Phil Robertson - September 14, 2014

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so I looked at all the camouflage clothing even the ladies and I said there is still hope for America Sydney you folks down in the South are y'all the ones that carry guns and Bibles yeah here's what's happened for you who are visiting first I'll give you two bits of information that you've never heard at least I haven't any politician utter not once I'm 68 I never heard one give me two little short sentences ah ladies and gentlemen of America I love God and I love you you ever heard that coming from any politician really go as you say no never heard that or I hear it I'm saying all the time have you ever heard that well why wouldn't they tell us that we buy their transportation pay for their gas bother food house them we take care of them it's their money that's funding all of that I would just hope some point they would tell us they love us you know what I'm beginning to think they don't love God and they don't love me either are you because if they did I would think they would at least say it once don't you think something going on here something's going on here's what's happened I am standing here in front of all wooden structure it has some emblems on it it has an error coming down out of heaven you see that error right there coming down that was 2014 years ago so if you're visiting you said I don't know about all this Jesus stuff well your accounting time by all the people who ever walked on planet Earth and your calendar today September the 14th 2014 years since Jesus got here and you're wondering about him and you haven't even investigated him yet I mean come home I don't even believe in Jesus well why'd you just write down and document him coming 2014 years ago on your check boat what do you mean you don't believe in it you just documented your check back oh he was here if you're here and you haven't at least investigated these emblems we know he was here historically archaeologically more proof about him than any person who ever lived on planet Earth for crying out loud there's a cross there like this one we remembered the bloodshed for our sin all of you are sinners right anybody in here who's never sinned you know why I know sin is a problem worldwide because everybody's sitting I just look around some of that see I wear a Bible talk I said no that's just me observing the world I see people coming up and they're so full of hate that's a sin that they will lock your head up cut it up you say what is that murder usually call that sin I'm waiting on some news organization at some point some university some movie that will just acknowledge sin I'm like ABC the dude set across from in the other day he's quizzing me about yeah yeah yeah I'm like let me ask you something how you been with ABC of quite a while right he said yeah I said has ABC or any other news organizations to your knowledge have you ever heard anyone say anything about sin and he was like I said come on out with it have you ever yourself mentioned sin what's in your entire career he said I don't think I have mr. Alton I said have you looked around at the murder the rape the robbery the mayhem the burning the looting this outright felf bank robberies bring yeah I'm looking around I said why have you been in the news business reporting the news there's a shooting down acid what I was said some guy went down there stood he shoot at somebody drove by and shot eight people somebody burn somebody out somebody kidnapped our children I said what would you ever mention sin they're breaking goal God's laws we won't even acknowledge it not what America is sick its sinfully sick and so was the world when's the last time you heard someone in the news media say with a straight voice and any kind of adoration Jesus Christ Jesus they won't even mention his name we are swimming in a cesspool of politically correct crap you say Phil what is political correctness so that you won't say and blame me I'm blamed for a lot these days so you will blame me well look at ol Noah Webster's dictionary Noah Webster the father of public education the first man in the United States of America to compile a dictionary he compiled the first dictionary he says it's still here yeah it's still here not but 200 some odd years old so what'd he say he said education is useless without the Bible it's America's best textbook in all fields that's Noah Webster so you say well what about this political career what world is it I didn't run around on planet Earth when this thing cranked up my generation cranked it up by the way you said people your age cranked up political correctness you said well what is it have you ever heard anyone actually define it I have it they're always talking about it you say well what is it well I went to a dictionary see all yellow run around my cell phone perfect and you're looking at computers anyway here we go when I yeah yeah text message or no let's jump I don't food that I have a dictionary Noah Webster father public education I got his dictionary I trusted you say he's anything vile in there no you say do you have a Bible I have a Bible a dictionary and a set of encyclopedias that's where I get my information from you sir why there's no filth in any of those three I don't have to wade through the valve filth to get to what I want to know are you women here all right so much for cell phones y'all all getting rid of them political correctness I don't have a 30 minutes here so I have to hurry you say well how will you know when it's time to quit because have you ever owned a watch in your sixty-eight years on the earth that be negative nothing what time is it how would you know it's about mid-morning that's what time it is wait a while it'll be about dinnertime usually winds at 12 o'clock wait a while and get dark what time is it now I don't know what's dark political correctness this is what America but into instead of this I mean to listen to this according to the dictionary you want to argue about this what argue with the dictionary what are we going to do redefine the dictionary they're working on it redefine the Bible they're working on it redefine history they're working on it just rewrite it if you look today in those Webster's dictionary it says political correctness set biblical correctness to the side we want political correctness let's see conforming to what is regarded as Orthodox liberal opinion piece of wood is political correctness to begin with Orthodox liberal opinion you want to bet your life on Orthodox liberal opinion go ahead you want to trust your life to liberal or to Orthodox liberal opinion go ahead you know you're a sinner now it may be a sexual center may be a leg Lanning thief but all of you said while ago ah a lot of you I've never met have you ever seen have you so you're going to put your life in the hands of Orthodox liberal opinion how do you know you're a sinner what if you had never read about it you would still know you knew in here I never read a Bible in my life but you know what riot is and you know what wrong is ever last one of you we all know political correctness conforming to what is regarded as Orthodox liberal opinion in matters of are you ready sexuality the Bible said one man one woman that's what I made to begin with for this reason we have a male and a female for that reason those two can come together and be married and where they marry what God has joined together let men not separate man marries woman they can procreate fill the earth with offspring you need to stay together just like that you know what those two will never have they will never have a sexually transmitted disease you know why they keep their sex between the two of them they can't catch a sexually transmitted disease biblically correct sex is safe it's safe you're not going to get chlamydia gonorrhea syphilis aids if you man marries a woman and neither one of you have it and you keep your sex between the two of them you're not going to get ever a sexually transmitted diseases and the Masters of exceptions will always say well what about a blood transfusion you might get up I'll give you that but you say is it rare it is very very rare you said why is there so many debilitating horrible diseases bring them down all of our American we're a while because they say we're going to follow Orthodox liberal opinion just breed anything and anybody just have at it go for it don't be bridles and shackles and live a life of restraint before God Almighty don't do that but every last one of you I've many more oh by the way and every last one of you probably there's maybe a handful in here that have never been sexier more but most of you have been right that was a quiet do we have to talk about this feel look God's Way is the safe way that's all I'm saying true or false man meets woman marry sir keeps his sex right there the children come the chances of them getting a sexually transmitted disease would you say is almost zero you can say Orthodox liberal opinion especially on matters of sexuality race my goodness I looked in the Bible and I said I'm going to look up the word race back over in my concordance and then I looked up the Strong's Concordance the only race I found was a foot race a race to the finish line that's what we're doing now for Jesus you're like was there anything about yellow black white zero God does not show favoritism toward anyone you say we were all human beings created in the image of God all of us there is no black race there is no white race there is no brown race there is just one race the human race and every last one on the sinners if you look at it like that it would be so much easier loving God and loving your neighbor if you never color-coded anyone at some point he said well where in the world did it come from it came from my generation in these universes you say whatever happened to the beatniks and the hippies they're in your government and in your institutions of higher learning how's it going for you America a bunch of brandão hippie two sitting around in universes well what we got here you know we got sociology 101 here yeah we got the yellow man and we got the Caucasia item I got the negroid that's what they taught me in the 60s I'm like we got wet at 18 I was too dumb to even know it but it's 68 I look at it the world and I say from one man God created all men that they should feel the holder if he determines a time set farm and the exact places they should live we all came from one person Adam get off the color code don't you see the trouble it causes they make money off of it and they yeah yeah yeah yeah we're all God's children y'all know that right get out of the color-coding I had a radio interview at about seven of them this week the first one we were we were waist-deep in mud stuck because I told my compadres that'd be Dan the butler and he ex-military guy who used to be a bad drunk but over here he's sober now he said what's he doing sitting there he looking after me he's the first one to go with one of you charger down in here you come down that aisle I'm telling it to no good I'm telling you he just won a mini sitting around here it's America that's what we're down to but old Herman Cain I'm talking him on a radio you know but before I talk to him we're stuck waist-deep in mud because I told him I said listen we're gonna build that duck line I don't care what kind of radio interviews we have so we're down in the middle of woods bid on the duck behind I said Dan at you know 907 we have to call the radio station somewhere in New York City and I'm gonna be up well I've got the same notes in front of me in that four-wheeler but we're not moving we're stuck so I've got my notes out there you know in 907 k me to hurry up you got four minutes Phil I go to forget the four wheel I sit back MERS all over everything I get my Bible not my deal so we get a hold of old Herman Cain we're talking to him he's a feel you know I'm black don't you I said you know I didn't know that Herman until you ran for the Republican nominee I said then I found out you black I said but you know what I said I told my family I said I don't care what color that dude is I'm voting for him anyway he laughed I love war Herman so we gave the interview sitting in the mud political correctness Orthodox liberal opinion when it comes to sexuality look at what a number they did on us it is pitiful look what they've done with race the whole so sensitive everybody because of the color that there's American Indians and there's African Americans and there's Latin Americans and there's already in Americans in the list is from here to the highway or whatever indigenous whatever you got in your blood oh yeah that's what kind of American you are here's a newsflash we're all human beings and we're all Americans why don't we just go with that and we have the political correctness when it comes to gender well let's just imposed because you know I don't know what I am and I just look when no one's looking I've already done it take your clothes off stand in front of your bathroom mirror take a look you'll figure out whether you're male or female pretty quick give me a break and political correctness is usually used listen to this Noah Webster's airs at least were not kind to political correctness political correctness is usually used disparagingly to connote dogmatism this way or the highway you either going to agree with us yeah we're Hall intolerance but we're only tolerant of anyone who agrees with us they can note dogmatism the excessive the sensitivity to minority causes it just goes on and on but you know what that much the politically correct crowd have slaughtered 55 million fetuses in their mothers words so what does our government do we legislate murder that's what abortion is then we turn around now we're legislating perversion you have God's laws that says don't yet innocent blood don't murder so where government says no we're going to chomp that you can kill them and half of our country said we're going with the government instead of God he said well you call that aborting human beings in their mother's womb sin what do you call perversion field and we're legislating it the politically correct crowd we just took their opinion you call it sin God says it is sin all Scripture is god-breathed I give them a Bible verse and they scream and holler you said they're mad at you I'm just quoting what the Apostle Paul said why aren't y'all mad at him and all he said was what God said oh y'all mad at the God who had their puzzle pop all right what field quoted C at words but I'm the bad guy they say on the street I am a homophobe and I am a racist what do y'all think we're all just humans and we all see in there for political correctness when it comes to their opinion here's a definition of idolatry a false or fake notion that's what political correctness is it's a a false idea that causes error in thinking or reasoning that's what political correctness is it's really political falseness it's a fallacious notion it's false reasoning it's it's it's excessive devotion to a thing or an idea anything anything other than God a dollar tree you see is it a killer all it's a killer it is a big time killer you know why they believe the lies they're telling you say do they actually believe those lies they're telling they believe them with every fiber in their being you say oh my goodness so that's the world I live in - you say was that your first point that was my introduction into my first point everybody's a sin I'm just showing you how the evil one operates through the human race it is terrible if you're sitting here you bought into that now is the time to make a change you said what did you use to be like this crap yeah until I was 28 you say you bought into all this crap yeah you said you're kidding no trapped and didn't even know it that's where they are now they're still there therefore they hate a guy like me who used to be them now I'm over here and now since I'm over here they don't like me no more you said did they love you when you were with them oh they love me but when you got away from it now they hate you see how it works birds of a feather flock together the second problem that you're going to run up on and I don't care what if the government tells you or what the political correct crowd tells you you're going into a hole in the ground you have a tombstone with your name on it do the does the politically correct crowd try to talk you out of that notion oh if you'll get on the back and what's your cholesterol they don't tell how long you're gonna live here's the newsflash you going six feet deep with the bike with the what's on the cholesterol and you never eat butter and you hate fried chicken cuz it bad for your body well here's the deal you're going into a six foot hold and if you make it to a hundred ride in the back or watching your butter you say if you make it to 100 I will be shocked run all you want to you say is it going to help me come forth from the ground it's not going to help you it's not going to keep you out of the grave and it's not going to help you beyond the grave it's a bunch of dumb could have been saying crap that's a that's a naughty word I used a biblical term dung you say I'm all dad not only in you sinner usually but field the government says if I if I buy Obamacare will it help well we got Sam Panero here he's a pump man CG issues your pump right here who the sucker will pump for 75 years maintenance-free you talk about a pump a water pump going to do that oil pump don't do it you say all pumps route way before 75 years God gave us a piece of flesh about the size of your fist put it in the middle of your chest and the thing the last 75 or 80 years a piece of flesh going just pumping unbelievable what a wonderful body we have so you say but eventually it's gonna conk out yep it'll stop until you get there check with Greg something there ro he's a cardiologist he'll help fix your pump to give you a few more years you say but it can Greg keep me out of the ground no so what do you want to do follow the politically correct crowd to your death in your grave and your burial see that cross where Jesus died you could be considered by God sin free like you never made a mistake you say how long will it take just today you'll put your faith in the death of Jesus for your sins well you notice there's a grave there that's where you're going see the round thing right there that's where you're going well maybe a lot maybe you're what you're going there there's an error coming out of that to murder you say what is that God became flesh in a human body three days after they killed him he stood back up on the earth you know why to let you know there is life beyond the earth do you have another story that will top that one me either that'd be my brother size head now well I'll go with the government at the end of the Obamacare and the politically correct route you're going to do what they're not going to help you with your sin and when it comes to the grave you're not going to be helped by the US government all of the guys in Washington DC DC before it's over they'll all be in a grave - what then and they're saying where the nut cakes we're counting time buying we know he was here we know he died for all of us we know he was raised for all of us you're like what does he require faith in that and you make him Lord of your life you say well I'll catch a little flack it's possible what I'm going around it be ready yeah yeah you know what the kicker is I love all the ones who hate me he said you have like ill will toward now I'm just seeing this first your life is concern you put your faith in the death burial resurrection of Jesus look you know why I know all the past prophecies and predictions in the Bible you know why I know they're all true because I'm sitting here waiting on the last one you said what's the last one there's an error you say God has come down and flesh died be raised from the dead spent 40 day look he went back to where he came from Jesus God he's back into heaven there to mediate for his people keeping us cleansed cleansed as we make mistakes now you're like there's not but one more prediction just one more thing is going to happen America you say the return of Jesus Christ when he comes back you say all those other predictions feel have you just read about it or what I'm being fulfilled every one of them that's why I know this last one I just looked at the fulfillment of all the first ones I'm like my goodness it's just one more left no more Bibles no more Jesus is no more predictions just one his return therefore if you're seated in the audience and you don't know Jesus you just heard the message on how you get to know him put your faith in that turn from your sin make him Lord of your life there's a protocool of water right back here Jesus died a horrible death on a cross was being raised from the dead what you do is through your faith you because he died for you seeing you die to sin you're then buried the old immoral drunk on you and the new one is born again and God seals the deal with his spirit you'll be added to the kingdom you're in the company of the kingdom of God here today some of them are strange-looking characters but we're all together and you heard the sing and you said you know what that was beautiful singing you know what I was beautiful you were listening to the sons and daughters of God you say oh y'all a denomination no you say does your headquarters go beyond this place right here no this is just a little self-contained group of the body of Christ the King Jesus on planet Earth at this time in history join us as we go forth and do battle spiritually speaking join us father thank you for hearing my prayer on behalf of these brothers and sisters here if there's any one father now is the time they need to move join forces with you your spirit in Jesus himself and go forth across the length and breadth of this land trying to get our people father to see the error of their ways and come to a knowledge of the gospel of your son Jesus thank you Father for loving us giving us a guarantee we'll live from the dead one day thank you for giving us peace of mind through your spirit lives and us help us dear God to do two things love you more each day and love each other in the name of Jesus I pray amen you
Channel: Whites Ferry Road Church
Views: 114,995
Rating: 4.8492289 out of 5
Keywords: Whites Ferry Road, WFR, WFR CHURCH, Church of Christ, Duck Dynasty Church, Phil Robertson
Id: LU1ep4nRrm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 22 2014
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