Phineas & Ferb - The DARK CANDACE theory

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we all know that Phineas and Ferb have 104 days of summer vacation and a lot of things to do in them mostly building out of this world inventions and making Candice look like a liar in front of their parents but what if I told you that Phineas and furb never actually existed and that all of those inventions and Adventures were just in Candace's mind vas and furb is one of those shows with a pretty consistent episode structure you know that every episode will involve Phineas and Ferb embarking on some big idea while Dr duofen merch tries to destroy the world somehow accidents can happen and the whole time Candice will tell her mom what's going on and she will be ignored because the kids are good boys but what if Candace's mom is right what if the kids really are just good kids and they're not actually doing any of the things that Candace claims they are what if they just don't exist or more specifically what if only one exists the theory suggests that phine has died in some horrific childhood incident lightly caused by one of his own Creations Ferb was so traumatized by the whole thing that he ended up becoming mute while Candace's trauma became entirely psychological inventing a new version of Phineas in her mind now I know this kind of doesn't make sense right away I mean Phineas and Ferb have a ton of friends and the stuff they're making is pretty obviously real because everyone is reacting to it don't worry I'll talk about that later but for now let's take a look at some of the evidence in the season 1 episode The Fast and the Phineas Phineas and Ferb decide to upgrade their mom's car turning it into a race car to win a big car race despite not being old enough or even knowing how to drive a car when Candace finds out she realizes it's a great opportunity to get them busted but every time Candace tries to get her mom to pay attention something goes wrong Phineas and Ferb blast their car into the sky like a rocket the TV plays a dander shampoo commercial instead of the race coverage eventually a photographer takes a photo of Candace looking pretty rough which gives her the idea to take a photo of Phineas to bust him but she doesn't have enough money to buy both so she gives one back which the photographer rips up and heads home Candice rushes to show her mom the photo but of course she took the wrong one it's the photo of her looking awful covered in dust but she has hope realizing that the race is being televised she puts the television on catching the moment Phineas wins the race but just before her mom comes over doofen Schurz crashes his blimp into the TV tower shutting down the broadcast realizing that the car is still missing from the garage Candace decides this is the final piece of evidence she needs when she brings her mom to look her mom is naturally shocked by what she sees the kids have washed her car the car is back in the garage with Phineas and Ferb passing by behind with their giant Trophy this happens in basically every episode Phineas and furb run rings around Candace and every time she gets even close to getting her mom to see what they're doing they manage to wipe everything clean and act as though nothing ever happened making her look completely insane and delusional and can convincing her mom that Candace is just as always overreacting to Something Sweet or cute the kids did the fact that this happens so often suggests to me that something is going on their mom is never all that concerned about Candace's mental health despite the fact that she's constantly screaming about things that to her mother don't happen it kind of suggests that their mother has come to terms with the death of her son or has maybe even just entered into a fantasy world of her own where everything is totally fine all the time honestly I think this whole whole family is just a little bit unhinged I know that's a pretty big swing when we're talking about a family who have a pet platypus but what about the incidents where the kids don't destroy the invention or cover up their messes or even more interestingly when Phineas and Ferb just openly agree with Candice and say that they did it the episode traffic camcer opens with a scene of the family at the dinner table where Candace tries to convince her parents that Phineas and Ferb flew off to outer space But as always mom doesn't believe it however Phineas and FB confirmed that they did do that and they brought moonrocks home to prove it and yet even with this concrete proof their mom just kind of brushes the whole thing off encouraging Candice to use her imagination more often which is kind of a weird thing to say given that we're talking about how Phineas is literally a figment of Candace's imagination but this whole scene really just highlights the fact that nothing Candace says registers with her mom whatsoever it's almost like they're having to completely different conversations as if the boys can do no wrong there's just no way that Candace can win because her mom will always dismiss her like I said their mom seems to be in her own world most of the time completely unaware of anything going on around her and never really having any emotional changes she's extremely stable and seems to be coping with life just fine so I don't think it's impossible to think that she's probably just come to the idea that this is the best way to deal with her slightly unhinged emotion Ally distraught daughter I mean if I really wanted to I could argue that even their mom is just imagining Phineas in the way she remembered him too as a good kid who never did anything wrong but you know let's focus on Candace right honestly I think it could also be said that maybe her mom is doing a really compassionate thing for her daughter I mean if she's emotionally struggling to cope with the loss of her brother maybe her mom being so stoic and calm about everything is a good thing after all if she was freaking out and panicking it probably wouldn't be any comfort to Candace who is clearly hallucinating if anything it might make her spiral even further out of control speaking of hallucinations let's talk about Perry the platapus throughout the entirety of the show Candace is one of the few characters to actually encounter Perry in his secret agent Persona on four separate occasions she's caught him in the act and every time she convinces herself that she's hallucinated the entire thing what's really interesting about this is that it suggests Candice has a degree of self-awareness about the world around her she knows when something is strange or unusual which only makes it more bizarre that she never really stops to question her brother's ridiculous Antics because surely if you find a secret agent platypus unusual you'd also find it strange that your brothers are currently blasting off into outer space to collect rocks or building an entire Diner on the top of the family RV but Candace never really questions any of that stuff she's more focused on getting her mom to pay attention to all of it than ever stopping to question why or how they actually making this stuff happen it kind of suggests that she's inventing those things she knew Phineas enough to know exactly what he liked to do and his insane Ambitions and now she's creating opportunities in her mind for him to do all of those things without having to stop and wait for permission or other people and because furb was his bestie of course he would go along with the whole thing in fact Ferb's silence might go beyond his simple mute trauma we know from the premise of the show that Ferb is Candace's Stepbrother so they aren't blood relatives and in fact Candace never really runs to her stepdad to complain about Phineas either it's always to her mother so why is it that she seems determined to avoid the non-blood relatives in all of this I think it's just part of her trauma she doesn't blame Ferb for whatever happened to her brother so she doesn't want to put any words in his mouth or make him seem responsible for the tragedy that damaged the family forever and as for her stepdad he seems like such a nice reasonable guy that she wouldn't want to burden him with with any complaints or concerns either so her poor mother gets the brunt of the emotional trauma forced to entertain her daughter's invented fantasy world without losing her own mind in the process okay so we know why furb doesn't speak but now we have to address that other problem I'm sure you're all wondering about if Phineas is dead how does everyone else interact with him great question one of the final episodes of the show act your age follows the characters 10 years in the future we see Phineas and Ferb facing the challenges of choosing a college to go to but the episode doesn't have Candace in it at all the reason given is that Candace has apparently decided to go to law school presumably to get well-versed in evidence and other methods of capturing or catching Phineas doing something bad but in the case of our Theory I think you could agree that this whole episode is something completely different this is Candace's imagination working to Envision what phineas's future would be in the episode Phineas is working through the kinds of things that many other people people in their late teens work through he's finally addressing his sort of relationship with Isabella he's preparing to go to college he's moving on with his life in a way he never really showed any interest in doing before and I think you could agree that this is just the kind of future she wishes Phineas could have had if he lived but now after years and years of psychologically trying to protect him in a fictionalized version of her world she's finally ready to let him go and allow him to exist in the world on his own terms in her mind of of course but it really does seem like she no longer has this need to chase him around and catch him doing something dangerous or Reckless she just lets him go and live the way he wants to live it's kind of sweet in a totally madeup way anyway I think this can be expanded over the whole series there are plenty of episodes and moments where Candace is nowhere near Phineas or his adventures but he still has a bunch of people to interact with so I think you could easily argue that she's just imagining his adventures and the Antics he would have with his buddies and then like I said earlier all of the doofen schms and Perry Antics are basically like a little side plot her brain has invented because she's kind of unraveling from reality yes you bu the pl I think it's easy to paint Candice as a two-dimensional villain character since her whole existence revolves around getting her brothers into trouble but I think there's something more interesting when we look at her through this lens I think deep down Candace really does care about Phineas and Ferb no matter how hard she tries to frame it otherwise there's just no real Advantage for her getting them in trouble Beyond watching them get yelled at but when you add in the idea that fineas died somehow in one of his adventures it takes on a new meaning now it's a story about Candice trying in her head to save her brother that she lost and I think that completely changes her character for the better or maybe it's just a cartoon about two goofy kids who build awesome devices and outsmart their sister I don't know man I just like cartoons for
Channel: Flixtoon
Views: 10,402
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Id: prjL_V4fLSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2024
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