Willie, Jase, and Al’s Redneck Childhood | Ep 17

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[Music] so just so our audience will know today is Jason's birthday he's 50 years old today and you didn't know that until Kay told you that's right okay I heard I heard about through the grapevine you got a son that's 50 you got one dasa how old was I how are you 54 54 so here we all are I'm 73 they've turned into old men like myself here before cat cause lick his tail just show you in our audience look some of you're sitting out there and you're saying yeah yeah they got Bibles in front of them I mean that stuff is outdated I mean the Bible doesn't have all the answers and these guides on got 50 60 70 years old and they're still depended on so here's what you got you got the Apostle Peter he said all me and are like grass which is not saying much for mankind and I grass all their glorious like the flowers of the field they come up and they fall down and fade away but then he says this the word of the Lord lasts forever therefore for all you listeners out there you looked around and one day and you said what in the world happened we in America you have these two parties going at each other's throat one us they say right-wingers right-wingers they far-right far-right and then they say left wingers left wingers far left here's a Bible text because y'all say this is outdated let's see let's see how outdated the Bible is yeah I'm 1,000 years right at it before Jesus and that's 2019 so about 977 BC nas wonder what booked her in I'm in Ecclesiastes chapter 10 as dead flies give perfume a bad smell so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor so let's see if this is pertinent today for our listeners the heart of the wise inclines to the right well what do you know the heart of the food to the left I'm like so you got wise people on the right and fools on the left even as he walks along the road the people on the left the food's this is perfectly don't blame me blame the Almighty he wrote it even as he walks along the road the left winger the fool likes fence it shows everyone how stupid he is please yes tease chapter 10 1 through 3 in 1 3 smoke get to start hauling me you're the wrong side this thing I said not according to the wisest man who ever lived Solomon said that on behalf of God suck it up what in the world does that mean was in the heart of the wise inclines to the right do people say you're on the right or left of this thing Jase be honest which side do they say you're all right around be honest well they say right but ok keep reading and shows everyone how they ought to him I thought I had read this cover to cover I missed Ecclesiastes 10 well thanks for the most disturbing yet comical you your body there's three of our songs here ever coming down from the oldest on down just remember when you hit 50 there is a certain amount of wisdom that you should have by that time and always remember a little more Jase will come your way when you hit the seventies don't forget that you know what stood out on this verse this first versus is as flies give perfume a bad smell that's kind of an odd open I don't know but don't you use like Victoria's Secret perfume for NASA mosquitoes mosquito not really there noseeums that's you've got the idea or no no I told you someone told me and I said if I'm redneck said if you put that Victoria Secret on your body the blood sucking gnats will no longer suck your blood Helen a redneck one year was really bad these these noseeums I looked in the dictionary look up the word it's one word no three words well how do you even spell no it's got no - si se e - um no seeum so I looked it up in the dictionary and lo and behold it's official no see over there blood-suckin mats and the you know why knoweth the net so yeah I tried it but I told the person who told me that I had a bottle of women's perfume in my hand and I told him I said I'm all trying it but you never tell anybody I think when women's perfume on my body don't get that out we pretty much unleash that yeah so we'll welcome to the unashamed podcast there you go yeah and I'm so confused know who can get angry on a birthday celebration I wasn't angry I would just because we had one of his children's birthday and we ride into rotten smell flies left right political best cold-open is yelling and screaming and I showed up thinking it was gonna be a celebratory birthday hike and welcome to a shame for our unashamed audience of course this is brother number three the famous Boss Hogg Willie and first time on our podcast welcome Willie we're glad the two here I usually have an occasion on every biblical question I had Phil read that I had nothing thank you for easing me into the podcast like you were slipping into a warm bath actually kill it showed me that verse I said what do you know and he laughed he grins when he showed me though he was trying to be comical cuz I don't really know what that means I like to go back and look Solomon was was going through a trouble time during Ecclesiastes so be interested heart of the laws inclines to the right but the heart of the food why is why is no one in the political world ever today somebody will make a political I don't see that it there will be a political I had quoting 20s scary part is here's a guy on planet earth that 73 years old and listening to all the people that bad mad the Bible and that's why I mentioned how dating does not apply it's a modern culture now where in the world would you ever think and look that's just clear a picture is you ever gonna see you say I don't think he's talking about that I'm just I hate to burst though it just gonna fit like a glove on a child okay think of Trump quoting that try to stay away from politics but y'all lured me and last night I happen to see that at that rally I don't know if you all saw this so he has protesters did you say there's a beacon in Pennsylvania I saw the news clip of it and there's a group of protesters you know so one of them has a sign what what trunk didn't know cuz this is like he's telling the story this morning on Fox & Friends a guy has a sign that you know it's just like protesting Trump what Trump didn't know is that guy had taken that he was a trump supporter and he had taken away when the protester but when Trump looked up he just saw the side and he's like hey leave some weight they gotta need to lose some weight and said well how did you feel about that you know when he said that he's like oh but he said but since that time they've contacted me and so it's all good and said I'm a plethora cheeseburger [Laughter] [Music] I don't like it with you no truck makes it personal and he didn't he was actually a supporter here taking the side I thought serves you right just so we got a lot of comments last time we talked about dad we explain to you what a VPN was a Virtual Private Network because you weren't really aware or never heard yeah right so we explained that before but we want to mention again our friends that expressvpn about what they do with their Virtual Private Network we tried to explain it to dad that it was like you know someone lurking in your window yeah move the windows yeah trying to figure out what they can steal that's one of this in the in the internet world as you call have windows yeah windows the people and they come in and they hacker stuff and they they they take your information and then they you hear all this time about hacking they take your information they sell it to somebody else so so what do virtual dogs protection not in the computer world so just thank you view had your house and you didn't have dogs or any kind of security there's no virtual you know just from what I hear and y'all say it becomes abundantly clear then when I looked up the definition for common sense the other day it said good ordinary sense sound judgment and the world based on what you just said about the windows the world is sort of lost that exactly so common sense perfect perfect segue field it's it's common sense to pick up expressvpn that way you protect yourself you protect your IPS you protect all these different things that are there sometimes it seems complicated it's really not it's software that you get it's what I use to be able to protect my information so we want to tell you can protect your online activity today find out how to get three months free expressvpn dot-com slash feel that's how you're gonna get less free like the virtual guard dogs they do the barking and the biting and and the head of the AR is the ultimate yeah I know you you two are my sons but uh if everyone if they were like me I don't have a cellphone or that's a deal yeah but but there's nothing I can't look through the wind at me because I don't have these devices right yeah that's ultimately the but I don't know whether that's gonna catch on or not no no that's you and 12 other people yes so for everybody else expressvpn dot-com / pill three months free with a one-year package visit expressvpn dot-com / feel to learn more about how to protect your identity how to protect your IP and the things that matter to you that is wild so James this is today is your 50th birthday here's the deal my wife here's what she gets me she gets me a card first of all I read it and it's like there was a bunch of ducks but like cartoon ducks like a bunch out on the front of the cover it didn't say anything so I opened it and it said I mean it had a few you know things I'm not gonna divulge for later activities [Laughter] you look like a million ducks and I thought is that a compliment because she didn't you know I mean a million ducks to me did the card say that her she wrote them no the card said no go she found that card that said that that's why she bought it so that was interesting to a hardcore duck hunter she would say he would like that yeah yeah so look guess what my present is you're gonna kick out this it's a copper back brace a copper yeah back brace that I actually put on on 1422 I can't play go cuz my back turn okay I feel great mini iPad because I told her she said what do you want for your birthday but I need something for my back because I'm telling you it's killing me I can't believe I so I thought that was you know that was gonna win that doesn't go that doesn't here we're with the sexual stuff either self-weight in a copper back brace and also some other things for the mother says later this year that's what happened so I said all that to say this here's what here's my observations of 50 because I had this theory and I wanted to test it so this week I give myself a haircut and y'all haven't said a word now I've been here well we've been here 20 minutes y'all said a word a bedroom I saw you last night it looks the exact same that's what was it no look get this I'll go in there and I cut and I measured it because I wanted to prove the theory I'll cut six inches of length pretty good off my hair I mean it took 15 seconds I grabbed my hair on one side and I pulled down about this board so you cut your own hair come on here and look no one noticed even my wife so I came in a little I took my hat off and I did this because it's it's noticeably different and I said no without a certain thing and she said no I said I cut half my hair off she would you did sure I think there look in the bathroom trash you know there's Paula hair this big around no one noticed so you know what that told me all these people in the real civilized yuppie world they're spending all this time on this intentional look that they're shaving they're cutting the hair you know what I realize when you get about 50 no one cares no one cares save yourself time and money so you will know Jase you just hit 50 great but remember this when I hit 55 red and I the local redneck were in the woods with chainsaws and such and I looked at him and I said red up until 55 but when I hit 55 I told the redneck when he said when you get up there we were talking about climbing this tree oh I said for the first time in my life on the earth I looked up at that big bull oak and I said red I've made a decision I'm no longer going to climb trees I said 55 I said yeah I'm not up to it well climb did he was about 35 so he climbed the tree and I haven't climbed a tree since the backbrace story because I'm saying I really wanted that's my point that's my point you're back left yet 50 I quit climbing trees at 55 we get a year so to say I did you ain't been working hi George you're back playing oh oh God climbing trees well the stock market's saying you owe my back hurt [Music] [Laughter] she's already got me all emotional yeah tell about the so we show the unashamed command center expecting to our podcast today we're all surprised in fact Willie's looking around like what is this what's that because your wife had a surprise to tell ya so I pull up and she had I guess her vehicle here cuz I didn't even see it she must hit it out back yeah I walk in well here's my here's Missy sitting there my son Cole are I guess adopted daughter Karina and I'm like I was just shocked cuz I was thinking yeah you don't stumble upon your place so 45 you're coming here impart leaves elevation and I'm like what is going on so she gets the computer out and she's like I want you to watch this video which is kind of weird you know there's cameras around that's a video you know women can be but it was actually really good she picked was five about five five guys that I bought to the Lord 25 years ago and I when I was my best friend from high school played some of them almost 30 yeah and she got Kevin McEntire well two of them they live here there I haven't seen them in a few months and that mcintosh story really got to me because I had never seen him be emotional and I shared Jesus with him by accident I mean we were he didn't want anything to do with the only time I'd met him he'd offered me a drink and when I said no he liked me fun of me and then I he just happens to go to the to another house come in went into the other room well we asked him sit in on the study said no and he overheard us sharing about Jesus and literally that night I was walking out and he said I what are you going I said I'm gonna meet we're going to church I'm meeting with a brother/sister waste night and he said I'll be coming with you that's exactly what he said and I just thought wow and then he basically shared Jesus back to me and he said I want you to baptize me I said alright and you know that God never wait I mean what's this 25 years God never wavered you know and heard it's secondhand and in a room and I thought about Jimbo you know the first guy that was on the on there you know we shared Jesus with him they all leave and he's my phone ringing at 3 o'clock in the morning and he's like he's I mean I the guys like I'm I mean but he didn't respond favorably at the time laughs and I'm out three o'clock in the morning call back so what's ironic to me about your those guys they're your friends but you'd let them to Christ but then they were all our friends like you know hotel we were like playing softball and you guys were you know in your 20s and so they you know we we had a house we rented this big house in town and at that time I was working with college-age students which was most of your friends and Willie live with us for at least a year I will that was when you and Cory were dating yeah that's right it was rent some cash in a month we'll was chip in there but he but then we also three of those guys on have you know there's just three of those guys are on the video lived with us at some point they're in that tall modular you know we laughed we laughed and he and Cory got married and they went to Harding and so McIntosh moved in your old room McIntosh he just lost his mom all that I got to know I mean he was just rough situation you know he was drinking way too much and he just lost his mom and and he was kind of bit mad and better at the world and then he just accidentally here's Jesus and that's where he put all his bitterness and grief and he just put it into Jesus you know it it completely transformed his life you read that Ecclesiastes 10 I think as a joke but I just thought of that Ecclesiastes job that you were joking that was funny heart watch inclines to the right but their heart of the food to the less funniest things you've ever devote European driving he's talking about American politics seats 12 says remember your Creator in the days of your youth before the days of trouble coming the years approach when you say I find no pleasure in them my point is I'm really at this stage of my life I'm trying to get young people excited for Jesus because when I was young and I was excited for Jesus which was a rare thing you know people are more open when they're young in my opinion to responding to Jesus you know you're at that stage of your life and I'm basing that on an ecclesiastical and what will happen is if you people start coming to the Lord it literally becomes contagious but you know once you get about 50 you know just think about it it's hard to convince you of anything that's correct would you agree that's correct okay the older you get but there is something to be said about if you take our school system currently and when they remove God back about the eyes about a sophomore their junior in high school so beginning from about the early 60s there's been no God in the school system al for about 60 years good well I can tell ya I can tell there's been no God I'm just looking at it logically and realistically I'm like man so what's the indoctrination sets in when you're young well when you churn them out and they come out 25 or 30 years old you say you know though even Plato the great Greek philosopher he's the one is to be careful to monitor who teaches the children yeah you know it's interesting because the I was just in California this week so I'm sitting there's a bunch of people sitting around a table and I'm sitting in between these and everybody here are conservative people and of course California they have to gather together because like they're the super minority literally right so we're having a conversation about politics which they couldn't have normally in California it's just kind of you know a tough place if you're if you're conservative but this woman on my left is a Buddhist and hippy former hippie and she's your age she was 73 and then the guy over here was about 70 and he was a you know anti-war protester back in Vietnam so they're telling me their stories of being radicals in the 60s and to me because they said the same thing you say they both said it was our generation that started the current you know what you see now and so they were your age of the same thing but they came out from different angles but it was funny it was that same thing you always say it was they're like we look at it now and of course they both said we became served when we had kids and like all of a sudden our lives were like it didn't make any sense to you know pay taxes and you know out the roof and all that so it's kind of moved to that place but here they were in California but they were saying this exactly I mean you say you're just a bone you take God out of the schools you took those principals out of there you know I told y'all spoke at a community event in Indiana and they told me not to you know bring up God because they were like we want to we don't want to offend anybody whatever and so while they said the Bible which was a perfect thing because I talked about the author and because I was like we're honoring our first responders and our military and all that but but all these people and they're firemen policemen they were doing dangerous jobs so I I saw like I'd like to introduce you to Jesus and I got to the resurrection because I was saying if I was in this line of work I would at least want to consider an alternative to living again yeah but at the end and I talked about all these guys and ladies that go into these places when they go into a burning house they don't check you know their belief system there they're actually displaying an unselfish unprejudiced love they're there to save and they don't care what you believe or what you look like and so I quoted first Corinthians 13 4 through 8 without saying it in the Bible and I said you're displaying an unselfish love a love that is and I I quoted it as patient as kind it's not envious it doesn't boast it's not proud not rude it's not self-seeking it doesn't keep a record of wrongs it doesn't delight in evil it always protects always trusts always hopes always perseveres which is what all these people do for our country true and for people and so what was amazing is several people after the event they said where did you read that poem where was that point and I said what what you know I know they were talking about and they said about love and I was like that's in the Bible and they're like that's in the Bible and it struck me when you said that about our school system you know when you when they took God out and they wanted to separate that you also took something like that out who doesn't want to embrace that even in our culture we want these things people just say well we don't want it because it's in the Bible but when you hear that you're like that's the most beautiful that should be a foundational study in all schools nicest have love it took two weeks for the news media to figure out when the guy said that I believe perversion was a scene and I quoted the text first Corinthians six they didn't know you were caught in the words they said we'll defend you on that cuz I was sitting there when you did it yeah he didn't know that was in the bottle don't no one knew this was in the Bible I said well if they keep hollering long enough and bad-mouthed me enough somebody will finally say I finally say they saw just quoted the Bible first yeah they finally figured it out yeah so Willie you're uh you're our guest on the unashamed podcast and I couldn't have a thanks especially it being Jason's birthday you know we're at the we're at the top of the hill here where we do our podcast in fact you use this used to be your place and formally my extra place is the next place he's got a lot of extra places now so yeah I think he gave I think he conferred with his mother because she says we're gonna buy the place on the hill and I'm like do what yeah yeah well technically Willie and I made a deal or something so what won it technically I don't want to expose my good deeds but technically I gave you this play he changed you yeah not even knowing where any money changes or not can you believe that Johnny that was given for this place was given to charity so technically I didn't get any money and you got the tax did you ever lose like a silver ring Oz metal detector Mikey and I found a silver ring on this property Jase I'm not a silver ring so in today's world you never quite know when you may be up against it you know there's everything every fear out there some rational some irrational from the zombie apocalypse to a potential civil war or be burned agree it up yeah exactly uh what the EPA of what they call it the you know right so yeah there's something you know the pulse that goes out oh yeah kills all the electricity so you never know I mean some of these are like I said a little bit irrational some are very rational because you worry about them so our Patriot pantry supply group my Patriots apply what they've decided is that look if you're gonna be hunkered down somewhere in the bunker you need you need food well yeah you need to you know to be able to make it and so these guys what they provide is basically these MRE type meals you see here we've got some homemade potato soup what you got there that would be this is Patriot pantry we're talking chocolate pudding here last up to how long they say 25 years yeah 25 years in storage well 25 year 25 because they figure that out I don't know because they're very smart people I did see a guy eat a pickle that was 11 years old yeah and that it wasn't even green I had it turn out fine no problem he was some kind of bio I saw I guess these people have figured out you know so if push came to shove and you really were down and out this would come and it wouldn't be a luxury it would be survival it's right woman if you combine that with it with us on our family with what we could hunt but you put this with it for the you know you got you some good sides and whatnot my Patriots supply they've revolutionized preparedness with industry-leading line of food storage water filtration and other products that some of us may need at some point right now you can save a hundred bucks on a four week emergency food so look at one of these little get-ups right here that's four weeks worth of food and that first to them it's a food supply case something went down so when I where they don't never happen I never thought I would be armed have to have to be armed to go around and tell people about Jesus at church but that church this is pancakes so not only what D survive you survive well that's right and it's up to 10x absolutely so don't ignore the writing on the wall give yourself some peace of mind save a hundred bucks on this special website prepare with feel calm prepare with feel calm today or pair with feel calm that's how you're gonna get the savings of a hundred bucks on the four weeks supplied and these guys are just trying to take care of us yep I love it so anyway my point is that so we're kind of at the top of the hill mm-hmm that comes into not kind of we're at forty foot so way and overlooks the seven acres that basically we and you guys more than me because I was little bit older we roamed this is seven acres so so I wanted just for the audience say to talk a little bit about what that was like from y'all's perspective because when it's funny with Jase and Willie on the show and duck dynasty there's sort of an adversarial relationship that's put forward and I wanted to know how much truth there is to that versus kind of how when y'all grew up so so I well here's why I thought we'd do it so I want to hear Willie you tell what what your perception of the way Jase was growing up and then vice versa you tell me what what you thought of Willie growing up what was your thought process about him so we'll start yeah this was grown-up this was this was the hill so this is you know there it was a strategic location in many ways lots of things happen we climbed just over there towards the river were the bluffs and they were there's pine roots hanging off so he's just scale him all the way down I don't know one ever fell in the river which is amazing but we would scale the side of that Bank we played football we had one field up here in the back this hill was where usually when I would my mode of attack especially on JC Jase is the meanest person man the kid you don't want stuck down at the end of the dead-end road on a river with nowhere else to go because it just came out and anger and pain constantly so what I at a young age becoming was gonna be the future CEO the only way I knew I could hang was to attacked usually by projectile throwing or something and then just trust my feet and run as fast as I can when you hit the hill where everybody slowed down it was kind in the monitor for that's kind of a RPG approach right I'm just launching run a launch yeah I never forget he threw me out of Phil's chair Phil is not at home he threw me out of his recliner and Jase at their all big and said now I'm the king of this house so I retreated I got one 16-gauge shotgun shell I leaned out from the door I said hey king and threw it as hard as I can hit him right in the forehead with the full shotgun shell and then off to the races now that one he caught me I met to the top of the hill before he caught me and abusin John gave our cousin cut all my baseball cards up in a moment of rage I called him halfway up the hill it was dirt at the time and I've heard this story about Phil shoving gravel down the guy's mouth when he was in his heathen days and I attempted that same thing so John got a mouthful of gravel a lot of this stuff and now Jess was the midnight out I don't ever remember having a fight without but I would like getting them started he would get it started then I would throw something and then I would run in the fight what do you call those the marionette you know I was the one kind of controlling on I was controlling the strings of what was happening on the lower just doesn't sound like repentant children just trying to survive that was but I do remember when I thought I got to a certain point I thought I can take him I was about 16 I thought I can take him Jokke then there realize now I ain't there yet so at all I'll how is it that all three of you with childhoods that's a little microcosm of the way it was I guess well that was a negative side yeah so all three of you have are ended up followers of Jesus Bible man I mean y'all go I'd preach the gospel we've converted thousands of family group so how did all y'all end up this godly background we were lovers of Jesus then we were just very violent with each other I think a lot of those y'all's your child-rearing skills you know you had a fill you were not a nice person freed my went out when I was eight when Elvis died which was painful his only birthday Neverland my birthday and so literally for the next 10 years it was depressing day for everybody how are you chase when I finally repented and turned to that six or seven six or seven in the first couple of years will be yeah and so I think a lot of that because you know we you know we came from the barn we scared and it just just kind of taught me we fought and oh yeah turkey food was an issue we wanted more food young young laughs being hungry yeah well we licked our food I hid food you know there's food down there I mean oh then catch it which then there's a process in order to get it here y'all were thinking more in line of supermarkets and now I was thinking you know why yes a rule well you have y'all have that rule where the adults get the first choice and the kids get a second sometimes that wasn't much left and it made me angry you know cuz I've never eaten a chicken neck yeah yeah that's what you get when you're my because when I was a kid that's all I got I got burned out not only amazed you know a head of the curve because you gotta remember in my day as a child the the mall would give one little line she would say remember and all the kids were standing there are seven of us we're all standing there you know young and she would say children at the dinner table children are to be seen and not heard you were not allowed when you ate dinner supper breakfast whatever the young the children were not allowed to speak you alien silence and the old people talked yeah that's just dumb I mean the society Jase was far better than than it is now well by the time I don't by the time it came along with us grant and Paul were still there yeah and they were a lot looser than because we were allowed to be a part of that what I'm saying is like when Ches like oh here's your here's your lunch and it's a mayonnaise sandwich what'd I just say not eat but I would eat it so now will not eat mayonnaise because I just years of mayonnaise sandwiches I'm like no that's not but it I'll make make me mad so then I'd see Willie I'm already upset because I just had a man a salad so then you would fight I ever saw between y'all was over face over face I said I thought I could thank him at this point our steaks dance now at this point I'm right 17 I was fixing it Mary so tell what happy hour cook it I was there so we have one oven which is fine I mean but I had a pizza and cooking the pizza so I've got a pizza it takes about 20 minutes for frozen pizza he's gonna make toast so he's got like 12 pieces of toast the whole thing and he wants to bro and I'm like bro wait till the pizza then you can bro your pizza now he starts putting it in I'll put it on top of my pizza so we're both at the start we're both I didn't want to wait 20 minutes pizza I said give me two minutes on bro then we'll do your pizza so both hands I'm clouding the clothes he's he's trying to open it and then and then I think I just read but I think I made you an issue yeah I made the first punch and just punched you yeah yeah punched you in the chest solar plexus right but from the behind sucker punch me so then I remember both of us then you ran grab yeah you ran then put your shoulder and we went straight into the fridge the fridge hit the wall bounce back and then he grabbed me he got my head up under his arm grab my [ __ ] my pants at the flower barrel and just exploded flower over the I was not pressed if you weren't around no it was a but that was then I got up and said I'm out of here and then I took off and yeah you talked up the road and sat there for thirty minutes when it ran away from home I remember about what cuz the pizza was still there so I needed that Don coming foster watch the whole thing and so he laughs and I was like that idiot you know and I'm out because I was man felt like I had won the fight and Carly said well that's a real fine way for two christians yeah and therefore yeah it kind of convicted me you know I love ya I don't have that was the last fight that was we all remember they burn the granny used to always don't love your brother whom you have seen how can you love God who you had later figured out he wasn't talking about your actual brother no it was right for you but I will say this growing up where we fought a lot I mean I wouldn't trade it it was you know and in fact today you know I'll see kids are a lot softer and and they're not you know they're not right now you do have to get into a different part when Corey and I started dating we're fixing to get married we're playing basketball Christmas Day with the family guys girls and her brother we're playing basketball I'm backing him down I'm posting him up he's shoving me shoving me I just turned around and hit him as hard as I could in the chest with my fist and knocked him on the ground and I said hey quit pushing me when I'm backing that yeah I'm every game we ever play so we go in the house and then they took Cory's mother and then she let me know I'm from the entire family we don't hit each other in this family so then I got in the truck I left again I'm out of here I'm never coming back you know wear a hat Merry Christmas you know I need some counseling well no I couldn't yeah so I stopped hitting people weird is wilanów fault I mean I bet we have a two-year stretch we fought every day but then if somebody was down here that was not family we would always team up yeah we were saying I'm fighting with everyday you know within cousins or some yeah yeah we're partners you know and then the next day I'm fighting him to the death look at what the kids will come and they'd be like oh and we would say let's have a pillow fight maybe I'll that'd be fun you know well Jason I would take the pillow out of the pillowcase and we would shove in their denim blue jeans and shirt hardcore shirts and wad them up into a ball so the first time we hit someone with a pillow fight you would take them off their feet and literally give them a question and so the pillow right we would always take it up another level just to inflict more okay y'all give a new meaning to childhood development and godliness and loving each other and loving God they've given a whole new do what most people don't know so dad you were fully engaged in the duck call but you were starting a business so you either out in the shed or on the road some duck oh this is what was happening what's amazing is nothing neither of y'all your three of you sitting here what's amazing is not one of you add bird not once jumped up in my face and sort of Holly not once I mean so frightened that you has children I'm gonna be honest I'm a little frightened of you right now how where did y'all get that when we started this off happy birthday knock me out one time build duck calls I mean you know just because you weren't you know some of your system of discipline I mean like let's take the one where you had the rule about tearing up equipment I always talk to myself why how is this my fault you know I mean so you bought something cheap because we didn't have much money you know from China and I broke it Oh then I get a whipping this never disrespect your mother yeah good roll three licks would really happen and then that the second one was no fighting switches why scraps y'all atone by the karate but the third thing was good equipment no no glad rule for no good reason right matter cuz you would see a broken and you'd whip us before you got the reason yeah what I love now is I wasn't a donor I realized nobody tears up equipment more than feel yeah so do you feel equipment it's gonna be a full-time person to fix the stuff that he breaks I was thinking more in terms of a handmade Cyprus boat paddle and use that as an instrument to kill a possum and bring my boat a snake I killed a cottonmouth the story that was told was I did you get a weapon for breaking the yes yeah yeah I mean it's a cottonmouth in the boat I killed him sorry I broke your paddle by the weapon for a nightcap a chopping block that's made to chop and I hit it and I got a win for that I was like that was the whole thing would you hit with it I'll just teach it in Jace a lesson I said both paddles are not what you kill snakes with pick up a lamb oh hey stop that but don't pick up a a because of boat paddle when you that was a that was a I just respectfully just now turn 50 use this snake your adrenaline is pumping you you're not thinking oh there's a role here so we got 150 for you the oldest before 15 attaboy 54 and Willie you are have 47 47 47 over all at this point in y'all's life you've all ended up it's a pretty good jack in the bank so so you're raising your own children now yes so what would your own children say about y'all like y'all are referring back to me and Miss K your mama what would your children if you interviewed I'm okay now I mean I've gotten notes from them and so I do see some incur it is different it's totally different a different world different how we raised that that week but we grew up differently financially we grew up differently so it's the experience that we didn't have now we have you got rich kids now we'll have to live now for the peoples got a little bit a little dusty out there in the internet land so how do you raise rich kids properly well because it really is a the same way I mean you point them to Jesus and and you let that get stuck on them but it is different and so you're you know and we have we have more kids and dip with boys and girls I'm it's totally different we're out with a bunch of boys and it was a different but we're a lot like you guys did dust I mean we're still I just want my kids you guys do as well we still guide them in the right path there's still the spiritual so all the things are there you know culture changes but really the heart of it is still the same I think I'm saying the number one thing that trumps everything because I'm thankful that we were poor as kids cuz it did make me you know turn into being a great hunter and I mean we were out there I was thinking I want to catch our places cat because I want to eat it yeah I mean yeah you you you start studying this stuff I'm trying to figure it out but one thing I think that transition through time is that we saw what y'all did in your house with having people over and sharing Jesus I'm being hospitable yeah and I think our kids even though you know they're never they're always going to struggle with appreciating the smaller things in life because it they take it for granted I think what goes on in your house trumps everything they see you know I mean it miss you know were you know Heather knock-down-drag-out every other day about whatever or you know foul language or yeah that you see that but you know we're we're doing the same thing you have people in your home you're sharing Jesus you're being hospital but even though there's been success I will say this Willie growing up was always he had a project going yeah always some project he was burning something he was building something he was a big yard man he's a yard man so it's funny now watching him at 47 he has several businesses and yet he's always got a prod you still that way you know your attic loops run he's the manager now so he has my job so I'm out there did y'all run through that thing by the way there's some 1,000 we just had our hunting and fishing camp our first year so we had that out there but I'm still burning I'm and we had this conversation though that they actually started because I feel so we're talking about another person that's in my family won't name who that is but I said what that is not normal and I said well lease feels normal now that's the statement I make at least feels norm I meant mentally oh man you talk about some backlash your dad's not normal he's not me you might not agree but at least he's normal so then it started this whole debate on what is normal and I said well I'm normal oh then they're like well you ain't normally there and I'm like what is your sigh you're not normal I'm not so we were going through what normal what normal means and because he said normal but like for what I do I'm out there every day I pick up sticks all the time I'm burning I got and my so my friends thought that wasn't normal but I said well that's what I want to do but it does bring me back and reminds me of being down here working in the yard cuz I work with granny cuz Phil was not a yard guy you know I don't mow my grass the frost will get it and all that kind of trash everywhere you know and so it was embarrassing and so I wanted to clean it up cuz granny taught me that that was great and I still remember kay pulled up in the yard and I had a big fire I me as big as my truck and I was four years old and Kate shootin me out was like what he'd and I said I'm the fire is under total control actually have a place right well just right down the hill from here and remember lady when I was a kid so and it does I don't remember the last time that all without Jeff that'd be the fourth one and but three of you sitting here talking about the old time this is the first time birthday you know Missy did that she went through those guys but I thought about all those guys that was on the video today in the in the birthday tribute all of those guys they broke a family legacy that was bad you know I just noticed that with each one of those yeah that's what they all says and you know we're talking about Abraham and we've been going through this and I thought that story and Joshua popped in my head where he said you know as for me and my house we will serve the Lord right awesome statement yeah but I think that's really what it's about I mean even though it was volatile when we were young that transition that happened in and you and Cays life I mean it it changed our legacy you know you don't ill you pass it on you look at all the the people you know coming to Jesus over I think the same elements are there like you said grow up we have people in our homes all the time we're still preaching Jesus that we have stories and I think Jase is that was a cool thing watching those people because that's happening I had a guy stopped by a camp joke of their day I'm out there burning guy walks up dressed real nicely he said do you remember me he was out there when I was out there working at Camp G ok he said you influenced my life and what I'm doing I have two kids and I said you baptized me right there and I totally forgotten how many years was he talking about they're probably 20 years ago yeah 20:29 and he said you bet totally forgot I didn't remember his night but I totally forgot I baptized him but I think it's cool when you forget even the good things you know I mean I think it's you know when you have a lot of sinful things you're like oh yeah I forgot I did that nap but when the good things come back and people remind you and go hey man you you were there in my life and we've already even forgot what I forgot about that and so when you plant those seeds water those seeds and Larry Hooper every father's day sends me a Father's Day happy Father's Day and it's because you were part of that too when he was a camp he had a terrible relationship with his family nothing and so Willie would he'd stay after camp worker Willie out of camp and then I had some spiritual influence but he's never forgotten that so every father's day I'm reminded someone's like now he's mary has three children you know and at the time he was an aimless kid without anything so it is interesting and dad that was from your mom I mean you guys taught us that in hospitality and who we are so evidently I've been mistaken over the last 70 years and now I've come to understand after talking to three of my grown children I'm actually not normal after all [Music] I do have something here I did I brought J surprise oh oh really feels already gave me as present but oh yeah I'm sure yeah he knocked the wind out of me when they pat me on the back hey happy birthday here's Jace's present what is this what does it mean it's a so you can't itself you're listening it's a bundle it's a bundle I'm just gonna get one he's gonna get one [ __ ] he's opening it now ladies and gentlemen small envelope it looks like furry one is a $50 vehicle it's a $50 bill there's another one pretty thick star whoo that's a lot of 50s potentially now we have a $50 bill in the stack there's 50 $50 bills happy birthday it please yeah STIs 10 but it's users 50 10 what is that [Laughter] [Music] put your hands here that's what I couldn't so now I will truly say all this night and I thought there's gonna be I'm gonna win this amount of money and so but that didn't happen I that was a more of an investment last night so happy birthday the bank and try to get 50 50 s it's a little I've been on the earth 73 years I never thought I would see a little birthday present to the tune of 2500 ground on this house come to find out I went to charity I turn it loose of 2502 so we're gonna have you back next January or my birthday I mean you have given me a Hondo I know the audience would think this is kind of a little bit rude but I will say when Winnie he was a CEO because he was taken over the candy business at the junior high I said he's a man get good get emk he's all I wanted ought to run it so he goes up and he tells his mama he says listen before it's over just tell field my dad that they called me feel not bad they I don't know where that kept track he said tail feel before this is over I'll send him a check for a million dollars if I run this thing well a few year or two later miss Kay come in and said remember what Willy told you that he's gonna give you a million dollar check I said yeah I heard that bull I said a million dollars she hands me this shake and I looked at her 1 million dollars of course I'm looking to make sure it's all finished you know I said boy there how do you eat my ought to be the CEO he tells K to get Willy get Willy [Music] coming up Willie you got to come back we'll talk about the bowel next time because only that's what we do on the bike guys but I don't know that I've had more fun than I've had today that we sat down memory lane I learned a lot we want to hear some comments from you have questions what you got going on we're gonna dedicate a future episodes are just finding out what you want us to talk about or some questions you have we talked a lot about the Bible so do that tune in let other people know under shame with Phil Robertson so we're so glad you guys were with us today you can subscribe on iTunes or Spotify or YouTube or Facebook and be sure and rate us on iTunes so that other people can know about the podcast you
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 695,851
Rating: 4.931963 out of 5
Keywords: forgiveness, salvation, christian, bible, study, bible study, BlazeTV, Phil, Jase, al, Robertson, Phil Robertson, duck commander, duck, commander, hunt, hunting, duck hunting, author, writer, America, soul, Jesus, willie, redneck, childhood, fighting, dynasty, duck dynasty
Id: fk4gp0GEQ1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 1sec (3661 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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