Spongebob - The CANNIBAL theory

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SpongeBob SquarePants would never be the same without Mr Krabs as the money hungry owner of the Crusty Crab you can guarantee that he will always be coming up with some way to either profit or prevent losing money what inspired you to build a second crusty crab right next door to the original money after all he's seemingly responsible for The Whole Town's diet giving that he owns the Crusty Crab bikini Bottom's favorite and possibly only burger place so what if I told you that Mr Krabs was actually feeding the residents his own kind crab it's a pretty common theory nowadays that the Krabby Patty's secret ingredient is crab but does the show support it is the evidence there well I think we have to take a step back and get some context before we dive into this let's start with the most important and complicated question what is actually in a Krabby Patty great question almost impossible to answer now for those who haven't seen the show the K crusty crab is the home of the Krabby Patty a burger comprised of a 100% all secret Patty secretly assembled with bun then Patty followed by ketchup mustard pickles extra onions lettuce cheese tomatoes and FN in that order to directly quote SpongeBob himself SpongeBob is a master at constructing this magical burger while the whole town is obsessed with them nobody actually knows what the secret ingredient is except Mr Krabs but then it gets interesting because the show itself really seems to lean heavily into the idea that the secret ingredient May well be some kind of meat but let's look at an episode and see the evidence for ourselves in the episode midlife crustation Mr Krabs wakes up feeling so old that he can't even get out of his hammock bed when he goes to eat breakfast Pearl makes him feel even older by calling him her old man do you think I'm old well of course I do when he goes out to walk along the street he realizes a Boy Scout fish is helping him walk and when he rejects the assistance his arm comes off in the kids's hands okay I think you get the point he feels old anyway when Mr Krabs gets to the Crusty Crab he finds a young customer complaining that his crabby patty tastes funny when Mr Krabs looks over the mother says that the burger is old and dried out like that man right there which is super unnecessary and suggests she's a pretty terrible role model for her own kid but we'll let that slide for now anyway crabs day is going so badly that he decides to take a Gamble and see how the burger tastes before the kid can throw it away but here's where the show gives us what may be the most critical piece of evidence of all when crabs tastes the burger his immediate reaction is surprising so that's what I taste like I think this is a really interesting moment that can be interpreted in two ways either he simply saying that the burger tastes the way he feels old and dried out or he's openly saying that this is the first time he's ever actually tasted himself that's a weird sentence now in any ordinary context I would be inclined to believe he's just saying the bir Burger tastes the way he feels but the more I think about it the more I come to believe that he might actually have some weird crab farm full of future victims for his crab Burger Empire I mean think about it why does Mr Krabs keep the ingredients such a secret now we can easily just say that it's a business strategy that's pretty reasonable I mean KFC does that in the real world and none of us are going around suggesting that the colonel is selling deep fried enemies but I think what's really unusual is the extent to which crabs goes to protect it the show makes it clear there's some kind of secret recipe and we know Plankton is determined to get his tiny hands on it but we never even get close to working out what it is yet as we just saw the show strongly hints that the secret to the Krabby Patty is crab meat that implies that Mr Krabs is actually profiting from the murder and consumption of his own species which is a whole other level of messed up and then there's the vault in the episode just one bite SpongeBob is shocked to discover that Squidward has never actually eaten a Krabby Patty despite calling them disgusting SpongeBob annoys him until he eventually agrees to take just one tiny bite of the Patty but it doesn't work he tells SpongeBob that it's the worst food he's ever eaten and buries the Patty to make a point But as soon as a disappointed SpongeBob walks away Squidward digs it right back up and eats it right away from that point on Squidward becomes addicted to the patties and has to find increasingly creative ways to get them I'm going to come back to the Krabby Patty addiction later anyway Squidward eventually tries to sneak into the Krabby Patty at night and in a deleted scene from the episode is immediately set on fire by crab security [Music] traps in the chaos Squidward discovers the Vault a huge metal container hiding thousands of ready-made Krabby Patties now this makes no sense because if the patties are already made there's no real need for SpongeBob to even work at the Crusty Crab let alone to actually cook anything but that's for another time the point is that Mr Krabs is even hiding the readymade burgers in one of the most high security vaults and bikini bottom that's a lot of effort to go to if it's just an ordinary Burger but as we've already seen this is not an ordinary Burger in fact throughout the series we've seen that it's anything but pretty much everybody in Bikini Bottom comes to the Crusty Crab on a regular basis and some episodes have even shown that going a short period without one can cause severe with draw symptoms it's basically a drug that implies that whatever the secret ingredient is is something so rare and unique that you can't get it from any other food source and since the show is so careful about never showing a fish eating another fish it's easy to assume that it's just another vegetarian burger but again why would Mr Krabs go to such extreme lengths to protect just another vegetarian burger I think it makes way more sense to think of it as Mr Krabs trying to protect himself from from the obvious blowback that would come if people were to figure out what was in the burger it's pretty much just down to him and Plankton competing for the diners of bikini bottom and Mr Krabs would never sacrifice money for something as weak as morals or ethics or Diet I think that's also why he has such extreme booby traps in the restaurant to protect it the secret is not just something that could close the restaurant it could ultimately destroy him and maybe even get him arrested and as we all know there's no money to be made in prison although I'm sure he'd find a way but let's go even further back the episode G takes place in the ancient days of Bikini Bottom following the adventures of the caveman ancestors of SpongeBob Squidward and Patrick now they all have different names in this episode but for the sake of convenience I'm just going to refer to them by the names we all know sponge P the episode opens with SpongeBob taking an insanely huge Gary for a walk but Gary's slime Trail is all over Squidward's lawn which naturally outrages him but when Squidward comes out to complain he slips on the trail collides with Patrick's rock and wakes him up as SpongeBob and Patrick play around and have a great time SpongeBob finds something they can play with for the day a hollow log after a bunch of Wacky Adventures the rain and thunder lead to lightning which strikes the log and sets it on fire but while they try to understand this magical new discovery SpongeBob has an even better idea starting to cook things on the fire and one of those things happens to be a very prehistoric ancestor of Mr Krabs himself just as money obsessed as [Applause] [Music] ever they eat the crab and find it so delicious that Patrick rushes off to find more while SpongeBob keeps cooking but while Patrick is gone the taste of the crab gives SpongeBob an idea from the sand he forms a crabby patty and remember this is long before Mr Krabs and Patrick create the real thing now yes this episode is probably not part of the actual chronology of the show but we have to focus on a couple things here that are so interesting the first is that this episode basically goes against everything Creator Steven hillenberg once said the producers have always maintained the rule that they cannot show fish eating fish yet we have an episode that clearly shows not only fish eating fish but also Mr crab's ancestors but the rule was also used as a clear example of how this Theory could never really make sense because if the people of Bikini Bottom never ate crab why would they consume a crabby patty well now we have an answer they do eat crab or at least they did honestly it kind of changes everything not only does this episode clearly show that SpongeBob always had it in him to become a fry cook but it also shows that thanks to their ancestors something inside the residents of Bikini Bottom enjoys eating crab and given what we've already established about the addictive qualities of the meat and crab's determination to prevent anybody from knowing what is in it it all starts to make sense right it paints a pattern of something very Sinister going on and an elaborate cover up to prevent it from coming out and destroying the business for years the producers of the show and the late Creator himself have insisted that there is absolutely no meat or Animal product in a crabby patty like zero nothing NADA they've been very very clear on that so if there's no meat the most common explanation would be that the patties are made of seaweed kelp or some similar type of sea vegetable and that would make sense I mean every member of Bikini Bottom except for Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are fish Crustaceans or some other kind of amphibian or sponge-based creature as we know here in the real world eating one another is just not something we do now let me be very clear I'm not saying that Mr Krabs is a monster or anything I mean he's a businessman so I guess he kind of is a monster but I don't think he's doing any of this out of malice or hatred or any of those kinds of things the so has always portrayed him as a Savvy businessman who's out for profit no matter how he has to achieve it that's just part of the way he operates and provides for the people of Bikini Bottom he saves them from a pretty bleak looking meal over at the Chum Bucket and for their part they seem to be more than happy to eat as many Krabby Patties as they possibly can which is probably a good thing because once they have a taste of that meat it becomes totally impossible to stop see seriously they're shown to develop such an intense craving for the meat that they might actually end up dying if they went cold turkey or cold squid anyway I don't know I think it's very possible that Mr Krabs really did find some way to create an addictive crab based burger for profit and let's be honest it's totally inar for him to do everything he can to prevent anybody else from figuring it out if for no other reason he wouldn't want anybody else to have the same idea he does after all they're his business rivals so yes maybe Mr Krabs has been selling crab Burgers to the Bikini Bottom residents for all these years or maybe it's just a very very wellmade Kel Burger created by a money hungry cartoon crab and his tiny Plankton pal I don't know man I just like cartoons [Music]
Channel: Flixtoon
Views: 81,662
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Id: aMyK28KcZhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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