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you've watched a couple episodes of Phineas and Ferb and now you think Candice never actually managed to bust your brothers right right wrong she tried time and time again and she eventually ended up busting someone herself mostly but she did best her brothers as well on a few occasions more often than you think actually it's the boys they're busted unfortunately since the universe cannot allow Candace to actually bust your brothers and get her obsession over with 99 of the time as soon as the boys get busted something ends up undoing everything or changing the day's events but this doesn't change the fact that someone technically got busted right right wrong but anyway we'll be taking a look at the five times Candace busted Phineas and Ferb with an emphasis on what led up to her busting them and also what changed the timeline afterwards I actually busted Phineas and Ferb this is the happiest moment of my life [Music] number five Phineas and ferbs Quantum Boogaloo but I've decided the problem is I always jump the gun so I'm gonna wait till just the right moment hello hello throw on the move I'll bust them now I'll bust it now Phineas and Ferb time travel 20 years into the future looking for a tool that fuses metal with wood during their search they meet at all Candice who after realizing what was going on runs to get her mom to show her the boy's time machine unsurprisingly future Linda misses it as he travels back to the present you never saw them and you still never see them it's not fair it's not fair buy a stroke of luck though a new time machine arrives at the Museum after a couple minutes so future Candace decides to travel back to the first day of summer when the boys build the roller coaster knowing how to bust them once and for all future Candace runs into the supermarket drags her mom outside and opens her eyes finally showing her the boy's roller coaster Phineas and Ferb made that astonished by the giant Contraption right in front of her Linda panics and calls the police the fire department the Army the Air Force and the Marines begging them to save her sons being an overprotective mom Linda grounds her sons for good consequently altering the timeline Lane by pushing hundreds of concerned parents to stop awkward DVD in young people this Havoc allowed the rise of Emperor Doofenshmirtz leading to a dystopian future where doof gets ruled the tri-state area or perhaps the whole world I'd like to think he managed to rule the world he deserves that Emperor Doofenshmirtz ah get back to work if you're curious to know how it all ends future Candace couldn't let you have his moments in the spotlight so she travels back to the first day of summer once more stopping herself from busting the boys and fixes everything effectively deleting the alternate future where the boys are busted but if you think about it that did happen all of it not in the regular timeline sure but in some unspecified place in time in the universe not only the boys got busted but also hundreds of thousands of people lived in Lux dystopia or billions if you manage to rule the world so the fact that the timeline simply cease to exist afterwards doesn't change the fact that actual people lived in that timeline with which is kinda dark if you ask me but at least the boys got busted and that counts as a victory later on to celebrate a mission well done future Candace vanishes into thin air being erased from existence again pretty dark yeah shouldn't the Candace from the bad future cease to exist too oh darn number four a real boy Candice holy guacamole no busting Leaping Lizards back to normal Candace asks Stacy to hypnotize her so that she can spend some quality time with Jeremy without thinking of her brothers which admittedly is very smart and thoughtful idea of hers she knows she can control herself so she looks for alternative ways to stop obsessing over her brothers how nice anyhow one thing led to another and her trigger word is said out loud in the middle of her dates so Candice immediately runs back home to bust the boys she calls her mom and as Linda enters the backyard she's shocked seeing a giant spring suction cup thing that you push down and you never know when it's gonna pop up in the air yeah what are those things called anyway I don't know but Ferb and I built a big one at last Phineas and Ferb got busted twice three times oh yeah Linda gets hit by dupes forget about it you need her and forgets what she just saw multiple times then at one point she yells holy guacamole making Candace leave the backyard and get back to her date with Jeremy the mom is hit by deanator one last time and without noticing the machine the boys builds she leaves the backyard do take into consideration however that the effect of most adoopsy naders is just temporary so it wouldn't be too far-fetched to think link the learned about her son's viewings on this occasion But ultimately kept her mouth shots or maybe I'm just doing a Shameless plug to one of my videos and none of this is actually true who knows number three Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo again yeah that's because the boys got busted twice in the same episode Candice you're so young mom you're so old let's pick up where we left off right after the bad future is fixed present Phineas for Ben Isabella take future Candace back to her time Rising Candace however decides to join him and as they all arrive to the Future she rushes to find Future Linda intending to show herself as proof of the boy's time machine and at long lasts as future Linda sees young Candice she instantly realizes everything her daughter ever told her was true and apologizes to her for not believing her for the longest time and honestly that's far from being a decent apology especially after 20 years of calling her own daughter crazy but never mind after learning the truth though Linda doesn't ground the boys since future opinions and Ferber grown-ups now while she doesn't have jurisdiction over a young Phineas and Ferb anymore okay but officially on record they are busted right sure Candice they are busted yes this Grand Canyon is the Halloween Victory ever but also gives her just the right amount of confidence to keep her busting attempts going for two whole decades give or take because instead of growing disheartened knowing how adult Candice never managed to bust your brothers after trying for 20 years straight she interprets it all as proof of the boys but stability or something which encourages her to never stop trying honestly she looks so hyped I wouldn't have the heart to tell her that's not how it works so I'm never gonna give up never never never did I say never yes I did never never never never never never two Phineas and Ferb get busted oh great and magical being who make us all things magically vanish before mom sees them knock it off the episode starts with Candace dragging Linda to the backyard Where The Boys build the flying car of the future today and its control tower just as Linda's telling Candace how she's tired of her made-up stories she notices the enormous monstrosity in her backyard and her children casually Landing her flying station wagon on top of a precarious Tower that's hundreds of feet tall I'd say Elena's reaction is probably the best year you can really enjoy the rage the disappointment and the surprise she's feeling as she yells at the boys ordering them to come down Phineas then digs his own grave admitting they've been doing things like this all summer and Linda overwhelmed with guilds apologizes to Candace this time the proper way imagine how she felt upon realizing how crappy of a parent she's been never believing her daughter however it's a shame none of this ever actually happened as at the very end of the episode it's revealed the whole thing was just part of Candace's dream inside of Perry's dream all wrapped up in a very lame conclusion you sounded like you were having a bad dream nonetheless I'm including this episode in the list because if I didn't the comment section would blow up with people telling me how I forgot the boot camp episode apparently everyone seems to remember about the existence of this episode but most people fail to remember it was all just a dream and yes the dream thing is just a giant middle finger to the audience and shouldn't count as Candice actually busting her brothers but I needed 5 episodes for this video or no uh it's on the list because it's one of the most well-known episodes of the show and deserves a mention also because I secretly wish the dream part never happened and all the events of the episode were actually Canon it would have been a perfect season finale honestly Gary has a hat but now let me jog your memory and show you the honorable mentions that is all the instances in which Candace got so super close to busting her brothers kinda ish it depends you'll see Love At First Bite when the boys got busted because of dirty towels towels oh sorry Mom towel interview with the Platypus and Titus and Thor even though the mom didn't get mad at the boys and just thought the things they built were adorable back here at hodgepodge Belinda thought she was hallucinating there and Phineas and Furby interrupted but that was just kind of a joke boys you are so busted feel the burn I've always liked pointing so maybe she didn't get that close to busting them never mind and number one we have she's the mayor in this day and age it is all of our responsibility to bust the little brothers of corporate greed to the mom of fiscal responsibility Candice became mayor of Denville for one day and gained pretty much Unlimited Power by unintentionally writing a metaphorical essay about busting her brothers now having the whole city on a string Candace organizes the big bust which is not what you think you nasty it's an event attended by hundreds of people where everybody was ready to witness the fall of Phineas and Ferb Candice has a limousine take Linda and Lawrence back home where Candace the press in the media are waiting to reveal the old-timey Pioneer Town The Voice build and Linda finally sees it she yells at the boys and apologizes to Candice so don't you see a pattern here it's implied that conspiracy theories aside but you go ahead and watch them the mom doesn't give a damn about how awesome her son's doings are and she only cares about their safety and possibly them not breaking any laws they can be wearing all the helmets in the world but that doesn't stop a bearing from worrying meanwhile across town an extremely bored Doofenshmirtz who's playing golf with his brother and his platypus caddy brown with him his acceleratingator to fast forward the tedious game so Justice Linda's grinding the boys dupe's acceleratingator malfunctions and accidentally reverses the direction of time resetting the day almost tearing apart the very fabric of space-time I mean God totally worth it after undoing all of the daisy bands back to the announcement at City Hall the Nader Alters the timeline once again making the crazy old quotes that's his name on the wiki win the mayor for a Day contest instead of Candice bringing everything back to normal ish and depriving Candice over only chance to bust your brothers I was robbed let me know whether you guys would have liked Candice to actually bust your brothers once and for all with no time altering mishaps dream scenarios or memories being erased so that this whole plotline would finally come to an end or if you liked seeing her screaming and scheming till the very last episode or even if you believe she should never have tried busting her brothers to begin with but that's the most boring option anyway thanks for watching and I'll see you guys next time ciao
Channel: Jegcopo
Views: 987,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Phineas and Ferb, Candace Flynn, Phineas, Ferb, Phineas and Ferb Busted, Doofenshmirtz, Cartoon Theory, Phineas and Ferb Theory, Phineas and Ferb Episodes, Phineas and Ferb Songs, Phineas and Ferb best, Phineas and Ferb Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb Movie, Phineas and Ferb full episodes, The Simpsons Theory, cartoon, Candace, Film Theory, Theory, phineas and ferb get busted, Disney, Nostalgia, Cartoon theory, Conspiracy theory, Cartoons
Id: zUVGHnfztSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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