's like I would shift around so much I would be like just like turning a twisted is like trying to get comfortable but knowing I'm like literally in a box and somebody is 2 feet away from me knowing that there's so many people laying all around me and I'm just like here in this box oh my god I guess it's like getting hard to breathe I'm not claustrophobic or anything but like I don't know it's like thinking about I'm like a hyperventilating I'm like help me already I know this is on clickbait thing but it's actually legit they have different-shaped keyboards in Japan it's not that this don't fly so you have round keyboards and there are a lot of variations you have this kind of keyboard where it's like two pieces you got one hand on each which makes sense maybe they thought that was a better way to learn how to type maybe they're trying to be edgy I don't know but I don't like it do you have anxiety do you like to pop things they got a key chain that you come pop and it's supposed to simulate bubble wrap so whenever you sit in traffic or you in a pod hotel you feel like you can't breathe you just pull this bad boy out oh man after you pop all those bad boys you'll feel good for like two seconds and then anxiety intensifies it's all over again but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know what things I should check out when I go to Japan and if you guys enjoy it and learn something new make sure you hit that like button the hey and subscribe draw the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 7,397,130
Rating: 4.8802323 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, japan, only in japan, weird japan, japanese, weird things in japan, weird, inventions, strange
Id: 9ac2k4JMsus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2019
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