Daddy's Deadly House Fire Plot

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the Philpot house fire is one of the most infamous True Crime cases in recent British history and for good reason because I can guarantee this case will make you so so angry this is one of the most sick and twisted criminals I think we have ever covered on this channel they were committing crimes all throughout their life and they were just getting worse and worse and worse until it all came to an end in the most tragic and horrifying way possible okay so today's video is going to be another solved True Crime case today we're going to be discussing the Philpot house fire but quickly before we get into the case I do just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible establish titles you guys might have heard me talk about established titles in a video last year I think it was but I am still just as obsessed with them now as I was back then so let me tell you about established titles it's based on an old Scottish custom where anyone that owned a patch of land would be referred to as a lord or a lady and so established titles allows you to buy as little as one square foot of dedicated land therefore making you a lord or a lady I've done it I've got my little patch of land so you are now looking at lady Eleanor Neil I even have a certificate to prove it and this oh my God this is so cool I have this up in my bedroom at all times I'm so proud of this and now that you're a lord our lady you can even put that on some like official documents like plane tickets or all your credit cards or you could even put it on like your dating profiles if you really wanted to and another one of my favorite things about this whole process is that established titles will give you the unique plot Number of the piece of land that you own so you can look it up and see exactly where that little patch of land that you own is but that's not all because established titles also do some amazing amazing things for the environment they are very dedicated to planting a tree with every order that they receive and they work with some amazing Charities to help support Global deforestation efforts there's two charities in particular that they work with one tree planted and trees for the future and there's so so many reasons why I just love this as a concept the main reason being I have wanted to be a lady secretly deep down ever since I heard this song this is one of the most amazing songs in the whole entire world and I've always wanted to be lady Eleanor but I also think they just make great gifts for people like it's so unique no one will have ever expected you to have made them a lord or lady for their birthday they also do couples packages as well which I think is so cool and then the plots of land that they get are adjoining so like they make great like wedding gifts or like a giant Christmas present you could get a couple two pieces of land next to each other and now they're a Lord and Lady but do you want to hear some really good news I love this established titles have told me that the first around 200 people to click the link and purchase a title through my link the first 200-ish people will effectively be surrounding my plot so we're gonna be like neighbors we'll be a short walk away from each other at that how cool is that I think we should figure out how to throw a party there or something established titles are currently running a huge Labor Day sale and you can get 10 off when you use my code Eleanor Neal at checkout just go to forward slash Eleanor Neal the link is also Down Below in the description section box thank you so so much to established titles for sponsoring this video but quickly before we get into the case I do just want to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video just a couple of content warnings before we get into this one today we will be discussing themes of domestic abuse sexual abuse and rape so if any of that is something that you don't want to hear about right now I completely understand please click out of the video now hopefully I'll get a chance to see you some other time with a different kiss but with all that being said let's get into today's case so we'll start the story off with the father of the Philpot family shall we his name was Michael Philpot but it's often shortened to Mick Philpot he's known as mcfill pot to the British public and really not much is known about Mick philpot's childhood and his early life I literally couldn't find anything I couldn't even find his actual birthday like the date and the month of his birthday all I could find was that he was born in 1956 in Derby in the Midlands of England that's it that's all I know about his childhood moving on I believe he did all of his schooling as expected and then when he left school he went and joined the army but a couple of weeks before he started his training Mick actually met a girl that would soon become his first ever serious girlfriend a girl named Kim Hill Kim was just 15 years old when she met the now 19 year old Mick Philpott sir he was an adult and she was a child very gross but either way the two of them started dating in 1976. and Kim fell hopelessly in love with Mick Philpot she was obsessed with this man she worshiped the ground He Walked on she used to describe getting butterflies every single time she would see him she was just well and truly swept off her feet by this man and Kim's family loved Mick as well despite the age difference her family loved him especially her her father because he was actually an army man when he was younger so now he really liked that his brother his daughter had brought an army man home he already liked him just because of his job so yeah everything was so so nice between Kim and Mick in the beginning of their relationship Kim was so happy everyone was so happy that she was happy but over time things started to turn super super toxic and Mick became a horrible person he was manipulative and controlling of Kim and if he didn't get his own way at any point during this relationship he would get violent or at the very least he would threaten violence to scare her into submission and because this was Kim's first ever serious relationship she had never experienced having a boyfriend before or having a romantic connection before and so she didn't have anything to compare it to her and so she didn't realize that this was all wrong she just kind of thought that this was how relationships were this is how boyfriends treat their girlfriend fans of course it's not some of the stuff that Mick would do was just insane like he would Implement a lot of different rules that she had to follow including a strict curfew she had a time that she had to be home every single day and if she wasn't home by her curfew he would beat her he would start arguments with her he was such a volatile person to live with at all times I imagine this was so anxiety provoking being in a relationship with this man he had the shortest temper ever he would fly off the handle at the smallest of things and this kind of came on gradually over time it wasn't like one day he woke up and he was the most abusive horrible man in the world but actually that being said it only escalated over the over the course of a few months so it must have been coming on quite quick and things were only gonna get worse from here because up until this point all of the abuse had been going on behind closed doors none of their friends or family knew anything as is often the case but soon Mick would start abusing Kim in front of their friends and family in public at first it was just kind of like sly comments like putting her down in front of friends and family trying to humiliate her make her look stupid and then eventually it was just full-on abuse screaming at her shouting at her in public sometimes even hitting her in public there was one particular occasion where the two of them had been at the pub and Mick asked Kim if she would play a game of pool with him Kim wasn't really in the mood to play a pool that night and so she turned him down but Mick didn't like being told no so immediately he got angry and even got violent I have a quote from Kim here she said he then got the thick end of the pool cue and whacked it straight across my mouth in front of a Pub full of blurks and not one of them did anything my mouth just burst up and bleeding and not one block said a word to him over time the abuse just got worse and worse and worse a million times worse and every single day Kim would be left with bruises and marks even bite marks on her sometimes she had scars from old beatings he broke her bones on multiple occasions like he'd broken her fingers a couple of times because there was this one awful thing that he used to do to her and Trigger one and this is quite graphic he would grab her fingers and pull them back until they broke like he would do it with like one at a time he would break her fingers he'd broken or fractured her cheekbone at one point he'd broken her nose at one point so he was awful awful awful awful to this girl and he had like a sixth sense he could tell when she was getting close to her breaking point when she was getting so close to leaving him or running away from him it's almost like he could sense it and then he would turn on the charm because he did have that loving Charming side although it's clear that it was all just an act but obviously he was nice in the beginning of this relationship otherwise Kim would have never gotten with him so he knows how to act like he cares and act like he loves her so whenever he would sense that she wanted to leave him he would get all charming and apologetic and loving promise he would never do anything like that ever again and every time she would stare with him she never left him I have a couple more instances like specific instances of his violence towards her there was one particular time where Kim was going to leave the house and she was wearing this skirt right and one of Mick's rules like I said he had a lot of rules for her one of his rules was that she can't leave the house wearing anything that he doesn't approve of first and as she was leaving the house this day in this skirt he saw her and he thought that this skirt was way too sharp it was way too revealing she shouldn't be going out dressed like that when she's got a boyfriend he had a major problem with it but instead of communicating that or instead of saying any anything Mick Philpot just started a fight over this grabbed a crossbow and shot her in the crotch with a crossbow there was another particular time where Kim was babysitting for one of her friends her friend had gone out and so she'd agreed to have their kid round at her house her and Mick's house and she was gonna look after this child whatever and later that evening Mick got home from work Kim is still look after looking after this kid in their house and usually whenever Mick would come home from work Kim would run to him at the door give him loads of affection you know it was kind of like a routine but on this particular day obviously she's looking after this kid so she doesn't and for the rest of the evening she is busy looking after this kid playing with this child and Mick is getting jealous of the attention that this child is getting from his girlfriend so much so that he went and grabbed a hammer and in front of the kid that she was babysitting he smashed her kneecaps with this Hammer you can imagine how she ended up with so many broken bones and so many injuries at all times this man was horrifically creative with the punishments and the abuse that he would give his girlfriend and by the way Kim is still attending school and college this whole time like she's still going in for her lessons and people are seeing the bruises they're seeing the broken bones and no one's really saying anything no one's helping her to be fair people would always ask her like what's wrong how did you get those injuries and she would always come up with excuses every single time different ones like she'd fallen down the stairs or she'd gotten into a fight with another kid or something like that she just always had explanations for her injuries Kim would get very short breaks away from her abusive boyfriend whenever he would go away and do training in the Army because he was still right at the beginning of his training he was only going to like different places in the UK he wasn't going abroad just yet but he was getting out of the house and she had a little bit of Freedom every time he did but every time he would return from his training it seemed that the abuse would take a step up every single time it got worse and worse and worse one of Nick's main things was that every time he would come back from the Army he would be convinced that Kim had been cheated on him while he was aware like he was convinced he had no proof zero proof because she wasn't she was loyal she never cheated on him with anyone when when he was away at the Army or any other time but no he was convinced that she was sleeping with every man in the whole town when he left and he would get angry at her for it despite having no proof honestly I think he was just looking for any excuse to be able to abuse her at this point in time because he had no reason to be angry at her ever anymore because she followed every single one of his rules perfectly she never like did anything out of line that might piss him off he had no reason to be angry at her ever anymore so we had to make things up I think he just enjoyed being angry and violent and abusing this woman and so yeah he would accuse her of cheating every single time he came back and as Mick got into his early 20s he became just absolutely insane like not in his sound mind whatsoever so he still had it in his head that Kim was cheating on him and so a couple of times he lied to her saying that he was going to wear you know for an army thing he had to go away for a few days but he didn't there was no Army thing instead he would go and stay at his friend's house for a short while pretend that he was away at work but that whole time he would just be spying on Kim he wanted to know what she got up to when he wasn't around when he was actually aware with the army so he would fake these trips I think he did it a couple of times and he would stalk his own girlfriend around town for days at a time so he knew full well that she wasn't cheating on him because he watched her he watched everything she did and she wasn't meeting up with any guy she wasn't going home with any guys he stalked her he knew exactly what she was getting up to when he was away at the Army and it spoiler alert it was just normal mundane stuff and even when he would come back from these fake Army trips where he'd spent the whole thing stalking her he knew that she hadn't cheated on him he would still come home and start an argument as if she had after two long years of this traumatizing relationship Kim had finally had enough and let me remind you how young she's been through all of this as well she was 15 when she got with him she'd been with him for two years from 15 to 17. still a child that whole time enduring the most horrific abuse I think I've ever heard she'd finally gotten to her breaking point in the summer of 1978 and she decided to sit down and write out a handwritten letter to Mick telling him that she was leaving him and she was gonna go back home and live with her parents and she didn't want to see him again so she wrote this letter left it on the side in the house went and packed up her things and escaped from the house while Mick wasn't even there he didn't know that this was going on and as soon as he got home and read that letter I'm sure you can imagine he hit the roof with anger he was not gonna let this happen he now started stalking Kim and her family because he knew where her family lived he'd been in a two-year relationship with this woman they'd been to her parents house before so he started stalking the parents house he would watch what times people came and left and from that he was able to figure out everyone's routines everyone's schedules Kim's her mothers her father's he was able to know who was going to be in that house at what time he stopped this house for weeks and weeks and weeks and eventually figured out that Kim's father always worked night shifts meaning that Kim and her mother would be in the house alone almost every night because to be honest I think that was the only person in that household that Mick actually feared because he knew that he could easily overpower both Kim and her mother if he had to so on one particular night mcphill part made a plan and put it into action he went to Kim's home and hid in the bushes out front and just watched the front door waiting for her father to leave for work once the dad left for his night shift and the curse was clear Mick Philpot then broke into Kim's home where both she and her mother were laying sleeping in their separate beds upstairs Mick made his way right up to Kim's bedroom he swung the door open and he had a knife in his hand of course Kim was asleep in her bed she had no idea what was about to happen Mick approached her and started frenzied stabbing her as soon as Kim woke up and was able to fight back she really was fighting back she was fighting for her life she was desperately trying to get away trying to hit him off and so for this reason a lot of her stab wounds were all over her body somewhere on her back somewhere on her front her chest even in her arms when she tried to like defend herself meanwhile Kim's mother Shirley has of course woken to her daughter's screens and so she jumps out of bed runs to her bedroom where she finds her daughter being stabbed by this man this Intruder so Shirley ran over to Mick grabbed him from behind and tried to pull him off of her daughter but Mick turned round and just turned the focus of his attack now on Kim's mother he started stabbing her too some of them in her front and then she managed to turn around and try to run for the door but he caught her again and continued stabbing her in the back she had 11 Step wounds in Turtle Kim's mother Shirley fell to the ground and when she did Mick paused for the first time since he had come inside that house and he just looked around at what he'd done his girlfriend was laid on the bed in a pool of her own blood her mother laid on the floor again in a pool of her blood and he had done all of this so much Devastation had taken place in the last minute in total he had stabbed Kim Hill 27 times because she broke up with him so yeah now Mick is just kind of looking at this crime scene and he's feeling a little bit overwhelmed don't get it twisted he wasn't feeling remorseful just overwhelmed this was a lot for him to deal with and so he just went and sat on the stairs for a while still had the knife in his hand but he just he just needed to sit down for a second luckily at this point the neighbors had heard the screams when Mick had been stabbing both Kim and her mother they'd heard all the commercial going on inside this house and neighbors had had called Emergency Services there were police on the way there were ambulances on the way but Mick Philpot didn't know that he's acting as if he's got all the time in the world he thinks he has just killed two people and now he's just sitting on the stairs just contemplating it a few minutes later police and paramedics burst through the door and they see Mick Philpot still sitting on the stairs with that bloody knife in his hand he looked up saw police and paramedics and just laughed police grabbed hold of Mick Philpot while the paramedics ran upstairs to go and see Kim and Shirley and as they did he shouted to them I wouldn't bother she's a goner I've done a good job on her paramedics got the two women onto stretches rushed them into the ambulances and drove them straight to the nearest hospital for emergency surgery and actually Kim Hill died twice in the ambulance on the way there but was resuscitated both times so she was still alive when she reached the hospital she was rushed straight in for emergency surgery and once they managed to assess her wounds oh my God they were a million times worse than they ever thought she had a collapsed lung her stomach was almost completely sliced open that was the worst of her injury days she had a punctured liver bowels bladder and kidney that's pretty much every single organ in the body near enough and by some kind of Miracle these doctors managed to save her and Kim Hill survived 27 stab wounds she was very nearly murdered that night they lost her twice they managed to save her twice but she would still suffer from the long-term effects of this attack well into the future I think a couple of years later she actually suffered a prolapsed womb and she had to have a hysterectomy is it called a hysterectomy where she had to have the womb like physically removed so now she can't have children she can't bear her own children and they believe that it's because of the scar tissue or because of the damage that was done to her womb during this attack this also put her into an early menopause in her 20s and of course she was dealing with so much psychological damage after this attack as well it had affected her on so many levels this kind of thing is traumatizing Kim's mother Shirley was also severely injured that night with her 11 stab wounds her liver had been pierced although her injuries were a lot easier to treat than Shirley's were Kim's mother Shirley was also a severely injured that night from her 11 stab wounds one of them had pierced her liver although Shirley's injuries were a lot easier to treat than Kim's were both women thankfully survived that ordeal and of course because Mick Philpot was there when police arrived they managed to arrest him straight away and take him down to the police station they decided it would be in everyone's best interest to keep him in police custody until his trial just in case he tried to kill anyone else in the meantime sir eventually he appeared in court charged with two attempted murders in court Kim was so so brave I have no idea how she did this but she got up there on that stand and gave such a detailed version of events I even have a small quilt from her here she told the car art he put the knife in at the top and pulled the knife down he'd actually slit my stomach open at the end of his trial Mick Philpot was found guilty of the attempted murders and for that he was sentenced to seven years in prison and during his prison time Mick Philpot was convinced that after his seven years was up and he was released that he and Kim would get back together like he was so sure that she was just going to be on the outside waiting for him he regularly hand wrote her letters saying things like I know you'll forgive me and I didn't mean to do any harm come and see me soon and when I get out we'll start again and get married of course Kim ignored every single letter this man ever sent her he literally tried to kill her stabbed her 27 times why on Earth would she ever want to get back with him once he gets out of prison for him attempted murder so yeah she ignored every single letter she never wrote him back once they had no communication the whole time that he was in jail in fact her whole family did did everything that they could to avoid this map and then after three years and two months behind bars Mick Philpot was released early served less than half of his sentence for good behavior he was well behaved to let him out well early so yeah he barely served anytime for trying to kill two women he thought he had killed her as well based on what he said to paramedics saying that she was a goner or whatever so yeah he gets out of prison and Mick kept that promise of trying to get back with Kim he was still sending her letters every single day and as time went by and she was obviously still not responding he was getting angrier and angrier in these letters and they start going from begging for her back to threatening her to come back almost blackmailing her saying if you don't come back I will do awful things to you he starts detailing the most graphic descriptions of how he wants to rape her how he would stab her again all these awful awful things I don't know how he thought that was gonna get her back as if she's gonna read a letter about how much he wants to kill her and be like oh okay now I want to go back in the Years following this attack Kim's mother Shirley was actually diagnosed with stage four liver cancer it was incurable she was gonna pass away from this cancer her family believed that she got this as a result of the scar tissue on her liver from when she was stabbed by Mick Philpot and she had to go into surgery maybe something didn't heal right and she ended up with liver cancer and so when she eventually sadly passed away from this cancer her family always blamed Mick Philpot for her death which is yet another reason why Kim would want to stay well away from this man she believes that he is responsible for her mother's death and once he realized that he probably wasn't gonna get Kim back Mick decided to just drop it and move on because it really was as easy as that for him he could go out there and find a new victim just as quickly as he'd around Kim all those years ago and he was confident in that ability as well so he went out and he picked up another woman this woman was named Pamela Lomax the two of them were together for four years and then eventually got married in 1968 but this whole entire time that they had been together pretty much since they'd met each other mcphill part had been abusive to Pamela but this marrying her was something that Mick hadn't managed to do with Kim he wanted to lock down a woman he wanted to have her trapped in a relationship with him and looking back on his previous relationship with Kim that was the one thing that he felt was missing she was able to just run away from him in the middle of the day just like that he didn't want that to happen now with Pamela so he was trying everything he could to lock her in first marriage and very quickly after that Pamela got pregnant had the baby got pregnant again had the baby got pregnant again and had a third child to Mick Philpot so now she was locked in four different ways marriage and three kids Pamela did try and leave mcphill pop multiple times she mentioned it to him so many times that she couldn't do this anymore and whenever she did he would just laugh at her and remind her what happened to his last girlfriend when she tried to leave him he almost killed her so of course Pamela is far too scared to ever try and leave this man her life literally depended on it and so all she could do was just try and live by his rules to a tea try not to piss him off fearing that she would literally be killed if she didn't the only way that she saw getting out of this relationship was if Mick wanted to leave her like she actually wished that he would just get bored of her or maybe he would meet another woman when he was out and want to leave her for this new woman like that was the only way that Pamela saw herself getting out of this relationship alive was if it was his decision she stuck out this relationship for 10 years 10 whole years a Whole Decade waiting for him to leave her and finally it happened Mick was a very very easily tempted man he always thought that the grass was greener on the other side he always wanted what he couldn't have he was one of those men at this point in his life he was coming up on his 40s I think he was about 38 maybe 39 he has three kids and one day he meets a 14 year old girl named Heather kiha so the way that these two met Mick Philpot used to go fishing at this Lake in town and this Lake also happened to be quite a popular hangout spot for teenagers in the area and Mick being you know a pedophile he sees this group of teenage girls and he starts thinking about how he's gonna start talking to them you know he needed a reason to go over and talk to to them and that's when he thinks oh alcohol cigarettes these girls can't go in and buy their own they're too young they're underage so I'll go in the shop and buy them for the girls so that gives me a reason to go over and talk to them give them them so yeah that's how he initially met Heather and her friends and from that point on they would see each other at the lake quite often like he would go and fish and the girls would be there and then they'd all get drinks and at first he seemed like a really cool like Charming friendly useful guy you know he would go in the shop for them they thought this was great over time the two of them formed a relationship and I used the word relationship very very Loosely because it can't be a relationship between a 14 year old girl and a man who is nearly 40 40. it was grooming she was groomed this wasn't a relationship and in fact she was manipulated and controlled already before they'd even gotten into a relationship Mick Philpot would manipulate her into having sex with him and actually Heather ended up losing her virginity to this man in a sleeping bag at the lake it's awful to think about this this girl was so so young and he would say things to her like if you don't come and have sex with me then I don't know what threats exactly he would use but that's how he would get sex out of her a lot of the time he would use threats to get it and then one day Mick Philpott runs away from his wife his three kids the life that he built he runs away with this 14 year old girl Heather and this relationship was exactly the same as all of Mick philpott's previous relationships it was abusive manipulative controlling threats violence every single day and he told Heather about this grand plan that he had and he'd been thinking about this for quite some time he decided that he was gonna abduct his three children from Pamela but it seemed he didn't really care that much for the kids themselves it was more so just to get back at Pamela and Mick actually tried a few times to see if he could actually abduct these children but Pamela had put as many blocks in the way as she possibly could they'd moved houses they changed all their numbers absolutely everything that she could do to protect herself and her children she had done and so Mick just couldn't get to them eventually he just gave up it was too much effort and the reward was not worth all of the work that it was taking so he gave up and instead he just had two kids with his new girlfriend Heather who was a child herself so now he was a father of five and still the same sick twisted abusive individual that he'd always been and now he was making his new girlfriend's life a living hell and living with Philpot was absolutely unbearable he would beat Heather of the smallest of things things as small as her forgetting to put a wash load on she would get beat for it towards the end of their relationship Heather was so scared of Mick that she was refusing to have sex with him she did not want to go near this man and whenever she would refuse sex he would rape her anywhere and he'd also brainwashed their kids I think they had two sons together he had brainwashed their kids into essentially becoming like his little minions he would turn them against their mother he would get them to join in the abuse of their mother and of course they had no idea what they were doing Mick would tell them to call their mother a [ __ ] and so they would he would tell them to go over and hit her and so they would they had no idea what they were doing and then came one particular day where Mick gave Heather a horrendous beating probably one of their worst yet and she was scared for her life like actually scared that he was gonna kill her that day and so the first chance she got she ran out of that house and just escaped with nothing more than the clothes on her back she ran away she didn't take a bag she didn't take a change of clothes she took none of her belongings she even had to leave her two children in that house with Mick Philpot otherwise she was scared that she was gonna die in there she felt awful about it and the first thing she did when she ran away was try and get an emergency custody battle in place so that she could get those kids back to safety back with her Heather was just 20 years old when she managed to escape this horrific violent abusive relationship that she had been forced to be in for six years now since she was 14 all of her teenage years pretty much luckily Heather was able to get her children back pretty easily as soon as police and like the courts looked into this situation of course they wanted Heather to have those kids not Mick but unfortunately her ordeal with Mick Philpot wouldn't end there he was relentless wasn't he so she moved out went and lived in a new house with her children and of course Mick found out that address and he would write letters to Heather almost every single day first of all begging her to come back and then when she didn't he started threatening her to come back to him I think she managed to move house and lose him and So eventually he stopped sending her letters he'd gotten bored and actually once again his attentions had turned elsewhere Mick was now in his early 40s when he met a 19 year old girl named Maria Duffy marid was a single mother she had a son of her own and she too had actually just gotten out of her own really abusive relationship she was abused so badly by her ex and Mick Philpot was clearly very good at putting on a front when he first met these women obviously otherwise his last three girlfriends wouldn't have gone anywhere near him in the first place would they but he was he was good at putting on this fake Charming Persona he was good at sweet talking people he was good at getting on people's good sides and he was actually seemed quite likable when people first met him he made friends quite easily he made girlfriends very easily but this was because he was so incredibly manipulative and observant that he would as he was talking to people he would like size them up and try and read them and figure out what they wanted from that interaction and then he would mold himself to become that so in the case of Maria Duffy he has just met this young vulnerable girl she's scared she's just come out with an abusive relationship with an awful awful man what she is looking for right now subconsciously our consciously is a knight in shining armor someone who is going to protect her save her show her real love you know someone that's going to be nice to her and Mick Philpot knew exactly what she wanted to hear he gave her everything he thought she needed everything she wanted and he was willing to lie a lot for it Mick even confided in Madrid telling her that he too had been a victim of an abusive relationship in the past and so he really understood it you know he really got her all a lie all a lie as far as we know he has never been the victim he has always been the abusive one in his relationships and this poor girl believed everything that Mick Philpot said to her she was completely swept off her feet she felt so safe around him and she fell for him before long the two of them were married and actually at this point as far as like Reports say this relationship seems very different to Mick philpot's first few at least at this point it does I don't know exactly how long there was between Madrid and Mick meeting and then them getting married I don't know how long that was but when they did get married they seemed like they were still really happy and it didn't seem like the relationship was abusive yet I don't know how much we can believe those reports because a lot of abuse does go on behind closed doors so it could have been going on to be honest but a lot of the reports seem like Mick and marid were very happy together in the run-up to their marriage and for the first few months of their marriage that was until 2001 when mixed eyes went wandering again he met a 16 year old girl this time named Lisa Willis Lisa was a single mother she had a child of her own and she was an orphan as well she didn't have a lot of family and so she was taking care of her son all alone at 16. so she was struggling she was very very vulnerable when she met Mick Philpot and he spotted her weaknesses and use them against her Mick Charmed Lisa swept herography as he seemed to be able to do with women somehow and the two of them started an affair behind merid's back so now Lisa is mix mistress but he actually made no attempt to hide this from marade I don't know if he spoke about it openly but he certainly wasn't trying to hide her so rather quickly Marie had found out about this relationship and she did absolutely nothing about it I think maraid was just so exhausted from her previous relationship and her self-esteem was just so so low at this point that she she didn't want to fight against this man she didn't want to risk losing Mick and she knew that that was probably what was going to happen if she kicked off about this affair if she had a problem with this affair he would just leave her for for Lisa so she didn't want to do that instead she just put up with him cheating on her she just put up with him treating her like [ __ ] the whole entire time just because she didn't want him to leave so at the time Mick and marad were living in a three-bedroom Council house on a street called Victory Road it was 18 Victory Road she'd moved in with him not long after the two of them had gotten together she moved her son in as well so it was all three of them living there in that house and they were happy but all of a sudden Mick had some changes that he wanted to make to the living arrangements in light of his new Affair that everyone was now aware of he made no attempt to make this secret so everyone knew that he was married to marade no he wasn't married to her yet was yeah married to marad where no he wasn't married to her yet I think I said that they were married earlier on they're not married yet they they will get married in in a minute sorry so he's not married to anyone at this point in time but he's got two girlfriends and he decided that he wanted to make his affair part of his Everyday Life part of his regular home life there was no point him sneaking around and them going off elsewhere to be together when everyone knew Maria knows so why not bring it in the house yeah he suggested to merid that they move Lisa in that his mistress comes and lives with them in their house with her kid as well and you know he kind of staged this to Mirage as if this would be a really good thing for them because there'd be extra help around the house someone else to help look after the kids win-win right marid actually agreed to this suggested change she let Mick move his other girlfriend into the house and so with that Mick gets going on some some changes that he was going to do to the house in preparation for Lisa's big move he went out and bought a caravan and he brought it back and packed it on the driveway alongside the house they had like a driveway down the side of the house and this Caravan was basically going to act as like an extension on the house essentially um but like an outdoor exterior extension because this extension had a very specific purpose basically the plan was Mick Philpot was going to sleep in that Caravan that was his bedroom and every other night he was gonna bring a different girlfriend into that Caravan with him to have sex every other night he would swap them they would they would alternate meanwhile the other woman that is not chosen to go in the sex Caravan would look after the two kids inside the house get them ready for bed and whatever you know be the housewife of the night so quite an unusual unconventional setup all three of them seem to be consensual in this you know they've even said in interviews and stuff that they were very much consensual in this whole living Arrangement that they had but it is still quite unusual you know not a lot of people have heard of anything like this before and so naturally it gained the Philpot family this new family a lot of attention a lot of media attention different news outlets wanted to interview them and talk to them and hear about this really weird situation Mick did a ton of interviews he went on different like TV shows and newspapers and stuff and to be honest Madrid and Lisa were never really in many of these interviews they were in a couple of them but a lot of the interviews seem to be more from like Mick's point of view of the situation because the way that a lot of the tabloids were coming at this story was more just like oh look at this absolutely loud shagging two bits you know he's got two girlfriends at once you know what I mean that kind of thing I have a quote from one of his interviews where he was asked like how they're alternating nights worked and he said I service both of them if they want it in the same night gross a lot of the interviews that they did at the time described their relationship together as polyamorous although Mick always said that it wasn't that's that's not what it was because they didn't have an equal relationship between all three of them marade and Lisa were not together they would just mix girlfriends they never had a romantic or sexual connection between the two of them it wasn't like everyone was dating each other in this situation it was literally just the women were there for the man's enjoyment in 2003 Mick Philpot proposed to marid Duffy I'm sorry I I got the timeline so wrong earlier but now he has finally proposed to marad but this did not mean that he was giving up his relationship with Lisa no absolutely not she was still gonna be on the scene of course in fact she was gonna be a bridesmaid at the wedding at her boyfriend's wedding she is his wife's bridesmaid but that's not even that's not even the kicker are you ready for this at the wedding Lisa the one who's not getting married she was seven months pregnant with Mick philpott's baby that man up there on the altar that is kissing another woman saying I do to another woman she has his seven-month-old baby in her belly so she has sat down there at this wedding ceremony watching all of this going on baby in belly bridesmaid dress on probably not even 18 years old yet watching her 40 year old boyfriend get married feeling like second best of course I think at the time of the wedding marid was also pregnant with his baby I might have got the diamonds a little bit wrong because to be honest the timings in this case especially when it comes to the children they have been such a pain in the neck because there's just so many there are so many timings you will see throughout this video there are so many children and there are so many times to remember so I've tried my best I think marid was also pregnant at the time of the wedding so then after the wedding these two women both have their babies so now there's two more Philpot children in the family and after that both of them felt pregnant again pretty much straight away because if you didn't know after a woman gives birth after a woman has a child she is very very fertile after that it's she's got quite a high chance of falling pregnant again right after giving birth I think it's something about the hormones like there's still loads of hormones in her body I don't know something but basically whenever a woman has a baby they try and put her on some sort of contraception if she doesn't want another one straight away because chances are kind of high that she's gonna fall pregnant again and both of these women did and for the next few years neither of these women went on contraception birth control nothing so every time they would have their baby they would just fall pregnant again and then they would have that baby and then they would fall pregnant again in total Mick Philpot had four children to marade and three children to Lisa so that is seven but also bear in mind that there was already two children in the house from Marie's previous relationship and from Lisa's previous relationship so nine kids in the house now and there is actually a reason for this there is a reason that Mick wanted so many kids he wasn't doing this for nothing he saw these kids as money makers Mick had worked out that the more kids they had the more benefits they could get for them because all his life Mick had been on benefits I don't think he'd ever really gone out and got a job so he was getting unemployment benefits he was also in poverty among among other difficulties he was getting benefits for a few different reasons in fact the whole family were married was claiming benefits Lisa was claiming benefits of course because they were single mothers before they met Mick all like there was a lot contributing to their benefits but one of the major things was the kids because obviously the more kids they had the more cost it would take to look after them and keep them alive and keep them you know fed and happy and so the more money the government needed to give of the fill parts so that gave them an incentive to just keep having kids didn't it it's been estimated that the Philpot family was claiming over 60 000 pounds in benefits every year which wait what's what's minimum wage in this country guys I'm not very good at maths but I think I've figured out that that the minimum wage in the UK in like 2010 which was around the time of this case was less than 13 000 pounds a year and they're on 60 000 pounds a year and doing no work but whatever Mick Philpot was loving his life he was enjoying every second of this he loved the idea of growing his family more and more seeing how many more kids they could have he even nicknamed The Family the Philpot family Empire but don't get it twisted because he really did not care about the kids themselves at all he was a very very hands-off dad like he barely spent time with his kids barely played with them just didn't care for them like I said he just saw them as money he he left all the caring of the kids to murade and Lisa that's one of the main reasons he moved Lisa in was so that he had another child minder in the house so yeah there's nine kids in 18 Victory Road at the moment and don't forget he's got five kids to his other two previous relationships as well this man was a machine 14 kids well no two of them aren't his so 12 kids Jesus he was absolutely loving his life at this point in time and every single day that this man woke up he did sweet F all he would just sit on the surfer watch TV go for walks eat food drink that's it that's it he would exist meanwhile his wife and his girlfriend were caring for all nine of their children they were doing all of the housework and like I briefly mentioned earlier at one point both women were forced by Mick Philpott to go out and get a job on top of everything else they did and what's very unsurprising about this is that when these women went out and got jobs Mick made them put all of their details in his name so that when the money would be deposited into their Bank it wouldn't go to their Bank it would go to Mick because he was the man of the house and he managed all the household spending no no he just didn't want these women to have their own money he wanted he wanted it and he didn't want them to have freedom and autonomy of their lives because that was a threat to him if they were able to keep their own money God knows what they would do with it they would try and run away and I think he knew that but it was isn't just money that he didn't trust them with he also didn't trust these women to have their own house keys that neither of them had a key to their own house I can't imagine how much that would strip your Independence you would feel like a child in your own home having to wait for a chaperone to let you in and out all the time but despite everything that these two women were working against the two of them marid and Lisa seemed like great mothers given the circumstances they really cared for those kids those kids were always well fed they were always dressed always clean always at school on time always in bed on time they were really well brought up given the circumstances like I said and of course we don't know all the intricate details of what went on behind those walls but from everyone else's point of view when these kids would come to school they seemed like a normal nice family there was nothing wrong with these kids so yeah that was life in 18 Victory Road for the Philpot but over the years the relationship Dynamic of this like threesome thing that they had going on the relationship Dynamic changed which I'm sure we could all see coming as the years went by Mick realized that he actually preferred Lisa to marad but he was married to marid that one was his wife and he wanted to change that he wanted to swap he didn't want to break up with marad he did still want maraid in his life but he just kind of wanted them to swap places he wanted Lisa to be his wife and Maria to be his girlfriend so he brought this up to marad and she was really upset by this really really upset in fact and I was quite surprised to hear this marade refused she turned around to Mick and she said no we're not getting a divorce we are staying married like not happening and so he brought it up to her on a few more occasions suggested it again saying you know I want to get a divorce I want to get married to Lisa and every time marade would stick up for herself and she'd be like no we're not getting a divorce I don't I don't want to have a failed marriage that was the main reason that she didn't want to get the divorce was that she hated the idea of having a divorce you know like the actual concept of their marriage not working out really upset her it really broke her heart to think that she was gonna have a failed marriage so it didn't matter if the marriage was miserable she wanted to stay in it just stay in it you know of course that kind of comes more from a place of like pride and and the principle of marriage not so much the actual feelings I think she did still really like Mick at this point in time but she refused to get a divorce um and I think this whole thing about like her pride and and the principle of marriage I think that was probably one of the main reasons why she was so accepting of Mick having another girlfriend and like moving Lisa into the house because she would rather do that she would rather he had an affair and even brought that Affair under their roof with in the same house as their kids just as long as it meant that they weren't getting a divorce so the two of them stayed married Mick obviously didn't really want it I mean he would have preferred to have been married to Lisa but at the same time that change in the marriage Dynamic wouldn't really change their lives at all they would still have the same routine of every other night in the Caravan with him like he wasn't that bothered about pushing for this divorce so he just kind kind of dropped it because to be fair Mick Philpot had bigger fish to fry at this point in time because their house was getting very very cramped as I'm sure you can imagine there is what a million kids in there now it was a three bed house with three adults in it and nine kids oh and and they have the Caravan but that don't really count that's not the house that doesn't count but the thing is this house that they lived in on 18 Victory Road it was a council house it was given to them by the government because the Philpot family could not afford to buy their own house as many families can't so if they wanted a bigger house they were gonna have to get in touch with the council and say hi can we have a bigger one can we have more rooms please bigger house and I mean we are really really lucky to have a system like this in the UK that can provide housing for people that really really need it but at the same time it's not a fairy godmother there's no like infinite supply of loads of different houses and loads of different sizes loads of different amounts of bedrooms like we just don't have that it's much more of a you kind of get what you're given system like if you need a house you apply for it and they will try their best to get you a house that meets all your needs but sometimes they just don't have the houses available they don't just have five six bedroom houses on tap for whenever a family outgrows their current house and this was gonna be quite the problem for the Philpot family so Mick reaches out to his local Council and he practically demands a bigger house he was a very very entitled man he didn't really ask for anything ever he just thought he was gonna get it and so he just like demanded things from people so he's demanding a bigger house from the council and the council wrote back to Mick and they were really apologetic and they basically said we don't have any houses available any bigger houses available right now we will keep you updated we'll keep looking for them and assume soon as we have a five six bedroom house that you and your family can move into you can have it but right at this moment in time they simply did not have a house to give him but Mick was absolutely fuming about this because like I said very entitled he felt like he deserved a bigger house he and his family should get that bigger house so this was when he decided to take matters into his own hands if they weren't gonna give him a bigger house he was gonna have to use a different tactic to get one and he decided that the best way to go about this was TV appearances he loved attention did mcfill Park and he thought that if he essentially went on TV and tried to make Derby Council look really really bad for not giving him a house like if he went on TV and really complained about their living conditions made their lives sound like hell that would make Derby Council look really bad to the point where they might turn around and just give him a house just to shut him up so that he'll stop talking about them on TV so he decided to go on the Jeremy Kyle show of all things and this is a very Infamous sure from like the 2010s to the 2000s 2010s in the UK If you're not familiar with the Jeremy Kyle show I will try and explain it but I don't know how you explain a show like this so basically it had the host Jeremy Kyle oh it's it's kind of like Jerry Springer in America or like Maury I don't know I've actually never seen Maurice uh maybe I can't compare them yeah you know where people go on with like their issues and then the horse tries to like help them sort it you know like paternity test is the kid is this the kid's dad you know all those kind of like oh all that drama basically and it was first thing on the morning on ITV it's since been canceled because it was very very problematic because basically the only people that they would get on would be like the working class discussing working class problems and it was essentially just for people's entertainment like the general public at home were just sat laughing at all the drama between Working Class People it was the the ethics of this show were very off it was quite exploitative of the working class and their problems just like this one to be fair like the fact that Mick Philpott had a council house that was too small for his family and now his children's living conditions were suffering because of that and yes of course you can say that Mick Philpott did this to himself they kept having kids they weren't using contraception knowing full well that they would outgrow their house one day like they did it to themselves didn't they but that being said it doesn't really matter whose fault it is that this family of outgrown the house bottom line is they have they have outgrown that house and these innocent children's living conditions are suffering because of it yeah their dads are melon but we can't let these kids suffer because of that you know I don't know I just don't really think it's that much of a laughing matter to like have the dad come on TV and like entertain the nation talking about how his house is too small and his kids are suffering I don't know but they did it anyway he went on the Jeremy Kyle show on the show he was nicknamed Shameless Mick and labeled as a super scrounger which was a term that was used a lot in the 2010s to describe people that just completely live off benefits try and get as many benefits as they possibly can when they don't necessarily like deserve them or need them after his appearance on the Jeremy Kyle show the public hated mcphill pop they thought that he was lazy because he was unemployed and he was claiming unemployment benefits When there was no reason really for him to be unemployed he just didn't want a job he was simply just lazy and they were just claiming more and more benefits every single year and Mick sat on the show and said this very openly and like he was very proud of it and so naturally the public didn't like him for it and despite having so much negative attention Mick was loving every second of it because I don't think he really cared whether the attention was positive or negative he just liked attention after his appearance on Jeremy Kyle Mick Philpot was kind of known in the UK at a very low level let me say but he was kind of known he was kind of the face of you know abusing the benefits system really so naturally after his appearance on Jeremy Kyle and now that he's gained a very low level infamy in the country he starts getting offered other TV appearances for kind of like similar shows there was another ITV show that he went on named Anne widicum versus the benefits culture and whitakam was a politician I don't know if she's still active actually but she was a member of the conservative party and she was given this ITV show for some reason to essentially expose the inner workings of the benefits system but more specifically people that are kind of abusing the benefit system and milking it for all that it's worth you know people like Mick Philpot that are trying to get as much money as they possibly can so there was a whole episode in this TV show dedicated to Mick Philpot and his family and Anne whittakam basically spent like a week with them and she was just going about their daily lives with them seeing what they did what they were spending their money on and like how they were living and in this episode I've only seen a couple of clips of it I haven't watched the whole episode but Ann whitakam gets so sassy with Mick Philpot because honestly he was just lazy like he could easily go and get a job and not have to claim benefits but he didn't want to and so she called him out on this so many times in the show she asked him why he didn't want to go out and get a job and he turned to her and he was like I choose to be a stay-at-home father a stay-at-home husband this is my job this is my life but of course that was not true at all he sat on his ass and did nothing all day his two girlfriends did everything but as the episode went on the sure made sure to show that like that Mick did nothing and those two women did everything all the housework all the child care the sheriff saw how hypocritical he was and they made sure to show those two sides of him so that he looked even worse actually once this show went out to the public Mick Philpott was even more hated than before because now not only did he look lazy he also looked entitled he looked like he was just using these two women he looked like a bad guy on so many different levels and when Mick realized that he wasn't really coming across very well in this show he like Snapped at Ann widdecombe and called her an inferring [ __ ] he also said some people call me a scrounger but I'm not I'm just a good father and Whitaker has since come out with loads of like inside information loads a little bit of inside information from when she filmed that sure and she said that behind the scenes like when the cameras were off Mick never really referred to marid or Lisa by their names just as [ __ ] on camera he was always like oh my lovely two wives he called them both wives even though one of them wasn't but he made sure to say in this episode that like he he sees them both equally it like in his eyes they are both his wives if he could marry them both like by law he would but he can so yeah in the show he's always like my two lovely wives my my two ladies and then as soon as the cameras go off he's like those [ __ ] and whitakam also noticed throughout the filming that mixed kids didn't really seem to care for him all that much like if they wanted something if they wanted affection or a hug or needed to ask for something they would go to their mothers not once did they go to their dad it was almost as if they weren't even related these kids weren't treating him like a dad probably because he never really treated them like his own children he wasn't really like in their lives well he was he was in their lives every single day but not treating them as his kids like they were cared for by their mums and then there was just this guy living in the house so yeah after these TV appearances life went on for another five years until 2012 when there was a big change on the horizon at this point Lisa had had enough of this situation she was sick of being this married man's girlfriend always being second best and having her life revolve around this this man that that didn't treat her the way that she should be treated she'd been feeling this for a while and it had been building up for a while and one day it just came to a Breaking Point and she realized that she wanted to leave she wanted to leave Mick she wanted to leave this life but she knew that she was gonna have to be clever about it she was gonna have to be sneaky about it because if she just told Mick that she wanted to leave him that would never end well of course it wouldn't he would get so angry she knew that she couldn't let Mick know that she was leaving she would have to just do it just like run away so one day in February of 2012 Lisa told maraid that she was gonna take all of her children to the local swimming pool they were going to go swimming for the morning so she packed all the kids a little swimming kit and they set off and never returned again from there they ran away ran away from the Philpot household with nothing more than the clothes on their backs and a little swimming kit each when Mick eventually realized that Lisa and half of his children had run away he hit the roof with anger and he actually took it all out on Mirage saying that it was her fault that she let Lisa leave everything was always someone else's fault it was never Mick philpot's fault so as he always did when his girlfriends left him Mick tried absolutely everything he could to get Lisa back he was texting her calling her showing up at her house and then over time these turned into threats saying that if she didn't come back to him he would do XYZ to her but still wasn't working she was not coming back to him a couple of months into their split a court date was set for them to settle who would get custody of the children so that court date was going to be on May 11 2012. and Mick was absolutely determined to win this court case and win custody of his children so that Lisa couldn't have them in the same way that he had wanted to abduct his first few children from his first ever girlfriend it wasn't about the kids it was more just about spiting his ex so yeah he was determined to win this court case as some kind of Act of revenge against her so anyway time goes by until the day before the court hearing actually the early hours of the morning on the day of the hearing so it was kind of like the night before Marlin hadn't broke yet and at 3 30 a.m Emergency Services received the following phone call from a very distressed Madrid Philpot what a dress and the kids are inside foreign an absolutely disastrous fire had broken out at the Philpot Residence at 18 Victory Road and right now Mick and my red Philpot were trapped in their back Garden while their house was on fire in front of them and their six children are inside and they can't get to them after a short while neighbors had obviously heard the distressed screams coming from outside and a lot of them were rushing out of their houses and coming over to try and help but honestly by now the fire was already so bad pretty much the whole house was engulfed in flames and if it wasn't limbs it was thick thick smoke that they wouldn't be able to get through of course people were trying people were trying everything they possibly could there was a ladder in the back Garden that Mick Philpot tried to climb up tried to smash a window and get in but he couldn't it was just far too hot there was far too much smoke a couple of neighbors even tried to climb up on the Caravan that they had packed down the side of the house they again smashed a window tried to climb inside but the smoke was so thick that they wouldn't have been able to breathe in there their only hope was that emergency services would arrive quickly because no one else could do anything in this situation it had to be firefighters and when they did arrive at the scene firefighters immediately were so shocked at how big this fire had gotten already how quickly it had spread and how serious this was when the philpots were on the phone to Emergency Services they'd been saying that they couldn't really see any Flames they could just see a lot of smoke however when the firefighters arrived 20 minutes later there was already flames in every single window this fire had been spreading fast regardless the firefighters made their way inside that residence and almost immediately they could tell that this had been an arson attack this was not a naturally occurring fire like an accidental fire this fire had been set on purpose the way that they could tell this was because in the downstairs area there was fire everywhere like everywhere or the whole downstairs was on fire whereas in a natural house fire like an accidental fire the Flames will travel upwards and like to the next floor rather than spread out like that but it seemed that this fire had spread out before it had spread up so it seemed that someone was trying to make sure that all of it would be on fire maybe it was like a petrol fire but like I said it had spread fast and the fire had very much made its way to the second floor by now which was very very very concerning because all six children were still up there so firefighters made their way upstairs Through the flames through all the Thick Smoke and then they realized that they were too late all six of the children were found still tucked up in their beds and most of them were not breathing all six of them were carried out to the Garden as quickly as possible so that paramedics could treat them and they did absolutely everything they could to try and resuscitate these children but it just wasn't working and so five of those six Philpot children were pronounced dead at the sea the children that were killed inside that house fire were 10 year old Jade nine-year-old John eight-year-old Jack six-year-old Jessie and five-year-old Jaden but there was one child That Could by some miracle potentially survive this house fire it was the oldest of all the children 13 year old Dwayne and this was actually Maria's son from her previous relationship he was found also tucked up in his bed he was unconscious but he was still breathing and so they rushed him into an ambulance and took him straight to the nearest hospital in fact he had to go to a specialist hospital he ended up going to Birmingham children's hospital because their Intensive Care Unit was better than any of the ones closer so yeah he's in intensive care right now as soon as he arrived his condition was declared unstable and nurses and doctors did absolutely everything that they could to try and save this boy meanwhile back at the house it was an incredibly harrowing scene just these five children these five innocent children lay dead in their Garden in front of their house that is still on fire and everyone was just waiting for ambulances to arrive off a transport to arrive to take these children's dead bodies to the morgue as I'm sure you can imagine everyone at the scene was just in floods of Tears how could you not seeing this in front of you these five innocent little children who went to sleep that night and never woke up and their two parents seemed absolutely torn up they were screaming in they were crying they were hugging each other this really was one of the worst tragedies to have ever hit this area no one had experienced anything like this later that same morning because remember this happened at like 3 30 a.m so as everyone was waking up that day this case was already hitting the news about this fire at 18 Victory Road it was every newspaper's front page it was on every News Channel so now it was up to police to start this investigation and figure out how this fire had started at this point they'd already spoken to the firefighters who told them that they thought this fire was intentionally started and if that was true if someone had intentionally set fire to 18 Victory Road that night then that would make this a murder investigation they will have killed five people potentially six at this point they didn't know if Dwayne was gonna make it so one of the first things police did in this case was interviews as I often is they spoke to Mick they spoke to married they spoke to all the neighbors anyone and everyone that they possibly could and very quickly a clear suspect started to emerge Mick Philpot told police that he had a crazy ex-girlfriend named Lisa Willis he told them that they'd very recently broken up but he told the story of their breakup very differently to how it actually happened we know that Lisa ran away from him because of the abuse she literally escaped this relationship she had to run away with nothing more than the clothes on her and her children's backs yet Mick was sat there in this police station saying yeah she's crazy she's psycho she's jealous he suggested a theory to police and that was that maybe Lisa had started this fire at his house to get some kind of Revenge on him for the breakup and actually the reason why Lisa was seen as a genuine suspect was because all the neighbors were saying the same thing all the neighbors were also saying to police oh you might want to look into mix X Lisa I've heard she's crazy do you want to know why all the neighbors thought that it was because Mick Philpot had been stood there bad mouth and his ex as his house was on fire so as they were waiting for the firefighters to run up into that house and try and save his six children's lives he was more concerned with turning to the neighbors and just bitching about his ex Mick had literally been telling anyone and everyone that he could that he thinks Lisa did this whilst his kids are dying so naturally of course police are suspicious of Lisa Willis when they've got multiple people saying look into this girl I've heard she's not right of course they're going to want to look into her so immediately police went out and arrested Lisa and brought her into the police station for questioning all six of her children wait did she have six all of her children anywhere were actually taken away from from her and put into short-term care because right now police believe that this woman had set fire to a house and killed five other children so obviously they didn't want these kids anywhere near Lisa just in case they were right so they questioned her for a while but her Alibi seemed to hold up and they didn't have any physical evidence at all to say that she'd done this so actually rather quickly Lisa was released from police custody her kids were given back to her and while she was never fully ruled off the suspect list she was now very very low down on it police weren't as concerned with her so on the same evening that the fire took place Mick and marade Philpot were called to the morgue to go and identify their five children's bodies and I can't imagine how harrowing and traumatizing that situation would be I imagine you would never be the same again they knew it was going to be awful they knew it was going to be heartbreaking it was going to be the hardest thing they had ever had to do and they were wanted a bit of company they wanted a bit of support and so they asked their neighbor Mick Russell if he would come along with them to the morgue and just support them and of course he said yes he wanted to be there for his friends so when they got there when they arrived Murray starts getting really emotional she had been the whole time of course she's lost five of her children she'd been crying the whole time and when they got there it just got so bad that she was saying I I don't think I can do this I don't think I can even go in that room and Sir Mick the neighbor neighbor Mick volunteers to go in instead of her and so Mick fell apart a neighbor Mick go in and identify all five children's bodies after leaving the mortuary Mick neighbor Mick and marid all drove to the hospital to go and see Dwayne for the first time in the Intensive Care Unit all day nurses and doctors had been working as hard as they could to keep this boy alive and this was the first chance that his family had gone to go and see him honestly Dwayne's condition hadn't really really changed since he'd arrived at the hospital he was in a coma that they saw Neuroscience of him coming out of any time soon he was actually on a life support machine when they arrived at the hospital and he was being constantly monitored by staff I think there was always a nurse or a doctor in the room at all times things stared like this for a couple of days and then three days in Dwayne's condition just still wasn't changing so on May 13 2012 Mick and Mariah Philpot made the very difficult decision to turn off Dwayne's life support and he passed away peacefully later that same day police escalated this fire investigation now to a murder investigation they thought right from the beginning that this should be a murder investigation but finally now it was official autopsies were performed on the children that passed away inside the house and it was found that their cause of death was actually from smirk inhalation rather than the fire itself which was comforting to know that's without a doubt the more peaceful where to go rather than being burned alive and so it was it was nice to know that the kids had just gone peacefully in their sleep they wouldn't have felt any pain they wouldn't have been scared you know they wouldn't they wouldn't have even known what was going on they fell asleep that night and they just didn't wake up the general public would just so so affected by this case the whole country knew about it and the whole country felt the pain of the Philpot family these parents had lost all of their children in one night and it's so heartbreaking to think of the amazing lives that those kids could have had the Bright Futures that they could have gone on to have the public just wanted to help and support the Philpot family in any way that they possibly could which included raising money for the funeral a GoFundMe was made and it hit 15 000 pounds and it was it was was really comforting to the nation to know that these children would have a nice send-off because there was no doubt that this family wouldn't have been able to pay for six funerals or one very large funeral for all six children because like I've been saying all video they were on benefits for so many different things they didn't work they didn't have spare money to be able to give these kids a good send-off so this GoFundMe was such a godsend but now this is where things get a little bit weird there's 15 000 pounds in this GoFundMe it goes to the Philpot family you know for the funeral but things didn't go quite as the public expected with this money so when a GoFundMe like this is made you expect every single penny that is donated to go to that cause don't you yes yeah the surely that's how it works but that's not how this one was gonna work as soon as Mickey Marie had got that huge lump sum in their bank account the first thing they did rather than you know go plan the funeral or like figure out what they wanted no the first thing they did they went on a huge shopping spree which okay of course they had lost everything in the fire so it makes sense they they needed new clothes they needed to you know buy back some of the things that they'd lost so it's understandable that they would go on a bit of a shopping spree but they were buying unnecessary things like games consoles and loads and loads of clothes like they were going excessive with this money that had been given to them out of the good of the Public's Hearts to pay for their children's funerals and you know I would I would so much more understand it if they'd have used the leftovers to go shopping with but they hadn't even thought about this funeral yet they were just spending as much of this money as they wanted and the funeral was an afterthought they'd lost all six of their children just a week before but the first thing on their mind when they're getting this money is what video games am I gonna buy you know rather than what headstones are we gonna get for our six beautiful children so as soon as everyone kind of saw this saw what the fill pots had done everyone was kind of side eyeing it being like that that is a bit weird no one ever really wants to say that about a family that has just had a house fire and lost all six of their children no one ever wants to be the guy to be like they're acting weird I think they're acting weird but at this point police had had a few reports of the philpots acting kind of weird since the house fire and they couldn't ignore it anymore they'd had so many reports in fact that police were actually considering looking into the philpots as potential suspects in their own house fire and now when they'd seen this shopping spree that was kind of like the final straw so what else had police noticed throughout this investigation that was so weird what were all these things that were kind of building up for a while well actually it stems back to the day of the fire like things hadn't been right from the very beginning especially with Mick like I said he he was outside that house as it was engulfed in flames all six of his children are still inside they could be dying right now and all he cares about is badmouth in his ex you know turn into the neighbors having a gossip letting them know that his ex was crazy and psycho and and jealous the next weird thing that police noticed was actually when he went to go and identify his children's bodies of course Maria didn't go in but police witnessed Mick Philpot and neighbor Mick go and identify the bodies and it seemed that neighbor Mick was a lot more upset about seeing these five dead children than their own father was in fact at one point Mick Philpot had to console neighbor Mick he had to hug him and be like oh it's all right man it's all right apparently Mick Philpot just didn't seem all that moved or affected by by seeing his own children's dead bodies laid out in front of them I mean yeah he did cry I think he said a couple of sad things but it never been it was sobbing sobbing his eyes out as I think most people would be and Mick fell apart I don't know I don't know he wasn't as sad as they expected him to be but that's one of those things like a lot of the things that he was doing that were kind of weird people were just like discounting it in their head as being like oh he's probably in a lot of shock right now he has just lost all of his children and his house like people were excusing a lot of his weird little behaviors in the beginning because because you want to you want to give these kind of people the benefit of the doubt when they're going through so much but then the identification thing got even weirder when at the very end of the identification the coroner asked Mick Philpot if he wanted a couple of minutes alone with his children to say goodbye and Mick said no and left so yeah they left the mortuary and they all went to the Intensive Care Unit to go and visit Dwayne for the first time and of course neighbor Mick went along with them and again the philpotts both of them this time married as well they didn't seem quite as affected as you would expect parents to be like they weren't even in the hospital room at all times they would just kind of go off for walks around the hospital walk down to the canteen go and get a drink go and get a snack walk around together meanwhile neighbor Mick who barely even knows this child is left alone in the room with him while his parents are I don't know running off around the hospital and at one point neighbor Mick was alone in that room for so long the philpots had been gone away from their kid for so long that he was like right I'm gonna go and find him I'm just I'm just gonna leave and I'm gonna go and find him so neighbor Mick walked out of the hospital room and into the hallway where he spotted Mick Philpot flirting with the nurses one of them he even grabbed her bum and said this is what I like can you believe that that is one of the craziest things I've ever heard in a true crime case and as soon as neighbor Mick saw this he completely snapped at mcphail part he's said Mick you've got a lad in there dying me and five of your kids are dead is this really what you're thinking about it was absolutely insane to neighbor Mick and to everyone else that sex and women were what was on mcphillpot's mind right now while his son was on life support and not making any progress in the Next Room but that wasn't the only downright weird thing to happen in that hospital and bear in mind Dwayne was only in there for three days on life support before it was turned off so all of these weird things are happening in a very short space of time on another hospital visit Mick and married were quite hungry they were sat in the hospital room with Dwayne they were hungry and then the hospital staff start doing the usual dinner rounds where they're bringing food for all the patients so Mick and marid asked this woman if they could have some food because they were quite hungry and the nurse was very apologetic and she said look I'm really sorry I actually can't give food to visitors this food is only for for the patients because of like strict NHS funding they can only afford to feed their patients they can't feed every visitor that comes in as well she was really apologetic about it and she reminded them that there was the cafeteria downstairs if they wanted to go and like buy a snack or a drink but she just couldn't give them one but Mick and married were annoyed by this like I said Mick is one of the most entitled men I have ever heard of in my life he thought he was entitled to everything he ever wanted and he didn't even need to ask for it he just demanded it most of the time and he wasn't used to being told no so now that they were being told Noah Mick and married were very very vocal about how annoyed they were there was even one point when one of them said to the hospital staff well Dwayne's in a coma he's not going to be eating his meals so can't we have it instead hospital staff just kept refusing they couldn't they they couldn't feed visitors like that's just a rule and they're not going to feed the visitors and So eventually Mick and marade gave up and ordered a Chinese takeaway to the hospital instead but that's not all it gets worse because at one point the two of them even started having a field fight over Dwayne like where he was laying they were sat either side of him they were throwing food over their son who is on life support in a coma they were just laughing and joking around throwing this food and when they left the hospital that evening they didn't bother to clean any of it up they left it all for the hospital staff to go in and clean up so now police had all of these weird weird witness testimonies about Micah merid but that wasn't everything because they'd also found some potential physical evidence that made them look very suspicious when all of the kids were brought from the scene of the house fire to the MOG and their autopsies were done and everything they were all fully closed but in daytime clothes Mariette had called the emergency services at like 3 30 a.m that morning which means the fire must have started not too long before that it would have still started in the early hours of the morning so why were all these kids tucked up in bed asleep in daytime clothes not in their pajamas they weren't ready for bed police didn't exactly know what this meant but it the there was something not right about it obviously like what kind of family puts all their kids to bed in their daytime clothes now they were suspecting Mick and Maria of potentially being responsible for their own house fire they didn't know why they didn't have any idea of a motive but it certainly seemed like that could be a possibility so police started investigating the two of them in secret because they didn't want to let on that they were suspicious of the philpots just yet and so they started doing their own like background observations and to keep this investigation as discreet as humanly possible police were using all of those like seedy little techniques like bugging the hotel room because obviously they were staying in a hotel now because the house had been down and so police could get in why I tap it all put like microphones everywhere and now they were listening to Mick and marade and all of their private personal conversations for the next few days and that exact same evening that they booked the hotel room police heard maraid bring up the house fire in conversation with Mick and immediately he starts shushing her they stopped talking about it immediately and ended up changing conversation so could it have been that Mick could already tell that they were being listened to had he seen something police continued listening to them in their hotel room for the next four days and honestly they really didn't hear anything very interesting they really weren't talking about the house fire all that much at all which is actually suspicious in itself because Charlie this is the biggest thing going on in your lives at the moment this fire has just taken all of your children all of your belongings your lives are completely shaking up but they're not really talking about it it was almost as if they were trying not to talk about it which is not what police expected from a family that would be grieving they honestly didn't seem like they were grieving like police didn't really hear them crying all that often especially Mick Marie did a couple of times but not Mick like they didn't even seem sad like they were having normal conversations normal partner conversations but finally on the fourth day of listening to Mecca mad police finally heard something kind of useful Mick turned to marade and told her to make sure you stick to your story and this pretty much proved to police that Mick and Maria knew more about this house fire than they were letting on but what did they know as suspicious as this was police were going to need more proof if they were going to be able to arrest the two of them the very next morning police are in the police station as you I'm sure you can imagine police are in the police station and Mick Philpot walks straight in the front door and he tells them he has an idea he wants to do a press conference with marade where they can ask the public to come forward with any information that they might have about the house fire they wanted to do a public appeal for any like Witnesses and stuff at this point in time police are suspicious of this couple and so they don't think that a public appeal will bring forward any useful information well not from the public anywhere but Mick and Marie might say or do something weird in this press conference that could be useful for police's investigation so they were like okay sure yeah let's do a press conference and this press conference is probably one of the most infamous things in British True Crime history people talk about this press conference all the time the sure that this couple put on for this press conference is absolutely insane they are fake crying through the whole thing crying crocodile tears that's what everyone says about this press conference that they were crocodile tears they were not real they were like making faces as if they were crying and like lifting tissues up to their eyes and like dabbing their eyes but no one actually saw any tears these tissues are not getting wet like you're not crying you're pretending to cry but this is even more interesting because supposedly just before this press conference started when the two of them arrived at the place where they were going to do the conference Mecca Marie had seemed to be in quite good spirits they were laughing and joking with people and you know the the press conference crew that they were about to be working with they were just having normal conversations and then all of a sudden they go on camera and the Waterworks begin it was almost as if they could just switch it on and even the content of this press conference was quite odd not like majorly odd not majorly suspicious but well for example it took Mick Philpot about five minutes to actually get to the point from when he started talking he spent five minutes in the beginning of this press conference why can't I say that press conference just like thanking people thanking the firefighters thanking police for doing their job which yeah yeah of course thank them but not for five whole minutes when you you're there to do a job you you're there to ask the public for their help and he's just spending ages just rambling and Moraine barely said anything through this whole press conference by the way but actually I suppose that makes sense when we know how controlling and dominating mcfill pot can be in every single situation I wouldn't expect it any other way actually and at the very end of the press conference Mick Philpot asks the public for one last favor and that was if everyone could leave him alone stop messaging him stop stop reaching out to him everyone leave him alone if they want to talk to police about this case then they can but he said don't message me directly bye which some people have been quite nitpicky about once again saying that look you are begging the public for information yet you're cutting off one of their parts of Carl like like you're asking everyone to give you as much information as they can but then you're saying but don't talk to me you know people were a bit like that's that's weird that's another weird thing about Mick Philpot but I'm gonna play a devil's advocate and I've never done this in a true crime video before I've never done this in a true crime video before but if this was anyone else and they were doing a press conference and all of their family pretty much had just died in a fire and they said please don't reach out to me you would understand you would you would it only looks weird in this case because it's Mick Philpot and we know that he's a dodgy guy but had that been any other father of a family and all six of his children had just died in a house fire and he was saying please don't reach out to me personally you would understand and you wouldn't because he's going through a lot I don't know people thought that was just another thing to add to the the mick Philpot weird pile which I kind of agree but you know so yeah all these little things and the big things are all stacking up now to make mcphill pop especially look very very suspicious Mick and married but mostly Mick and let's just take a moment to remember who Mick Philpot was he is kind of low level known to the country as this like Fame hungry money hungry benefits scrounger a man that is desperate for controversy attention and and money more money so following this press conference I think this kind of jogged the whole country's memory of exactly who this man was and they started to seem completely differently they no longer saw him as this as this innocent grieving father that was going through the worst thing that he'd ever been through now they were just kind of looking at this man and being like what's the option this feels like another one of mcphillpot schemes what is he up to here shortly after this press conference police gathered all of the evidence that they had on mcphill Park mainly being the audio recordings from his bugged hotel room and then moved in and arrested Mick Philpot on suspicion of starting that house fire they were accusing this man of murdering all six of his children so one of the first things police did in this investigation They seized both marades clothes and mixed clothes that they were wearing on the night of the fire they sent them off to the lab to be tested and it was found that both of them had Trace Amounts of petrol all over them and they could tell that this was fresh petrol as well it hadn't been set on fire yet it hadn't you know those are different chemicals once it has been and before it's been it would show up differently and this petrol on their clothes was from before it was burnt almost as if it had been splashed on them as it was being poured out in the house and as soon as these results got back to the police station police went and charged both Mick and Mariah Philpot with six counts of murder one of their kind of rules of their arrests was that neither of them would be allowed out of police custody until the day of their trial which means that both of them missed their children's funeral a big joint funeral for all six of the Philpot children was held on May 29 2012. each of the children's coffins arrived at the church in their own horse-drawn carriage they all had a matching white coffins with their names on the side the boys all had blue flowers on theirs and Jade had pink flowers on hers and each of the coffins had a picture on the end something that was individual and personal to that child something that told you a lot about them so for example the picture on Jade's coffin was a princess Jade was a very girly girl her family always called her a beautiful princess and so it just made sense that that was the picture that they would put on hers 13 year old Dwayne's coffin had Derby County football club's logo like their badge on his coffin because he was such a huge huge fan he was a season ticket holder very rarely missed a game they were his team and now he would be with them forever nine-year-old John had always talked about wanting to go into the army one day he wanted to be an army man and so on the end of his coffin there were some little green um Soldier figurines eight-year-old Jack had a picture of a Nintendo DS on the end of his coffin because he was he was the little gamer of the family he was always on his different consoles you like it was really hard to pull him away from his games he loved them six-year-old Jessie's coffin had a picture of one of his favorite WWE wrestlers on the front of it because he loved WWE he was always trying to like watch and practice these moves he would practice them on his brothers and finally five-year-old Jaden's coffin had a picture of a green dinosaur on the end of it he was the baby of the family all of the guests at the funeral were asked to come wearing bright colorful clothes kind of as a way to celebrate the lives of the children rather than mourn their deaths hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people turned up to this Funeral Service even people that had never met the philpotts before like the philpots had no idea who they were but these people had been following this case on the news and they felt so attached to it so close to it that they wanted to come and share their respects meanwhile at the exact same time that this funeral was happening the children's parents would be interrogated about their murders and very quickly a story starts to unravel so remember we said that May 11th which was the day of the fire that was actually scheduled to be Mick philpott's court date to go and argue for custody over his and Lisa's children and remember he was determined to win this court case because he did not want Lisa getting custody of the kids he wanted custody of those children just to spite her and Mick knew he was going to have to do something pretty big now to be able to kind of win over the court because obviously Lisa looked better than him on paper she wasn't abusive and he was so obviously the court are going to want to give the kids to her so he knew he needed to do something big to kind of change those scales to make him look better and to make her look worse and that was when he hatched this plan one day he sat down his wife maraid and he said look I've got a plan on how I'm gonna get those kids back listen I am gonna set fire to our house with all of our kids in it and then I'm gonna frame Lisa for it so that she looks dangerous she looks insane and the courts will want her to look after our children and then we'll get the kids but not to worry he said he was sure that no one was gonna get hurt yes the kids would be inside of the house at the time of the fire but he promised Murad that he was going to have a plan to be able to save them in time he was gonna prop a ladder up the side of the house so that once this fire had all began he would be able to climb up that ladder smash a window and go in and save all of their children therefore Lisa obviously looks awful for starting this fire but Mick on the other hand looks like a superhero he went into a burning building to go and save six of his children and he thought that all of that together would make the courts want to give him their kids rather than Lisa oh but that wasn't the only win that Mick Philpot expected to get out of this whole plan of course a byproduct of this whole plan is that their house would burn down meaning that the council would have to give them a new one probably a bigger one which is exactly what he's wanted for years now and so supposedly married was down for this plan she had no problems with it she believed Mick when he said that everyone would be safe no one would get hurt the kids would be saved in time they'd get money they'd get the bigger house to her it did seem like a win-win win win they were going to get like four different things out of this but actually before we carry on with the case I do just want to talk about Mariah Philpot for a second because she has quite an interesting character Arc throughout this case like she starts off as a victim of very severe domestic abuse at the hands of Mick Philpot both her and Lisa were victims for years and years and years and they couldn't get away from it well Lisa managed to escape it but Mariah never did she'd truly been through hell and back over the years and she was a victim from the very start to the very end of this case but towards the end of that it seems that not only is she the victim but she also becomes the villain as well supposedly when Mick first suggested this plan to marade apparently she had no issues with it despite knowing just how dangerous this actually was that there was the risk that her children could lose their lives and if they didn't they would likely be very traumatized from what they'd been through being in a house fire so there's no guarantee that their children will even survive this plan it's also dodgy from a legal standpoint as well I mean that's the the least of their issues right now but for so many reasons this was not a plan that she should have been consenting to and and down to go through with that being said she was controlled and abused and brainwashed and manipulated by mcphillpart for most of her life and you do kind of have to take that into consideration when you think about why she might have gone along with this and on top of that we don't know the intricacies of the conversations surrounding this it seems that Maria didn't have a problem going ahead with this plan but like I said none of us were sat in there when they had this conversation maybe she did try and fight it maybe she didn't want to do it but we don't know it seems as though she was very complicit with it though and especially the way that she was acting in the aftermath she didn't seem remorseful or guilty or even me majorly upset that she'd lost her children she was more upset than Mick was but they both seemed very dodgy in the aftermath and I think that says a lot about their emotions towards the situation I guess so this plan was set into action and for the next few days leading up to the house fire Mick starts bad-mouthing his ex Lisa to anyone that will listen he's just kind of sowing those seeds getting that idea planted in people's minds so that when this house fire happens and he's like oh my God I bet this is Lisa again people will be like oh my God yeah Mick's been telling us for ages that Lisa's dodgy and she's crazy and she's doing all these awful things this must be Lisa like they would believe him then and everything that he was saying about Lisa to all these people was all lies all lies of course it was she literally escaped this man ran away from this man she was never bad to him in any way shape or form it was always him abusing her yet at this point in time he's trying to make her look really bad and so he went on Facebook and wrote loads of posts about how awful she was about how she'd been harassing him he wrote statuses about like how she cheated on him multiple times throughout their marriage he talked about how she was a terrible mother like publicly in front of all of their friends and actually a few times he even rang the police and reported Lisa for harassment and so police obviously followed up on it they went and spoke to her and they were like oh seems like a false claim so yeah he's really trying to plant all these seeds so that when the time is right people will suspect Lisa and then May 10th rolls around the day before the arson attack and Mick Philpott starts making his preparations he goes out and purchases a load of petrol a load of canisters of petrol brings it all back to the house and then he and miraid invite over their friend Paul Mosley once Paul arrives Mick debriefs him on this whole plan that they're setting the house on fire with all the kids in and Mick was like okay cool cool he knows exactly what they're about to do what's about to go down and he is absolutely fine with it in fact he wanted to help out with it so that night the night before the fire the three of them all sat in 18 Victory Road and got insanely drunk insanely drunk married even got high as well so they're all very very intoxicated and people actually think that this is why all of the children were found tucked up in beds asleep still in their daytime clothes maybe it was because their mom and their dad but let's face it it was only married that ever looked after them anywhere maybe it was because their mum was so drunk and high downstairs that she forgot to put them to bed she forgot to get the kids ready for bed and they all just had to put themselves to bed actually it's believed that 10 year old Jade was likely the one to put all her younger brothers to bed anywhere and it's actually since been suspected that this wasn't just a one-off they think that Jade might have had to have done this multiple times before when married was too drunk or too busy to put them to bed obviously since Lisa had run away Jade was now another mother figure in the family at 10 years old she was having to look after her younger siblings so now all of the kids are tucked up in bed off their own accord while Mick marade and Paul Mosley are downstairs in the living room having a threesome they carry on with all of this the threesome the drinking the drugs until about 3 a.m when they decide to put the plan into action and all three of them pick up petrol cans and start pouring it all over every inch of the downstairs of 18 Victory Road they focused actually mainly in the hallway by the front door because I think Mick's plan was that he was going to make it look like Lisa had poured the petrol through the letterbox and then set it on fire through the letterbox so yeah that's where they were pouring most of the petrol but that doesn't explain why it was also found all over the rest of the downstairs I I think they forgot that fire investigators would actually be able to find that out Paul Mosley then left before the fire was started so he helped pour out all the petrol and then he put all of the petrol canisters in his car and took them somewhere and and got rid of him so that there would be no evidence of them starting the fire in that house at 3 30 am married goes into the back garden and waits there for Mick to go inside good to the front door and start the fire once he'd sparked this fire he also ran back out into the back Garden to be with Mirage and they watched as the whole of the downstairs starts Lighting Up in Flames once the entire ground floor of 18 Victory Road was on fire that was finally the point where Maria had picked up her phone and dialed 999. this was also the point where they start screaming they start alerting to neighbors so that people will come out and people will like make fuss once the neighbors arrived this was when Mick Philpott started putting on this like superhero dad Act because up until this point he'd known that there was a ladder there pointing against the house that he could have climbed up at any point but he didn't he waited for Neighbors to arrive and then he got the ladder and he was like guys I found a ladder I'm gonna try and climb up it I'm gonna go and save my kids so prop this ladder up against one of the windows he starts throwing rocks at the windows to smash them and then he climbed up this ladder and attempted to get in through this smashed window but when he did he realized that he wasn't going to be able to do this it was far too hot the smoke was far too thick he couldn't see through it he couldn't breathe through it what was he gonna do the philpots had severely misjudged how quickly this fire was going to spread and how quickly the smoke would spread and now they'd left it too late to be able to save their own children inside that house fire they were just gonna have to wait for the firefighters to arrive like I said a couple of the neighbors also tried but no one could do it the smoke was just far too thick it would have been a death sentence for anyone trying to get in there and so all they could do was just wait as those six children died inside because of their father's evil plan in March of 2013 all three of them Mick merid and Paul Mosley were charged with manslaughter of all of the children because now the police knew the story they knew that the intention wasn't to kill the children the intention was to save the children but they still died so that's a manslaughter charge when the intention wasn't there it's not murder it's manslaughter right at the start of their trials all three of them pled not guilty to their manslaughter charges which meant that a full trial had to go ahead but one thing the philpotts didn't know at this point in time was that they were still bugged they were still being listened to by police every day police were trying to get every last little bit of evidence out of this couple as they could possibly get and police came up with a plan to get any last minute evidence that they possibly could out of them and they're told the two of them make a marad that they could travel to court together if they so wanted they would go in the back of this van together little did they know this van was bugged honestly the two of them didn't talk about all that much but police did hear some repeated reassurance of the two of them telling each other to be sticking to their story both of them said that multiple times and that was pretty much all police really needed sir on to the trial this trial has been nicknamed by the media as the mix cell part sure because it really was he loved the theatrics he loved the attention this whole thing was about him he spent most of the trial just on the stand talking mostly yelling actually he was a very um dramatic loudspeaker a very angry speaker and he was talking about anything and everything his lifestyle just anything that people in court would listen to I think at points he forgot that it was supposed to be defending himself of a crime and he was just talking about himself talking about his life like seriously he was talking about dogging threesomes different fetishes that he wanted to try out like I don't know what's going on here let me just recontext this for you this is a his manslaughter trial for his six children and he's talking about threesomes psychologists have actually since looked at this behavior and they think that this could be an example of Mick trying to get people to like him again he was always trying to get people to like him because a lot of the things that he would say about like especially about the sexual stuff A lot of it was quite like jokey in nature quite light-hearted he was trying to make the jury laugh so that they'd probably like him a bit more and go a bit easier on him but of course this has the complete opposite effect it makes him look like a complete dick you're at your children's manslaughter trial and you can't even take this seriously you're joking and talking about sex through the whole thing so all of the obvious evidence was presented in the trial you know the clothes with petrol on it all the bugging recordings of them telling each other to stick to their stories but also there was quite a few other pieces of evidence that were quite interesting let's talk about them there were some witnesses I think maybe it was a couple of their neighbors who came and testified in court saying that about five or six weeks before the fire they had heard Mick and marade talking about a house fire and so this it suggests that this could have possibly been premeditated as far as six weeks in advance although we don't know as part of this trial I think both Mick and Maria had psychiatric assessments but I've only got the results of mix here and his assessment concluded that he was an exhibitionist and a psychopath but despite how badly he was coming across in this cart trial Mick Philpot would return to police custody at the end of every day in court and he would brag about how he thinks he's going to get away with it he thinks he's going to get off scot-free he even wrote a handwritten letter to neighbor Mick you know the guy that came to identify the bodies with them came to the hospital with them on that first day after the fire and in this letter Mick Philpot is basically saying all this different stuff that he's gonna do when he gets let out of police custody when he gets away with this this is all the stuff he's gonna do there's a list of loads of like weird things some illegal things and then he goes on to describe detailed graphic rape fantasies he's saying that he's gonna be raping women once he gets out of police custody and at the end of the letter Mick Philpot even suggests that the three of them him nearby Mick and Murad should all go to the cemetery where the children are buried and have a threesome by their graves which is one of the most disgusting things I think I've ever heard in my life no surprise that by the end of the trial all three of them were found guilty of all six counts of manslaughter the judge agreed that the deaths of all the children did seem to be accidental they they honestly thought that Mick and marade truly believed that they were going to save those children in time that was a part of the plan was to make sure that those children survived but the plan didn't go to plan but they were still willing to put their children through this terrifying ordeal when they knew there was a good chance that they would die in that house fire so even if they couldn't be charged or found guilty of murder they should still be getting a long time behind bars for what they did both Paul Mosley and Mariah Philpott were given 17 years in prison each and Mick Philpott was given life in prison with a minimum of 15 years at the end of the trial all three of them were LED from the courthouse to their transport that was going to take them to the prison and as they were there were there were angry mobs gathered outside this Courthouse screaming die Mick die mad has since tried to appeal her sentence not the verdict she believes that she should be found guilty of manslaughter but she's tried to appeal the sentence basically on the grounds that Mick Philpot had been abusive to her for most of her life and she felt essentially forced into this plan she she didn't want to do it she didn't want to do this house fire but she felt forced into it because she was scared of Mick and what he could do to her if she didn't say yes but the appeal was not successful she didn't get her sentence lowered the court still agreed that that was you know the right amount of time for the part that she played in this in fact Murray's own father said in an interview at one point she should have got as long as Mick did in the aftermath of this case you know ever since Mick Philpott had been in the news for being this awful horrible man a load of other women came forward to police to say that Mick had abused them in the past and a lot of these reports even dated back to like the 1990s it was just a load of women that were very very young at the time as I'm sure you can imagine he had a thing for teenage girls so these girls were very young at the time they were abused by him and they never told anyone they never went to police they never filed a report so now that they were older and they were seeing how awful this man was they wanted to file those reports finally unfortunately because so much time had gone by since a lot of these reports they couldn't find any physical evidence and so Mick was never charged with any of these but I think it's useful to know them regardless so if you remember the fifteen thousand pounds that was raised on that girl fund me a lot of it went towards the funerals for the children but what was left over was used to buy headstones for the kids which is usually something that the deceased family would take care of but there was no family now both their mum and their dad were in prison for their deaths so it was down to the community to buy these headstones for the kids in September of 2013 a year and a half after the house fire 18 Victory Road was demolished along with the adjoining house next to it and quite a heartwarming fact about this the contractors that were brought in to demolish the house all of the money that they made on that job they donated straight to a children's charity they didn't make a single penny for demolishing that house marade Philpot has since been released from prison on license in 2020 she served less than half of her sentence Paul mersley is also out of prison I believe but Mick Philpot is definitely still inside and honestly I think he always will be but that is all I have for this case thank you so so much for watching and thanks again to established titles for sponsoring this video remember that having a huge huge Labor Day sale right now and if you go to forward slash Eleanor Neal and use the code Eleanor Neal at checkout you'll get an extra 10 off lucky you the link is also Down Below in the description if you want to just go and click it a huge thank you to all of my channel members for supporting the channel and helping me decide the cases that I cover all 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 2,615,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, 2022, philpott, mick philpott, mairead philpott, philpott fire, fire, house fire, arson, arson attack, philpott house fire, housefire, mick and mairead, jeremy kyle, dad, father, benefits, wives, paul mosely, Shocking Case Of Parents Who Killed Their Children. Mick and Mairead Philpott
Id: pvqD25wRMck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 32sec (7112 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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