Pet Yellow Jacket Nest Vs Giant Roach

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for the past three years i have been trying to raise wasps as pets as a kid i loved ants and this seemed like the most logical way to take it to the next level that is crazy all my attempts up till now have been somewhat failures many inventions later and enough stings to probably give me ptsd instead of giving up i've decided to go all in move out of my bedroom and turn it into a complete environment for my new pet wasps to you this may just seem like a random hole in the ground but underneath are hundreds if not thousands of little living creatures now rarely have yellowjackets been kept in captivity which is why i've taken it upon myself to learn how to raise them as pets now right here is another nest that i'm going to pull out of the ground my friend joel's going to be helping let's do this thing first i suck them up with a vacuum that i specially designed to keep them alive look at how many i've sucked up so quickly and they're all intact all these are going to be inside my closet after i catch enough adults i dig the nest out of the ground there's another i then release the nest into the closet look at how they're just going crazy exploring the place but they're also really upset you can see i put the nest in an old laundry hamper here but where things went wrong is when this one is scanned hi i shouldn't say frick all right where it go oh there it is okay no this isn't my first rodeo okay i see it over there it is right here right here even though it's really hard to see the yellow jacket it is dive-bombing me it's like a little homing missile unlike their cousins umbrella wasps which i'm actually also trying to keep as pets yellow jackets are extremely aggressive and they will lock on to you from many many feet away and yes i do eventually get stuck right here but the wasp also pays a price okay we're good okay oh there it is there okay it's right here [Applause] oh i grabbed it in midair there she is trying to chew her way out of my fingers don't video this just got stung in the arm there he is oh snap shot him out of the sky i hit her with my glove and she died whoops she did sting me but it's a shame i'm telling you guys these things hurt to feed them i made them a platter of food put it in their cage right away it went from the chicken to the apple but they also loved the shredded chicken so i ended up putting a whole mountain in there but you really can't beat live food so i put this mealworm or it's called a super worm you can see it's just wrestling with the yellow jackets right there but pretty soon the stings from the yellow jackets immobilize it they start to paralyze it slowly and there you can see it's crippled nearly out of commission and then the yellow jackets just start gnawing it to pieces what they do is they chew up this insect meat and feed it to their babies because they themselves can't digest it right there that giant orange one is actually the queen and you can see she's laying an egg in a cell right there okay guys so i bought this giant roach right and it was initially defeated to the yellow jackets but then it started crying like a baby i felt like it was a little person so after a lot of contemplation i decided i didn't have the heart to feed it to the yellow jackets instead i want to keep it as a peck plus it actually came with two and it seemed like they were lovers or something or really close friends so instead i went outdoors and caught some random creatures to feed to the yellowjackets including this tarantula that seems to have already been paralyzed by a wasp needless to say they stung these creatures to death and then devoured them check out this roach just being paralyzed this is quite a large nest they're really going crazy in the past i have not been successful to actually raise a nest let's hope that that changes thanks for watching guys it's so crazy awesome that there are so many of you who are actually interested in coming along on this journey [Music] [Music]
Channel: Just Joshing
Views: 286,388
Rating: 4.8951783 out of 5
Keywords: wasp nest, keeping wasps as pets, wasps as pets, pet yellowjacket, yellowjacket, raising wasps, breeding, captivity, wild, exotic, sting, stung, dangerous, murder hornet, hornet, queen, ant farm, ants, wasp keeping, keeper, bee keeping, bee hive, pest, nature channel, wildlife, national geographic, brave wilderness, antscanada, ants canada, umbrella wasp, paper wasp, habitat, roach, hissing, cockroach, gross, huge, feeding, honey, hornet nest, experiment, science, mark rober, catching, hornet king
Id: BfKhzbmzK3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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