Lesbian Nurses in a Twisted Serial Killing Pact

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Cathy Wood was a notorious, pathological  liar but when she approached her husband   and confessed that she had become a serial  killer, he had a feeling that she was telling   the truth this time. With the help of her new  girlfriend, Cathy had murdered five people in   a twisted bonding pact. They even turned the  murders into a game, choosing their victims   so that their initials would spell out a message.  Cathy and Gwen are infamously known as the Lethal   Lovers for taking so many innocent lives as a  date night activity. But when the lovers turned   against each other at the last hurdle, would  either of them get away with their crimes? Before we get into the case, I want to thank our  friends at Ritual for sponsoring this video. I have   tried a bunch of multivitamins in my time so I  feel like I'm quite well qualified to know what's  good and what's not and my latest favourite is the  essential for women multivitamin from Ritual. I've   actually told you guys about these vitamins before, I've been using them since the start of this year   and I love them and I love the company behind  these multivitamins, as well! Ritual are very   passionate about making their products, and the  ingredients in their products, traceable for their   customers. They want to be very transparent about  where they're getting things from, why they're   putting each thing into their product and what  that's going to do for you. I think multivitamins   are so important because even with a balanced diet, there's always going to be natural gaps in your   nutrition intake. So I always take multivitamin  just to help to bridge those natural gaps. The   essential for women vitamin is designed to support  your foundational health so that's your brain, your   bones, your blood, antioxidants support. They  even have slow release technology which basically   delays the vitamin from being absorbed by your  body until it reaches the small intestine which   is optimal for vitamin absorption- absorption?  Yeah, I feel like that's a word. They're non-GMO,   gluten-free, major allergen free and they're  also vegan friendly so that's a win for all   you herbivore babes. To start a daily ritual that  you care about, visit ritual.com forward slash   30ENEALE for 30% off of your first month. Thanks again  to our friends over at Ritual for sponsoring this   video! One last thing before we get into the case, I  just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean   absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk  about in this video. Everything that I'm about to   say is publicly available information that myself  and my team have found on the internet and we have   compiled into this one video. This video will  cover especially sensitive topics, including but   not limited to; the abuse and murder of vulnerable  people by their carers, self-harm, domestic abuse   and violence, animal abuse, sexual assault and  threats of suicide. If you feel like these topics   might be triggering or too intense for you then  I'd recommend that you click out of this video   now, hopefully I'll get to see you some other time  with a different case that's a bit more suited to   you, look after yourself in the meantime. And while  we make every effort to fact check our sources   and make sure all of our information is correct,  no actions should be taken in reliance upon the   information in this video. And I want to take this  opportunity to remind you all that these are real   people's lives that we're talking about so please  keep it respectful in the comments section, keep it   kind. All opinions in this video are mine and mine  alone and with all of that being said, let's get   into the case of the Lethal Lovers. So today's case  takes place in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1987 at a   care home named Alpine Manor It was a residential  nursing facility for the elderly and disabled,   basically anyone that needed a high level of  support and live in care, they would go to stay at   Alpine Manor where there's nurses and there's  nurses aides to look after them, people to make   them meals and give them medication. The majority  of the residents at Alpine Manor had Alzheimer's   or dementia and they were pretty much entirely  relying on the staff at Alpine Manor to meet   every single one of their needs. Like I said, Alpine  Manor was staffed with a mixture of nurses and   nurses aides. Now the difference between those two  is that nurses are nurses and they've been to, like,   medical school and everything whereas nurses aids  are usually unlicensed people, just individuals who   work under the care of- no, under the provision of  these nurses to be able to give care to people. So   they're not, like, qualified nurses but they can do  certain things when they've got an actual nurse   present, you know? My auntie actually does  that kind of job, she's not a nurse, she's   never done, like, medical school or anything but  she can go out to these people's homes and make   sure they've had their medication, cook them some  dinner, make sure that they're all ready for bed,   you know, help them get changed, help them, you know,  just normal human tasks that some people might   find very difficult whether that's due to their  mobility or their memory or anything like that. And   also a big part of being a nurse's aide is to just  fill uh- people's social needs because especially, I   guess lesser for, like, residential facilities but  especially those that have nurses aides come to   their house, it can be quite lonely so a nurse's  aide is also just there to have a chat and bring   some sunshine into people's lives. And nurses aides  were at the heart of Alpine Manor, they really kept   that ship running smoothly. It was a large portion  of the workforce in that residential place and a   lot of the women were just like, a lot of them were  women in their early 20s/mid-20s and a lot of   them were actually romantically involved with each  other. After work, they would all head off into the   town and visit the gay bars and get drunk and end  up hooking up with their co-workers. They would all   be in, like, flings with each other and, like, swap  around with it um- and somehow, the whole town knew   that this was a thing, like, Alpine Manor was kind  of notorious for its lesbian workforce. In fact, a   journalist described it as a covey of lesbians. And  the reason I tell you all of this is because two   of these lesbian nurses aides are at the centre  of our case today, 23 year old Gwen Graham and 24   year old Cathy Wood. Both of these women came  from troubled backgrounds which is actually   their main reason for ending up at Alpine Manor.  They'd both left their homes and their families   and their state that they were born in and they  had found themselves picking up a job here. The   two of them started off as just friends, of course,  when they both started working at the care home   um- but after a few outings with the other  girls, Cathy and Gwen quickly became more   than friends. And more than friends very quickly  developed into a co-dependent relationship, both   women were quite unstable without each other.  And this was both inside work and outside of   work, they would try to pick up the same shifts  as each other, they both worked night shifts   um- so that they could be together at work and then  outside of work, they would go to bars together and   then stay together in the same house and wake up  together and do stuff together during   the day and then go to work, like, they had very  quickly fused their lives together. And this toxic   relationship that they had, call it what it is,  codependency is toxic and the two of them would   argue quite a lot because they're in each other's  pockets, they were getting at each other a lot and   this toxic relationship started to bleed over into  their work life. Their co-workers were noticing it   and very soon, it wasn't just the two of them  that it was affecting. Their relationship would   soon have fatal consequences for their patients,  too. So I want to start by looking at the women's   past and their upbringing and what brought them  to Alpine Manor. I think it's all very important to   know kind of the mindset of these two women when  it got to the murders. So we'll start with Cathy,   the older of the two. She was born Catherine Wood  on March 7, 1962 on a military base in Washington   state because her father was in the military,  all her life. Her mother was a stay-at-home   mother who cared for Cathy and very soon, a younger  sister, as well. The family were later stationed in   Massachusetts and it was around that time that  Cathy's father was sent out to fight in the   devastating Vietnam War. He did survive his service  but when he returned to his family, he was a shell   of the man that he once was. He had severe PTSD  but not only that, he had become very cruel, like,   uh- abusive. Abusive to his wife, to his  children. Verbally, physically, emotionally,   he was a cruel man now, the war had turned him  into a better horrible person. 'My dad- my dad was   he- he drank a lot, he was an alcoholic and  he was abusive so um- I stayed by myself most   of the time. You said abusive, physically  abusive? Yes physically, mentally.' Cathy found herself isolating from her whole family, pretty much.  Of course her father, she didn't want to be around   him, she tried to get away from him any chance that  she could. She would just lock herself in a bedroom   whenever her dad was home. And it also really  affected her relationship with her mother, as well   because her mother wouldn't stand up for the girls.  Of course, Cathy and her little sister hadn't done   anything wrong to their father, yet he would abuse  them all the time and their mother would never   stick up for them so she lost a lot of respect for  her mother and just didn't feel safe, she didn't   feel protected in her own home. She felt as though  her only ally was her younger sister, that was   the only person in that home that she even felt  comfortable to talk to. In fact, her sister later   said that this, in a sad way, did bring them closer  together because they had this shared trauma that   they could talk each other through. 'Growing up,  of course being sisters we fought, we argued,   we played pranks on each other, we laughed, we told  secrets and growing up in a dysfunctional family   made us very close.' and life wasn't much easier for  Cathy outside of the home either, she was bullied   at school, relentlessly. She struggled to make  friends, she used to just spend a lot of her time   sat alone, reading in the playground. And when Cathy  reached, like, puberty age/early teens, her father   became even more cruel. He would ridicule her in  absolutely every way that he could, especially   relating to her physical appearance and how it was  changing. Whether it was her height, her weight, her   proportions, her face. He would just make fun or  pick at her for everything, saying that she was   playing and that boys her age are not gonna want  her. This damaged her self-esteem terribly, before   she'd even started dating, before she even thought  about it but then at the age of 14, she did get   into her first relationship. She told her parents  that she had a boyfriend called David and she   would go and see him all the time at his house.  He would never come to hers, of course having a   home life like she had, I wouldn't want to bring my  partner back to meet my family. So her family never   really met David, uh Cathy, would just always go  to his after school or on weekends and I believe   her parents were fine with that. That was until one  day, about a year and a half into this relationship,   they were together for a long time were Cathy and  David, Cathy's mother goes to pick her daughter up   from David's house. When she gets there, she knocks  on the door and David's Mum comes to the door and   she's like, hi I'm I'm Cathy's mum, I'm here to pick  up my daughter. She's been hanging with David all   day um- and David's mom looked very shocked at what  Cathy's mum just said and she was like, what? Like,   my daughter's here, she's going out with your  son like? And that was when David's mother said   that she didn't have a son called David, she didn't  have a son at all! The person that Cathy had been   hanging out with at their house for the last year  and a half, was her daughter Debbie. Upon finding   this out, Cathy's mother went absolutely ballistic,  she was so angry with her daughter that she forbid   her from ever seeing Debbie/David ever again. Of  course Cathy put up a bit of a fight, I mean she'd   been with Debbie/David for the last year and a  half and obviously, there was a connection there so   she was begging her parents to just, like, calm down  and try and listen and understand the situation   but they wouldn't and they even threatened to  throw her in a psychiatric hospital, if she kept   this relationship going. Cathy tried to tell her  parents that she had no idea that David was a girl. She said that she had been going out with a boy  called David for the last year and a half and that   he was a boy and they had had sex! She lost her  virginity to David and it was a penis that had   penetrated her, she was sure of it and she told  her parents that! She said that Debbie must have   just been dressing as a boy every time that she  met her, you know, just like tying her hair back,   putting a cap on, wearing boys clothes and acting  as a boy calling herself David, all to trick Cathy?   That was- that was how she kind of explained this  to her parents that, like, not only do you feel   um- like, you've been fooled and lied to us so do  I, imagine how I feel! This is my boyfriend that   has turned out to be biologically a girl. She  managed to actually convince her parents that   this was the case, that she had no idea that  David was a girl and that she had been dating   a boy called David or what she thought was a  boy for the last year and a half... and she was   just as shocked and heartbroken and devastated  as her parents were. Now a lot of people including,   Cathy's own younger sister, don't think this is  the case. They think that Cathy is lying. Cathy   later is proven to be a pathological, compulsive  liar and it seems that she had been, all the way   through her life. The most believed theory is that  Cathy was knowingly in a lesbian relationship   with Debbie, she was attracted to girls even as a  young teenager and this was, like, her first proper   relationship and she knew that her parents would  have a problem with it, with- with her partner being   a woman so she decided to lie and say that she  was dating a boy just to, you know not, cause these   kind of issues! Hence why they only ever met up at  David's house or outside of the home, of course she   wasn't gonna bring Debbie back to her mum and her  dad. Cathy always likes to pin herself to be the   victim of every single situation that she  is in um- and even though she is somewhat of a   victim here of homophobic, unreasonable parents  but what she is not believed to be a victim of   is catfishing. Would you call that catfishing? Even  her own younger sister and people that knew Cathy   in her life, don't believe that she thought she was  dating a boy for a year and a half. This was all a   story that she had come up with to cover this up.  Of course, we don't know the full truth and it's   kind of only really Cathy's word against everyone  else's theory um- and honestly, I don't suppose it   matters too much to the case at large so, moving on!  Her next relationship began when she was about 16/   17 years old and she met a 20 year old man named  Ken Wood, who was the polar opposite of Kathy in   pretty much every single way. She was quite a  rebellious, unruly teen. She was very outgoing,   she liked to- she liked to get herself in some  trouble, a little bit of trouble but he couldn't   be less like that if he tried. He was calm, he  was easy going, he was sensible, he had his life   together and most importantly, he seemed to really,  really adore Cathy Wood. They had a very whirlwind,   romancy first couple of months together and very  quickly, young Cathy fell pregnant with his child   and they very hastily made the decision to keep  the baby and to get married so that they wouldn't   have the child out of wedlock. Like as soon as she  fell pregnant, that was it, that was their lives   sorted and concreted for them. After just eight  months of knowing each other, they were living   together, planning their wedding and Cathy was  almost ready to pop with their baby. She spent the   rest of her pregnancy in different, like, parenting  classes, especially teen pregnancy classes and she   would spend a lot of time with her own mother, just  to kind of learn a thing or two about motherhood   and having children um- but at this point in her  life, her mother had just been growing more and   more and more bitter towards her as she'd been  growing up and I guess, becoming an attractive   young woman. At this point she was like 17/18,  she would have had a womanly figure, she would   have had a beautiful face and I think her mother  was very, very insecure about that. She was one of   those jealous mothers that saw her daughter as  competition, in some weird way um- but realistically,   she'd never been very nice to her daughter. I think  another big element of why she was so uh- resentful   of Cathy is because she'd managed to escape their  abusive home. Her mother was stuck at home with   her father who was a horrible, cruel man and maybe,  her mother looked at Cathy and thought she was so   lucky to have gotten away from him and to have her  own life with her own man and you know, a wedding   and a baby. I think she was just jealous of her own  daughter in a lot of ways and she couldn't deal   with that. Throughout her pregnancy, Cathy's mental  state declined very quickly and I mean, it had   never been in a good place to begin with, due to  her horrific home life and- and of course the- the   tumultuous breakup and separation from her first  ever relationship and the bullying at school, she   was also quite a loner, couldn't make friends. All  of this meant that she'd- she'd always been quite   low, quite depressed even as a child. But everything  just seemed to get worse, worse and worse and worse,   continuously throughout her life. So at this point,  of course, she's married but they're going through   some realisations that maybe Cathy and Ken are not  for each other but at this point, it's kind of a   bit too late or at least, they think it's too late.  They're pregnant and due to have a baby, they're   planning their marriage, like to- in their minds,  they can't go back on this so now they're stuck   together forever and they're not entirely happy.  That was due to get worse by the way, at this   point they were just realising that they weren't  that compatible. But as the years went by, it just   devolved. At this point in her life, her new husband  Ken was actually being bullied by her family. I'm   not entirely sure why either, I couldn't find too  much detail on Ken, in general. I think it was just   another situation of, like, I don't know, I think  her parents just were never happy with anything,   they had a problem with absolutely everything or  they would find a problem with everything. And yeah,   there was just something about their daughter's  new husband that they didn't like and they made   him feel very uncomfortable and very unwelcome  and due to this, Ken's mental health, just like   his wife's, began to decline rapidly to a point  where he wasn't really there for Cathy during   her pregnancy. And it was at this point in her life  that Cathy Wood turned to food and overeating, as a   coping mechanism to deal with her emotions. Cathy  gained over a hundred pounds throughout her   pregnancy and of course, a bit of weight gain is  absolutely natural and even recommended when going   through pregnancy and childbirth, it's a little bit  of cushion for the baby and it's more nutrients   for the two of you, you need to be eating more. But  a hundred pounds in nine months is quite dangerous,   not only for her but also for her baby. Her blood  pressure began to soar insanely high and they   were really, really worried about her and actually  for this reason, she gave birth to her baby quite   prematurely but when she did, everything was fine.  Baby was healthy, mom was healthy and they had a   baby girl named Jaclyn. But even after the birth  of her daughter, Cathy continued to use food as a   coping mechanism to soothe her. She was gaining a  lot of weight very quickly and she was isolating   herself from the rest of the world as part of this,  just to be able to eat in her own home. She didn't   want to do anything else, she didn't want to go out  and socialise, she was so down that she just wanted   to be in her enclosure. Her weight just climbed  and climbed and climbed until she reached about   450 pounds which at that point, it's very hard for  a person to- to move without getting out of breath   or getting into some sort of pain, you know like,  joint pain and it's a really painful existence. At   this point Cathy found it difficult to do pretty  much anything, other than stay inside the house and   just continue to eat and soothe herself and she  was unable to really exercise. And at this point,   it was really affecting more than just her own  life. She couldn't care for her daughter properly,   um- she wasn't there for her daughter whether  it was physical care, like changing nappies   and stuff or getting up to go and cuddle her  when she was crying, she- she couldn't really   do motherhood anymore. Ken ended up having to  take on the majority caregiver role because   Cathy couldn't do her part. She couldn't play with  her daughter, she couldn't get down on her knees to   like, be with her. And so all of these reasons then  meant that Cathy really struggled to bond with   her daughter which made her even more depressed  because she felt like a failing mother and she   felt like her life was ruined. At this point, she  was in a marriage that she wasn't entirely happy   with, she had had a daughter that she wasn't really  bonded with and she couldn't really bond with, she   was physically unable to move to be able to bond  with her daughter and she was stuck in this really   toxic addiction to food. This really negative cycle  of eating more and then not wanting to leave the   house because you've become depressed so you just  stay in the house and eat. I don't think she was   working at this point in time, um- everything was  just getting worse for Cathy. She was becoming more   depressed, her self-esteem was at an all-time low  and all of this turned her quite bitter. She became   a very- a very angry, snappy, moody woman at home and  this made life even harder for her husband Ken, who   was working. He was the majority caregiver of their  daughter and now his wife was just being mean all   the time. But Ken did really want to help her,  he wanted to help his wife be happy and healthy   again and to be a mother again and so he suggested  anything that he thought could help her, such as   going to do, like, an educational course to get some  qualification to get a job or at least, just get a   lower level entry job just to get back out there  into the world. And it was with this support from   her husband that Cathy managed to find the job as  a nurse's aide at Alpine Manor. She specifically   requested to do night shifts because night shifts  were just generally a bit easier, I mean most of   the residents were asleep so they were asking for  stuff. It was more just getting them ready for bed   and putting them to bed and then just kind of  sitting around in case any of them woke up in   the night and needed anything. And it was there, of  course, where she met Gwen Graham. So before we get   into the catastrophic partnership between these  two women, let's go back through Gwen's childhood   and upbringing. Gwendolyn Gail Graham was born on  August 6, 1963 in Santa Monica California into a   very hard family. Her father was a very cruel,  emotionless man that insisted that children   shouldn't be cuddled or given too much physical  affection because it would soften them, it would   make them weak. And this is what I mean by she was  raised in a very hard family, very emotionless, very   cold which just that in itself, not being cuddled  as a child is known to lead to quite serious   psychological effects later in life. Basically,  it gives kids problems when their parents aren't   affectionate. And that was just the start of a  terribly rough upbringing for Gwen. Her first   10 years of her life were spent just constantly  moving around, she was never settled anywhere so   for that reason, she never got the chance to really  make friends or establish meaningful relationships   at all. As soon as she would get to a new place  and start a new school and start laying down the   groundwork, getting to know people, her parents  would pull her out and whisk her away and send   her somewhere else. They eventually settled on a  farm in Texas when she was about 10 years old   but even through all of that constant turbulence  and moving, she couldn't even rely on her family   through all of that because like I say, they were  very cold and emotionless and it gets even worse   than that. Her father, just like Cathy's was abusive  in a multitude of ways. Physically, emotionally and   even sexually. All of this absolutely destroyed  Gwen's mental health from a very, very young age,   she was self-harming by the age of 12. And I  believe she did this for multiple reasons, of   course, one of them being a coping mechanism.  It is a very common coping mechanism to deal   with such strong, horrific emotions but also,  she was doing it to try to make herself look   ugly so that her father wouldn't want to  sexually abuse her anymore which is one of the   most heartbreaking things to hear. A 12 year old  was thinking that if she could make herself look   ugly and repulsive to her father then maybe  he wouldn't abuse her like that. But that's   not how sexual abusers work really, it's- it's not  about attractiveness and desirability, it's more   about the power. They just want to exert power over  another human being and to them, it doesn't really   matter how their victim looks, it's the domination  and control and being able to terrify and upset   their victim. That's what they get off on. Her  dad was a sick man, truly, like, he was horrific   in every single way, even outside of the abuse of  his family, he was just twisted in the things that   he liked and the things that he wanted to do. Like  for example, they lived on a farm, like I said and   he would always force Gwen to watch the animals  get slaughtered just because- I think it again, goes   back to his wanting to toughen up his kids and  not wanting to be too soft, like, he wanted them to   witness death and fear and pain and blood because  he thought it would be good for them. And that was   bad enough in itself, having to watch their farm  animals get killed but it got even worse when   their family dog, that they'd had for over a decade  became very sick. Now this dog was like Gwen's best   friend, she was very, very close with it, it used to  sleep in her room and so when she knew that it was   getting sicker and sicker and probably needed  putting down, she was so heartbroken and so torn   up about it. She really didn't want them to kill  the dog but her father insisted that they needed   to, it was time. So he gave Gwen's older brother  a gun and made Gwen watch as her older brother   shot her dog to death. And of course, Gwen was so  disturbed and so upset witnessing this but all   her family did, especially her father, was just  make fun of her for being upset, for being so   emotional. And her father, like I said, a very, very  sick man decided to go one step further with this   and that night when Gwen was in bed, he stood  outside her bedroom door and scratched at it   and like, whimpered the dog's name. All to try and  tease her, terrify her, upset her, his own daughter.   What- what would possess a man to want to do that  to his own child? To watch her in so much pain and   distress. Now I don't know at what point Gwen did  this but in the aftermath of her dog's death, she   was struggling really, really badly with grief and  just trying to process the whole thing and it got   to a point, I think just couple of days after they  buried the dog, that she just couldn't deal with   it. She just couldn't stand feeling like this  anymore and she knew she had to do something   and that something she decided to do was go out  to the dog's grave and dig it up. Dig up her dog's   dead body. Gwen ended up keeping the dog's skull  and its teeth in a box for the rest of her life,   she, like, carried that around from house to house  that she had, her first ever dog. Which, you know, I   think that's quite normal, people do have, like,  ashes and stuff like that but the part where   she literally went out into the garden and dug  up the remains of her dead dog, I don't want to   be insensitive around this because people deal  with grief in their own ways and of course, she   was young, she was a child and she didn't have  proper support but at the same time, you have to   think to want to dig up a dead body that you  know is not coming back, like, she knows she's   not gonna dig up that grave and her dog's gonna  jump out and you know, be her dog again. She knows   she's gonna find a dead body in that grave but  I think to want to do that and to act on that,   you have to question what's going on in a person's  psychology. Gwen Graham was very passionate about   animals, she always wanted to care for them,  she even wanted to be a vet one day, that was   like her dream job. Although that didn't end up  happening because Gwen had to drop out of high   school. I don't know entirely why but she had to  drop out of high school, meaning that she didn't   really get any qualifications. A couple of years  later, she did end up going somewhere to do some   sort of high school equivalent course and from  there, she went and joined a vocational course   for nurses training. And you might think this is  what led her to working at Alpine Manor but it   wasn't, she, like, started training as a nurse and  dropped out with that too. Just want to remind you   that she's also currently in Texas and Alpine  Manor was all the way in Michigan. So yeah, the   nurses training wasn't quite working out, I  don't know if she was employed at this point   in time but I do know that it was around this  time, when Gwen was about 20 years old, that she   met who would become her first proper  relationship, an older woman named Fran who was   28 years old, eight years her senior. I think the  two of them were together for quite some time,   um- they even moved in together in Texas. But it  wasn't long until Fran decided that life in Texas   wasn't really for her, there wasn't much for her  there, she wasn't her happiest there and she wanted   to move home to where her family lived in Grand  Rapids, Michigan. She did offer for Gwen to come   with her, like, they could move together and they  could restart their lives in Michigan together. But   that was a big decision for Gwen to make, I mean to  leave everything behind. Absolutely everything, all   the friends she'd ever made, all the relationships  she'd ever like created and even her family. This   was quite a tough one for Gwen because of course,  she had horrific relationships with her family   but there was always a part of her that wanted  to repair that and always hoped that they would   somewhat repair, at some point in her life and  I think moving to Michigan would be kind of   admitting to herself that she was given up on her  family relationships. If she was to just move so   far away and start a new life, how could she ever  expect those familial relationships to repair? Not   that I think they ever would. She thought on it for  a little while and I think she kind of realised   that it was fighting a losing game, it was never  going to work. Her father was so incredibly cruel   and her mother just seemed very indifferent to  how he would treat Gwen, it was kind of hopeless   and so she decided to call it quits and moved to  Grand Rapids with her girlfriend. There were also   a few other reasons that made her want to move. She  didn't have a very good career, I don't know what   job she was in at the time but it wasn't exactly  a career, it was just a for the time being kind   of job and she felt quite lost in life, did Gwen  Graham and she felt that moving Grand Rapids,   she would have her older girlfriend and her  family, you know, she would find like a bit of a   family tree. Her girlfriend could help her to find  a job in her hometown and she could live with her   girlfriend because at this point actually, Fran  had gone uh- straight there and she was waiting   for Gwen to make her mind up at home so Gwen was  gonna join her. So even better, Fran had already   kind of established a life in Grand Rapids. She'd  gotten an apartment, if Gwen never wanted to join   her. Gwen knew that she was deeply, deeply unhappy  at home and Fran knew that too and so when Gwen   kind of came around to wanting to move, Fran  was like, okay I'm gonna look for you some job   opportunities here, like, she really wanted to help  Gwen find her feet. And that was when they came   across a nursing home called Alpine Manor, very  close to where Fran lived. It was perfect because   obviously Gwen had had an interest in a nursing  career once before, she'd tried to join a course   but dropped out but still it was something that  she was interested in, something that she felt she   would be good at. So with that, Gwen Graham picked  up and left her life behind in Texas and moved to   Grand Rapids, Michigan. But she very quickly felt  like this was the wrong decision, as soon as she   got there, everything felt wrong. The apartment  that Fran had gotten was small and dark and   a bit gross, like, it wasn't a very nice place  to live and Fran herself seemed different. She   seemed a bit more distant from Gwen, it- it didn't  feel like the same relationship that she'd had   back in Texas. But one thing that was going well  for Gwen was her new job at Alpine Manor, it was   easy enough, I mean she was put on the night shifts  as well which like I said, they're not as demanding.   Most of it was just serving food to the residents  and talking to them and making sure that they had   their medication and it was easy breezy, she kind  of enjoyed it and it would be good for her CV, good   for, like, future jobs to have this kind of nursing  experience. Her first day working at Alpine Manor   was June 23, 1986 and Gwen Graham was an immediate  hit with the existing staff. She was fun, she was   kind, she was a lesbian which was always gonna  bode well for her there, since most of the   other women that worked there were lesbians too.  Which aside from the obvious, like, sexual tension   or like you know, people fancying each other, it's  just kind of convenient to have your dating pool   just right there. But other than that aspect of it, having such a strong LGBTQ workforce was just very   comforting to all these women. To have different  people that understood them and had something   in common with them and they all related to each  other on this level that no one else really could,   being a young lesbian woman. And also just Grand  Rapids in general wasn't a very lgbtq friendly   area in the 1980s. So yeah, it was very comforting  to have such a community, a lot of people that you   can trust and that understand you and will love  and support you for who you are. That's so valuable,   especially in the workplace. And like I said in  the beginning of the video, they would all go out   to the gay bars with each other after work, how  convenient, that like all your co-workers want to   go to the same place as you. So when both of the  women started at Alpine Manor, they were both in   separate relationships. Cathy was still married to  Ken and they had their daughter and Gwen was still   with Fran, even though it wasn't going great. It  was probably on its way out but she was still with   Fran but as I'm sure you can imagine, neither of  these relationships were going to last much longer.   It was actually surprisingly Cathy's marriage that  started to break down before Gwen and Fran. Cathy   had actually started a little flirtationship at  work with one of the other nurses aides named Dawn   and she hadn't left her husband or anything,  this was just like a sneaky, cheeky little   something that she shouldn't have been doing.  And Cathy knew that she shouldn't be doing this,   she shouldn't be having a relationship with Dawn  but she had gotten stuck in a marriage, in a- in a   relationship, in a family unit that she didn't want  to be in. From a very young age and as of lately,   she had been having doubts about her sexuality. She  didn't think she liked men, really but she hadn't   had the opportunity to really explore that and  realise that because well, her first relationship   with a girl, say for the sake of argument, that she  knew that she was dating Debbie and that it was   a lie when she told her parents about David. After  the reaction that she got from that first lesbian   relationship, she was told that it was horrific  and it was bad and she should be thrown in a- in   a psychiatric hospital. Horrible, horrible things.  So her next relationship, no doubt she didn't want   to repeat that and so she gets with a man, Ken and  then all of a sudden, she's pregnant, she's married,   she's locked in and she realises s**t, I never  actually wanted any of this, I wanted a woman. So   I think that's why this little flirtationship  with Dawn started at work. And I'm not condoning   it at all, not condoning cheating but I think  it makes a lot of sense if you look back at   her dating history that maybe she did just want  to be with women all along but I think yeah, she   did get stuck and she was then realising, I would  actually be a lot happier if I was with a woman,   if I was living authentically to myself. And Cathy  and Dawn had a nice time together, this was a fun   little flirtationship but that was nothing  compared to when Cathy would first meet Gwen   Graham on one of their night shifts. It was like an  instant click, instant chemistry between these two   women. They got on like a house on fire which is  quite an accurate metaphor actually, considering   the total destruction and terror that came as  a byproduct of their relationship. The two women   immediately became inseparable. They would spend  their whole entire shift talking and flirting,   they would spend their break times together, they  would eat together in the canteen, they would even   start hanging out after work together and on the  weekends together. Seriously, these two women were   never apart. Then after just three weeks of knowing  each other, Gwen and Cathy decided to move in   together. They were going to get an apartment and  move in, just as friends there or at least, that's   what they told everyone. I mean, a lot of this case  is just, like, what these women have told people   but you soon, find out that they're both compulsive  liars so it's like, what is the truth in this case?   Anyway, they move in together after three weeks  of being friends and they tell everyone that   like, they're just roommates, you know, they're  just two co-workers living together. I don't   think it was ever that, I- I think the two of them  immediately started a little bit of something that   they shouldn't and they both kind of left their  partners in a very messy way. They moved out from   their partners before they actually broke things  off. I think Gwen had a bit more of an excuse to be   able to do it with Fran because Fran's apartment  was very small and like I said, a bit gross so I   think she was like look, uh- I'm gonna move in  with one of my friends. I don't know how you   bring that up to your husband that like, oh honey  um- I'm gonna move out of our family home with our-   that we have with our daughter, I'm gonna move in  with this lass that I met at work three week ago?!   I don't really know how that must have gone down  in their marriage but um- it did! Although it wasn't   long after they- they moved into this apartment  together, that they did decide to break things off   with their previous partners and remember, there's  three partners for them to break up with as well,   not just the two. So Gwen broke up with Fran and  I think they kind of saw that one coming. Like   I said, Fran even hadn't been the same since Gwen  moved to Michigan to meet her so I think that was   quite an easy breakup. But Cathy had to divorce her  husband and they had to go through all the court   proceedings and everything. He got custody of their  daughter, like that was messy. And Cathy also had to   break up with this woman that she'd been seeing  at work to then start seeing another woman from   work. So I imagine that was quite awkward, her  breaking up with Dawn, you know, the woman that   she'd been like in a little flirtationship with-  I keep saying flirtationship but I don't- I really   don't know how deep that went, they could have been  full-on affair, sleeping together or it could have   just been like a work wife. I don't know but the  point is now, there are three broken hearts, two   households ripped apart but now Gwen and Kathy are  in a full-fledged relationship together. They're   living together, they're working together, they're  going out and partying in the evenings together,   they are totally Inseparable. And also totally  and utterly toxic for each other, they enabled   and encouraged uh- really bad self-destructive  behaviours in each other. Like drinking so much   every night that they would black out, regular  occurrence or if they didn't drink enough that   they were, like, passing out and like, forgetting  gaps of the night, they were getting drunk and   fighting each other. They would get into  absolutely catastrophic arguments which   would then turn physical. They would physically  fight each other and when it wasn't a physical   fight, it was screaming at each other, manipulating  each other, threatening each other, absolute mental   torture. The two of them would self-harm in front  of each other and it was just so tumultuous in   so many different ways. It was such an intensely  volatile relationship and they made no effort to   hide this from anyone around them. Like, they were  toxic behind closed doors and they were toxic in   front of co-workers, in front of friends, in front  of anyone, they didn't care who saw to be honest.   They weren't as bad when they were in work, it was  more so like when they'd be out drinking but then   they would just, like, turn up the next day at  work, completely right as we're in and they'd be   flirting with each other again and they'd like- as  if nothing had just happened the night before? This   was that regular of an occurrence that they would  get over such destructive fights that would break   up most relationships, just like that because they  knew that they could because this happens all the   time and then we're fine again, like, it's fine.  But what was so intoxicating to Gwen and Cathy,   the thing that kept them together through such  a tumultuous relationship and such is the case   with a lot of abusive relationships, was all of  these really intense high highs, that would almost   make them forget about those really low lows. The  highs of their relationship being this, like, cheeky   little workplace romance, the adrenaline that  comes with that. The butterflies, the newness of   this relationship especially for Cathy, who hadn't  been with a woman in years and years and years,   since her first ever relationship because she was  locked in a marriage that she didn't want. So this   was all so new and so exciting and they were so  co-dependent on each other, spending so much time   with each other, their emotions completely depended  on each other. So when they were in good moods and   when they were, like, out drinking and having  a great time, they were having an amazing time   but then they would come home from those amazing  nights and have physical fights and manipulate   each other and end up self-harming and it was  such an intense roller coaster throughout this   whole relationship on a daily basis. And another  thing that these women really, really bonded over   which again, I think is a big factor as to why they  stayed together through all of this, was that they   both had such intense trauma in their past that  they could both relate to each other and they   could both talk it out together and other people  didn't quite understand them on that level. They'd   never found anyone who had been through something  quite as horrific as they had and this was the   first time, other than their own siblings, that  they could find someone that could relate and that   could comfort them. This connection between them  made their relationship feel unlike anything they   had ever felt before because they couldn't get  on to such a deep level with anyone before this.   So that was the kind of relationship that they had,  it was comforting in a way but it was tearing them   apart, more than anything. So the dynamic of this  relationship, Cathy was the more sensible,   calm, down-to-earth, grounded one. She liked to make  the decisions, she liked to be in control, I think   some of this comes from the fact that she'd had a  very settled life anyway before she met Gwen. I   mean she'd been a wife, she'd been married, she'd  been a mother, she yeah- she'd had like a really   settled down family life. Gwen on the other hand,  as we mentioned, was very lost before Alpine Manor.   She didn't have a career, she had just left her  hometown and the family that she never really   got on with, she moved to Grand Rapids and suddenly,  her girlfriend's been off, the apartment is a bit   grim, like, she's just very lost in life. She doesn't  know where she's going, she doesn't know what she   wants to do, she doesn't know how to get there  and she needs a grounding force, like Cathy and   Cathy wanted to be that for Gwen. As long as Gwen  doted on her and adored her, she was happy if she   got to make other decisions, you know? Gwen really  needed that constant attention and reassurance and   direction from her partner and Cathy could provide  that for her. That relationship was obviously very,  very unhealthy and everyone around them knew that,  as well because like I said, they made no effort   to hide it. Throughout their relationship together,  the two of them seemed to just get worse and worse   mental health wise but also, just as human beings.  They were outwardly changing for the worst, like,   their personalities and just everything about them  was just becoming very unpleasant. For example, they   started pulling pranks on other staff at Alpine  Manor and even different residents, literally the   elderly, disabled, vulnerable people that they are  paid to look after, they started pulling pranks on   them. For example, they would take the residence,  like, sneak them into another room and not tell   any of the other staff. So they were essentially  like hiding the patients and having other staff   running around, panicked, looking for them. Meanwhile  these patients, obviously we don't really know what   was going through their heads and what they were  thinking but I'm guessing a lot of them didn't   even realise what was going on, didn't even realize  that they were part of a prank. I don't know, when   you're a patient somewhere and you trust everyone  around you to take care of you, I think you would   probably just assume that they were doing it for  some good reason, they were taking you from one   room to another for a reason, not for a prank, not  just to worry their co-workers about the safety   of their patients. But one of the most heartless  things about these pranks is that these residents   that were then, you know, taken to another room and  no one was told about it, they were missing out on   care for, like, whole chunks of time, like an hour  or two, until the rest of the staff found them. They   weren't getting medication, they weren't getting  water, food anything, social time, absolutely nothing.   They were just locked in another room which I  think is so sick that you would want to do that   to vulnerable people. There's nothing pranky about  it when a vulnerable person is being abused like   this, it's literally just sadistic. It's not like  you're hiding your co-workers stapler, putting your   co-workers stapler in some jelly, like, I don't know  there's nothing pranky about this to me. It just   makes me feel so upset to know that these people  were just being locked in another room, taken away   from- from where they felt comfortable and safe and  just locked somewhere else until they were found.   All of Cathy and Gwen's, like, friends and family  look back on this time that they were working   at Alpine Manor in 1987 and in retrospect, they  realised that the two women were saying a lot of   weird and suspicious s**t around that time but  they just hadn't quite clocked on things. Like, no   one would believe what we're doing at work and  stuff like that. I don't know, they would keep   it, like, secretive and make it sound like they  were up to something and at the time, people   just thought like, oh they're doing something  behind their boss's back or like, I don't know,   something about their relationship I don't know!  But no one actually assumed that it was something   dark, something sinister. They wouldn't often be  questioned about these things that they were   saying about work, like no one would believe what  we're doing, no one really questioned them about it   because they just came up with their own things  in their head. But there was one time that Cathy   was questioned on why, what are you getting up to  at work? And she told this person nothing that we   would get in trouble for. But that wasn't exactly  true was it? And very soon, they would be getting   in trouble for what they were doing behind closed  doors at Alpine Manor, the truth was exposed. A year   later, in 1988 and the one to do it was actually  Cathy's ex-husband Ken Wood. They'd been split up   for over a year now but they were actually still  in touch a little bit. By this point in 1988, Cathy   and Gwen's whirlwind romance had actually burnt  out and it burnt out in a very dramatic way, maybe   burnt out isn't even the word to use because the  way that this ended, Cathy caught Gwen cheating on   her with another nurse's aide from Alpine Manor. She was being unfaithful behind her back but right   in front of her face? Like imagine trying to cheat  on your partner that you work with- with someone   else from work, like, of course it was always gonna  blow up and it was gonna be this huge dramatic   thing. And this came as quite a shock to well, Cathy  at least but I think quite a lot of people at work   because Cathy and Gwen had been a very public  couple, like, they would be pdaing all over that   nursing home so everyone that worked there, all the  residents, absolutely everyone knew that Cathy and   Gwen were a couple, they made no efforts to hide  it. In fact, they would rub it in everyone's faces   so the fact that Gwen had managed to cheat with  someone from- that also worked there that probably   knew she was in a relationship is crazy! When Cathy  found out about the infidelity, she was absolutely   broken. In fact, it sent her spiraling. Her whole  world was shattered completely because she had   grown such an intense bond with this woman over  the last year. She'd cut off her whole life, her   whole past up until that point for this woman and  now all of that was gone. They lived together, they   work together, they partied together, they had the  same friend group. Literally every single aspect of   their lives was linked. And I can't imagine how  painful that must be to several of those links   so suddenly as well, to find out in such a horrific  way. Following the breakup, Cathy didn't really have   anyone else in her life and I believe this is why  her and Ken kind of stayed in contact a little bit   because he was her whole entire life. She'd cut off  all her family and moved away with him and their   daughter and yeah and then she left them for this  woman so these are kind of the only people that   she's got in her life. Cathy found herself with  no one else to confide in, pretty much in the   whole entire world, other than her ex-husband Ken  which is a very strange set of circumstances to   find yourself in. Like, imagine cheating on your  husband with a woman and then leaving him with-   with your daughter, just abandoning your whole  family for this woman and then when she cheats   on you, you find yourself crawling back to your  ex-husband just for someone to talk to? I mean   it serves her right, it really does and it wasn't  even like she was crawling back to him because   she wanted to get back with him and like, she'd  realised she'd made a mistake, it was literally   just because she had no one else to talk to.  She had no one, she had no friends, nothing. She   needed a shoulder to cry on so she was going back  to her ex-husband to cry about the woman that she   cheated with. He's a better man than I, truly. If my  ex came back to me in this set of circumstances,   I would not be willing to hear them out, let's  just say that. But anyway, Ken sits Cathy down   and he gives her a shoulder to cry on and she  tells him everything and when I say everything,   I mean absolutely everything that she'd never told  anyone else before and Gwen had never told anyone   else before, including the true horrors of their  relationship and what was going on behind those   doors of Alpine Manor. So now I'm gonna tell you  everything that had been happening for the past   year, that somehow no one else knew about. Cathy  said that when she first met Gwen at work, the   two of them instantly fell head over heels in love.  It was like this obsessive, lovesick love at first   sight, kind of connection which I mean, I'm sorry to  interrupt again but imagine being her ex-husband   hearing this! I would never be the same again if  my ex came crawling back to me and she was like,   yeah you know the one that I cheated on you with,  it was just love at first sight. Oh my God anyway,   continuing on. Wait actually before I continue  on there because I'm not gonna keep interrupting   myself, I just want you to remember all throughout  this story that she was telling her ex-husband   this, they go into detail about her sex life with  Gwen and everything, I just- I just want you to just   keep in mind who the original audience of all of  this information was. So anyway, back to the story.   Uh- Cathy says that she and Gwen immediately start  a sexual relationship, a BDSM sexual relationship.   Cathy said that she was the submissive partner,  she always pretended to be, like, naive and weak   whenever she was around Gwen who liked to dominate  her partners. Cathy told her ex-husband that their   BDSM relationship started off very normal and  enjoyable, that was until Gwen just started   getting more and more aggressive, more and more  violent and she'd started genuinely scaring Cathy,   genuinely hurting her as well like this was  going beyond the boundaries of a consensual,   BDSM relationship. Cathy even told Ken about this  one time where Gwen had tied her to the bed and   grabbed a gun and inserted it inside her and was  acting as though she was gonna shoot it. Cathy said   that she was very fearful of her own girlfriend a  lot of the time but she would consent to all these   crazy things that Gwen wanted to try with her,  just to keep Gwen happy because she was actually   worried about when she got aggressive and when she  got violent and when she got scary, Cathy thought   it was just better to go along with anything that  Gwen wanted. I just want to put a side note in here   that that is not consent, even though Cathy thought  that she was consenting to things, consenting under   duress is not consent. That is- that is duress, that  is being forced into things that you don't want to   do but Cathy would make it look like consent to  Gwen so that Gwen wouldn't get angry. Cathy said   that she and Gwen really, really bonded quite early  on in their relationship over their trauma. They   both had very similar childhood and familial  trauma that they could both talk about and- and   relate to. They were both very, very mentally ill  and had been since they were both children, um-   mainly because of being abused as children and so  now as adults when they met each other, the two of   them would talk and fantasise about what it would  be like to get revenge on their abusers. And it was   then that the topic of killing people was first  brought up by Gwen. She was just saying, I wonder   what it would feel like to kill someone. Over time,  this topic came up more and more and Gwen would   get more and more into it, more and more excited  until it was clear that it was no longer a fantasy   and it was becoming a plan, an actual plan to  commit murder. But the more that they talked about   it, the more it strayed from the original plan or  the original idea which would be to get revenge   on their abusers and to kill their abusers, now it  was just a conversation about murder in general.   What would it feel like to commit murder, what  would it feel like to hurt someone, to take a life.   Cathy claims that she didn't fully believe Gwen,  she thought that this was all just some sort of   twisted fantasy, some like weird, depraved interest  that she had that she felt comfortable telling   Cathy about. So Cathy didn't think it was anything  too serious until Gwen did the unthinkable on   January 18 1987. One of their residents at  Alpine Manor was a 60 year old woman named   Marguerite Chambers, she'd had Alzheimer's for 12  years at this point and for the last five years,   she'd needed constant live in care to be able to  meet her basic needs. So for that reason, she'd been   at Alpine Manor for five years. She had a great  relationship with all the staff, all the other   residents. She was quite popular there, I mean she'd  been there for half a decade and she was very   comfortable and very happy and her family were  very happy with the care that she'd been receiving   for the last five years. Before the Alzheimer's  had taken over her, Marguerite was a very bubbly,   outgoing, fun-loving, kind of girl, she was like  the life of the party. And so for that reason,   she really loved the social side of living at  Alpine Manor. She just suddenly had like loads of   mates, loads of roommates. Marguerite had been very  adventurous throughout her life, she was a dancer,   she loved water skiing. She had a beautiful, big  family with her husband that she was still with,   actually, he used to come and visit her at Alpine  Manor. They'd been together for decades and on that   day, January 18th, her husband came down to Alpine  Manor to see her as he did pretty much every   single day. But this time, he didn't know it was  going to be the last. They sat and talked for about   an hour, caught up and then he gave her a kiss  and said goodbye and went to return home for the   evening. There was no reason for either of them to  think that this could ever be their last encounter   together because even though Marguerite was in  assisted living and she needed all this help from   Alpine Manor, she was in a relatively good way. Her  health hadn't, like, sharply declined or anything   like that, there were no warning signs that she  could just drop dead overnight. So as Cathy is   telling this story to her ex-husband Ken, she said  that after Marguerite's husband had left for the   night, Gwen suddenly started acting weird. Despite  that, they continued to do their job as normal. They   gave all the residents their medication ,they gave  them dinner, helped them to wash and get ready for   bed, put them all to bed as usual, everything went  normally. And it was then when Alpine Manor was   quiet and peaceful that Gwen grabbed Cathy's  arm and led her to the doorway of Marguerite   Chamber's bedroom. Gwen told her to stand guard  outside the bedroom door, she needed to watch and   if anyone started approaching, she needed to alert  Gwen. So Cathy just kind of stood there and did as   she was told as Gwen walked inside the bedroom and  approached her sleeping victim in bed. She lifted a   damp cloth that she'd been holding this entire  time and she smothered Marguerite's nose and   mouth with this cloth. Of course, Marguerite tried  to fight back a little bit, this will have been   very confusing for her, I mean she was asleep  and then suddenly, she's got something covering   all of her breathing holes. She starts to kind of  fight back but like I said, she was a 60 year old   woman that needed constant care, she didn't fight  back all that much and Gwen just kept that face   cloth in place until Marguerite fell limp and just  like that, Gwen Graham had murdered someone, just   as she'd been talking about for so long and now  it was real. It was- it was that quick, it was that   easy. Gwen had specifically chosen Marguerite  as a victim because she knew that she- she was   physically weak and that she wouldn't try to fight  back and it wouldn't be hard to overpower her.   Cathy said that when Gwen was finished, she took  a step back and just looked at Marguerite's dead   body on the bed, almost as if she was admiring  her work, as if she wanted to absorb everything   that had just happened ,she wanted to remember this  mental image. She then walked over to Cathy, grabbed   her arm once again, as she had leading her to the  bedroom and she led her back to whatever they were   working on before they committed murder and they  just carried on their shift as if nothing had just   happened. They were gonna wait for someone else  to find the dead body. And less than an hour later,   when another one of the nurses aides went in to  go and check on Marguerite, they discovered her   dead. It was just going to be a regular check, this  other nurse's aide, that hasn't been named, uh- just   went in and immediately, as soon as she walked  in the room, she knew that something was wrong.   Marguerite looked pale, she- she didn't look like  Marguerite. And so the nurse went over and as she   touched her hand, she realised that Marguerite was  completely cold and at that point, she realised she   was unresponsive and as soon as they checked her  vital signs, they realised she was dead. Everyone   at Alpine Manor was shocked and devastated to  hear the news of Marguerite's passing, like I said,   she'd been there for so long, she was everyone's  close friend and it was so unexpected. I mean even   though she had had Alzheimer's for 12 years and  it had been pretty bad for five of them, she was   in a relatively stable condition. Like I'd said  before, there were no warning signs that her time   was nearing an end but even though there were  no immediate warning signs, they'd all kind of   known that this day was coming, they'd all known  to expect the day that Marguerite was gonna pass   away because I mean, that's why she was at Alpine  Manor because her health was just deteriorating   and at this point, she needed end of life care and  while they hadn't expected her to die so quickly,   they had known that one day they were going to  walk into Marguerite Chambers bedroom and find   her dead, they just hadn't expected it to be now.  So when she was found dead. there was not much   questioning what happened. I mean she was a very  poorly lady and she had been for a long time, it   seemed obvious that her cause of death will have  just been something to do with her Alzheimer's.   Her body was transported to a morgue and her death  certificate was signed the next day, they didn't   see there to be much point in doing an autopsy  because like I said, the cause of death seemed   obvious and so it was just recorded as natural  causes. Cathy and Gwen had acted just as shocked   and devastated and tearful as all of the other  staff at Alpine Manor that night and actually in   the aftermath of the murder, the two of them took  two days off of work. I believe they said it was to   to grieve and to- to pull themselves back together.  But for the next two days, Cathy and Gwen spent the   whole thing just drinking, doing drugs, having sex,  holed up in their apartment, like, they barely left   their apartment unless it was to go to the bar and  drink more or to go out and buy drugs or whatever   but the whole time, they were just like locked in  their apartment having some kind of hedonistic   bender. And obviously part of this bender was  having their very dangerous, non-consensual BDSM   sex that Cathy was still very much uncomfortable  with but her scariest encounter was still yet to   come. Well actually, it came in the middle of this  bender when Gwen seemed to want to relive the   exhilaration that she had felt the night that she  murdered Marguerite Chambers. As the two of them   were having sex, Gwen grabbed a damp cloth and  smothered Cathy's nose and mouth with it until   she passed out. Marguerite Chambers was the first  victim of the Lethal Lovers but she was nowhere   near the last. Cathy went on to tell her ex-husband,  Ken that they had gone through with this far more   times after that and it was almost an exact repeat  of the first process, it was like a copy and paste   guide to murder. And she said that the two of them  even decided to make it a little game, right here   in the beginning after they killed their first  victim, they knew that they were going to kill more   and so they decided to make a game of it to try  and spell out the word murder using their victim's   first initial. So their first victim was Marguerite,  M, their next would have to be a U, M, U. And they   never actually got there so this game ended after  after one letter because U is quite a unique uh-   first initial, I think. And remember they're picking  from people in Alpine Manor so it's quite a small   sample pool. Basically, they decided to break this  pattern after the first victim and instead, just   go for any victim that they thought would be  an easy kill. But before we continue talking   about victims of the Lethal Lovers, I want to  just focus on how stupid that was. How stupid   these women were, they hadn't even made up this  game in time for their first victim. They killed   their first victim and then they were like, oh  okay, let's make this a game and then never even-   never even followed through on that. So they never  actually intentionally killed anyone with this   game in mind, they made it up and then canceled  it before they even got to their second victim.   So anyway, the next Alpine Manor resident to be  found dead was a woman named Myrtle Luce, who was   just days away from her 96th birthday. And like I  said, each murder was pretty much a copy and paste   of the last. So everything happened exactly the  same, apart from when Gwen was finished smothering   Myrtle, she actually left that damp washcloth on  the side in her bedroom so that the murder weapon   could just be in plain sight when the body was  found and who was ever gonna know it was a murder   weapon? It was just a washcloth! Between each murder  that they would commit, Cathy and Gwen would have   these benders of sex and drugs and drink in their  apartment and they would discuss the killings in   great detail and they really felt like the  murders that they were committing together   were bonding them, somehow they were bringing them  closer together. They were now sharing a connection   that neither of them had with anyone else because  they'd never commit a murder, a crime as horrific   as double murder now with anyone else so they had  this kind of connection that that they'd never   felt before. The two of them wanted to be bound for  life in this relationship, they wanted a connection   between them, a link between them for the rest of  forever, that no one else could ever replicate and   they felt like sharing this life ruining secret  of being murderers together gave them a type of   insurance in their relationship that would bind  them better than any kind of relationship title.   Any kind of marriage, any children ever could.  They were both keeping this secret to save each   other's lives, essentially if either of them  was to give over this secret to anyone, both   of their lives would be over, they would both  be in prison for the rest of their lives. So   yeah, sharing this secret together did, in a way,  bring them closer than they'd ever been before   but in the most horrific of ways because even if  they were to ever split up and you know, break up   and move on with their lives, they would still  be connected by the worst thing they had ever   done in their whole lives. Both of their freedom  depended on both of them keeping this secret   and that would always be something that the two  of them would share, just them too and to them, that   was incredibly romantic in some kind of twisted  way. That they would always have this invisible   link of murder for the rest of their lives. And  I also think there was an element of control in   this major secret keeping, I think definitely  on Gwen's part because she seemed to be the   instigator of a lot of the dark elements of their  relationship. Think the non-consensual BDSM and   when she was talking about, I wonder what it would  feel like to kill someone and then that eventually   led into this. I mean I think Gwen liked to have a  lot of control, she wanted to feel like Cathy would   do anything for her including, keeping the worst  secret that either of them have ever had to keep.   The Lethal Lover's third kill in three weeks was  a 79 year old woman named Mae Mason. Between the   regular scheduled nighttime checks, Cathy stood  guard at the door while Gwen snuck into Mae's   bedroom and smothered her with a washcloth. Again,  her death was attributed to natural causes, they   actually believed this one to be a heart attack  and you know, no one ever questioned these natural   causes deaths because it was a residential home  full of elderly and vulnerable people that were   nearing the end of their lives or they were very,  very ill with different ailments and everyone kind   of knew that their deaths were coming. So when they  did eventually come, no one really questioned it, no   one demanded autopsies, no one thought anything  to be suspicious. The very next day after Mae   Mason died, her death certificate was signed, it  was natural causes and her body was cremated   straight away so all the evidence relating to that  murder was gone. Cathy said that the Lethal Lovers   actually had a little bit of a tradition that they  started doing after every murder and they would-   they would add to it after every murder, as well.  She said that to each other they would say, I love   you forever and a day and after every murder  that they committed, they would add on another   day, so I love you forever in two days, forever  in three days until they got up to forever and   five days. Their fourth murder was of a 74 year old  woman named Belle Burkhard and Belle, in the weeks   running up to her murder, she had had a couple of  medical issues. Now I don't know the specifics but   it was for that exact reason that Cathy and Gwen  thought she would be the perfect victim because   no one would really question her passing. She'd  had dementia for years and she'd been having   regular seizures for years as well but it was  over the last few months that her health seemed   to be deteriorating. She was having all these other  issues and that was actually why she was moved to   Alpine Manor because her family knew that they  couldn't look after her but they trusted Alpine   Manor and all of their nurses to be able to do  that. Belle was found dead by one of the nurses aides   in the early hours of the morning on February 26  1987. Again no suspicions were raised at all, her   death was filed as natural causes and their fifth  and final murder took place on April 7th when   the Lethal Lovers murdered the oldest resident of  Alpine Manor and honestly, one of the most popular.  Edith Cook was 97 years old at the time and she  had been at Alpine Manor for quite a while. She had   been a poorly woman for a good amount of years but  that being said, she was one of the most brightest,   smileiest, happiest, most energetic residents at  the whole of Alpine Manor. Despite her age, I   mean 97 and despite her illnesses and despite how  her health had been gradually declining over the   years, none of that ever changed her personality  and everyone at Alpine Manor, staff and residents   alike, adored Edith. At the time of her death, Edith  was relatively, you know like, alert and well but   that being said, she was 97 and her health had  been declining over the years so Gwen and Cathy   knew that her death wouldn't really be questioned.  They carried out the murder pretty much the exact   same as they'd carried out the other four but at  the very end, when the two of them would usually   just like, run off back to work and carry on with  whatever they were doing beforehand and just kind   of lay low until someone else found the body,  they decided to not do it like that this time.   In fact, it was Cathy Wood herself that ran to her  superiors and said that she had just found Edith   dead in her bedroom. Other nurses rushed into the  bedroom and declared her dead when they couldn't   find her pulse and at this point, her body was  still warm. Cathy Wood had literally ran right   from the murder taking place, to go and report it  and this was the first time the Lethal Lovers had   ever self-reported their crimes. But as with all  the others, no one really suspected anything and   Edith's death was ruled as natural causes, just  like the last four murder victims deaths had.   After committing their fifth murder, Cathy and  Gwen went and had sex, I believe in Alpine Manor   and apparently, this was something that they  did after every murder which is so disturbing   that that's like one of the first things on your  mind when you've just committed murder and ah! It   just- it really tells you a lot about, like, their  thought- thought process behind all of this and   the satisfaction that they're getting out of this  and the excitement and I don't know ,that's one of   the most disturbing parts of all of it to me.  How can you murder an old woman in her bed   and then be in that kind of mood? So they commit  this fifth murder, they go and have sex and then   Cathy wrote Gwen a poem that ended with the  line, 'when you're mine, oh please say you'll be   mine forever and five days.' And after that fifth  murder, the killings suddenly stopped. Gwen and   Cathy remained together but I believe it was  around this time that Gwen had gotten involved   with another nurse's aide at Alpine Manor, the one  that she ended up getting caught with. Gwen's new   girlfriend was called Robin and Robin was well  aware that she was dating a taken woman because   Gwen and Cathy were a very public couple at  Alpine Manor, everyone knew that they were   together and so Robin knew that she had to keep  her relationship with Gwen quiet and they had to   keep whatever they had as much of a secret as they  could to avoid the word getting out to Cathy and   they- they did this for quite a while, successfully.  But obviously not long enough because Cathy   eventually caught them. Of course, she was furious  discovering that Gwen had cheated on her, that she   had been unfaithful and I think most people in  that situation would leave that partner and move   on but remember, Cathy and Gwen decided to bond  themselves with murder. They have this connection   to each other that they feel like they will never  get with anyone else, they have this secret between   them that they need to keep, that was kind of the  point of the murders, that was- that was the whole   thing that kept them doing it, that- that got them  so excited about it whenever there would be, like,   at home afterwards talking about it and having sex.  They liked that they were bonded and connected so   deeply through these murders so that's why when  Kathy finds out that Gwen's cheating on her, she   doesn't split up with her because well, they're  together forever now so she stays with Gwen   and Gwen stays with Robin too. So now this is  kind of like a love triangle but obviously, Cathy   don't want s**t to do with Robin, she hates  Robin. But Gwen just has two girlfriends now,   one of which she murders people with, the other  one knows nothing about it. And that marks the   end of this whole insane, unbelievable story that  Cathy Wood was telling to her ex-husband Ken and   he doesn't believe her, actually because Cathy Wood  had always been a compulsive liar and a narcissist.   She had lied to him and made so much s**t  up throughout their whole marriage, especially   when she was angry or when she was trying to hurt  other people. And this was all very convenient to   come out right after she found out that her  girlfriend was cheating on her. Honestly, Ken   just thought that this was Cathy trying to set up  some insane revenge plan against Gwen, she cheated   on her so now Cathy's gonna get her thrown in  prison for being a serial killer. But all that   being said, Ken couldn't look past how detailed  Cathy's story was and how much of it incriminated   her as well and you know, if she was trying to get  Gwen back for cheating on her and get her thrown in   prison for being a serial killer, she wouldn't have  included herself in that story, surely because I   don't know if the plan goes how she wants it  to then she would also get thrown in prison.   So that was the thing that was kind of putting  Ken off of thinking it was a complete lie. When   Cathy left his house that evening, Ken didn't tell  anyone what she had told him for many reasons. One   because he didn't think it was 100% the truth and  he didn't know what was true and what was a lie or   how serious this whole thing even was. And another  reason why he hadn't told anyone was because he   was so shocked and disgusted and horrified by what  Cathy had just told him that he was honestly, like,   in a bit of shock. He couldn't quite comprehend  that his ex-wife had just come to him and   said that she had helped to murder five innocent  elderly residents of a care home. He just could not-   it just- it just wouldn't sink in his head, he  didn't want to repeat those words to anyone   else. So for all those reasons, he just kind of kept  this to himself hoping that it would resolve some   other way. The two of them ended up meeting up  again quite a few times after this, Cathy and Ken   um- and of course, it was brought up again and after  a while, Ken was actually starting to believe her.   When he was able to ask more and more questions  and she had the answers, he was really starting   to believe her. One of his main questions was  why? Why do you need to murder these people and   he even tried to suggest that it could have  been empathetic. He was- he was trying to come   up with reasons in his head why his ex-wife, the  woman that he had once loved and had a baby with,   why she could possibly do this? So he was trying  to suggest that maybe it was empathetic and maybe,   you know, these old people were like, really ill  and needed putting out of their misery and so   his wife, his ex-wife, was doing that. But Cathy very  quickly shattered this theory when she turned to   him and said no, we did it because it was fun. When  it finally sunk in for Ken just how depraved and   soulless Cathy was, he actually suggested that  she should go and get some psychological help   because she was sick and twisted in the head, to  be honest. He said that she should be hospitalised   and the police should hear about this. He was in  a proper panic now that he realised how big all   of this was it was going to be. A whole massive  police investigation, his ex-wife was a serial   killer. He knew he needed to do something about  this, he was really, really flustered but Cathy   stopped him and told him that if he dared  go to the police and tell them anything, she   would kill herself and so for that reason, he  didn't. He didn't go to the police because he   didn't- didn't want her to die. So now there were  three people that were in on this secret, Cathy   Gwen and Ken. He just had to keep this secret  and he did for months. Months and months and   months knowing that his ex-wife, who is still  with her murderous girlfriend, is a serial   killer. He knows all of this, that five elderly  people died at the hands of these women which   by the way, is this- is this not breaking their  like, pact that the two of them had between   them? That- that they were going to share this  secret, that no one else was gonna know about...   Cathy's gone and told her ex-husband! That's letting  someone in on your little bond thingy, isn't it? And   this was one of their main reasons for having  this pact, this secret is because as soon as   that pact was broken and someone else was told,  it would only be a matter of time until that   came back to bite them, until the secret was fully  out and they were in trouble. Cathy thought that   she could trust Ken with this secret, she even  put her own life in the mix just to manipulate   him into keeping this secret but it would only be  a matter of time until everything caught up with   them. In July 1987, Kathy and Gwen got into one last  huge fight and Gwen actually ended up packing all   her bags, packing up all her s**t as if she  was gonna leave, as if she was gonna walk out   on Cathy once and for all. In retaliation, because  obviously Cathy didn't want Gwen to leave her, she   decided to threaten Gwen's girlfriend Robin but  this didn't really work. I mean let's be honest,   Gwen never really got that attached to people  because there was always a new one. So as much as   she was, like, pissed off at Cathy for threatening  Robin, she was like none of this even matters to   me and Gwen left anyway. She left Alpine Manor,  she left Cathy behind, she left Robin behind, she   left everything behind and she moved to Texas. So  now Gwen is gone, she's in a complete other state   and Cathy is just there in Grand Rapids, still  working at Alpine Manor. She is still divorced   and her ex-husband has custody of her daughter and  she's just kind of looking at her life now, post   Gwen thinking, what the f**k happened? She's lost  everything, she has lost everything. She has lost   her girlfriend, she has lost her ex-husband that  she left her girlfriend for and now she's just   working this job at a residential care home and her  girlfriend's not there anymore. It's a bit boring,   nothing's the same without Gwen but the world  keeps turning and life went on and Cathy just   kept living her very normal life now, keeping  this insane secret that she was a serial killer.   Everyone was keeping this secret pretty well  actually, including Ken. He kept his mouth shut for   over a year, he didn't tell anyone, everything just  continued as if nothing had ever even happened.   That was until one bombshell of a day in the fall  of 1988 when police actually turned up at Alpine   Manor. Because the police had never come digging  before and because no one had ever mentioned   anything to her, mentioned any suspicions, Cathy  had naively convinced herself in her head that   everything was going to be fine and that she'd  completely gotten away with these murders. But   what she didn't know was that the knowledge of the  murders was eating Ken alive. He had had nothing to   do with any of this but because she had let him in  on this deep dark secret that she shared with Gwen,   he felt responsible now and for the last year,  it had just been eating away at him. He felt so   guilty that he was sitting on this knowledge  and not telling the police and so finally, at   this point, he cracked and he had gone and told  them everything that Cathy had told him. So police   arrived at Alpine Manor and arrested Cathy Wood, on  shift, on suspicion of multiple murders and all of   the other staff and all of the residents looked  on in horror as one of their favourite nurses aides   got handcuffed and thrown in the back of a police  car. When Ken had told the police all of Cathy's   story, he had made sure to tell them that Cathy  is a compulsive liar and a narcissist and she   does embellish things a lot so he had urged them  to really try and find some physical evidence of   Cathy's claims, just to back everything up and  even the police actually were bit skeptical at   first, kind of the way that Ken was skeptical of  Cathy in the beginning because they learned that   Cathy was his ex-wife and so they were like,  oh maybe this Ken guy is just trying to get   revenge on his ex-wife that's like moved on. But  no, as soon as they started looking into this case,   they were like oh s**t, this is serious. They dug  up the Alpine Manor patient records, specifically   the patient death records and they spotted  those five deaths in very quick succession   in the first few months of 1987, the five deaths  that Ken thought that Kathy was responsible for.   So police cross-checked these death records, the  time and date of death with the employee records   of Alpine Manor to see which nurses aides were  in on the nights that these people were killed   and Cathy Wood and Gwen Graham, you guessed it,  were on shift for every single one of those five   murders. Not murders sorry, deaths. This was the  death record, they don't know that their murders   yet. And in fact, the police are a little bit, like,  still a little bit skeptical because they can see   that all of these patients death records were all  natural causes and that, you know, doctors had seen   them and released their bodies to their families  for burial or cremation. So police were a bit like,   yeah suspicious that the women were in work on all  these times but nothing proves that they murdered   them, like, intentionally took their lives. So police  had already done all of that work, like, behind the   scenes when Ken came to them and told them this  story, they did all that work before even getting   in touch with Cathy. So they've got all these  records up and they know that she was in work when   all of these people died so it was at this point they decided they wanted to go and speak to her.   So they go down to Alpine Manor, they arrest her  and they take her back to the police station. Once   she was sat down with the officers, she relayed  kind of the exact same story to them that she   told Ken. That Gwen was the murderer, she was the  sadistic, malicious one and Kathy had just been   dragged along the whole time and told to keep wait  and told to cover things up. She made out like she   had been pressured to be a part of these sadistic  killings by her girlfriend and none of it was her   fault. Police didn't confront her on this at all,  at least not at first, they wanted her to tell her   version of events and they kind of fed into it a  little bit and they asked her questions about her   evil girlfriend and everything. They tried asking  her for a bunch of information that would connect   her and Gwen specifically to these five deaths,  like, what were the names of her five victims? And   she gave them all over and they were all the same  names as those five deaths in quick succession. At   the start of the year, Cathy told the police that  it was Gwen that did absolutely every single one   of the murders. She said that she herself hadn't  actually touched any of the murder victims, it was   Gwen that would always approach them with a damp  washcloth, she would smother them, she did it the   exact same five times over and all Cathy did was  just stand in the doorway and keep watch, she never   actually did anything! Or at least that's kind of  what she wanted to make out to the police. She was   making out the whole time that she was very naive , very weak, very easily controlled and that her   girlfriend was evil and- and manipulative and-and  threatening. She said that Gwen was the mastermind   behind all of this. She was depraved, she was sick,  she was evil, she would really get off on what   they were doing. So the Michigan police contacted  Texan police because Gwen had moved there now and   they told them oi, go and arrest Gwen Graham right  now, we think she's a serial killer and they were   like, okay! So the very same day, Gwen was brought  into a Texas police station for questioning and   things only got really, really confusing from  here. Gwen told the police the exact same story   that Cathy had told her police except in Gwen's  version, the roles were completely reversed. So it   was Gwen that was the weak, naive one that was forced  to stand in the doorway and keep guard while her   evil, malicious girlfriend Cathy Wood would wet a  washcloth and go up to each of these five victims   and smother them to to death. Literally every  single story that the two women told were the   exact same details and everything but their roles  were flipped. It was impossible to be able to tell   which one of them was telling the truth because  after all, it was just the two of them there when   each of these murders happened. There was no one  else that police could ask, there were no cameras   in- in the residential home. And it was more than  just the murder stories where the roles were   flipped, Gwen was now telling the police that they  had this really violent BDSM relationship that she   wasn't quite consensual to but she would do  it all anywhere to make Cathy happy. She told them   the story of how Cathy had inserted a gun into  her and threatened to shoot it when it was the   other way around in Cathy's version. So we really  honestly do not know what their relationship was,   like, all we have is what they have said and they  both say different things. So what is the truth?   So I think we can have confidence that each of  these individual events happened that they were   telling police about but we just don't know who  was the main perpetrator or even if there was a   main perpetrator. What if they were both just  fully in with it together, at the same time?   I don't know but at the end of the day, does it  entirely matter? I mean all police know is that   they are being told the stories of five murders  from two women, who were telling the exact same   story. Now they can't tell which one had more to  do with the murders or whose idea it was but like   I said, does it really matter that much when they  have proof that they have two murderers sitting in   front of them? Like, just- just chuck them both in  prison, just do it before they could do anything.   The police needed to confirm that those five  residents deaths hadn't been from natural causes,   they needed to try to prove that they had been  murdered but this was going to be very, very hard   because they'd all died about a year ago so all  of their funerals had taken place. Like I said, one   of them had been cremated literally the day after  her death certificate had been signed! So in that   case, there wasn't a body at all to look at. Two  victims of the Lethal Lovers had been buried, the   other three had been cremated and so harrowingly,  as part of the police investigation, their bodies   had to be dug up. Exhumed from the ground, taken  to a morgue and autopsied, over a year on from their   deaths. Now autopsies can be very, very difficult  once there's been a great amount of decomposition.   I just can't imagine how disturbing this whole  process would be for those victims families to   know that their bodies were being dug up out of  their resting place to go be cut open and for   those pathologists as well, that have to cut open  a half decayed human body. Like all of this is just   so grim! So in the autopsies of these two bodies, I  don't know which victims were actually autopsied   but one of the things that the examiners noticed  right off the bat was that that nothing seemed   a mess from the outside. There were no marks, there  were no signs of, like, prolonged abuse or you know,   self-defence injuries or anything of the like.  Which makes sense, I mean Cathy and Gwen would   pick their victims intentionally because they  were the weaker ones or the more frail ones,   the ones that weren't going to put up a fight so  it makes sense that there were no self-defence wounds   But finally when it came to concluding a cause of  death for both of these victims, both of them were   found to have been suffocated to death. Cathy and  Gwen had finally told some level of truth and that   was that they were murderers and this was all the  evidence police needed to be able to confirm that.   Now they had proof that these two women murdered  at least two people so now they could charge them   and send it to trial. There was only one thing left  before they could actually send this to trial, they   had to figure out who was telling more of the  truth than the other, who was telling a closer   version of the truth because it was clear that  both of these women were liars in some capacity   so there's no doubt that both of their versions of  events were sprinkled with lies, at the very least   if not all lies. So police really had to do some  digging into these women's lives, they had to speak   with their families, their friends. They tried to  compare as much evidence, like, witness statements   and records and absolutely everything. They were  looking into the women's past to see what they   lied about before, like, any violent tendencies that  they'd had before it was a whole operation because   honestly, I can't imagine actually how hard of a  case this must be for police. When you definitely   know that these two people were killing together  but they're both telling different stories of it,   how are you- how do you tease apart what is a  lie and what is the truth? Eventually, police   came to a conclusion that Cathy was telling a  closer version of the truth than Gwen was but   even then, they don't know to what extent one is  lying and one is telling the truth. And of course,   they will never be able to be 100% sure on this,  it's just based on, like, little bits of evidence   and little, you know, little things, little details  here and there. It just seemed that Cathy's version   was more truthful which meant that she likely  had a lesser part in the murders, still they can't   be 100% sure but this is what police believe.  So following this conclusion that they made,   Cathy Wood was actually given a plea deal to give  evidence against Gwen Graham at trial. She would   get some time knocked off of her sentence, you  know, for cooperating. Police knew that it wasn't   ideal to give Cathy Wood a reduced sentence  because she very much was complicit in these   murders and she kept it a secret for over a year,  showing lack of remorse. But due to the lack of   physical evidence in this case, police knew that  in order to actually get this case going and- and   have a good chance of getting Gwen in prison, well  a good chance of getting both of them in prison,   they needed extra evidence, they needed as much  evidence as they can get. And that seemed like   it was gonna have to be Cathy Wood standing up  there at trial and giving her whole version of   events and the only way to get her to do that  is to give her something that she would want,   a couple of years off their sentence. I don't know,  that confuses me just personally a little bit,   that you would trust someone that you've already  established is a pathological liar and has lied   all the way through this investigation, you're  gonna go okay, now we're gonna go put her on the   witness stand and we're gonna believe her now?! Like  I know that lying in court is illegal but like, is   that gonna stop her? She's a serial killer! If the  law was gonna concern her, it probably would have   done it before now. But either way, um- it went ahead.  Cathy went and stood up there in trial, she gave   every detail that she could and she revealed a lot  of disturbing information and a lot of disturbing   information specifically about her relationship  with Gwen, separate from the serial killings. She   described how on the very last night that she saw  Gwen when she, like, packed all the bags and went   to move to Texas, Cathy admitted to the court that  she physically threatened Gwen's girlfriend Robin.   She said that she was kind of in the headspace  of well, if I can't have Gwen, if Gwen's walking   out and leaving me, then- then I want other  people to be miserable, no one else can have her.   Um- I don't know, that doesn't really  explain the logic to me entirely, but!   Cathy said that throughout the the second  half of their relationship, obviously the   first half was committing murders, the second  half was this weird love triangle with Robin.   Um- Cathy said that she would always threaten  Gwen throughout that second half uh- with going   to the police, with telling the police about their  serial killings. Cathy said that she would use this   as her main manipulation tactic to get Gwen to  do and act as she wanted her to. So once Cathy   had finished giving her witness statement in court,  Gwen was given a chance to defend herself against   it a little bit. So Gwen went and stood up there  in court and she said that Cathy had twisted it   all and that actually even though she admitted  that she was a little bit abusive towards Cathy,   she said that their relationship was mutually  abusive. That yes, she had done some horrible things   but Cathy had also done some horrible, horrible  things. Gwen said that Cathy would be verbally,   physically, sexually and emotionally abusive to  her, just as she would be to Cathy. She said that   yes, they had a horrible toxic relationship full of  different kinds of abuse but it was mutual. What an   incredibly difficult case to try to come to a  final conclusion on! I mean, police were already   pretty sure of their conclusion before they sent  it to trial. They thought that Cathy was telling   a closer version of the truth than Gwen was  but even still, it's- it's so difficult that   they literally just do not know what happened. It's  one woman's word against the others and they're   both telling complete opposite tales. I don't know  how you actually go about that as like a- a law   official. And that was very much the turn that was  set in court, by the way. I mean obviously Cathy was   giving her plea deal, witness testimony thing  so everyone kind of knew that Cathy's version   of events should be trusted a bit more than  Gwen's but Gwen's defense team really tried to   defend her. They said that it was very unlikely  that Gwen Graham would have been able to carry   out all these five murders. To- to plan them and  carry them out and cover them up and keep it a   secret for over a year. They said because she had  borderline personality disorder and that she was   low functioning with her BPD which is all, you  know, fair enough but people with BPD don't just go   out and commit five murders and keep it a secret  and then you go to court and it's like, oh don't   worry, they've got BPD, it's fine... hello? But anyway,  her defence team thought that that defended her   um- and some other things that they did to try and  defend her, really liking that word in this video!   Some other things that they did, they brought in uh-  some of the Lethal Lovers mutual friends so people   that knew them as a couple. And a lot of people did  stand in there and say no yeah, their relationship   was mutually abusive, like, they were both horrible  to each other. But actually, even a couple of their   um- co-workers from Alpine Manor who were  brought into court said that even after   Gwen had moved away to Texas, at the very end of  their relationship, a lot of them said that Cathy   stayed very bitter and mean and she was abusive  to co-workers and sometimes even residents. So I   guess that says a lot about Cathy's character,  doesn't it? That even when Gwen's moved away,   she's out of the picture, the two of them  aren't together anymore, Cathy is still   a foul person to everyone. But ultimately, none of  this really changed the case at hand. I think the   court had already decided who was telling more of  the truth and who was telling less of the truth. So   in the end, Gwen Graham was found guilty of all  five murders and for that, she was handed five   life sentences. Cathy Wood on the other hand was  found guilty only of one count of second-degree   murder and one count of conspiracy to commit  murder. Her plea deal meant that she would only   be sentenced to 40 years in prison and I'm just  gonna say, I'm mad. I'm mad! I don't like that! If   she was telling the truth in her story, she stood  there and watched as her partner, the woman that   she was gonna go and have sex with in an hour was  murdering five elderly people, she kept it a secret.   I don't know, one count of second-degree murder  and one count of conspiracy to commit murder   don't sound right to me. I know I'm not a legal  professional but she did more than that, she did   more than that, she was very complicit in her  part of it in my opinion. So like I said, she   was sentenced to 40 years in prison, um- she became  eligible for parole in 2005 and so she applied for   it but she kept getting denied it for a while and  then eventually in 2020, the year of the pandemic,   she was released which actually gave me a little  bit of a chuckle in my research, I'm not gonna like.   Imagine being in prison, like, pretty much all your  life, from your early 20s. You're in there for, like,   what 40 years, you feel like so cooped up for so  long and then you get out there into the world   and then all of a sudden, there's a pandemic  and you put on lockdown for two/three years. I don't know, karma probably but yeah like I say,  she's out now, so. Gwen Graham is actually still   in prison to this day ,I don't think she's ever  gonna get out. Five life sentences for five murders,   she's never seen the color of the sky again. The  most disturbing part of this whole case to me is   that we still don't know what happened, literally  like, we still don't know what happened. Someone   has been in prison and come out of prison and we  still don't actually know what happened and we're   never gonna because as I've been saying, it's one  woman's word against the other and there's no, like,   objective, physical evidence that says who did what  in each of the murders, like, we're just- we're never   gonna know and I don't like that! There is a reason  we only cover solved cases on this channel and   that's because I need answers, otherwise it sets  my brain on fire and I will be thinking about this   for the next week. Both of the women maintain their  overall innocence to this day, they both mentioned   that they were the weaker, naive easily led one  and that their partner was mean and evil and a   murderer and that they just kind of stood watch  at the door. Only one of youse can be telling the truth   and even then, what if neither of them are telling  the truth! That's an even scarier thought, is that   like, what if- what if neither of them are even  close to the truth and what if it was completely   different...ugh! Alpine Manor, the residential home  itself, has since gotten new management and they   have changed their name so to distance themselves  as much as they possibly can from their tragic,   harrowing past. One of the most heartbreaking parts  about this whole case that I couldn't get over at   any point during my research was that all of these  victims had been admitted to Alpine Manor for care.   They trusted all of those staff to not only meet  all their needs but to also be caring and kind and   then the fact that those same people could turn  and literally murder their patients is horrifying.   It's just completely out of the realm of  possibility in most people's minds. That you could   think that someone in a caring profession, that has  dedicated their lives to looking after people. That   has said yes, this is what I want to do day in  day out for the rest of my life is look after   other people. You could never even imagine that in  their head, that they're fantasising about what it   might feel like to kill someone and that they  could very easily act on it at their workplace.   Oh it- it really freaks me out, like, Angel of Death  murders like this where it's, like, doctors, nurses.   Those are some of the most horrific to me. That  those kind of murderers, they're playing the long   game that they go to school and they get educated  and they get degrees. I mean that's not the case   here because they were just nurses aides but still,  people like Harold Shipman. I don't know, sorry, I'm   going on a tangent but now I'm thinking about like  Angel of Death killers and I don't know, there's   so- that's literally my worst nightmare. But anyway  thank you so much for watching this video, I really   appreciate it. That's all I have for this case but  I do want to let you guys know actually, before   I leave, that we've just opened up a case request  form! The link is down below in the description of   this video so if you want to suggest any cases for  us to cover, if there's any that you particularly   want to hear me talk about, go and suggest them!  Um- I'm very excited to see all your suggestions.   Thanks again to our friends over at Ritual for  sponsoring this video, remember if you want to   get 30% off of your first month go to ritual.com  forward slash 30ENEALE, the link is also down   below in the description of this video, if you  want to just go click it. But yeah thank you so   so much for watching, if you want to watch another  one of my videos, I'll leave one right there or if   you want to subscribe, click the little circle in  my face in. Okay, I'll see you in the next one, bye!
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,595,049
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Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, ellie neale, usual disclaimer, lethal lovers, cathy wood, catherine wood, gwen graham, gwendolyn graham, alpine manor, nurses, nurses aides, angel of death, serial killer doctor, serial killer nurse, harold shipman, hospital, care home, lesbian vampire killer, serial killer pact, murder pact, killing patients, lgbt, lesbian
Id: N7duIGuT8jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 31sec (6631 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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