Crushed to Death in the Walls of DISNEY: The Tragic Case of Debbie Stone

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Disneyland is supposed to be a place of Wonder the happiest place on Earth but even the Magical Kingdom can't avoid tragic and horrifying deaths in their parks there have been too many to even count from freak accidents to roller coaster crashes to drownings and today we're taking a deep dive into one of the most horrifying of all when 18-year-old Debbie Stone was operating a rotating stage of singing animatronics she somehow got caught and dragged between two walls the audience heard her screams but they thought it was all just part of the show no one knew that Debbie was crushed and bleeding out backstage we have a hell of a lot of stories to cover today so thank God it's Freaky Friday today we're discussing the most disturbing deaths to have happened in the happiest place on [Music] Earth before we get into this episode of Freaky Friday I just want to thank our sponsor for making this video possible case ify we all know that fear of dropping your phone especially outside on tarmac or on tiles oh my God it fills me with fear like reaching down to grab my phone seeing if it's smashed but I have bragging rights that I haven't had to worry about that for the past good few years because I am a loyal case toy phone case wearer user I mean yeah I don't wear it on my body but my phone definitely wears on her body if you're a regular here on the Ellen O'Neil Channel you've already heard me shouting from the rooftop about how much I adore their phone cases and now they're even stronger I have a new obsession the one that I'm using at the moment is their bounce case and these have special bouncy Corners that means if you do drop your phone God forbid you drop your phone on some kind of hard surface it'll just bounce right back up I mean and hopefully land in your hands but probably not all the corners are raised on these cases so they're super protective for your screen and for your cameras at the back and these things can take some serious punishment in terms of being dropped dropped on the floor don't like take a hammer to your phone or anything cuz your phone case probably won't protect you from that but it will protect it if you want to do something stupid like me and throw it off your surfa just to prove a point that was literally just for me to prove a point in this video that these phone cases are so good these bounce cases are drop tested from over 20 ft in the air military grid drop tested they have they have dropped so many of these to make sure that it's not going to break your phone and 20 foot in the air that is as high as a London bus double deck a London bus I mean don't choke your phone off the top of a bus cuz it might end up in the temps but this is more like a PSA of what you can and cannot do with your phone the one that I've been wearing on my phone lately is just a clear one and I think these are so underrated they go with everything and they just look good like I I think iPhones look really pretty anyway so sometimes I do want to be able to see it through I like a clear case but if that's not for you of course they have a bunch of other prints as well and the bounce cases are customizable you know I love customizing my casify cases so you can put your own name on your phone case your initials in the past I've put my boyfriend's name on my phone case which is really cute you could put I don't know like Harry Styles's name anything their cases are of course Maga compatible which means you can Wireless charge with them and they don't just do phone cases they look after practically all of your gadgets your Apple watch your laptop your tablet they even have really cute airpods cases which I don't have any yet but I really really want some I think they're so cute you can see all of the es that I am currently loving at Elenor and thanks again to castify for sponsoring this video they have saved my phone so many times now before we hop into the disturbing Disneyland deaths I do just want to warn you that we're going to be covering a lot of sensitive topics in this video so viewer discretion is advised while we make every effort to fact check our sources and make sure that all of our information is correct no action should be taken in Reliance upon the information in this video all opinions about to be stated are mine and mine alone and with all that being said Thank God It's Freaky Friday let's get into the disturbing deaths that Disney doesn't want you to know about Deborah Stone was an 18-year-old girl born and raised in California she'd always had Big Dreams she was known for being a hard worker and she was an incredibly friendly person she was willing to welcome anyone and everyone into her life in fact her mom joked that when she was younger she would often just bring random kids back around to the house and ask her mom to like cook them dinner and host for them she was just always making new friends she was such a friendly welcoming happy little individual at the time of this case in 1974 Debbie was 18 years old she had just graduated high school with honors she was actually in the top 10 in her class she was a star athlete and she also won the principal award which is exactly what it sounds like the principal has one award that he can give to one person in that whole year and Debbie got it she was just such a model student she was a hard worker she was always optimistic basically what I'm getting at is that she had such a promising future ahead of her she was so intelligent so talented and so personable she really could have done whatever she set her heart to and she already proved that in her short 18 years of life whatever she set her heart to academic wise or sportswise she always achieved what she wanted to she'd actually gotten into Iowa State University and she was due to start that fall but before then she decided to get a summer job to save up some money so Debbie applied to be a host at Disneyland because well isn't that like the coolest job you could actually have if you live in Anaheim right by Disneyland that's where all the teenagers were applying for jobs cuz that's so much cooler than just a retail job or a restaurant job working in Disneyland it sounded like an absolute dream to work there before College little did Debbie know she wouldn't even live to see her first day at at Iowa State University on June 29th 1974 Disneyland opened up a brand new attraction called America Sings and it wasn't a ride it was just an attraction it was a sh that visitors would come and watch it had a bunch of different animatronics singing different famous American songs from different eras and it was kind of an educational thing educating the youth on America's history and this attraction was very cleverly optimized so that they could get the most amount of customers in there as possible while keeping the queue super short the show took place across six different stages which were all kind of one it was a big circle split into six different wedges and each of these six wedges had a different animatronic scene on it and they would sing a different song teach you a different lesson about American history and around these six different stages were six different theaters six different audiences that would rotate around the stage so instead of the audience staying stationary and the stages rotating I'm sure you've heard of or seen those kind of shows before this was the other way around the stages would stay put and six different audiences would rotate around them each section of the performs would take about 4 minutes before they would rotate round to the next one so this meant every 4 minutes there was a new audience coming in and the last audience was leaving it worked like clockwork it was super super efficient and all the staff kind of had to do were greet guests as they came in and out and just kind of monitor it and make sure that everything was going as it should be so America Sings was opened in late June and Debbie was put straight on as a Hostess her job was to basically greet people as they entered the theater and bid them farewell as they left she had a little station that was kind of next to the stage where she'd have a little microphone where she would talk to people it was a pretty easy job all she had to do was stand there and be Smiley and enthusiastic and happy like all Disney employees have to be because inside the Magical Kingdom there are hundreds and hundreds of cast members which is what they call their workers and all of those cast members are very very intensely trained to give visitors the most magical experience they possibly can and the training that they go through before they're even allowed to work for Disney is so intense that some former employees have referred to it as the brainwashing although I I think that's a bit I don't think it's quite that serious but there are extremely high standards for all Disneyland employees to remain very happy and wholesome and familyfriendly at all times while they're working and that goes for absolutely everyone that works for Disney from the teenagers that were just getting summer jobs like Debbie all the way up to like Senior Management and exec all employees had to do things the Disney wear from their very first day of training cast members has shown very emotional videos about Disney and it's history and its parks and what Disney means to their customers how important they are to people employees are told that they are very responsible for keeping this magic alive see how much people love us you're responsible for maintaining that now they're encouraged to commit themselves to the company on both a professional level and a personal level really the first Disneyland park opened in 1955 in Anaheim California and since then there have been five more opened across the world five more results and there have been five cruise ships as well which is crazy I hadn't heard much about the cruise ships until I started researching for this video but stick around because there are some crazy [ __ ] stories from the cruise ships all of their Parks brought in over $8 billion last year that is 10% of Disney's whole entire profits from their Parks alone and think how many movies and TV shows Disney put out especially with like Disney plus being a thing now but 10% of their profit profits of their earnings of their yeah profit was from their parks and we actually found a statistic that over 100 million people visited a Disney park in 2022 maybe you were one of them let us know in the comments down below unfortunately I wasn't I was the year before but yes last year and said yester year what the hell yester year I didn't get a chance to go to Disney this year I don't know though maybe this video might make you change your mind hopefully not because today we're talking more about like free accidents and stuff there's no Sinister murders in here we all know that Disney is an absolute giant of a company and when your brand is built on being wholesome and happy and comforting a safe space for everyone your reputation is so incredibly important it can make or break your whole entire company and one of the ways that they maintain that reputation is through a rumored policy in all of their parks that nobody does dies at Disney nobody's allowed to die at Disney you've probably heard this rumor that Disney avoids declaring people dead in their parks to avoid any related news articles you know so and so was found dead at Disney that doesn't look good it's supposed to be the happiest place on Earth the last thing they want is people associating their parades and their rides and their characters with death but of course it's practically impossible to prevent people from dying full stop Disney understand that you know medical issues happen accidents happen deaths are unfortunately going to happen but this is where this rumored no deaths policy comes in and I do just want to oh my God the cat jumped on the desk she's being very disruptive she she was very thankful for all the comments on the Royal dresser killer video everyone seemed to love her I shall bring them back in the background soon sorry they haven't been here for a while but as I was saying this no death's policy I do just want to to emphasize that it is rumored it is alleged there's no like confirmation that this is a thing that goes on in Disney Parks but there is a lot of speculation but for the sake of this video we're going to kind of speak as if this policy does exist but again just just reiterating alleged policy and of course it's practically impossible to avoid deaths completely on Disney Parks but this is where the policy comes in it's based upon the distinction between actual death the person dying and declared death when they're like noted down the time that's going to be like on their death certificate and stuff so someone could die in a Disney park their heart physically stops they are no longer alive but if they're transported to a hospital and only declared dead once they arrive there then the death isn't really connected to Disney is it they were declared dead at the hospital not at Disneyland so sure people have died in Disneyland Parks but what Disney is trying to do is distance themselves eles from those deaths it's believed that Disney workers do everything in their power to try to get victims or or dying people off of the premises before they actually physically die or they just hold off on getting the death declared until the body can be transported off of the premises there have been rumors that paramedics ambulance workers have been told to hold off on filing paperwork until you know they're out of Disney Parks part of this policy rumor is that Disney employees will do practically everything in their power to conceal any deaths or accidents from the rest of the visitors in the park and one of the ways they do that is with another alleged policy reiterating this is alleged but this one is that they don't allow emergency vehicles into the park because it would upset or disturb other visitors there have been accusations of employees covering up or like cleaning up an accident scene and informing Park security before they've even called for paramedics we don't know how true any of those things are but the general believed Vibe here is that Disney put their image over the safety and the lives of their customers and their employees Disney's first Park made it almost 10 years before their first ever Fatality and we'll get back to that one in a second but since that first tragedy there have been 90 more people that have lost their lives in Disney parks and only one quarter of those 90 de deaths were of natural causes the other three quarters of those deaths are filled with terrible tragedies and accidents so the first ever Disneyland fatality happened when a 15-year-old boy was on a bob sledding ride and he stood up out of the seat and fell off he was severely injured he was transported to hospital where they tried to treat him but he sadly passed away 3 days later but I came across another case while I was researching for Debbie's story and don't worry we'll get back to that in a minute her story is truly like something out of a horror movie but so is this next case that I'm going to talk about briefly which only happened a year before Debbie's death in the exact same park there were two brothers 18-year-old Bogden and 10-year-old Darian Delo they'd come all the way from New York to Anaheim to visit Disneyland and they'd had a great time all day they had been in the park they had done loads of rides they' done everything and it was nearing the end of the day one of the last things they planned to do that day was go to Tom Sawyer's ey is land which is a classic like old Disney attraction they're not really around that much anymore all the old Tom Sawyer attractions have seemed to be rebranded as Pirates of the Caribbean things now so I'll give you a little history lesson on Tom Sawyer if you're not clued up on that whole world he was basically a little boy character that lived on the Mississippi River and so all the rides that were themed about Tom Sawyer were water kind of rides so to recreate that kind of vibe Disney actually made Tom Sawyer Island which was an actual little mini Island in their Parks surrounded by water you had to get there to and from there by boat but like back in the very beginning it was more so on a raft rather than actual boats of course they built boats very quickly they are Disney after all but for the first couple of decades I think it was just some kind of motorized raft which I was looking at photos of it on Google and oh my God people could fall off of there so easy it was just really shocking thinking about like all the safety precautions like the Mega safety precautions we have in the 2020s to look back at things from the 1960s and think wow a child could literally just jump over the side of that and jump in the water but anyway on this particular day Bogden and Darian hop on that little raft and they sail over to Tom Sawyer Island and I I don't really know what was on the island I think they just had a bit of an explore there must have been some scenes created on there I don't I actually don't know but then around 5:00 p.m. their whole group was called back to the raft the ride was about to close they were the last group of the night and so they were you know taking them all back to the main Park but Bogden and Dorian didn't want to leave they were having too much fun and so instead of hopping back on the raft and sailing back with everyone else they decided that they were going to try and hide out on Toms Island so they jumped a fence and hid in some trees and as the raft set off back to the mainland no one noticed that the two boys weren't on board the boys decided that they were going to try and stay in the Disney park overnight as it closed they were going to be able to explore and do whatever they wanted with no staff around no cues well the rides wouldn't be operating would they it's out of closing time but there was no one else around they were going to be able to run around Disneyland after hours so their group went back to the mainland and the Tom Sawyer attraction closed and for the next few hours Bogden and Dorian were just I don't know running around the island they were having a whale of a time however by about 9:30 p.m. they were getting a bit bored they'd been on that one little Island for about 5 hours and they wanted to explore the rest of Disney but how do they get back to the mainland when there's no more rafts running they didn't have much Choice other than to just jump in the water and swim to the other side 10-year-old Dorian couldn't actually swim but his older brother was confident that obviously he could swim and he would be able to carry his brother on his back he was confident that he could get them to the other side which is already a bit of a concerning plan that he was going to try and you know carry both of their weight on his back while swimming but what the boys didn't know was that this water wasn't just a standard body of water of course it was part of an attraction and absolutely everything at Disneyland is manufactured orchestrated to give the absolute perfect effect so no the water around Tom Sawyer Island wasn't just a big Dugout trench with a load of water chucked in it they had big turbines on the bottom of it that like spun the water around made it stay clean and looking nice it also caused a really pretty like picturesque ripple effect on the top of the water absolutely everything was to add to the vibe those big turbines would have made it harder for them to swim across I mean it's it's not like they were like battling against the elements but it was a lot choppier underneath the water than it will have seemed Bogden thought that he was a pretty confident swimmer um and I'm sure he was a good swimmer in normal circumstances but think about how much he had against him trying to swim across that water he had the weight of his little brother on his back it was dark it was the middle of the night and there were these huge turbines making the water super choppy and turbulent so Bogden got into the water his brother got on his back and they set off swimming across and very quickly Bogden realized that this was a way harder task than he had imagined he was really struggling to stay afloat his little brother's added weight caused Bogden to start slipping underneath the water and he was trying his best to keep paddling and stay up but tragically Bogden only made it halfway across the water he drowned whilst trying to keep his little brother up knowing that Dorian couldn't swim and if he didn't keep Dorian up then Dorian would probably be the one to drown bogon put his little brother's life ahead of his own that night and he essentially sacrificed himself so that his brother could survive and miraculously he did he managed to stay afloat for the rest of the night he was just doggy paddling and treading water on the spot and eventually before the park opened the next morning must have been like the early hours of the morning a maintenance boat set out on that water they spotted Dorian and rescued him he went to hospital and was checked over and luckily he did survive but his life was changed forever after that knowing that his brother was no longer there because he wanted to save Dorian the next morning Disneyland security staff and police and firefighter spent a whole 8 hours searching that body of water for bogden's body I don't know how big the water was but they just couldn't find him for ages until eventually his body washed up on a bunch of fake rocks on the island after this tragic incident of course the boys families were absolutely heartbroken and they actually tried to sue Disneyland over this their argument was basically that the story that the ride was based on the Adventures of Tom saw it was a novel all about this rambunctious little Scamp Tom Sawyer and his best friend Huckleberry Finn and they were always getting into trouble they were always up to mischief and the boys parents were essentially trying to say that the theme of The Ride had encouraged their boys to act in a mischievous rambunctious way to try and you know sneak like stay in Disney while it was closed and everything they tried to blame it on the Adventures of Tom Sawyer and I mean my heart does really really go out to those parents it must be an awful situation to have to come to terms with but I do also have to agree with the court ruling that Disneyland themselves weren't at fault here they weren't to know that the boys were hidden on the island and that they were going to try and swim across the water I'm sure if they did know that they would have prevented it but I think if the parents were going to try to blame the attraction the ride itself then I I feel like that's just a never- ending thing at what point do we stop blaming do we blame the author of the book just for writing about two mischievous young boys like how how was he supposed to know that I I don't know and I don't actually think that Bogden and Doran were trying to be like Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn I think they were just mischievous in their own right and they just wanted to stay on that island but back to the case at hand Miss Debbie Stern I'm sorry for that tangent but I've just been thinking about that case for weeks it's so harrowing that is one of the most like I don't know I just really felt it it's so gutteral just thinking about what that little boy was going through after his brother had already slipped under the water he's drowned he's his body is like floating in the water and Dorian is just desperately doggy paddling knowing that his life is also at risk I just oh my God it could give me nightmares it is just the most Soul destroying thing I've heard in a long long time but back to those horrifying animatronics on America sings in 1974 Debbie Stone has just started her job at Disneyland and this ride is also brand new I can't believe how big animatronics actually used to be like they're so scary to me and maybe it's because of like things like Five Nights at Freddy's maybe they made animatronics scary but I couldn't think of anything worse than going to watch America Sings honestly what do you mean there's like giant [ __ ] Eagles like moving all creepy as well they don't I don't like I don't like animatronics but anyway it was July 8th 1974 just another day on the job for Debbie although because America Sings was a new attraction everyone that was working on it was still quite like excited it was still quite novel they hadn't gotten bored of it yet basically and as to be expected in its first few weeks of running there were a few hiccups and mishaps on America Sings but nothing too worrying nothing compared to the tragedy that was about to occur so it was the last run of the night they had the last audience in it was about 10:30 p.m. and the America Sings attraction was about to close the whole park was about to close but then during one of the animatronics final numbers the audience heard a blood curdling scream coming from behind one of the walls some of the audience thought that it was all just part of the show cuz I mean there had been like random sound effects and and noises and such but most of them realized how out of place a a horrified scream is in the middle of like animals singing about America it was supposed to be a fun kids attraction a piercing scream was very out of place at the end of the show a few of the audience members went up to the staff and and told them about this scream and said that they should probably look into it because it didn't sound normal in fact one of the audience members said he thought he'd seen a child getting caught between two walls on the stage but it had happened so quickly and it was so dark that he didn't really see much so the animatronics were paused all the lights came up and that was when everyone realized the devastating truth of the situation somehow 18-year-old Debbie Stern had ended up caught between the station wall of the stage and the rotating wall of the theater it had completely crushed her body and dragged her along with it I can't even imagine what that scene would have looked like and to be fair I don't want to imagine what that kind of thing could do to a human body those walls moved fast and with a lot of force it would have likely been a very quick but very agonizing death and Debbie was Tiny she was only 5'2 so you can imagine just how easily those walls would have dragged her and practically chewed her up no one really knows why this happened though because Debbie wasn't supposed to be there remember I said she had her little station on the front of the stage where she'd stand with the microphone she would greet the audience and Say Goodbye at the end there was no need for her to move from that spot so still to this day we're really not sure how she ended up where she did there were some theories that maybe she tried to jump from like one stage to another and just timed it really really badly cuz of course it was really dark there maybe she didn't see the stages moving or I don't know following this incident America thingss was shut down for only two days and a harrowing cleanup operation had to take place but in classic big Corporation fashion America thingss was open again by the end of the week they had just cleaned out a smoed human body from between the walls and then a few days later sent a bunch of kids back in there the attraction itself no longer exist exists today I mean it is like 50 years later actually it's exactly 50 years later this year is the 50y year anniversary of Debbie's death America Sings the attraction stayed open for 14 more years after Debbie's death which is crazy I was really really surprised to hear that because I don't know you would think that they'd just scrap it with something so horrific attached to the ride it literally happened inside the walls of the performance I don't know maybe Disney didn't quite have the money back then to just scrap a brand new ride remember it was only like a week and a half old when this happened so maybe they just didn't want to scrap it and lose all the money that they'd spent on it maybe they didn't want to have to pay for a whole new ride to go there I don't know but it is Disney I'm I I'm just really shocked that they didn't just shut the ride down completely especially going back to how intense they are about their wholesome happy familyfriendly reputation and how much they don't want death to be connected with that Parks it just I don't know like I'm just really shocked that that decision was made to be fair though following the incident with Debbie the America Sings attraction was made so much safer they'd installed motion sensor detector things on each of the stages so that the ride operators would be alerted if anyone was not where they were supposed to be so then this kind of thing would never happen again and it didn't America sings like operated absolutely fine for the next 14 years but the part of Debbie's case that chills me the most is that the audience heard her scream as she died and they were just completely nonth wiser to the horrors that were going on behind that wall some of them even thinking that the sounds of her brutal death were all just part of the sh they were still like singing and smiling and clapping along with the sh they had no idea that Debbie was mangled and bleeding out between the walls of this show that kind of thing always gives me the Shivers you know when something horrible is happening right in front of people but they have no idea it reminds me of those horrific like kidnapping cases you know where someone's being held in a basement or in a shed and people are walking past it all day every day but they don't know that someone's locked in there and I always think this about the neighbors you know where crimes have happened in one house and the next door neighbors are kind of well a lot of the time they are kind of suspicious of it I think about Jeffrey dharma's neighbors a lot like imagine finding out that multiple people were being brutally murdered just on the other side of your bedroom wall while you're just like I don't know laid there on your phone or something sorry tangent girl strikes again I've gone on a lot of tangents in this video but the like researching this one was such a journey there are so many things to be so heartbroken by in this video I'm really sorry but that's the thing with like freak accidents and things like that like the drowning no one could have saved them no one knew that they were there same with Debbie Debbie Stern's death is probably probably the most notorious tragic death to have come out of a Disney park and like we say it's been 50 years since that tragedy occurred but weird things are still going on to this day Behind the Walls of Disney Resorts and parks and even on their cruise ships in 2011 a 24-year-old woman named Rebecca corium was working on board of one of Disney's Cruise ships when she mysteriously disappeared and she has never been seen since the last CCTV footage that they have of Rebecca on the cruise ship is around 5:30 a.m. she was in one of the staff rooms and she was taking a call and just by like her body language and the way that she's moving you can tell that this call is quite distressing we have no idea who it was to or what it was about but you can tell that she's stressed she's like pulling her hair back and her family said that a lot of the behaviors that they saw in that CCTV were consistent with the way that Rebecca would act when she was stressed or upset at one point a coworker actually approaches her in the room and asks if she's okay and apparently you can see in the CCTV footage her saying yeah fine the coworker eventually left the room Rebecca was in there on her own on the phone for a little bit longer and then she put it down uh but she was still very stressed she was still piercing around the room and you know pulling her hair back and everything shortly after she put down the phone she left the staff room and Rebecca was never seen again supposedly she was never even seen on CCTV again which is very shocking to me Disney have insisted that they have done everything in their power to investigate this mystery to the fullest extent but Rebecca's family don't believe that they believe that Disney actually know a lot more about this incident than they're letting on but they're keeping it a secret to probably protect their image some people have theorized that one of Rebecca's co-workers was likely responsible for her disappearance a lot of people believe that she was pushed over of aboard and I have to admit it is very strange to me that there is absolutely no more CCTV footage of Rebecca on that whole ship ever since she left the staff room there is no more footage personally I don't believe that this is a Disney cruise ship in 2011 as well security cameras were a thing then I just find it incredibly hard to believe that there were no hallway cameras there were no cameras out on the deck there was there was nothing outside the stuff room nothing at all really unless maybe the CCTV cameras did catch something something that would make Disney Cruisers look deadly something that would horrify their customer base if they were to ever find out about it there's been quite a bit of speculation on this some people do believe that there was CCTV footage incriminating CCTV footage that showed exactly what happened to Rebecca but maybe it's been destroyed or lost on purpose the official investigation into Rebecca's disappearance concluded that she was likely sat out by the staff pool when a huge rug wave came aboard the ship and just swept her away with it swept her into the sea and she drowned but to me that's just so I I just cannot get my head around that were waves often doing that like coming completely aboard the ship and sweeping [ __ ] around I don't think there's any other reports of that happening on this Disney Cruise so it's weird that it just so happened to sweep a whole entire human being away of course this theory has been doubted a lot online for a number of reasons actually the first being that the water wasn't even that choppy at that time on that day so people doubt this huge Rogue Wave even existing there were no storms recorded that day it was thought to be quite mellow during those hours so where the [ __ ] is this giant wave come from hey people also don't really believe this Theory because around the staff pool where Rebecca was supposed to have been swept off from there was a giant wall a giant wall about head height so surely if a giant wave did come aboard and sweep Rebecca with it surely she'd just hit that wall and like I don't know stay on the deck the water would just go over the top and she like I don't know maybe I'm not quite understanding the physics of that I don't I don't know a lot about like ships and waves but I'm not buying it personally a lot of people don't believe Disney's official like Theory conclusion thing about the staff pool with No One Believes it no one online believes it anyway and Rebecca's own parents don't believe it either and I think that always says a lot they were incredibly disappointed by the investigation into their daughter's disappearance they said that the officers that were brought onto the ship like that exact day that she was discovered missing they said that they only spent one day on board investigating and then they got off and the ship carried on on its Cruise which is insane and when they had been on board for that One Singular day they'd only questioned less than five of Rebecca's co-workers no guests like less than five people were asked about this it doesn't sound like a very thorough investigation I have to say for the last 100 years Disney has been a source of comfort and entertainment for Millions but they've also been the sight of many grizzly deaths and suspicious incidents that we couldn't even scratch the surface of in this video there are so so many so actually with that being said if you would like another dark Disney video maybe a Freaky Friday one or maybe even a true crime there are some true crime cases from Disney Parks trust me I came across so much mad stuff in this research so if you guys would be down for a part two of this kind of video then let me know but with that being said that's the end of this video thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up down below or leave a comment the engagement on this video really helps to push it out out and I would be eternally grateful if you did thanks again to castify for sponsoring this video remember you can go to for/ Elanor to see all of my top picks their phone cases are unmatched for me and I'm sure you will love them so thanks again castify but yeah thank you so so much for watching this video If you enjoyed and you want to watch another one there'll be another video on screen for you to click right now or if you want to subscribe to my channel you can click the little circle with my face in I upload content like this every sing single week so make sure you subscribed and make sure you've got the notification Bell switched on so that you don't miss my uploads cool thank you so so much for watching this Freaky Friday and I will see you next week bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 776,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, true crime, solved, documentary, serial killer, podcast, true crime podcast, netflix, ellie neale, usual disclaimer, deborah stone, deborah stone disneyland, deborah gail stone death explained, america sings disneyland, america sings death, america sings disneyland 1974, america sings attraction, america sings incident, america sings 1974, disneyland deaths, debbie stone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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