How Jase Robertson Became Unashamed | Ep 1

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I punish a what about you welcome everyone to the inaugural this is the first the inaugural unashamed podcast with Phil Robertson we got our Robertson the famously beardless brother is what I'm known for which is kind of interesting I'm the only person in America that's introduced as beardless but that's because of you guys and then we got Jase here who is one of our one of our regulars here on the unashamed podcast Jase gonna drop in from time to time give us some his wisdom I had to be here and and of course the the star of our show Phil Robertson who who you guys have probably been following blaze TV this is a new beginning for us you know and we're coming to you from our command center the unashamed command center which is just up the road from where we grew up then we're at mom and dad's to live by the way this is the same house that we grew up in as well so you know that been 40 yeah 40 years later 40 years well you realize it was it was the summer of 1976 we drove right down the road right here just outside of where we're at today dirt road dirt road Jase you were you were about to turn seven years old yeah I remember cuz feel as soon as we taught the hill he said we'll take it yeah we didn't make it to the house he just saw that was a fantastic view here that we have outside the window we're kind of up on the hill on the high ground which these days is a good thing I was 11 dad do you realize you were 30 years old when we first younger than JEP young that much young in the gym he's facing be 40 our roots were simple it's a bummer that they've now the microbe hunters the microbe hunters of America there they came up with now and this is scary you mentioned you were beard LaSalle they've now proven that man's men's whiskers are or have more microbes and germs in them than it then dog's hair where'd you read that I heard the same thing I saw it yesterday I said that's all of it and they had a lot of people with beard they mentioned duck dynasty and us during the conversation yeah the beard you're wearing Jase contains more microbes but then the higher around a dog's butt so I just want to let you know that and look they said a picture of the three beers and one of them was dad's beard one of those my beers dad's beer yeah that's a bummer well that's that's that's what I'm telling you so feeling pretty good about it you know I mean keeps your face warm it protects your face from the Sun nobody tries to mug you you got it a certain age and the hair just started coming out of your face what do you do or you was it put there we were we're we're creationists we believe God made the cosmos and mankind yeah women not too much hair coming out of their face with me and a lot of hair did he put it there to be shaved off or did he put it there for protection whatever the microbe on her say I'm just saying me and most of them have hair coming out of their face for a reason it's great camouflage just think of the money that you have saved in your lifetime and I'm 72 and whatever microbes are in my beard evidently they're not fatal so I'm still here you can lay down with an old Labrador Retriever and same stuff going on there yep both ways oh yeah yeah I was trying to figure out what you read that cuz you don't get on the Internet you don't have a cellphone Fox News one of the sisters season want to come up whether she wasn't buying it too much but the dude with her you know you know what's his name in the RORO RORO he he came here with no facial hair and he still to that I don't know who all these people hi well I don't know that much about him but that's what they said so I don't know beards are good I guess if you if you like microbes I guess that's another reason why I'm beardless I didn't know that but that's pretty good so so a lot of people ask us you know it's hard to believe that the show has been off air now for two years duck dynasty and that's what kind of put us out there in the in the mainstream so to speak people knew who we were which kind of brought the beards out there so my people asked what do you guys do now you know that we don't do that so Jason tell them tell folks what you're into these days when years removed I travel around the country not every weekend but a lot of the weekends and I give a duck call demonstration some of them for a nominal fee some of them for free but then I shared Jesus I was just last weekend in marilla New York Marilla New York I found something fascinating that I did not know this is breaking knees I found a group of rednecks in New York there is still hope for the United States of America I thought you'd like that look the population was like 650 and there were 500 there so I mean this the whole town came out to Marilla but actually you know a lot of these people I think it was the first time they were introduced to Jesus because the last thing they thought they were gonna hear me talk about was Jesus they just thought oh a dynasty dude he's gonna tell some jokes and blow some coals yeah and so at the end I was like if any of y'all you know I laid out my presentation I made the case for for Jesus and about 35 to 40 pretty much bum-rushed the stage and said we're in so that was kind of exciting Jase there's still hope for the country there is I got involved in the stock market you know I had some money in there by the way if you'd move south and given that same speech and in the metropolitan part of New York New York City yeah it's like seven hours from New York seven hours if you'd move south seven hours and you'd given that that speech to the political figures or leadership of New York City what do you think that a bum rush the stage alright I might have got a little resistance but I don't know so they're repenting and coming to Jesus in the northern part of New York yeah but if you move South were down in the metropolitan areas it would be at the risk of your life possibly to preach Jesus his death and resurrection do you they had a lot of security around but we didn't need it but you know I really liked that play I mean it was a place I could live I could live there they were into turkey hunting and you know dad and I spoken Buffalo's or outside of a great response there - exactly it was packed yeah I landed in Buffalo right then well so we were in that saying I was there a total of about eight hours I viewed after we left there out I viewed New Yorker the New Yorkers once you see the northern part and the people away from the metropolitan air in New York City once you meet them you say you know what they're like you said there's good people everywhere it's right there's my almond sense down-to-earth hard-working P and you feel sorry for him because they're like us in Louisiana most people only think of Louisiana is New Orleans like it's New Orleans and then every satellite around that and that's not really true at all I mean our culture here in our state is totally different so that they're bound because we were there they just passed more gun laws which in it's all aimed at the city but these poor hunters and all the people are the ones you met they're having to suffer well the biggest applause I got is when I made a reference to that I think they said what is your favorite gun and I went through a little spiel about you know it's basically you know the human heart causing the problems you know instead of the gun well they all stood up cheered so I thought well these these guys up here so legislated they can't even these are hunters you know I gave a deal on the podcast the other day and I discussed the fact that if you take the United states in totality and the the individuals who have arms who are well-armed high-powered rifles ar-15 and all of those things and they made the point someone did and they gave it to me and I looked at it in other words America has an armed populace a standing army if you will of individuals there's seven hundred thousand deer hunters in Pennsylvania of six hundred and something thousand in Wisconsin and Minnesota you're like this thing turns into a a the largest army armed men in this world there and if you add a Louisiana of going across the South all the individuals who are armed his point was some guy did a little blurb on it that if someone did attack us us being as armed as we are we would be a bone to beat you know on the ground on the ground I told him that New York I said look and where I'm from burglary is not a problem because these people would go boom boom who's there yeah I mean yeah you don't everyone's armed here because they're hunters don't be scratching on my windows pulling a joke it's been three o'clock in the morning don't do that no but it's the truth they'll be they all out but it's when you take all the guns away then with people with evil intent or people you know with mental illness they now have literally a bunch of sitting ducks you know where I am down here the scenario would unfold somewhat like this the dogs would bark your guard dogs they would bark there's no way to get in here without the dogs barking once the dogs bark that's it's already everybody's already locked unless your early warning that's the early warning and the alert and you can distinguish the bark is that a raccoon or is that a person we got down to is that mark Jimmy red yeah or is that someone else if they have a Jimmy red local redneck bar but when somebody they don't know from some other place there's a distinct bar and and I'm thinking this is not good what are they doing down there and if you look over at your clock is two o'clock in the morning so it's dog mark you wait and then there's either someone harmless that identifies himself or there's gunfire yeah yeah well that's yes that's why that people don't scratch around on one but that and that's part of the whole idea behind our podcast is the way of life there's and there's a lot of people in America the same way I mean they grew up in the woods they grew up on the farm their mind says exactly the same as we are and yet if you just got it through television or media where it was just big-city thinking you never even know any of this not you completely foreign but a Finnish month what people forget is we do live in some dangerous times yep and there's a lot of mass shootings for no reason at all except the evil one getting in people shooting up concerts it just breaks your heart yes absolutely yeah and these these people were not aware that just affixing happened and they're not prepared all we're saying is look if you're prepared god forbid that you never have to use your weapon but at least you're prepared and it is more difficult for for the people who are armed to suffer armed robbery burglary and murder in a scene basically that's the answer people call people with guns to come help those are the police that's correct but to finish my thought what I'm into I'm still still work at duck commander we came out with a new call and just this past week but I'm just not in there everyday building duck calls you know I'll tell Willie I was like that's over I will come in when there's a problem I will help design some calls but advice and counsel yeah I said if you want to fire me fine but he is like no good so I'm liking that new position there I got involved in the stock market and you know I just didn't realize that was going on I had money in the stock market and I didn't take note till I look you know they have what they call if I saw y'all walking down the road Jase yeah you just wouldn't it wouldn't appear to me just observing you you know you were mistaken as a homeless man when you went into the Trump time yeah Trump Tower Hotel and I couldn't blame him they escorted you out of the building I'm just saying if I saw you walk by I wouldn't think this guy is big in the stock market I had some money in there and I would just look at the reports that would give me because they have what they call wealth managers they said well thank your manager yeah they're always you know patting you on the back and saying long-term blue skies and rainbows this kind of stuff you know they'll take you and play golf you know and they're sending you a little gift packs all the holidays and so I figured they're making some money here but I kept looking at the reports and that they all had a negative mark masada and I thought I thought the point of this was to make money from the money I give you so anyway I got involved and they were like hey it's your money if you want to get involved took me about two minutes two months to learn it and then I started now I'm into it you know I've been into it I guess about four months and they just offered me a job so mr. bearded redneck you done in the middle of nowhere you got a little cash plan run they won't hire you Jase that's what they said I mean all it's pretty much high-stakes poker how and we're living in some strange time Jay's the finance of the wealth manager hey I know more about corporate America in the last four months then I knew my entire life put together before that well you need to explain it today because you know well you say stock market to Daddy I'm just saying if some of these big big stock market types you know all these financial gurus are attempting to give Jase a job yeah we could be in trouble in America you know what I'm saying no just the opposite okay maybe you come in from that whole different perspective and it may be you're fearless and you're not greedy and you don't panic you can do this but if you don't if you have any of those qualities if you get anxious or nervous or you get scared when you see something or you have panic tendencies so you're gonna get in the stock market you go in with nerves of steel nerves of steel when everybody's selling you're buying maybe that's why all these billionaires you see that the interview every one of them seemed a little weird no weirdness somehow you gotta be a little we are more clear that up for you the rate see they're kind of cheating they had money when they win in it so they don't make that greater decisions they just keep dumping money in there and at some point they have so much money when they hit on something billions of dollars I got to say you know they're not really playing fair but for the rest of us you better make good decisions and not panic yeah you can't panic so so that's what Jase has been up to what about what about you dad you're down here on the aisle on the side of the river but you're still making a cultural impact as I said well what happened was with the reality show and the people from New York City and Los Angeles California the the film crew and they and he and all of that without us really realized they I did bring it up before we ever agreed to do the show I told you all you if you remember I said I don't think a bunch of rednecks shooting ducks I don't think that people in America was going to watch that I said they don't even want you to kill a squirrel lady and I agreed with you yeah yeah I said however I said you got a need to remember we were discussing do we do this they've offered it they said we want to want to film your family a functional family just you know stab in the dark here shot the dark so I said guys I was talking to y'all I said I don't think it'll work rednecks shooting ducks I mean you know they got these you know a few little things you see I said however if the almighty is behind it and he's the instigator of it and he sent this boats down here to film us I said with the fame that will come from it I said he could be providing us a platform and if he's behind it it'll go ballistic well I said but y'all make the call I'm whatever you think so you all talked it over and said dad let's go for it so coming out of that was the platform that was provided for us to give people the good news about Jesus and tell them we need to go back to the old ways like the founders said hold on to your religion and your morality will therefore stay intact and you'll be a virtuous nation which we should be you know right thinking correct moral excellence we need to get back to the old ways that we were founded on we made plenty of mistakes we always going to make mistakes we're fallible but the bottom line is loving God and loving your neighbor is basically what we're holding to so what came out of the TV show it provided us a platform we're basically telling America look are asking America what's what's the downside would loving God and loving each other right I mean we have life and immortality offered to us through what God did through Jesus life and immortality you would think and all's required as you love him look what he's done for you when you love each other for the life of me everyone I've ever asked do you have a better story and what's the downside to that they all look at me whether they're left-wing right-wing atheists agnostics they always look and say mmm you got a point I mean you know it's is there a downside to living God loving each other and life and immortality is at stake at least we have a chance so I hope that God's given us so I don't see the downside to it so therefore I went to Houston first a couple of weeks ago spoke there at a men's meeting make better husbands fathers which we really need and brothers so I spoke to them first I went on up to Dallas had about two days full days of interviews whether it be a radio television podcast I met people like what's the guy that was on fox news for a while but Glenn Beck Glenn Beck like Glenn Beck and some of them might a greater how you did chat Prather traitors that's why it's gonna say you just wrote your third book wrote the third book so wait interviewing that the left of America sold trying to get people I blame the devil and it's biblical or what has happened to all the empires they rot from with the end the evil one takes over they rise to great heights then they fall most of them are just piles of rubble and I'm where I was basically telling them will they end up the same way unless there's a repentance turning toward God so we did that and lo let me say your first two books were really good this book I think this is out the reason it's excellent I mean we don't we don't give compliments easily but I have recommended that book I mean it's really you know what's interesting Jace is that the the book idea started with with dad me and Zach having a conversation after Trump got elected we saw people's it looked like they're just their heads were exploding yeah because they couldn't believe that Trump had gotten elected and then we just we were watching this and we were saying man this what's happened in the country is like is turned into this different thing different place so at that genesis of that through a couple of years of working on the book came out with the theft of America so and in the end result to me was far greater than the beginning because it was much more about just one election when President it was a big it's out Stan and I liked it because somehow another you captured your softer side if they're I mean people are they will be surprised in a good way and you were real vulnerable in the book I just I just I think it was really well we were so je suis we were promoting the book we went to New York first and then we went over to Harrisburg PA to NRA event and so we're on we drove you know because it's about a two-hour drive and so we're driving along and had a driver to take us over mom and dad me and Lisa and I get a call unknown on my cell phone I answer it and this woman says this is madeline from the white house is your father available to speak to the president I would have just hung up at that moment well it's you know they told us that they may be calling so it wasn't like I wouldn't expect it may happen but still when you're actually there yeah so he happens to be right here so I passed the phone back to dad who's in the back seat you know and so dad waits a minute there's a mr. pres you know and then they have like you know what ten-minute conversation where president Trump you know said that dad was one of the wisest men he knows and the impact he's making on the country and it was really it was it was for me it was surreal because I start about here we are you know coming to you from the unashamed you know podcast command center on the side of the river where we grew up and we came down here 45 years ago yeah and now you're riding along and the president United States you know it's calling you on it's you know I mean yeah it was pretty powerful which tells you if the president would call some Joker like me Danny on the riverbank you can better believe he is a man of the people yeah or he wouldn't give me you know 30 seconds of his time so that told me a lot about the president who is in charge right now well and I felt better about it I put it that way and the idea behind the book which was the ideas that as a people if we can't return to some sense of godliness that began us I mean we will be destroyed which is basically the point the strongest think Donald Trump has going for him is that he is at least very conscious conscious of a God in heaven right so he is not anti God anti religion and up until he showed up it seemed like most what else was you Jonah I'm saying well we personally know because you know of course Jason will your friends with da jr. and you know I've known the family and he's Suneetha this before but we know dad because of influential people men of God who have been that God has put around the president yeah and to have those conversations including you yeah about who God is and what he means to our to our culture so I mean we know that that's being done you know and so that's a good crazy is how I met Don jr. was over me getting kicked out of that hotel the Trump Hotel really well cuz you know I was doing media there high you know dynasty in your hotel and you're kicking them out so you know a twenty five hundred bucks a night you know you need to be careful who you run out of that I mean I was in there five minutes and so he's like sends me an email and says next time you're in New York will take care of you I didn't know what that meant but I wanted to see what we like me we won't run you out of the building the next time and so the next time I go I sent him an email and he's like but do you play golf I was like yep and I said well here I got you set up at two of our nicest venues you know and he said we'll we'll stop by and have lunch with you they had it all mapped out I was like hey I'm in so I got there well we kind of hit it off because my daughter was born with a cleft lip and palate and what intrested them this is way before his dad becomes president yeah he's like I don't know if you knew this I didn't I don't think he said it quite this way but they're basically one of the largest contributors to kids charities with the same issue you know different charities uh I don't know all the names of them but kids born with some form of clearly up and pay yeah so that's why he reached out to me oh I've heard the story about your daughter you know yeah I hate that you know you got kicked out of our hotel we play golf then he's like he's also a hunter so he's like when you gonna take me Duck gun cuz there's not a lot of ducks you know in New York so I take him duck hunting and I was so impressed I mean this guy can shoot a shotgun oh yeah Gunners that I've ever hunted with I took that as a really good sign oh that's a very good chance you can't fake that the first bunch that came in was three and I thought I'm just gonna let him shoot see what happens I say cut him he went and bought all three of them just voted that's when you said Donald Trump represses I thought that's a good sign there as a duck gunner out though we need this guy in here selfishly when then early in the in 2016 we had Zack you know had Ted Cruz come down and hunt with and I sat next to Cruz I never picked my gun up that he never cut a fish yeah cuz he would shoot and when he me us and he'd watch me hit him and he would say you're a very good shot well yeah he didn't pull a side so by the way so I go up there and you said where did you end up last week I ended up in Nashville Tennessee the last four or five days ago from Houston to Dallas for a few days and then you have spending this time talking to him about the book ended up in Nashville and we had met Huckabee Mike Huckabee before we're down there when he was running for president and we'd done a couple events with so I met him again and he had talked to some of y'all's side been in a he's a good man he is yeah godly man yes so I did his show which was pretty cool and uh so the bottom line is you know preach the gospel everywhere I was his show and all the rest of them combined you know so I ended up back down here we're back down hill in the river and now we're sitting here next to the rising River with rain falling and we're back on Jesus and we're doing a podcast right which is really and just you know for our audience you know you're launching out with us and kind of wanna let you know what we have planned we we of course will talk about things that are going on our lives current things things of the past things that are interesting the reason that you probably tuned in and watched us or have followed our family which were very humbled by that by the way we don't take that lightly you know that people are blessed and I was just in Georgia myself at least and I've been doing a lot of traveling we've written three books and now we got a new one coming out called desperate forgiveness June the fourth so if you want to check that out on Amazon and get you a pre-order in that'd be great but you know we just met I met a woman we were signing books you know at the end the event and she said you know I was I was down I think she had had a some kind of surgery and so she was down for a while and I've heard this over and over and over and over again across the country and she said duck dynasty is what got me through that difficult period in my life and I've heard this hundreds of times there's somebody had lost somebody somebody dies somebody that you know they were in the hospital they were and the show just was this sort of show that lifted their spirits which is really interesting because when you're doing something like that we're in the weeds of Jase more than more than us you and I dad but he and Willie and Korie I mean they were you know you're trying to make it something decent and you know - you're always having the tension of people wanting to push you where you don't want to go but you don't kind of realize that it while that's going beaming out there it's having a huge impact on people because and it wasn't a it wasn't a religious show and a preachy show it was just a fun show but it was there was something obvious about the family and how we felt about each other and kind of how we every episode pulled it together at the end of course the prayer was the huge you know signal that we were godly people you know and and that's what I hear the most you know from hell it's kind of sad that you're in a situation now we're just having a prayer on TV is some needle moving moment right you know but a lot of people like can you believe they're actually praying on TV and so we're simply trying to implement biblical principles and put them in the hearts of which are all good yeah by the way yep well and in our fellow man hoping that these principles once applied at the centerpiece love God love your neighbor to keep this from becoming hell on earth because without God it gets hellish in a hurry anyway you want to slice it well and that's you said it earlier that the the duck dynasty built us a platform all of us and now individually we're able to go and do sort of the things that you know maybe matter most to us I mean Jason Missy crochets goes and speaks and just on behalf of the Almighty from from the Bible but also what they've been able to do with Mia and Mia mu and all the things they've done me that's a platform you know for them Willie and Korie it's more about adoption they do a lot of humanitarian stuff they you know help one now all these great things they're ever do but they're building orphanages all over the world I mean that's their thing miss Kay works with all the women who have had abortions and they and she does a lot of speaking engagements on why he should give birth to your children your sons and daughters and love them so we reach in the full gamut oh yeah and then like my wife I mean Missy she has we have the Mia mu which is turned into quite the yeah a charity it's incredible but she also has this business called Lebanon where she takes women that are coming out of prison and sex trafficking and all these types of deals and you know when they get out they the one she's working with other charity organizations where these women who are trying to change their life she gives them a job and they make jewelry no of course the more money they make the more women they are but uh you know you can imagine doing that for the last couple of years the problems and the toughness that comes out of that but you know you see these women who are transformed and it is an awesome thank you you end up I'll and the impact for good Peter was discussing Jesus when he first arrived said do you know what's happened this isn't about Acts chapter 10 about 30 or so in there and Peter highlighted two things he did he you remember how Jesus went around which meaning which means it wasn't like going to a structure the temple he's turning over tables and chairs at the temple because they made it a money-making enterprise he was going around hey went around Peter said doing good and healing all those who runs the power of the devil well if you look carefully of what we do that's precisely what we do we'll go around we do good and we point people to Jesus so they can be delivered from the evil one yes so so we're not ashamed to do it which is kind of the point here today that's why I was ashamed so when I speak to audiences I have a picture of the last night that we filmed duck dynasty remember the clip show we were at Willie's house so there's a picture that one of the crew took of us all sitting there kind of a stately looking deal we're all you know there's your mom and all of our kids and our family yeah you were there yeah it was it was the last thing we did and the crew took the shot I don't hold things like a blur to me I don't know how you remember well your stock market got now so that's what happened but I have to show you the pictures it's an awesome picture so when I show that to an audience I can see the recognition in their faces they're like oh yeah that's that's the fan that's the ones we love right there you multi-generational faith I mean there's Reid and Cole and Sadie and all that you know three generations of people doing it and so I said this is a family you love right hey they clap you know and then I pop in a picture of mom and dad me and Jase Jase you were about I was seven so you were about three and moms pregnant with Willie you can tell she's got a maternity top on so and you don't have a beard and you were twenty something years old so then I popped that picture him and I said this family had no idea that they would ever become the other family but it happened through transformation then I tell the story of how first mom was transformed in you and then us and then how how God built that journey and so I always tell them you know I know son money sitting in this audience is that first family and you're thinking how can we make it you know are we gonna be split up or whatever and sidon if it's not you you know somebody like that it's one of your kids it's one of your grandkids that's one of your friends your neighbors so then I tell the story of Christ and so to me I think that's what has built what we're gonna be doing this podcast is 40 plus years now of trusting in God that you can be transformed and so in what happened with us it was the Bible really you know first the gospel and then the Bible that has done that for all the ones the naysayers who say it was just dog luck we're sitting here saying we considered to be a blessing from God and their direction for a family group to go so it's one of the other if it was luck dog luck that's a lot of luck because all I had to say me I mean you both of you or I would consider gifted at speaking but when you think about unashamed and we all told about what we did we go around and speak my number-one fear as a kid was public speaking you know in the ninth grade I took a class called speech I thought it helped you enunciate English words they said no you get up in front of the class and give speeches I said oh I'm out of here I got walked out and the teacher said sir where are you going I said no I'm this is the wrong class for me she's like nobody drops my class and I just kept walking and she said you might as well go walk straight to the principal I said that's where I'm headed and I walk there I was like I gotta get out of this class here's what what's the problem I was like I don't get up and speak in front of people I'm out on that and he's like nope you're gonna take that class and so then I thought the only thing I got the only thing I could think of I was like do you like crappie and he said what do you mean crappie I said the fish he said I love copy trade-off coming yeah I said well I can have you two bags of fresh fillets tomorrow if you get man let me out of this class he looked up he said are you serious I said yes you got his attention he said you're out of the class I'll get you another one he said but I got a question for you cause it was that easy can you pick ducks I said oh I can pick them he's well I need me a duck picker but when the winner gets here I said I mean just get me out of the class so anyway make a long story short I was never you think what I do now I'm I spoke last night you heard me at our church yeah you know what happened and when I became a Christian a follower of Jesus at 14 I had seen your life change and my whole view of being a Christian was just not doing wrong kind of like Moses I'm not your man I'm not your man to speak up about this so I'll go to high school first two years and I just tried to survive but you know as hard as I tried I still made mistakes and I wasn't running with them but I just had a boring lonely life because I wasn't there gonna speak up so now you ended up like Jeremiah what said I just can't King holiness didn't know what to do you know and I was stressed out about it and I was praying about it because I'd read the verses and talk about all this courage and boldness and you know take a stand and be God's spokesman I was like I do not like to speak in front of people and so one night I get a phone call and back then it was when the phones were mounted to the walls you know yet man still is yeah well there you go when's the last time you had a call on that yeah so I answered and they just sit there and I is like hello hello like it's a prank caller I could hear movement so I knew it was some I was like hello and I was fixing to hang up and I thought Here I am struggling with sharing my faith and being bold and I got a person calling not say anything so it just hit me I said you know what I'm gonna do this I'm glad you called you don't have to say a word but I want to share something with you I mean the person on the other end the line never said a word never said a word and look so I get my Bible out and I'm all nervous and I start into it you know I start trying to share my faith because I thought this is be good practice for me to get out of this fear of public speaking and be out ever opportunity to hang it up and look you know what you know what happened they didn't hang up and I went on for almost three hours and they just listen and I could hear the pages rustling so I know they gotta Bob when they listen and I'd like to have a happy ending to that and you know they're finally I got tired I was like look I gotta go that's all find out who it was but look it transformed my life because I thought what else could I have talked about because all I did was share Jesus and what I had just you know done two years earlier plus there was a little bit of safety all they had to do is hang up all I do is hang up and the longer they went on the more excited and passionate I got cuz I thought the bolder you got the bolder I got and and after that night which by the way when we hung up I said call back tomorrow night and we'll I'll see if I can come up with some new material and they did so often through it again but I went back to that school and I said I'm not gonna be quiet anymore I'm getting past that I mean this is not about me it's you had a moment yes I had a moment and went in and we were you graduate high school and then you were 19 I was 23 yeah when we went to preaching school I mean so you were young oh I was young I was one of the few that went through high school you know following Jesus I mean most plates as many as you converted and you had I'll both but through the year after that that timeframe that person might have been one of them that you well that's right and it could have been but what I learned is Jesus and what he offers is so powerful and it's so real it gets people's attention and then when I started telling my buddies I mean cuz look I was with the wrong crowd I just wasn't doing what they were dissipated but I was with all the hunters and fishermen they were getting drunk every night smoking dope you know and chasing the wildest women known to man and we're telling me about it making fun of me because I thought my you talk about it now al Jase talks about when he came to me his dad you know what most people don't realize the question was asked dad what are STDs oh boy and I looked down at him I said what are STDs yeah I said have a seat here son yeah you go through all this graphic detail about you know rotting flesh and running Jenna yes I mean look Here I am he's like let me tell you at the end I'll never forget this line at that when you got finished you said here's the bottom line keep that thing in your pocket and you want it to worry about it to get married and I thought oh boy of course I was eight Jase to this day Jase did he keep you from being immoral to you married Missy I tell you this evolving thinks I've made that was one thing I got right and it wasn't me it was cuz you know one you scared me after death - I'd put my faith trusting God but three I came up with a system that that kept me out of that which was on the first date they would get in the car and I'd say look before this goes on here's the deal I love Jesus I want to go to heaven and I'm looking for a woman that'll help me get there if you don't want any part of that you can leave now is giving you a mate from the heaven my wife when I gave that speech she was the only one that said well that's right up my alley and so then I said if I ever put my hand on you in an inappropriate way I want you to stop me which cuz I figured now that I'll just tell her that it'll it'll you know help me along the way and look about a year later she said hey you're you know remember that little speech oh okay I got ya so this is uh so today our inaugural run on unashamed gave it a little bit of background as to who we are and why we're here and we're excited about the journey that we're going to be going on it's a journey through the Word of God through through life changes we talked about today through hopefully things that will impact your life at a direct level and we're hoping that you'll get other people to listen in because we want people to know what we're talking about and so well we'll continue this next time on ashame Jase will be back with us next time and so uh we have old Dan the butler in the unit will too when we get him on here we'll explain him he's gonna be sitting in with us as well he's dads and moms right-hand man I know this how I'll leave the elders with this today being unashamed of the Father Son and Holy Spirit living a godly life in Christ Jesus and pointing others to do the same thing I'll if you cut it and slice it any way you want to but it has paid rich dividends across the board that's right nothing but blessings came out of being unashamed for us and a lot of others out there yeah and I you know my friends that I share with in high school they didn't immediately respond but as the years went by when they got into trouble when they knew there was no hope you know who they call they called me over that one little speech I gave them which shows you yo this if you're gonna be unashamed this is the thing Jesus in particular to be unashamed about so check it out we'll try to do it again we'll do a little bit better next time see you later so we're so glad you guys were with us today you can subscribe on iTunes or Spotify or YouTube or Facebook and be sure and rate us on iTunes so that other people can know about the podcast
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 388,533
Rating: 4.9412341 out of 5
Keywords: Faith, Family, Phil Robertson, Al Robertson, Jase Robertson, Phil, Jase, Al, Robertson, Duck Dynansty, Duck Commander, Hunting, Outdoors, Christian Lifestyle, Christian, Christianity, Religion, Bible
Id: 1IFln-p5UVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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