Winnie the Pooh - The DARK theory

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there's a popular Theory online that the characters of Winnie the Pooh aren't just the quirky lovable stuffed toys that Disney likes to suggest they are but they're actually just cartoonish representations of serious mental health conditions now that's not exactly the kind of thing that anyone would expect from Disney but then well Disney didn't invent Winnie the Pooh actually he was dead by the time Winnie the Pooh even came to the big screen so there's that the theory goes that AA milna based the characters around psychological condition now we have no way of knowing if that's true or not maybe he just kind of thought it would be funny to write about the pantless bear with a crippling addiction to honey but maybe there's something here let's think about Pooh Bear it really doesn't matter if you know him from the books or movies or the TV show Pooh is defined by one thing and one thing only honey honey his appearance in the 1977 movie The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh sees him climbing a tree to get honey from a beehive but when he climbs up there and finally gets the honey he craves he doesn't even stop to notice that all the bees are all over it and he just eats it without even thinking about it now if you believe in this Theory Pooh represents eating disorders and honestly it makes a lot of sense if he's not eating or looking for honey he's asking other people if they know where he can find it he ambushes rabbit at one point on the off chance he might have something to eat the only kind of internal dilemma whoever faces in his adventures is that he craves honey but he's too polite to demand it I mean let's let's call it what it is he's a perfect example of addiction and his friends just don't want to talk about it or maybe they just don't know how take piglet Pooh's best friend he's the most cowardly animal in the 100 Acre Woods and he's terrified of everything sometimes he's totally justified in it I mean in Pooh's Heffalump movie he gets scared of a noise made by the Heffalumps now anyone who's heard a scary noise in the middle of the night would obviously be pretty scared but then in the Tigger movie piglet is shown as being scared to voice his thoughts on how Tiger's bouncing is a problem for others he couldn't be the one to call Pooh out on his problem that's a pretty solid example of piglet being representative of generalized anxiety disorder Gad is described as a long-term condition that can cause an everlasting sense of dread worry and fear about a wide range of situations and issues and that just sums piglet up so perfectly it doesn't matter if it's a big problem or a tiny implication he's going to be terrified unlike Eeyore who just doesn't really care actually Eeyore is one of the easiest to identify in this Theory because he's so negative and depressive about everything that he pretty much ticks off all the boxes of depression in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Eeyore loses his tail and has to have it stapled back on but he's not all that grateful to have it back because in his words he'll most likely lose it again anyway the usual symptoms of depression include a constant low mood feeling hopeless and having low self-esteem all of which Eeyore shows on a regular basis even his character design and appearance suggest the concept of depression artists often describe depression as a gray cloud hanging over everything and Eeyore totally fits that bill he's lethargic gray sad to look at he just has The Vibes of someone who knows nothing will ever work out for him now contrast that with rabbit who is the poster bunny for obsessive compulsive disorder there's a moment in The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh where rabbit is enjoying some tea alone but suddenly Pooh starts sniffing around outside asking if rabbit has any food he can enjoy rabbit freaks out saying oh no not again oh my oh my oh my goodness which implies that Pooh's eating disorder and constant craving for food has caused chaos in rabbit's life before but rabbit's burrow is shown to be extremely well organized and the idea of Pooh coming in and causing chaos leads him to start hiding all of his China and Cutlery it's pretty obvious that rabbit likes things a certain way with everything in its prop replace and no chaos and of course that is not the kind of existence he could possibly enjoy when you have a bunch of unpredictable animals around you whose whole existence and survival mechanisms seem to welcome chaos the only one who doesn't seem to be particularly chaotic is owl and that's not because he doesn't want to be he just thinks he's more mature in fact owl kind of seems like your usual teacher type of character on the surface right he's kind of Stuffy and rude Superior he seems to think he's better than everyone El else and maybe he is I don't know but when he starts to speak he's not as smart as he thinks he misreads words or spells them wrong he forgets things as soon as he says them his memory just seems really poor so what is it is he an idiot no no no if you buy into this theory that the characters all represent different psychological conditions then owl would probably have something like dyslexia which would explain why he struggles so much with what he's trying to say but dyslexia has nothing to do with forgetting what he says as soon as he says it that would suggest something even more serious like Amnesia Alzheimer's or something but if that's the case it would have to be pretty selective because it doesn't always happen and I think you also have to factor in that owl is also dealing with the chaos around him I'm sure that anyone dyslexic or not would struggle to focus when you have a honey crazed bear and a hyperactive tiger bouncing around them I know I would let's talk about tiger actually I do a little bouncing together so Tigger is one of Disney's most beloved characters because of his fun-loving energetic approach to life he actually might be the most chaotic character of any of the Disney properties but don't quote me on that we can summarize the character of tiger with just a few key traits unable to sit still constantly fidgeting unable to concentrate excessive physical movement excessive talking acting without thinking I could go on all of these traits tie back to the same psychological condition of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or ADHD Tigger is so constantly wired without needing any kind of stimulant exactly like people in our world functioning with ADHD sometimes it's so intense that he literally starts bouncing off the walls just because he can't possibly sit still for longer than maybe a minute at most honestly I could pretty much just pick a random scene with Tigger and it would be a great example in one of the books Tigger climbs a tall tree with Rue without thinking only to get to the top and realize he doesn't know how to get back down he simply lacks the focus to think about anything longer than the immediate moment now if you really want to think about a character who is not like that Kanga is basically the most overprotective mom in the history of overprotective moms you'd never see her allowing Ru to climb trees which is why he tends to do it without her knowing about it kga is not even about trying to protect her son from genuine dangers she's just determined to keep her in her pouch as long as humanly possible she doesn't believe he can survive without her that is a form of social anxiety disorder a more specific anxiety condition then say piglet has piglet is terrified of basically everything but Kanga has specific fears of being around other people because they're so unpredictable and could potentially lead to her child being harmed I mean she's not exactly trusting of those around her Honestly though this one just feels like any parent right all parents are fiercely protective of their babies she just well she's a little more passionate about it and that has an effect on her son Rue has been sheltered his entire life I think it's easy to understand that he would be somewhat psychologically scarred by this experience whether he knows it or not and that would explain why he's so clueless and Reckless about life he likely sits somewhere on the autism spectrum especially given that he finds a lot of comfort in his mother's pouch in a kind of metaphorical way he basically hasn't Left the Womb and can't bring himself to do it all he can do is return to the warmth and comfort he's known his entire life you could even argue that Ru would end up very similar to piglet with a kind of heightened anxiety disorder that leaves him super scared of anything he hasn't experienced before which is of course everything but we can't talk about Winnie the Pooh without talking about Christopher Robin the only human person to interact with all of these animals and why is that well let's just think about that for a moment he is the only human who comes into the woods to interact with magical talking animals some of whom seem to have pretty serious conditions so what if he has a condition like schizophrenia I mean it would make sense the only time he ever seems to see his friends is when he needs them the 2018 movie Christopher Robin also leans into this idea in that movie Christopher Robin loses his childhood wonder and grows up to be a very serious adult but through some typical movie Magic Winnie the Pooh and Friends wander through the door that Christopher Robin always emerged and find themselves in London after reuniting with the grown-up Winnie the Pooh Christopher slowly rediscovers the wonders of his youth through these talking stuffed toys honestly having watched this movie The schizophrenia angle is so interesting the movie movie really leans into these stuffed animals being real with Christopher's daughter recognizing them as actual beings but what if she's just inherited her father schizophrenia and is imagining them too it would make a lot of sense if the robins just naturally invented these beings to help them cope with their own struggles I mean isn't that what art is all about anyway coping with your life struggles through New Creations we've pretty much covered all of the characters that appear in basically every Winnie the Pooh story since Mila's first published story but even the characters invented for the Disney shows and movies is align with this Theory I mean take Gopher for example he's a character who's constantly saying things he doesn't want or intend to say doesn't that sound an awful lot like Tourette Syndrome honestly there's no way to know if AA milna considered any of this when he started writing about these characters or the 100 Acre Woods actually he was pretty well known to hate how successful they became so I really doubt he thought about them Beyond his initial scribblings of notes he kind of sounded like an Eeyore if you get my drift but the theory really lines up nicely no matter which version you watch read the characters are so defined by these select traits that it makes total sense that they would be representing these conditions or maybe it's just about a kid who befriended a bunch of animals that somehow don't want to kill one another I don't know man I just like cartoons [Music]
Channel: Flixtoon
Views: 2,993
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Id: KwqyOeBTfzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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