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so I asked that boy I said listen he was out there wallah girl I said y'all datin he had his little girl with him i er you know the old date no you made he said where would date I said well son I'm gonna give you some River rat counseling here make sure that she can cook a meal you need to eat some meals that she cooks check that out make sure she carries your Bible gotta save you a lot of trouble down the road and if she picks your ducks now that's a woman they got to where they gettin hard to find mainly patrols these boys are waiting did they get to be about 20 years old before they marry oh look you waited to get to me 20 years old the only picking that's going to take place is your pocket get emeriti girls in about fifteen or sixteen they pick it up you need to check the mom and dad about that of course the reason you Georgia boys can deer hunt duck hunt squirrel hunt hole cut that's the reason you can do it what I'm holding in my hand right there I'd be a pilot you said let me get this right if it were not for this you would not hunt here no sir here's a quote Georgia it is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the battle George Washington your first president you know what they said name the capital of our country after him you mean he standard on God and about let's name the capital of our country after him that's what they did they erected a huge monument in his honor standing there right now Washington DC the Washington Monument that top aluminum capstone it says in Latin lost Dale praise God ed equal they've been endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights hey Georgia unavailable right according to the writer of your Declaration of Independence which I'm quoting for you written by one Thomas Jefferson your Declaration of Independence and man says that we have some god-given rights that no government or anybody else can take from the first one he mentioned was the right to live to be free and to pursue happiness Georgia you know what makes me happy it's the bull amount of Drake's head smooth off at about ten feet it makes me happy guess what he was speaking in a biblical context all men are created equal he was no evolutionist they've been endowed by their creator he was a Bible man the writer of your Declaration of Independence a god-given right to live if I ask you Georgia folks how old you were you would give me a year based on your birth day for instance if today is your birthday and you are 30 years old if I ask you how old you were you would say well I'm 30 years old mr. Robertson this is that right yup let me ask you Georgia folks something one day before your birthday where were you you were in your mother's womb correct we're in your lab or day one day before you were born were you a liar why yeah or you would have been steal aboard how about three months before you came out your mother Georgia will you elaborate II was sure you were alive it was you you'd had a hard time convincing your mother it wasn't you and that you weren't alive right what about six months before you came out of your brother's room where you're alive or dead what yeah you are alive I mean come on Georgia in fact you were in your mother about nine months give or take so when you tell me when I asked you if today is your birthday you say on thirty today I would have to remind you that that's not entirely accurate you're actually about thirty years at nine months that's almost 30 - Georgia oh my babies out of rooms because you're not really somebody can go what in the world arguing about whether it was you and your mothers will come out it is the most heinous pitiful wicked thing I can think of to tear fetuses from their mothers wombs and just go on by fifty me we're going to have to pay for that as a nation that current can't we have in there he's a champion of it I can guarantee you one thing he knows Washington and he sure ain't no Thomas Jefferson the Republic crystal the Roth the Republic redstone you mean the whole United States of America is resting on this book Andrew Jackson Oh Hickory he was yourself president well I wonder what it says about duck killing and deer whacking turkey killing cow whacking let's see here's a quote it was about noon the following day they were on their journey Peter went up on the roof to pray as he was prayed he fell into a trench he saw what seemed to be a large sheep being led down from heaven by its four corners here comes a giant movie screen out of the cosmos coming down the planet Earth an old Peter he's standing there he's been under strict food laws for 1500 years don't eat that don't eat this Tony he's standing there watching the Almighty the creator of the cosmos is sending an old commercial fisherman who is following Jesus he's sending him a message so Peter looks at the screen the Sheep contained all kinds of four-footed animals oh this here be a four-footer acid two-leggers let's see four footers buck deer 14 even little Bambi drawn up in an arrears she's got four feet gotta take her down somebody say whoa I'm telling you all the message he almighty said Peter the she has four-footed animals you said what about that old big hole one two three yep had a four footer he's owned the Sheep elk moose screw possible four footers the she contained all the birds of the air there be one there right there there's another one hey she dumps there on the screen all the creatures that move along the ground bullfrogs amphibians reptiles and such and all the fish a voice from heaven said a rash Peter kill me well let's see now Georgia I'm a c-plus man I just quoted to you Acts chapter 10 sounds like to me we got orders from headquarters that says it could walks crawls flies or swims kill them in iam right therefore if you're visiting from Vito tonight we love you but do we have a story for you that's why you can come these guys they read those old King James versions George Washington Thomas Jefferson James Madison President Madison said the strength of our new nation is really not this constitution everybody was so proud of it you know so am i the strength of it is the laws of god that this constitution is based on James Madison he's number five well since we have biblical tests that say if it walks crawls flies or swims we can kill them and since the Constitution of the United States does not forbid it and since the Declaration of Independence encourages according to God already George Washington Thomas Jefferson James Madison all we've Lincoln and me Bill Robertson let's get home about our dear cumin and our duck quack turkey wagon right Georgia here's a teal this feel green-winged teal drinking that's all they do the little hands like this so you get in your bland I've never owned a washed Georgia I'm 63 years old I've never bought a watch you say we round the world you tell the time right now it's just for dark give it 30 minutes to be just after dark own up in the heat just after daylight sundown sunset mid-morning the dead of night be by 12 over there it makes life a lot less stressful somebody better have a watch on because ladies we cannot fire a shot and kill a duck until 30 minutes before the Sun comes up and that varies every day a minute or two the earth rotating on its axis you say you mean to tell me that a few fires shot 31 minutes full Sun comes up hey rat yup yeah Jesus said the same measure you used to judge others on earth that's the measure I'm going to use to judge you so if I were a game warden I'd be more merciful about that one I mean that's just me if you go be next Rick you say boy wait till the almighty gets ahold of you but so don't do this what I'm doing wait until 30 minutes for the Sun comes up will you do that see because when you do this trust me the teal are coming they roost over there you do a lot of times you'll go you'll hear each one answer you reach over and grab your gun won't be long now look it's 30 minutes for the Sun comes up it's almost dark and all of a sudden you hear they just you look up at about 15 20 teams just sitting there right in and amongst your decoys you barely can make them out on the water because it's so early well this is the last time you want to be sporty Georgia don't be sporty here because you jump them up because you want to shoot the birds flying you jump them up and they get that backdrop on you that wood line they just disappear gone here's some good advice just ground SWAT the whole bunch and get it over somebody said wait a minute a man of your reputation in stature would stoop so low with just a ground up a bunch of Portilla with all your certifiable ball ball just on the water I mean I suppose for a condom you do that to a bunch of a little T of swimming on water oh I don't do it when they swim in it I wait till they stop swimming it's steel you get way below you handle chill here be a widget breathing it's a wicked Oh put your finger near that thing you say how you doing that in Louisiana you'll be mouth wheel while looking a mirror you'll see little round piece of meat hanging down in Georgia I would think you got one open you say what in the world is that far anyway God gave you that so you could sound like a Pinto what if he didn't have it all you'd get is you got your back home back in it so you've got the flitter I'm hitting hair when I won't be to meet you you didn't have it you couldn't do it that's why God gave it to you you got the own valid Drake it's a whistle but I'm breathing a beige I figured out that if you breathed a bass note into that little whistle I had that had a stem on it and a little housing it would come out perfect Mallard Drake since I was the only one that had a perfect Mallard Drake nobody else had one the only way you could get one is for me there you go get ball do this one meeting Georgia one link you don't go not you have somebody call them with the ham call times are hard we're going after old woody if he's flying Georgia you can't give him cuz you'd be flying see we're by flying nobody knows were to come back to so a piece he's flying you gotta go like he's sitting and he'll dart back in there here's what you do if you know they're out there he's a bear I said time to heart get it on the road rest stop take it easy gun barrel through there get ready and you give that sim call and you'll hear him answer you look you shake the water a little bit get you some ripples going shake the water don't ain't you turn look and they'll just swim single-file not afraid of where you are y'all do what you want to I say put a whacking on them and sold them out later on the mallard hen calls you got ones like this you've got some luck a little higher you got some that kind of a real soft so you got all these different tones this is loud and coarse when the winds up so all of these different calls represent all these different cause if you said look Robinson I want to be a world champion dunk car I want to go to Stuttgart and I want to be the world's best here's what you have to do unfortunately I've never heard of do that so my question was two months of a look is that what I'm going to do to be a world champion duck caller they said you got it I said let me ask y'all something could a duck win it they said man I'm duck any place in the doctoral contest Georgia when a look can't when a don't call contest I don't think I'm going the future of our new nation does not depend on the power of government that's where we're all going now seen two hundred years later power the game I mean there behind the car industry they're beating everybody out with y'all's money in mind it does not depend on the power gun say what the future of a new nation depends on the ability of each of ourselves to govern ourselves according to the moral principles of the Ten Commandments James Madison President Madison the whole future of a new nation depends on us living by the Ten Commandments he would have said you have you noticed Georgia they'll kill you for your tennis shoes they'll shoot you dead for five dollars you lay something down I don't care if it's my road towards a little town a big town you lay something down for 15 minutes somebody comes by it's gone is there any fee even going around in Georgia we like it up houses cars I mean burglar alarms I mean you talk about a thieving bunch the United States of America Georgia I'll start with number five the reason I'm starting with number five is because but y'all remember 78 years ago when a winning in Alabama some atheist walked into the courthouse in Alabama saw the Ten Commandments in the HD stone he says it's a violation of my rights I don't even believe in God so I don't think I have to look at the Ten Commandments I don't even think there is a God so I want to remove file suit against the state of Alabama and they hold them away James Madison told them it's a strength of your country number five children honor your father and mother Georgia it's been my observation if your children dishonor you and they drive up down the road wide open they smoke dope they tear up people's property guess where they take them when they catch them the courthouse number six don't murder hey Georgia when the laws catch you when you've murdered someone you're going to the courthouse right before it's over you go end up down at throw it out ah don't commit adultery you do Georgia boys but learn this some of you've learned it the hard way when your woman catches you gentlemen or you catch her it cuts both ways there's a good possibility you all go down at the courthouse and divide it up and settle it right don't steal armed robbery they catch you Georgia you're going to the current house before it's over rob a bank fraud courthouse bound don't lie ask Martha Stewart where you end up for tip a little a lot of offense what they do with Martha where they take courthouse don't cut it you spend more than you have you want more than you really need next thing you know the bill collectors start calling the everything to call bankruptcy and that's then at the courthouse I'm a c-plus man but it looks like to me Georgia if you're going to end up at the courthouse anyway from violating most of the Ten Commandments that might be a pretty good place to put them waiting I don't you even got enough I can tell you one thing when a murderer who happens to be a a theist when an atheist murder someone here's a newsflash mr. atheist you're going to the courthouse - and if you have misbehaving children the dishonor you by the way they live their life and they get to tearing up people's property and they violate commandment number five they go on to the courthouse right if atheist children steal they're going to the corner if atheists lie they're going to the courthouse they violated what God said our country's founded on its or all the nations of the earth they're all based on the Ten Commandments well Georgia here's the bad news we know it's a holy righteous code the Ten Commandments and that's just the top ten throw on in there hatred jealousy fits of rage in the factions you're like whoa whoa whoa have you done with the Ten Commandments Georgia there's not a person in this room that's a that's a by age now you came out your mother you were in great shape you know why you didn't know what the law said had no idea little three-year-old I had no idea but you were just like me Georgia when you got up there to certain age you knew full well what Lang was stealing was immorality was diddly hi you say how do the Russians sin you see seeing is just violation of law how well in you gods are to see I have no idea whether you're a person who is under this code you know what it demands the law of God you know what it demands 100% flawless obedience and none of us even came close you think you're a pretty good person because you had murdered anyone or you know you don't get drunk God would say have you ever lost your temper been angry and you would have to say yeah have you ever done one dishonest thing in your life well yeah dad the law is called the law of sin and death whoever violates the law sins you get old enough you sin and your sin separates you from God forever and in and of yourself you can't do anything about it you just sin you die that's one system that everybody on planet earth is under all the Chinese you say how do they see him just like you did they lied to each other they were at Marvel they stole things their children misbehave they worshipped other things rather than God they misused his name they hated others Kirsten is everyone under the law cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything in the book of law we're not good enough to make it on our own Georgia no sir a holy God built the cosmos he formed us and made us in His image the animals we can ragaman stackin but us there's a plan for us he puts us under a cold and knowing we were going to violate it did make us violate it we chose to nobody twisted my arm and I used to get drunk nobody was making me be a whoremonger that's just who I was smoking dope are you kidding I was a heathen and didn't realize the trap I was in sin America's problem is not financial or educational don't let up kids in Georgia America's problem is a spiritual one you know it and I know you say well that the Wall Street it's a bunch of things going on what happened - what's your over there government there's a bunch of lying thieves up there that's in control of your country no doubt about it they never get enough money we just keep shoveling it in there wondering where it's going your second problem is like your first one one that you can't fix physical death see you sin you Valley what God said one command dead you're dead from their own unless you get in on the good news which is coming see I got good news coming Georgia but you better know how bad the bad news is if you've seen one time before God and you have nothing to do with Jesus you are done for a jack you never getting out of here alive ever because physical death is coming along and when that happens your faith is sealed forever more and it is come heart attack cancer train wreck airplane crash some fool shoots you from $2 gunshot you say I'm going to die physically as surely as the old war with the whisker setup was yeah so am i if in the beginning God did not create the heavens and the earth we're going to die they're going to throw us into the ground and we're never coming back Georgia unless this is true and our forefathers believed it was and 200 years later I believe it's true if it's true there's life beyond the earth there's life beyond that grave you're going into if it's not true all the atheist and all of them will all be together the ground never to come forth again I'll have myself quick-frozen and maybe 500 years from now medical technology will catch up they can throw me out jumpstart me give me a few spare parts and I'll go again I think that's a long shot guilty but you want to try I'm going with the almighty you say I'm a sinner and I'm going to die physically and if I don't do something to find out what that alternative plan is to keeping law I am going to be forevermore swept into the fires of hell fire oh yeah well what here is in Georgia what year is it 2009 the man said that means 2008 was last year 2007 the year before 2006 the year before evidently if we count all the way back to one and there has to be a one since there's a 2009 evidence up rather big happened 2009 years ago or we wouldn't all be here Georgia tonight saying it's 2009 years since it happened well what went down 200 I mean 2000 years ago there were out count time by it's when Jesus showed up Georgia that's when Jesus got here we're saying 2009 and Oh a D and O domine I'm here of our law so when the Atheist righteous check out and says I don't believe in God either what's today these well it's on September 2nd 2009 years I said go all out with 10 and tell me what 2009 here's me 2009 years for what they like for you Joel but I said you just wrote down there it's 2009 years since Jesus got here and you claim this is a myth and a fairy tale why you can't tell by the water boat I don't one thing I know he was here or we wouldn't be saying it's 2009 years since he got here come home Georgia you say well kept on by Jesus look good Friday it's a national holiday he's a good Friday oh so good about that good friend it's when Jesus died on a cross because we're all sinners God looks down and says today what you can't solve your sin problem and you sure can't solve your grave problem that's coming up I'm going on sin Jesus and when he comes the price to be paid for your drunken heathen ways Bill Robertson is me taking on a human body and pouring out blood now Georgia when I heard that I was 28 years old I owned a beer joint at the time and I might see what the blood of Jesus will take every rotten filthy I've ever done away even cleanse me of a guilty conscience and I had one I'm like man so they killed him what happened to him they put him in a turn because he was dead like all of you are gonna be dead three days after they put him into the tomb Georgia he stood back up on the earth showed him his hands and his feet and he said I'm not a ghost y'all think I won I'm not a ghost a ghost doesn't have flesh and bone as you see I have touch me and see they grabbed him felting they like my god you beat dead you want to get off the planet earth alive Georgia he's your man I can tell you this how Wes you get the old planet Earth alive well I think I'll take my chances without Jesus yeah but now what change is that have you seen yeah are you going to die one day you could die tomorrow you say oh yeah where is the plan without Jesus why do you think I'll follow him why do you think I came all the way to Georgia to tell you this you said why did you come I love you I don't want you to be cut off forever I want you to get out of here right hey I can see it now all the ducks and deer we can shoot it ain't a game warden anywhere Daniel Georgia right what few game wardens make it I don't think they're gonna bother us because if they're in heaven we know they're good me and I think you gonna cut us a little slack once we get to headway thing so Jesus died for the sins of the world was buried in a tree and was raised three days later you say where is he now he left the earth after he stayed on it 40 days to convince him he was alive because they were having a hard time grabbing it hey Georgia every time hammer saw some day he stayed dead but not Jesus do you say he went back into heaven without a rocket booster by the way just lifted up off the earth defying gravity and left here and they're all looking the angels appeared said he will come back in the same way you've seen him go what he's doing there now he's there 24/7 to remove any sin that you will ever commit in the future your past ones are removed because he died on the cross that same blood continually removes all of your sin your violations of law the rest of your days on planet Earth no sin I'll ever be counted against you again unlike law it's called grace and is it amazing to take a scumbag like me or you remove all our past sins not counting any in the future against me and on top of that raise my dead from the body raise my body from the grave and give me a spirit to help me as I go you say well what in the world how am I supposed to any rules here well what's up it come a Christian no you say no rules no rules that's wrong no regulations that's wrong your ass you know the truth about Jesus his deathbed a resurrection and the truth will set you free from law from the evil one from the grave you talk about a deal it's free it's free online law your salvation won't be based on your works it'll be based on what Jesus deal is now doing and what he will do you're like I'm not getting to heaven based on what I do I'm getting to heaven based on what Jesus did for me yeah it's a deal judge him for your charge ah what am I expected to do now no rules and regulations no oh how about loving God he deserves it created the cosmos formed you in your mother's womb when you see him he took care of that you're gonna die he took care of that you're worrying about life and all this worried about your future Saint took care of all that no one you getting out alive you're like he deserves my praise and my love I need to rubble at his feet and on top of that love your neighbor that's what God asks you to do love him and love your neighbor hey Georgia there's the United States need a lot of love for their neighbor dear does it mean that's what's wrong with us we put this down we forgot God you know Jesus do that and we wonder what will happen to us and forefathers had it right and I will tell you something else you can double-check me every step of the way you can read what I just told you you said why did you turn all these from give me the scripture it sounds too churchy this is not about it's not about religion it's about you and your relationship with the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit come home look at what we've done to Christianity splintered it and everybody got their own little group their headquarters may come home look put your faith in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus repent them whatever it is that's entangled you that the old evil one has you by the throat we'll just turn from it for crying out loud you know you'd be better off your family would be better off your neighborhood would be better off you're safer be better off this country will be better off and the rail would be better off we are going it's right here it's free we just keep on with this bull this pace we're on so turn from it stand up on your feet like a man or a woman and say hey I'm standing on Jesus buddy because the whole thing is crumbling around my ears and I'm sick of from the top of our government all the way down to my own neighborhood I'm going to help this mess already three you confess Jesus as Lord when you believe he died for he was buried and raised from the dead you agree to repent turn from your sins you say why did God have us say I believe Jesus is the Son of God from this day on Jesus would be the Lord of my life why would he have you sit with your mouth I believe Jesus or the Lord because until Jesus becomes a man's Lord or a woman's somebody else has been their Lord the evil one you sin you go under the control of the evil one that's why you say I just can't get any traction I know what's wrong with me no God finally find you a pond creek or pothole or a bathtub a big one and you go in there and you die to sin and you bury that old person through faith in Jesus and when you come forth unlike your first birth where you came out of a one flesh giving birth to flesh that birth of water in the spirit you're born of God adopted as his child son or daughter of God Almighty we know we are the children of God and the whole world is under the control of the evil one it's us against them Georgia it's a spiritual battle spiritual warfare it's not human beings that's our problem it's the evil one that works in them that's our problem don't you see that's how it works I say it's time standing and owned Georgia I say it's time for good men and women to stand on their feet and say it we are going to turn our lives around with the help of God through Jesus and His Spirit when we receive him as Lord and Savior we're going to turn this thing around thank you Lord for making it available for me the free gift of your grace because you were merciful and because you love this I owed you that one going about your duck killing your deer Wacken feared I love Jesus love your neighbor and shoot ducks and shoot deer you can't beat it I love you and I'm out of here
Channel: wakemakerducks
Views: 42,397
Rating: 4.8930039 out of 5
Keywords: wakemaker, ducks, wakemakerducks, Phil Robertson, Duck Commander, duck hunting, decoys, duck, speaking, speech, dynasty, duck dynasty, hunting, sportsmen, automated, system, motorized
Id: eMGsr9h1EmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2014
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