The Phineas And Ferb Torture Theory

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an average Phineas and Ferb episode follows the exact same plot Phineas and Ferb create intervention Candace tries to bust them Perry fights doofen Smurfs and then before Candice can show her mom The Invention do this personator usually blasts away Phineas and Ferb's invention now what if I told you that this is no coincidence and that Phineas and Ferb are toying with Candace while Perry towards the doofen Smurfs but before that makes sense we need to get some context let's start with their motives Phineas and Ferber obviously Geniuses and it wouldn't take a genius to realize the stress and humiliation can its experiences every time she attempts to bust them now it's hard to know why though is it to prove that they are better than their sister or is it something as simple as siblings being siblings believe it or not it's actually not even this deep and their motive is right in front of our faces they don't even try to hide it in the title sequence Phineas and Ferb discussed things they're going to do this summer like painting a continent and then saying and driving our sister and saying this means they are well aware and actually make it a mission of their summer to drive their sister insane even at the end of the intro we see Phineas and Ferb smirk after Candace gets mad yelling mom Phineas and Ferb are shooting a title sequence so now we know Phineas and Ferb's motives drives her sister insane now Perry's motives seem a little more simple if it wasn't for Perry doofusmers would have taken over the tri-state area by now but in every episode Perry could easily destroy his Nader instantly and leave but Perry stays for the whole episode and listens about his life and toys with him until he's satisfied and blows up his invention so there might be something deeper there but on the surface his main motives are to not let doofen Smurfs destroy the tri-state area let's get an example of this in action in the episode mommy can you hear me Candace breaks her foot and is restrained to her bed which should allow her to finally rest from blessing the boys and it seems this way until Phineas and Ferb decide to install cameras all around the house so Candace can spy on them Candace is in a position where she can't move and can't do much to bust fans at firm and they know this Candace is stuck in her room and has to watch and be tortured while Phineas and Ferb build a huge invention directly behind her mom this eats at her and for the whole episode even though she is trapped in her bed she still tries everything to bust them with the literal broken leg Phineas and Ferb even taunt Candace saying hi to her through the camera knowing for a fact that she is indeed watching now it's not even a question that Candace is constantly being tortured by her inability to get her mom to bust Phineas and Ferb while this is happening Perry does a little Escape like always and goes to see what doofus merch is up to today and like every single time doofus merch has said a trap for Perry This meaning when doofus versus planning his day he always sets his trap for Perry Harry has become a daily routine for him anyways Perry this is the doofen's first monologue like always before attacking about how he got a fly in his soup at a restaurant and was told it was a raisin so now it wants to completely destroy the restaurant with his boiling hot chicken supinator and then they fight which is never really a fair fight as they fight Candace is inching closer to her mom after literally crawling with the broken leg all the way down the stairs to the backyard saying mom turn around and when she is finally about to tell her mom Perry those super Smurfs on the animator and his blast ends up destroying Phineas and invention like always the mom turns around and fans of her back like nothing ever happened like always Phineas and Ferb may act like they don't care if they are busted but if this was true everything they do would be talked about with their mom Phineas and Ferb have never once brought up what they build to their mom and once everything gets wiped away they act like nothing ever was there in the first place but I don't really think that Phineas and Ferb have control of when their inventions get destroyed I think they just genuinely feel invincible and think some God or something is just helping them not get busted so they don't really worry about it when people feel Invincible it leads them to become cocky which then allows them to rub it in people's faces this means Phineas and Ferb could maybe be in a God complex which is defined as a pattern in which an individual believes they have great power ability infallibility influence and are superior to others this allows Phineas and Ferb to taunt and play with Canyons with no fear in the world and make her look crazy but obviously there has to be something helping famous for not get busted and would you believe me if I told you it was Perry the Platypus in an episode Phineas and Ferb get busted Perry dreams of the boys finally getting caught by the mom which has to mean Perry is smart enough to know if Phineas and Ferb get busted it could end really bad for them and there's no doubt Harry cares about them it seems Perry purposely makes sure when battling with doofen Smurfs that his natives can strike their invention to keep his voice safe and while not meaning to also helping Drive Candace insane now I always kind of disliked Candace because of how consistent she is with trying to bust her brothers but I think when you look deeper into her character you can understand why Candice doesn't really have many friends or even family to hang out with Phineas has Ferb and Ferb has Phineas and they got like a whole group of friends Candace has her one friend who kind of sucks and a crush on a boy she'll never get with not to mention because of the fact she can never bust Fizz and Ferb she looks crazy to her mom now I don't think what Candace is doing is right but I think she does out of straight jealousy if I had extremely smart and popular Brothers I wouldn't do it but deep down I'd want to ruin their lives too I mean these kids sometimes got the entire city in their backyard vibing with him in the episode where Phineas and Ferb finally get busted if we look at Candace's face when this happens this is a face of pure jealousy and revenge doofus versus more of a character you kind of hate because he's like the bad guy but then when you find out his backstory you kind of understand him but he's still kind of like the bad guy doofus first was literally born without his parents in the hospital which doesn't make sense it's like they wanted to leave him so bad the mom plopped them out and dipped instantly and when adopted by new parents he was treated like he didn't even exist he never felt wanted always was a loser and the outcast even his daughter does and live with him so I mean it makes sense he would want to ruin the lives of all the people who treat him like trash most of the times he makes the haters is because he felt someone was mean to him now I want to say Perry is torturing him and makes him feel weak and like a failure because a literal platypus is beating him but I honestly think deep down this torture makes Doofenshmirtz happy doofusmers calls Perry his best friend and I think looks forward to when Perry visits and always ends up talking so much Perry makes stupid Smurfs feel less lonely even if it's his arch enemy I think this even applies to Candace Phineas and Ferb are torturing their sister and taunting her but I think they know she enjoys this game they play to try to bust them this has become something she can do instead of moping around in her room and doing nothing she even sleep bust in an episode the road trip she starts to sleepwalk saying buzzed Phineas which means this is something that really consumes her to the point she is dreaming about it now what I'm trying to say is even though Phineas and Ferb are torturing Candace and Perry's torturing doofen spurts I think they're doing it in a more positive way it's like a competitive game of soccer Kanye's and doofuspers never win the game of soccer but they really enjoy playing and it makes him feel less lonely there's no doubt that Phineas and Ferb care about Candace and Perry cares about doofen Smurfs I mean Phineas deferred literally create a whole race track to help Candace learn how to drive and Perry always listens to Doofus birds and allows him to have a friend I don't know maybe it's not that deep it faces forever just building inventions and having fun and Perry's just doing his job I don't know Adam you're just overthinking
Channel: Maximo Esco
Views: 89,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phineas and ferb, theory, conspiracy, phineas and ferb theories, phineas and ferb conspiracy, phineas and ferb torture, phineas and ferb movie, phineas and ferb theory, torture theory, torture, doofenshmirtz theory
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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