Phil Robertson: God In Culture (LIFE Today complete program)

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the following program is sponsored by friends of Life outreach international you're going to enjoy our guest I'm telling you very very much but I want to say thank you all of our military representatives on Memorial weekend thank you for the love that you literally extended to all of us for the sake of freedom god bless you thanks to you and your family and those who gave their lives that we might have life and have freedom god bless you this weekend [Music] I'm James Robertson Bedi and I welcome you life today Robertson is our guest Phil Robertson that's not mine I'm not Robertson I've been called Robertson Robertson Robinson Robinson its Robinson we're no relation this is Robertson okay but we're actually family we're actually brothers we actually have a wonderful father and our families have been touched by the love of that father and it's been transformative in our lives and everybody we've been able to talk to it well Phil is here the duck dynasty family the one who really was in a mess and yet got it straight and he impacted everybody around him in the family now he's impacting people all over the world and the first time I saw him they were family and they were just down and real and it just blessed me and I am thrilled we've had most of the family here now we got the guy that inspired a lot of what's going on and he would admit he made few mistakes along the road that were glad that the Lord covered but God lifted him up and really set their feet on a solid rock and this book the theft of America's soul blowing the lid off the lies that are destroying our country the father of lies who is the great deceiver and divider and destroyer the murderer that is the one that's manipulating too much in our country this man understands that and he knows the truth it changes everything would you welcome Phil Robertson to life today you know this picture looks like you are either praying or meditating because I know you're not duck hunting you can't duck hunt like that you gotta look here but I mean that's a very reflective look that doesn't look unnatural it looks super natural to me I know you I know you pray what do you hope that America will take from this book and what God's put on your heart well how difficult could it be if it were not for the evil one how difficult could it be to love God and love each other you would think well that's doable but you look at us and you say maybe not it's enter the evil one father of lies jesus said father of murder I mean he masquerades as a child of light he controls human beings he literally entrapped some enslaves them you know enters them if you look at it logically you say what in the world happened to America the same thing that happened to all the other empires the Empire's rise they go down you you read the New Testament it's written to the Roman Empire you say by the way what happened to them it's nothing but a pile of rubble you say well the greatest power on earth you're not since they did not think it worth while to retain the knowledge of God God gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not to be done they become filled with every kind of wickedness evil greed and depravity they are full of envy murder if you just looked at the murder rate on what America how they killed their own children at the rate they killed them mass shootings unborn children the only innocent I'm thinking a gift from God that's your sons your daughters yep therefore when Satan enters the equation I mean think about it father of murder this is a message we've heard from the beginning John the Apostle said he goes back 5,000 years this is a message we've heard from the beginning we should love one another do not be like Cain he brought him up like he was there yesterday he went back 5,000 years when they weren't before for human beings on planet Earth I had a me Cain and Abel you say four people and they can't get along so much so don't be like Cain but listen to this who belonged to the evil one him no and murdered his brother you notice and when you read the account over in Genesis where it happened he said why is your face downcast why are you angry so he's faces downcast his ties were bad and his brothers were good so he had jealous in his heart he's mad God said sin is crouching at your door and it desires to have you 5,000 years later John the Apostle is writing about it he said don't be like Cain who murdered his brother he why did he murder him he murdered him because his own actions were evil and his brothers were righteous what's amazing is that's a long time before a gunpowder was invented gunpowder came along in 1200 ad you're like my goodness six thousand years earlier it didn't even record on the first murder I know love that there ever was the first recorded murder in history I guess you say isn't it amazing that it never said how Cain killed Abel not a word you know why that wasn't the issue the issue was he belonged to the evil one you say well what was their motive the Las Vegas shooter his motive was the evil one that is the motive for the murder you see on the streets because it's just nonsensical I mean to kill unborn children and slaughter people out of concert there's evil there well in the theft of our soul has come at the at the hands of the deceiver and we are assassinating people with words continually even when you were doing the duck dynasty series and you all pray or you all had conversations the producers decided they would just bleep some of your worms to make it look like you all were using profanity that's right now just how did you handle that when they would making you look like you work not what you say you are I didn't watch the most of the shows but someone said you know they're there they're putting in bleeps as if y'all are using profanity and I said do what they said they had bleeps like y'all are cursing and they're bleeping it out I thought so I sat down with the production crew I said what kind of mind I said now I don't want to be unkind here but but some of you from New York City and the rest of you are from Los Angeles California I said what kind of mind dreams up a scheme whereby they make make it look like some individuals are using profanity when they're not I said what kind of man does that they said well here's what they said we just thought the show would flow better oh if the audience thought you were cursing I said don't ever do that again I said or I'm out of here and probably being the patriarch of the Robertson clan we probably all well yeah they're making pretty good money by now see so they said oh well we'll take care of it but can you believe someone would do that I was telling James earlier they also I noticed and if you any of y'all ever watch the show they started taking my prayer I would thank God for the food without deed and I would pray in the name of Jesus amen well someone told me they said they're cutting that out when by the time they run it I said cutting what out they said cutting the name of Jesus out I thought cutting the name of Jesus out of a prayer I said I said this bunch well I sit down with him again I said we told y'all when you started filming us what is this in and you said we'll do whatever y'all do that's what we're gonna film so look a few weeks goes by and it's time for the prayer at the supper scene you know so I bow my head and I said Lord give these people that are filming us give them time to repent before you burn the whole bunch and the fire and I said I'm asking you this and the name of Jesus [Applause] you ought to have seen the looks when I looked up and they came in here but like there's a mr. Robinson would you pray again but maybe tone it down just alright I want to get to this knife chapter because you said I want to talk about this this you you have 10 lives that the enemy is literally leading us away from truth and losing basically the freedom God gave us because it's for freedom Christ made us free all real freedom is birthed in him and carried on the foundation of his truth okay the live church participation and day by end day by day life should be kept separate the separation of church and state is to mean separate the church from having impact on the state or anything on God's planet Earth you have just stepped back no words crawl in a hole get in a foxhole get in a monastery stay in your closet and don't ever affect anything like salt and light and actually make a difference right that that's right okay here's what everyone needs to understand I did it and as nicely as I could I said come on Church come on now what I was trying to get people to see look we're not going anywhere you say you said well I'm going to church I said I've never read that phrase in the Bible going to church the reason why you don't read it is the people of God the body of Christ they are the church that's right so the best you could hope to say is I'm gonna meet for a couple hours but the brothers up here on the side of the road and when I walk out of there I'm not going to forget that where I'm going to work in the morning is a bunch of haters down there and I'll have to point them to Jesus I have to be careful what I say I have to reflect the Lord and everything I do there's 168 hours in a week and if all you do is have worship services on two hours that leaves you a hundred and sixty six hours what are you doing you're in that period of time so when you're shopping when you're working when you're playing you say I have to be aware of Who I am it could be little things words have encouraged but to someone you know in a supermarket everyone working together you might think little bitty gifts are not worth anything they're worth a lot if a lot of people are doing them so the point is read Romans 12 it's the chapter on worship offer your bodies as living sacrifices you say well Phil I'm a I'm a get cussed out from time to time what yeah look look what they did to the Lord Jesus yes look what they did to him you say hmm everyone who lives a godly life in Christ Jesus James will be persecuted there's no way around it we just need to accept it I personally wear it as a badge of honor and I don't hold it against the people who do it of the holler and I just forgive them and good on down the road do you believe that we can keep the beasts of the field from taking over the flock do we believe we can keep the briars and thistles and the weeds from taking over the cultivated fields if we can do that and protect it could we not protect our academic institutions education could we not protect the arts and entertainment could we not protect what happens in leadership at our country going from the deceiver and isn't this what we were left to do to make a kingdom impact and a imprint of Almighty God be Kings on planet Earth so the whole earth becomes fruitful and you declares the glory of the Lord isn't that what the church is supposed to do that's what we're supposed to be this is what this books about you don't you deal with the adverse effects of the line but you deal with the profound effect of making a kingdom impact which is what you're saying by being the church all the by the way you all will notice in that book that I'll put the blame where it belongs on the evil one I mean you have to bow down to him before you start doing what he tells you to do you have to listen to the lies but your faith in the Lord Jesus do not dear to the left nor the right take the scriptures use them train yourself by constant use of the scriptures uploading them uploading them out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks and you say and you'll get to where you're mature because you've trained yourself to do something real hard you can distinguish good from evil you say take for me to be sound in the faith you say when you learn to know the difference between good and evil yeah you shiny embrace good but if you believe the liar it's tough do you appreciate this guy and the whole Robertson family duck dynasty I mean I would be happy for Phil to stay here a whole week it'd be like a whole new series of duck dynasty dynamic impacting but you happy you all want to come back and bring some of the bring the buck here's the deal I'll go have to feed them listen to me this book is in the bookstores I hope you'll pray about getting one and getting one for a friend feel we're gonna try to feed thousands of kids because the viewers of this program have told us that they don't want to overlook the overlooked and they want to love the least of these and they've been doing it for years and you save millions of lives well we'll send you this book we've got a wonderful Bible to send you the passion translation will inspire you we've got the James code written by one of our good friends os Hawkins for anybody that'll just say I'm gonna help you rescue and take care of those precious children to their families but if you won't feel this book it is like dynamite I think it's like spiritual dynamite and that we'll send it to you if you just do this we're asking you to do this we're asking to reach out and touch someone with the love of God and become the answer to prayer for them and the miracle they desperately need wouldn't you like to be someone's miracle when you like to be an answer to someone's prayer Isaiah said if you meet the needs of others God answers you quickly it's amazing how quickly he gets involved in the lives of those who are involved in doing his will and touching those who are overlooked would you watch closely please very closely and then let God lead you in what you do you can be the miracle [Music] functionally pond I know you found out one-on-one enough open okay million in the party yeah and I didn't want anyone down [Music] fueled by tribal warfare a wave of violence continues to spread throughout South Sudan destroying communities in its path like Susan so many mothers are forced to flee their homes for the safety of their children there is no warning so they must leave quickly unable to bring anything but the clothing on their backs discipline o hadouken and this time in the morning Nene can carry the violin up including Veronica taking one of holding he is we are a community focused and you've been a win immunity no palpable to territorial kind Susan and her children survived the journey but many South Sudanese families aren't so fortunate thousands died trying to reach safety and those who do make it arrived on the brink of starvation you've seen the situation we face here innocent lives fleeing seeking refuge many mothers and children has travelled weeks without food not knowing where their next meal will come from if they'll even have another meal the situation is critical please do what you can to help mission feeding to bring hope and life to people in need that's our grandson Luke that's making that appeal he's been in the mission field out several times and we just celebrated the one-year old birthday of his little girl and his wife Cassie are just a beautiful couple love Jesus great witnesses and Luke came back was such a burden that they actually started talking about wishing they could actually adopt some of those orphaned children I mean they just got a little baby girl and they're talking about taking someone to their home because he said Papa the need is just so great it's desperate and he said it's become so bad now that we actually had the United Nations UNICEF and USAID representatives come to us and say we see the compassion and the courage of the relief workers and mission workers we will actually give you a large amount of food to meet this additional desperate situation in South Sudan if you just take it in and Luke said we prayed with them and he said Papa we looked up with all these people from these other nations and they were standing there crying because they said they saw the love of God we'll say Betty it's the love of God and our viewers that made all the mission feeding when we're feeding four hundred thousand right now and now then we hear about this other additional crisis that we were told because when we came back and asked for what would it take to deliver the food they'll just let us deliver and the cost was 270,000 I said God please can you raise up people not only to feed the four hundred thousand and our mission feeding programs but to have this additional challenge because it's like a miracle we don't have to produce that food it's there all we got to do is delivery and they put the pencil to what it would cost for the additional work and the transportation and it's two hundred and seventy thousand so Betty we need to feed the four hundred thousand for the next month's and that addition and I'm just believing God's gonna raise up people who will do it and I know it's in your heart and you are absolutely in my opinion one of the greatest people to tell our viewers why what they do is so important you know I watched that with our grandson right there on the mission field and as he talked about that mother that mother talked about her children asking mom where's the food we're hungry I can't even imagine one of my children grandchildren great John coming to me and me not having something there if they were hungry and offering them plenty of food well these these children are starving please join with us if your hearts been touched as mine hands as James has them and many others as before I know you've helped us please do it again these children will not live without the food that they need we can be the miracle we can be the answer to our heart crying to prayer now think about what I'm saying because this sounds like a miracle but it's absolutely the truth it's not exaggeration for $30 $50 or $100 we can feed three five or ten children for the next several months that's not total childcare that's not housing that's food that's emergency life-saving relief could you help three five or ten is there any way that you could help us with that two hundred and seventy thousand dollar miracle challenge because of what it'll do could you be one of two hundred and seventy to say I'll give $1,000 it maybe you can do more if you can I pray you will father I pray that every single person watching right now would just ask you to guide them and you give them the joy of becoming a miracle in Jesus name would you go online right there the website you see or dial that phone number it's always a prayer line right now it's a lifeline and would you take your bank card go get it use it like a check or write a check make make the check to life please right now make the gift got put on your heart let us know what it is so we can tell the relief workers the mission workers help is on the way because of the love of God please do it right now and I thank you so much in impoverished and drought stricken areas of Africa children are suffering the need is great and without food they face severe malnutrition even death with previous reserves gone and mission feeding helping in areas of great famine we urgently need your support to replenish food supplies to reach the 400,000 children who are counting on us your life-saving gift of 30 50 or 100 dollars will help feed and care for 3 5 or 10 children for three full months please consider an extra gift to help ease the suffering of innocent families who due to tribal warfare have had to flee their homes in South Sudan to neighbouring Uganda in desperate search of food world food representatives have asked for our immediate assistance that's why an additional two hundred seventy thousand dollars is urgently needed to help provide food to those who are starving with your gift will send you the James code by OS Hawkins you'll also enjoy this beautifully crafted letter bookmark with your gift of $100 or more request the passion translation Bible this Edition ignites the passion of the Bible to modern readers by merging the passion of God's heart with the life-changing truth of his word finally with your gift of $1,000 or more to help feed and care for 100 children be sure to request our commemorative bronze sculpture safe in the Shepherd's arms please call write or make your gift online abating I just thank God for your willingness to help by the way if you ever try to call to help in the lines busy just say thank you Lord but be determined and call until you get through okay and we've got the gifts we mentioned that you just saw if you'd like to have fields book the theft of America's soul what this book is really about is stopping the liar in his tracks and becoming the salt and light that changes everything into a fruitful field and I'm telling you you're gonna enjoy this very very much you help us help those children those in need you say what you send me Phil's book we'll be glad to would you join many of me in thanking Phil Robertson and the Robertson family thank you for watching thank you for supporting like today [Music] on your own it's so quiet [Music] and I know I need to quit because I'm pregnant Jenny Weaver was born addicted to heroin but when her life fell apart she heard the sound of freedom life today is made possible by the supporters of Life outreach International your gift will be used exclusively for the exempt purposes of life the ministry features specific outreaches as examples of the program's it supports and conducts gifts are considered to be without restriction as to use unless explicitly stipulated by the donor the ministry is a member at the EC FA
Channel: lifetodaytv
Views: 3,629
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: life today, james, robison, christian, television, tv, interview, Phil Robertson, theft of america's soul, duck dynasty
Id: mg7BlMB5imo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2019
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