12292019 The Core Gospel Phil Robertson

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they gave me 15 minutes which ain't long just remember when I come to you every once in a while you say I far away are you down at the river right over here four or five miles I'm doing my job you need to do yours things will come and go men swear by someone greater than themselves it puts an end to our ger they're all the arguments because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to the heirs that you and me of what was promised he confirmed it width and oath there's no one bigger than me let's see I swear by myself I will deliver gods to munch angel things it's impossible for him to lie and he just swore on oath I will deliver you from the grave I'll remove your sin I'll deliver you from the grave I'll give you immortality all you have to do is believe me I will do it it's impossible for him to lie we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged we have this hope God says it's impossible for me to lie and I'm telling you straight up I will save your sorry hide I'll save you just trust me so we have this as an anchor for our soul firm and secure you say what is he talking about I want to remind you brothers said 2,000 years ago right at it now I'm saying it to you I want to remind you of the gospel that was preached to you in this case he did the preaching which you received and this one that we never stress enough and I'm not quite sure why I want to remind you of the gospel to preach to you what you received you won't receive it unless you believe it if you believe it you will receive it if you will receive it then you will proclaim it you're like hmm you receive it and you stand on it by the gospel this gospel you saved if you hold firmly to the word I preached the otherwise you believed in vain you mean you could have it and lose it that quick I've done this many times in my life I picked out roughly a thousand and asked them what is the gospel one out of a thousand will tell you that's when God became flesh died on a cross was buried was raised from the dead it saves you I want to remind you of the gospel I preach to you you receive it you are standing on it standing on the promises of God eternal you either have to read it and you get it someone proclaims it to you you hear it and you say yes are you seeing it and someone says whoa standing on them I have done a lot of proclaiming it's one way of getting the gospel out you can pick up your Bible look and you can read it or you can sing it to people then they hear it I just heard the voices I looked up music and musical instruments singing songs I ran up on old Jew Volyn Genesis chapter 4 0 he is the father of everybody after him his descendants who plays the stringed instruments you know what you ever noticed that some people just have a knack to let it rip you say where did get that from because some people just find it easy they just can play a good turn you know whoa Jubal so let me get this right you got Jubal the father of all who played the stringed instruments Genesis bore and somebody comes along and says yeah but God says if he ever hears you play on the string that's what's in front of him he's gonna fry you I'm like what about I just have a knack for this I'm gonna give you someone and their ancestors will be known for being able to play the stringed instruments but under no circumstances will you ever play them in front of me I'm not getting it it has nothing to do with anything so I will hurry to go to an end I'm one of your overseers I must hold on to the trustworthy message as it has been taught I started with first Corinthians 15 I want to remind you of the gospel I must hold on to that because the Apostle Paul said the gospel saves you if you hold on to the word I preached to you otherwise you believed in vain you can turn it loose so when my name comes up am i holding on to the Torah the message I received or what you say a guy in bursts he hadn't buzzed in 45 years on that I mean he stands on it I'm on Sunday mornings like here I'm 15 minutes with you I'm going across the river you say who are they over there the sons and daughters of God you know how many sermons I give from right now on Sunday morning to the next Sunday morning about 12 or 15 during the week you say what were you doing it ain't even Sunday put you're preaching the gospel on Monday yeah Tuesday yeah wizzy yeah Thursday yeah Friday Saturday yeah how do you think the world's gonna be saved the Apostle Paul was he just joking around when he told the Philippians contend as one man for the faith of the gospel I consider my life worth nothing if I may already finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me the Apostle Paul is saying is the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace you're like man you cannot just set that down and walk by like I've never happened you sit on church pews for 40 years 50 years and you never tell a person how could you do that I run upon people of it I'm down on a river surrounded by guard dogs and guards weapons cursed maligned you like you just keep telling people about Jesus the reason you do if you're seated in the audience but we tend to do ninety-eight percent of you here and saying Oh Robison he's back on the gospel you know what you you know what you erroneously do sometimes I already know that that's what you say I already know that why don't you get on something else I already know that feel the person sitting right down and pew from you they never heard it what about them they're visiting today they have come to understand they ought to put their faith receive the fact that Jesus came down in flesh and died on a cross to take away all the sins they've ever committed guaranteed he will raise them from the dead I'm not telling you that as my brothers and sisters I know you know that but you're wrecking out of this crowd there may be one or two that don't know that that's the ones I'm talking to your thank your to say good night he's just in case someone's visiting and they never heard that they're to put their faith in the gospel it's what saves them they receive it they stand on it he's just making sure that they don't miss it when he has the opportunity to proclaim it you read it you proclaim it you sing it right now I just proclaimed it put your faith in it believe it or give me a better story you got a better story what's the story there like I've asked many an atheist do you have a better story though they're like almost sins removed guarantee to me raised from the dead constant mediating work Jesus at the right hand of the God our Father he's returning to give me life and immortality forever haven't either you're not getting out of here alive unless what you've just heard is true believe it repent of your sins I had to I'm a better man for it ah confess Jesus as Lord every day this is this much time Sunday morning it is a sliver you walk out those doors that's when the worship kicks in so when you're here I'm sitting over a while ago although boy I don't know what I've been missing we over there of university you know ragtag bunch you know you like are they many beautiful voices like y'all have more over here I'm like no we're not far enough along in numbers so I sit there and I listen it brought tears to my eyes you know why the Apostle Paul said we sing with our spirit we sing with our spirit it's in here you're like it brings forth tears we're singing in the spirit it's a wonderful thing I love you all finally you walk to a pool of water mine was right over there 45 years ago you walk to a pool of water not only do you hear it believe it receive it stand on it live by it you say I obey it you died to sin you are buried with Jesus the old you leave him bury him deep leave him raise him up spirit feel like Jase was talking about at that moment you're like immortality as his or hers but they better not forget what happened 2,000 years ago on their behalf but although - it better stand on it finally if he's at 6:10 says I'll read you that one on the way out the door what's this here's you said well what what are what standard stand for a while stand up stand against what's he done a standing standing check this out trying to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand he said what stand the one you believe the Apostle Paul you took him up on it when he said stand on the gospel you say why because if you will it's like armor you can stand up against the devil's schemes you died to sin you were bearing you came up all your sins have been removed you say but say it's not done with me if he can get me back that is correct and the reason you stand on the gospel the word of the truth is because it's warts his schemes against you you get off out here and you just gotta I tell you I got baptized one time but there was no change of heart watch that's one time in fees and six our struggle is not against flesh and blood you better remember that demons the demonic the depraved our country is literally falling apart and collapsing because of it we are struggling against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms this is big-time evil after us listen therefore put on the full armor guys so that when the day of evil comes you ready to come you're away from time to time you know it's coming you may be able to stand your ground that's twice he said that and after you've done everything to stand that's three times in Ephesians six stand firm then that's four times you know why does he keep saying that if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you it will save you if not you've just believed in vain I'm back on first Corinthians 15 and firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist Jesus died and was raised from the dead with the breastplate of righteousness you say where'd that come from I'm not ashamed of the gospel it's the power of God for their salvation of everyone believes in the gospel a righteousness it makes you right with God you said all comes down to it finally all in with this with the breastplate of rights knit your feet fitted listen with the readiness that comes from the gospel of priest look if you've never been baptized I'll give you five men it's baekje way down here i baptize from all over the United States every week I don't count those because they're often ago but we all belong to each other we stay in contact with them walk down here say feel I'm ready to be baptized that my sins removed and receive God's Spirit do it
Channel: Whites Ferry Road Church
Views: 39,613
Rating: 4.9545884 out of 5
Keywords: Whites Ferry Road, WFR, WFR CHURCH, Church of Christ, Duck Dynasty Church
Id: 1Y6yXMKE3as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 06 2020
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