Phil Robertson - Inside Story - Part 1

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it could be the first time ever I just did that for the ladies cuz I know they're sitting on the edge of their chair saying oh I hope he blows those calls always maybe this guy's do not practice your duck calling inside the house there's something about a duck call that offends women's ears I was born of a woman like you that's how we all got here first birth that first birth gets us on the earth right that got you on the earth that second birth gets you off the earth pretty cool the mother of all stories now look you take a look at me you say he's got his Bible he's a godly man it has the pulpit look at he's a preacher God looked like a preacher to you here's the newsflash you think I look a little rough around the edges John the Baptist looked worse and he was paving the way for the savior of the world right God does work in mysterious ways before I became a child of God I owned a beer joint my little sister told one of the brothers at a congregation there in West Monroe I'm up in Arkansas my little sister told that guy one of the brothers if you could convert my brother if you could convert him he would bring many many people to Jesus and she kept on after him and he said I don't know going to high Far East at 75 miles I don't know about going way up and there you know you know going to a beer joint is that where we're going you have to go to the beer John that's read finally she talks him into it so they come in and bellowing to me my little sister goes around to the front of the bar passing out tracts everybody's getting drunk you know in the world as a religious bible-thumper doing in here they started getting a little hostile toward my sister so I had to go in and break that up the guy walks in she brought the preacher and the first thing I asked him was you some kind of preacher he said I am I said let me ask you something you ever been drunk he said I have I said so why are you up here telling me about getting drunk because you've been drunk just like I'm getting drunk right now all right to make a long story short that first meeting he walks outside and tells my little sister when they get in the car I don't think he's ready a year later I ran miski off and al was there I think Jase was too a little baby I ran him off uh I was I was like getting high getting drunk and getting laid pretty well in that order I was a scumbag and a heathen what's amazing is a year after the initial meeting with the preacher my loving wife that I don't officer why don't you talk to him just so we're a little bit and talk to him so she talked me into it and he shares with me but I'm fixing to share with y'all to make a long story short I decided since I didn't even realize who Jesus was ah too busy smuggling dope and getting drunk get laid I'm thinking how did I miss that a couple of college degrees no they didn't say anything about God or Jesus when I was in college did you at your college never brought him up Father Son our Holy Spirit the only time I heard the word God mentioned when I was in college was they would use his name in vain so I decided having been a heathen for 28 years and I put on my brakes the preacher didn't have to tell me to repent I knew what repentance meant he didn't have to say feel look you can't go whoring around you know once you become a Christian let me explain you what repentance means feel all feeling is that and you know what all of you know that don't you you know what doing good is you know what love is joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness self-control we all know what that is sold I didn't need a big long explanation I knew it was time and I was motivated by the gospel of Jesus and I said well I serve the evil one all this time now I'm fixing to serve God so I go from this way to about-face and I'm going that way now and I'm was committed to God and made a pact with him I said I'll run wide open for you God as fast as I ran wide open for the devil for 28 years so now I've been at this for 24 42 heathen for 28 a son of God for the last 42 trust me when I tell you this last 42 has been way better than the first 28 be the rarest of commodities has come my way you said what is it feel what's the rarest of commodities what is it that came your way peace of mind finally got it Texas you're never going to have peace of mind without Jesus Christ amber it ain't going to happen fits of rage sexual immorality hatred discord factions envy jealousy you know the list of sins I gave you the list the fruit of the Spirit about five minutes ago now you're hearing the list of sins you want to keep that up thinking boy laughs a turn one of these days I already know God no Bible tell me about it now all I work with is people who are getting high getting junk and getting laid I'm dealing with them they do what a few Jews understand what I'm going through I just trust me honey when I tell you I know exactly what you're going through I've been there I didn't realize it was such a trap until I got out of it I get out of the trap that's a Satan had me in and I look back and I said what was I thinking the truth is I wasn't thinking so I've been delivered from Satan so now I went from getting high getting laid and getting drunk to being a son of God and now a shark of sharks I'm rich and famous and you say there's no God haha you know something Texas the problem with Fame one it's a big headache two is pain can't remove my sin or yours it can't do it and on top of that you say well you said you were rich it's not going to help me when it comes to being raised from the dead all the money in the world is never going to be able to raise me from the dead Texas right better keep first things first we have humanism and atheism and agnosticism and you know post-modernism and materialism ISM ISM ISM ISM ISM ISM it's all her in college this isn't that ism this isn't that isn't one day I finally said I think I'll write them all down look I feel love cabinet after tablet after tablet isn't this isn't that ism you know what they're all about they're all trying to get around this story right here and none of them have succeeded if there's no God Texas you're never getting off planet Earth alive all of you they're going to have your funeral and mine you can go yeah they're going to have my funeral one of these days and they're going to have fields too you can go like that or you can say I like the guy told me one time you're not going to put that on me you're not going to tell me I'm gonna die I said oh you're gonna die he said no sir buddy he gets everything no way I wanted to tell him the good news about the resurrection of Jesus but he was saying I'm not gonna die so you go die so we're arguing about it whether it's about everybody else and so are you dude live with it face it I argued with him for 30 minutes trying to convince him he's gonna die he left my house and ain't nobody telling me that kind of junk six weeks goes by and the guy that brought him he said you know the dude was arguing with you about dying field I said I remember he said he just did I said what happened to him he said he was nice to death in a bar right up the road I just wonder when the blood spreading forth from him when he hit the ground hit the floor I wonder if he thought about our conversation God had spoken to him through me six weeks earlier no takers he said nope I will not die said he's the only human I've ever won upon I brought up on a lot of them said they didn't sin of course they were lying which is a sin but he was the only one I've ever run upon who said I'm not going to die I said oh you're gonna die face it to all the utexas if in the beginning God did not creep create the heavens and the earth if that's not what happened you're not getting out of here unless you have some information that I'm not privy to medical technology think that's going to help you well maybe you can go with Obamacare maybe that'll help you with the grave it ain't your happiest now going to live you from the grave no you're like so what's the scoop you have two problems you cannot fix you can't fix them one is you came out your mother I mean some that earlier you know what you are in the center because you didn't know what the law said you didn't know what line was you're about two hours old you're in a little crib or you're at your mother's breast you say you don't know much stealing is you don't know I get high is getting drunk getting laid you have no idea what that is you're an infant this stuff about poured water on your head like you remember that you sinful little booger you give me a break however however you were toddler good to go but when you hit them teenage years along and there somewhere something happened the commandment started coming and you did understand what you had from Adam what you inherited from him was the ability to know the difference between the you had the knowledge of good and evil remember what God told I don't know eat over there because if you do you eat that tree you'll know what old not only what good is well what evil is you want to go there cuz if you do you're going to die will every last one of us found out what evil was at some point right Texas some of you sort of being sexually immoral early early early so you violate one of God's commands you say how many does it take just one and you've been dead in your sins ever since you used to be dead in your sins and transgressions in which you used to live for the saved here when you follow the ways of the world and you followed this ruler of the kingdom of the air the spirit who works in those who are disobedient Jellico oh my goodness so when physical death comes along and you're already spiritually dead in your sins you're cut off forever eternally God's not locked our government can't pay him off can't rope-a-doping get around him you say God is just so for the saved here I'm like be thankful and you are blessed because your sins have been forgiven your sins are covered no sin will never ever be counted against you it'll give you peace of mind no one on top of that you can be raised from the dead how did it happen what year is it Texas 2016 the man said walk it back 2015 2014 2013 2012 walk it back Texas you're going to get to year one something rather large must have happened in year one because we're all saying it's 2016 years since it happened what could have happened that your calendar is based on it you say well what do they call all the years before Jesus showed up that's one two three four five six six years since Jesus showed up seven eight you get to 2016 you say you call all the years before we got here all the years before he got here right you know why you're counting time by the creator of the cosmos has become a human being coming forth out of a woman's womb just like all of you same kind of birth the difference between this one and all of you he got to the early teenage years and he grew in wisdom and stature and he never made one mistake [Music]
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 465,952
Rating: 4.8359771 out of 5
Id: eJ3VKL6m5v0
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Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2017
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