The Simpsons - The REINCARNATION theory

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The Simpsons is the longest running animated show in history with 768 episodes as of 2024 however one of the most beloved characters in the fan base is the legend himself Hans mman now in the world of The Simpsons meman has to be the unluckiest guy in Springfield or is he an online Theory suggests that Hans mullman is not a human like the rest or most of Springfield although he dies in most of his appearances he always manages to come back and take on a whole new job I didn't want to cause the fuss but now that you mention it okay so he's unkillable but then we've seen so many episodes where Homer or some other character is basically maimed to the point of death and then nothing really happens they just bounce back oh no that's why I had my shirt so why is moleman so special well according to this Theory it's because he's an ancient race of people the mole men who live underneath Springfield and occasionally burrow to the surface to take the place of the last meman basically it's just a big NeverEnding cycle of moleman but does it hold up let's take a look at some context starting from the episode that kickstarted this whole theory in the season 13 episode sweets and sour Marge Homer gets a copy of the duff world record book and becomes obsessed with the idea of breaking a world record himself I'm here to break a world record what's the longest anyone's ever done this he settles on making the world's tallest human pyramid and recruits the residents of Springfield to help him but just as they're about to break the record Jimbo and Kerney mess up and bring the whole pyramid down in the chaos the pyramid somehow turns into a giant sphere of people rolling through the town actually it's kind of like that scene in Indiana Jones with the boulder but more violent somehow anyways the boulder rolls through Springfield and basically crushes everyone at encounters including Hans moleman and Agnes Skinner but who cares about her when we have mman and anyway the giant human ball eventually rolls into a truck weighing station where the record officially announces Springfield has indeed broken a world record for the world's fattest town a record towns in the USA have broken a long time ago it's not the achievement they wanted but hey record's a record now if we go back for a second and take a look at the scene where mullman is crushed by the giant ball you'll notice something interesting while we see mullman in the Forefront of the frame you can also see him in in the ball he's already there which clearly suggests that there's more than one Hans molan so what gives well it makes a lot of sense that there would be more than one given the incredible amount of deaths resurrections and jobs that mman has had over the course of the show's 30-some Seasons there's just no way that one person could survive that many accidents murders and unintentional suicides only to wake up the next day and shift into a new career in fact let's talk about the many jobs of Hans mman the closest that the show ever gets to showing mman as anything but an elderly old creature is in the season 26 episode walking big and tall the episode opens with a flashback from 30 years earlier showing that Hans mullman was once the mayor of Springfield and he looks nothing like the meman we know he looks like your typical suspicious mayor character but he's charming and energetic and his voice is completely different one thing our blessed little town has lacked a human Zoo now 30 years is a long time but it's not really enough to send him from looking like this guy to an adorable wrinkled old peanut as Homer later calls him give it a try it's like kissing a peanut and it's important to note that Hans mman himself once claimed to be I'm 31 years old but aged by years of heavy drinking drinking has ruined my life so his age is very questionable especially because if he is 31 in the show's elastic timeline then going back 30 years would make him one year old when he was mayor so yeah no even for a cartoon I think we're pushing it however outside of the mayoral gig mman has had an unthinkable amount of jobs more than any other resident of Springfield even Homer episodes have shown him working as a truck driver a janitor of the power plant a teacher of an orange eating class a hot dog vendor a solar power salesman and an actor in The Masterpiece man getting hit by football so how can one 31 to 200y Old Man shift from one job to the next so quickly with seemingly no training or downtime in between and more importantly how does he survived the seemingly NeverEnding deaths he suffers every time great question let's take a look at that point actually in season 7's team Homer there's a brief scene where mman working as a janitor asks Burns for money for upgraded equipment unfortunately Burns is hallucinating that moleman is a leprechaun and welcomes him into his office only to drill into mulan's brain I mean that's pretty dark sure but it's also a death that nobody could make it out of mman even says oh no my brains so the deaths we're talking about here are not the kind of thing that anyone could survive I mean he's been eaten by Wolves alligators and he's been crushed by an asteroid an exploding whale and a block of concrete he's been run over by multiple characters including Homer three times he's been buried alive executed in the electric chair drowned in the ocean and set on fire by the sun I mean there's just no way any one person could survive that much Misfortune in total mullman has been killed at least 42 times in the entirety of the show's history including the movie where he once again got run over by Homer so it makes sense that there would be many moment ready to take over for whichever one just got murdered and it's not like the show hasn't set up that secret societies exist in the season 6 episode Homer the great Homer discovers that two of his co-workers are part of an ancient secret society known as the Stone Cutters after learning that his own father is a member Homer gets to join and discovers that the Stone Cutters are the Geniuses behind pretty much everything in the world eventually Homer Rises to become the leader of the Stone Cutters but finds that life at the top is extremely lonely after after taking advice from Lisa Homer makes the Stone Cutters perform volunteer work in response the Stone Cutters disband and form a new society called the ancient Mystic Society of no homers this episode basically confirms that Springfield already has at least one secret society which is capable of pulling incredible strings without anyone knowing anything about it so there's a precedent for this kind of thing in Springfield and the show even provides its own evidence to back up the multiple m theory in the season 11 episode hello gutter hello fodder Homer becomes a local celebrity after bowling a perfect game but his desperate effort to try and keep up this level of Fame backfires pretty miserably eventually he feels like his life has peaked after his Fame disappears so he tries to off himself but as soon as Homer jumps from the building he regrets his decision and clings to Otto whose bungee jumping from the same building their combined weight sends them deeper and deeper into an open manhole where where they pass the morlocks the chuds and the mole people led by Hans moleman wait what yeah Hans mullman is there beside an earthquake machine ruling over a race he calls the mole people now it's not exactly like the theory we're talking about and it's actually a very Niche reference to an old 1956 movie called The Mole people which well it's not really worth looking into but what does this mean let's assume that it's true and there is an endless race of Hans mman to take to the surface to continue the work of the one before what exactly would they get out of this why did they keep returning to Springfield just to suffer more tragedy I think I might have an explanation in the Season 22 episode Homer Scissor Hands there's a brief joke that sees Lisa stumbling onto a date between lunch lady Doris and Hans mman mman suggests that they're trying to rekindle their relationship I think you can interpret this in two ways either this moleman has just been dating Doris for a while or this moleman is trying to work through the aftermath of the previous moleman I think the second one is more interesting of course but just think about it we're talking about an endless cycle of moleman one dies another takes his place to keep up the illusion that he's the same person that kind of suggests that every moleman is completely new to this world and has to work to try and understand what the last one did this would explain why the moleman are constantly taking new jobs they're trying to work out what the last mman did so in that scene between Doris and mman we could be looking at a brand new mman trying to work out what this relationship with Doris was or could be I mean I'm pretty sure I'm overthinking at this point but there's something about a weird Groundhog Day style loop with moleman at the heart of it that just fascinates me anyway I think that would also explain the super young meman we saw as mayor he could possibly be the first the original mman that successfully breached the surface and succeeded in Springfield they're all trying to keep up the example that he set to repeat his success unfortunately they've all become much less charming and attractive and have become increasingly peanutty and as I mentioned before the people of Springfield don't even seem to care about mullman or his well-being presumably because his death has been reported so many times that they just assumed there will be another one to take his place does that make every resident of Springfield psychopathic absolutely but there are also episodes where they just take advantage of moleman because they can in the season 5 episode Burns air Mr Burns almost drowns while taking a bath and realizes he has nobody to carry on his legacy when he dies so Burns sets out to find an heir to inherit his fortune and settles on BART after he vandalizes Burns's mansion and demonstrates pure malevolence Homer and Marge eagerly sign away their son to Burns hoping to get a share of the fortune after the old man's death but but when Bart abandons the family Homer and Marge Sue burs to get him back and lose the case due to their incompetent lawyer in a last ditch effort to get their son back The Simpsons hire a professional cult deprogrammer to kidnap Bart and decondition him from Burns's side instead the D programmer kidnaps Hans mullman and convinces him that he's the child of The Simpsons do not love Mr Burns you love Homer and Marge and despite it being blatantly false Homer fully Comes to Love Embrace him as his own child even introducing BART to his brother and now I want you to meet your new brother Hans molan go Bunga dudes honestly this little plot thread and marg's description of muleman as a thing just shows that mullman is basically a prop to the people of Springfield nobody really thinks of him as anything but an item to hit burn Crush murder maim kidnap brainwash you get the picture when there are thousands of them underneath Springfield why should they really bother to care about him in any real way right look the Simpsons has never been a show that's really cared about continuity or frankly logic but I could 100% believe that Hans moleman is part of some kind of weird ancient race of moleman whose existence just revolves around being moleman that's just the kind of weird Niche joke that The Simpsons writers would love the fact that the only job of the meman is to get killed is just the perfect Cherry to an already solid joke so yes I've officially convinced myself that the theory is accurate the Stone Cutters disbanded so that the meman could finally run Springfield the way they wanted or maybe mullman is just one clueless guy who's destined to suffer for all eternity and who's always going to get hit by a football I don't know man I just like cartoons [Music]
Channel: Flixtoon
Views: 4,881
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Id: BwMYasT99yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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