Found Possible Murder Weapon Underwater in a Shallow Urban Canal! (Police Called)

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so behind me is where we're gonna be searching and as you can see there's like six seven foot concrete walls so whatever's been dropped in there nobody's going down to get it except for me and Jake so we can find anything in there today wage up a thumbs up if you guys are enjoying these urban treasure hunting videos and if there's a decent of support we'll pick a new Creek and we'll team up and look for some more treasure what if we go to a big city what do we go to Atlanta that's only like an hour and a half away and do this in the middle of the city we'd find some crazy we find like stolen cars we don't think that bank robber to like all the money out he's got scared we're gonna be rich tickets we're gonna be rich and make sure you have subscribe to our YouTube channels as well and Brenna's gonna be uploading his version today I'm not gonna show you everything Brennan found so if you want to check out the stuff he found it's gonna be make sure you guys check out his videos gonna be good spicy I don't know Heidi I don't know if you guys should watch this video so the first thing we have to do is actually make it up this like little dam I hear it's a little deep in the middle we got to swim across and then walk up the dam wall but I think it's going to be really slippery I think Brandon's gonna eat crap a whole bunch so this would be great but but other thing anyone's been here for a while and I think you're gonna find something crazy this could be a great place to start all right Brandon's gonna take the first approach Chum to the dam wall I like that we could call it the dam wall those are the wall Brandon oh I'm scared the higher I go the more slide I see the Promised Land oh my gosh I've really hurt my foot oh this woods do offers no but rotation don't have a waterproof bags have to be very careful but I gotta walk up the wall just like Brandon did put my backpack on his and then I'm gonna slide down for play I know it's really super like I can really I'm afraid about falling I'll grab you if you fall well maybe I won't cuz I got the big camera you gotta Jacobson I was slipping way more than you what the heck you look like a mine like grabbing the wall like that is your moment Jacob this is your moment next up we have Jacobson oh oh oh that is gross it's actually really fun I'm gonna laugh so hard when we go like a mile up is gonna be like toxic waste oh yeah what I can [Applause] alright that's it the hype is real oh my god different approaches done Oh oh my gosh you get really fresh face champion pound-for-pound damn crawling champion of the world is like a postgame interview mm-hmm hi ask me a question what are you shooting for in a career of damn wall-climbing uh well you know mm-hmm I've been climbing damn walls since you know since I was in diapers and you know diaper way down but you know I know I'm in a wet suit and not even a damn Walken sobbing hey you ready eisah brand i we're starting our journey I see our first bridge and I'm hoping we find our first object of the day oh whoa that's bad that's gross we just found our first piece of treasure Wow some sunglasses it's just oh yeah it kind of looks like a Ferrari emblem the river slime on it but that actually is a Ferrari Ferrari it just looked like the slime looked like a Ferrari emblem but they're actually Ferrari sunglasses and that's so awesome and I've never seen these before in my life so that's really cool do you see this oh my gosh that's a car door you just pass this that aspect what are you that's a handle right there let's flip it over see if there's anything inside the massage yeah oh my god smells so bad there's a speaker right there well sure that still works pretty good done inside the door where's the car yeah at the car is it there we got on the car Brenda got a new car you guys convertible drops up so yeah it was half off - how do you think this actually got here though dude I don't know I don't know man like they must have just threw it over right here right like a car heavy what if a car crashed off that bridge and this is just one of the pieces maybe that makes sense that's cool that makes sense I found our first car door let's find the rest of the car and we've been walking for about 20 minutes and we haven't found anything crazy yet what is that a basic white girl oh my god it's a hotel it's a super8 hotel card oh dude now we're gonna go there we got past this for the super 8 now check it out Wow I see my first knife no way yeah look at that found my first knife that's awesome what kind of knife is this you think well that's a little a night yeah yeah that's cool there's just a little bit of rust on this but pretty cool to find our first night let me use this to take Brandon out later on don't tell him that Oh what's this dude it's just a Megalodon tooth oh my gosh look at that it's your little shovel oh my god I actually kind of does look like a Megalodon teeth I've seen those videos on YouTube of the pharmacy I know so we were just walking back there and we saw a dead animal of some sort might be like a raccoon or potentially a dog I'm not gonna show you guys but it's pretty bad it smelt bad look bad and I'll like you remember you slid headfirst and I did and water was on my lips oh my gosh oh yes Brandon whoa I found a scare so jealous oh my god what does a dead frog by your place Oh Nancy I thought there's a snake or something by me there's dead animals everywhere hey and I got a scooter dude go Jay go oh man you gotta try to let me ride it next I can't believe you found a freaking River scooter this is River treasure hunting at its finest are you Jacob Oh magic [Applause] that is hilarious it's actually awesome-looking scooters yes I will Jake was too kind of you to let me borrow your scooter yeah I really appreciate your yeah you're welcome in that scooter was so much fun it actually worked out great too I can't wait to ride down the ban back there with it that's gonna be a blast look up here dude whoa we got our first set of Rapids pretty sick I don't know did this so we got a first set of Rapids up here and I think this is gonna be a really good spot for treasure because if anything's going down it could get stuck right behind this so I'm excited to get down there to pre-plan some cool stuff man so Briana we actually have to cross this water section right here but we're sneaking up on all these fish there's a bunch of oh yeah the best of the fish oh dang that was so cool I know it's a little difficult to look on my camera but I'll Brennan I think I see something like a phone what is this Brendan there's something shiny right here there's something shiny I'm nothing it looks like a phone something shiny oh it's a buzzer stop for your hair right that is gonna be a phone at first but it's a hair quicker [Music] honey bug as we're streaming across that area I actually spotted a $20 bill luckiest man alive right I can't believe I found money in there Brandon it's sick dude my first initial thought was money but I was 100% sure but 20 bucks dude that's awesome you know what we should do what's that we should spin this at the very end she'll buy something maybe it's a lottery ticket since I'm like Gatorade or something let's do could you imagine if we won the lottery we're both twenty bucks a group of treasure hunters find treasure and win lottery the unreal you would never expect a sewer to be so beautiful look at those beautiful flowers then where did this come from great do they really I'm allergic to pollen every sneeze knows I probably shouldn't do that separated you're not gonna believe this I just met them Authority and it went through my booty oh my gosh my foot is in your foot yeah you get it all out I think so I'm had to check later but how's a good one oh I heard I bet that garden yeah yeah they're like big Clippers big ones do you know somebody was trying to like cut that tree and then they dropped him and they're like crap Jake and I were literally just walking and I just happened to look over and I saw like a weird object I saw this a little bit of silver right here oh my gosh I cannot believe you just came across this gun dude that's so lucky oh my gosh so like I found a gun in the river about a year ago and you know my first initial thought was to hand it over to the police so I told Brian I think that's what we should do call the police officers because we don't know like this could be potentially a murder one yeah when Jake and I first came out here we talked about how we could potentially find weapons or anything that would be thrown into because this is an urban area we've went all the way through the city and so if somebody had a murder weapon this would be a great place to toss it but the further we walked the more we like lost hope we just saw a bunch of cans a couple cool things here and there but no like big-ticket items until we came across this and I mean it just makes sense man there's a bridge right behind us where somebody could have thrown it out of their car somebody could have thrown it out of a bridge there and it came to this spot where we became its resting place this is just is a sick this is so crazy with you this is an unreal moment it's been here for a very long time it's super rusty and you know I told Brian like if we hand it over to the police it could solve a case and I just think that's an awesome story man this is such an incredible find all the stuff is on it super rusty that's been in there for a very long time yeah so this is definitely my biggest find ever we haven't touched the gun yet it's still in the water and we're gonna do the responsible thing we're gonna call the police have them come look at it guns normally have serial numbers on them so they'll be able to trace this back to the owner or potentially solve a crime case or maybe even a murder case with this so this could be a hot pistol something that was stolen or anything like that we don't know so we're gonna call the police and have them deal with it appropriately but from a treasure hunter standpoint this is the most unreal find ever Jake when you found one they changed her lighting yeah it changed my life on YouTube and yes if it was insane it was your first big big viral moment I'm not saying that's what's gonna happen here but this is just how special this is so this is incredible so right now I'm going to go ahead and grab the gun but do be very careful because when we don't know if it's loaded and obviously we don't want it falling apart or anything bad happening on our hands because I mean this thing is very very old so Jake I'm gonna hand this over to you and I'm gonna go ahead and grab this guy try to keep everything on there we go there's not a bullet in this chamber right here but they're definitely potentially could be some bullets in there so wow that's wow oh my gosh so very very cool fine we're being very careful with the handgun we're gonna pull up our phone right now and drop a pin at this location so when we call the police officer we still have to walk to go meet and we can't just meet them right here and so we'll bring the handgun with us so if the officer wants to know where the actual handgun was found we can show them that pin in this location because like we said this could potentially help solve a case potentially a murder weapon so it's very important that we can tell the officer exactly where this handgun was found so let's go ahead and call the police and we'll handle it from there so I'm actually about to call the Columbus Police Department on Jake's phone and then this phone is I actually have maps up because we've been going through this urban canal so we don't know exactly where we are and this is how we're going to kind of tell the police where we are there's about seven o'clock I guess from this point we try to call our local police department I guess from this point to get an actual person dispatch to us we might have to call 9-1-1 it's not an actual emergency so normally you wouldn't call 9-1-1 but we called a police department so so now i'm going to go ahead and call 9-1-1 and then put them on speaker here hey how's it going this is not an emergency but I did find a gun in a urban river today so I wanted to report it and see what we're supposed to do we'll sit officer down there see you okay awesome thank you so much all right thank you so we did just see the police officer drive right across his bridge but I don't think you realize right now is this this is the bridge we're supposed to meet them on meet your other right bye we yelled but he didn't see it so I'm gonna get up on this okay but we're the ones who caught about the handgun yeah we actually found it right over here in the water you want me to meet you up here this is the handgun that we was pretty eroded huh yeah no no it's pretty bad they really get to check it too much just kind of yeah when we found it we just kind of left it in the condition and called you guys out yeah okay shoot my serial number is done dang it alright let me just grab your info yes for sure if I screenshot it where we found it just so you guys do right exactly hey nice that is beautiful awesome alright another question I know this is a long shot well we're parked like a mile down this thing is there any way you could take us there now are we hopping in the back this is your first time Jake if my I'll show you how to do it so basically I'm showing Jake you know what it's like to be a criminal really though how crazy is I do eventually one day we'd be in the back of a cop car together I just didn't know it'd be like this we did a good deed today actually so the officer just told us that right where we found the gun around that location there was actually an altercation where a male and a female got into an argument and I guess the female spit in the guy's face and the guy got really upset and pulled a gun on her and actually shot her and so they never found the weapon they did detain the guy in the cases an open public case but this could potentially be the gun to that case we are released Jake for those who don't know I actually found a gun about a year ago in a river and that fine changed my life completely I went from I think it was 200,000 subscribers on YouTube to about like 1.2 million just a couple months and that allowed me to travel and look for treasures and pick up trash all around the world and make cool videos like this as my career and I want that to happen to Brandon my video is just gonna be a little simplified at it just because I want him to show off everything but definitely check out his video show him some love subscribe his channel he's closing in on 500,000 subscribers you know Brett is a great teammate to have and we've had so much fun here and his past couple days down here on the creek we found some amazing stuff [Music]
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 22,837,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, found gun, river treasure finds, interesting finds, dallmyd, searching for river treasure, found gun in river, river finds, found gun underwater, underwater, unbelievable finds, called police, gun found, found pistol, found in river, lost valuables, fish, best river treasure finds, exploring, searching, swimming, finding, pistol, gun, river, lost, found, camera, found knife, vlog, evidence, weapon, dangerous, treasure hunting, found money, craziest things found underwater
Id: -4Gx1KrH7R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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