Bald Faced Hornets HUGE Nests Yellow Jacket SWARM Wasp Nest Removal

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hey everybody thanks for much to tune in to check out this removal video this is actually a two different nests that I removed in one day these are bald faced Hornet also known as white faced Hornets also known as Ariel nest building Yellowjackets orderly Cove SPL Immaculata so in this particular one I was just trying to snip back some of the branches and now on take one little snip of a branch and you release the fury I was trying to be stealth but they they robbed me and according to the customer something that are actually already bumped that nest earlier and they were swarming around to begin with so they were already pretty sensitive so but the plan was still the same and just bag the whole nest and then take it with I kind of wanted to relocate it but the swarm was so big that I wasn't able to get a lot of the workers I think I probably got maybe 20 or so workers in the nest when I got at home but unfortunately the branches were in the way that I couldn't get the bag over it without without hindering and then releasing a lot of the adults was what happening anyway so [Music] look at him all over my mask going right for the carbon dioxide it's definitely really good swarm there and then this was the next one is actually just a couple of miles away beautiful mast it was just caked to the bottom of this meter and the homeowner actually didn't notice it until a couple days before she called me which is wild it's a beautiful nest a lot of really intricate detail on it the envelope is just really really pretty a lot of the colors that were on it so this one I vacuumed a good bit of the floor the workers out of it just one to batten down the numbers a little bit there was no way really I could relocate this one however I did want to kind of keep the larva intact and one nice way to do that is to get some foragers or workers along with the the comb so they can kind of still ten to the brood wall and transit back to my house so second bag of the day so about a third of them escape but they're still good about in my bag nice little slim and shot of seeing these guys flying around for girls wink wink just so cool to see them inflate what if he kind of knows are several of them that were shooting venom while they were flying just setting off that pheromone in response it's for you it was it and then cleaning off the house which was nice so this is the first nest I brought it home and sucked up a lot of the foragers that were left or workers and that little black spot right when my hand is that's actually another hole that they chewed out on the ride home so it must have been the main entranceway must've been blocked because they chewed a way out there's one kind of peeking out there so as usual I don't want to destroy the the envelope I kinda just like to cut it in in kind of a clean way such a pretty envelope I love the colors on this had a lot of dark brown and things on it so just circumcised in this nest here and that way could expose the comb so I could start harvesting out the larva from my chickens I did keep the Queen on this one and I still have plans to relocate her over to the the bulb nest which is still doing really well by the way even though I have a post that any updates on it and a couple of weeks it feels like huh back him down there were quite a few flying around me while I was doing this and I didn't have to break out the tennis racket look I mean layers if envelope is there it's just so wild so as that comb gets bigger they will start chewing down the inside layers to accommodate for the for the for making the comb bigger and that's comb see OMB I get picked on for how I say comb and think maybe I throw some people off of what what I'm actually saying I love this shot of seeing this adult shoe on her way out you see her hooked feet really well I love at the base of their antenna where there's a little bit of white like the last segment right to their head is white and you still see her wings are pretty soft and kind of wet that's why she's not gonna be flying for a couple days well she's not flying at all now but newly hatched adults will won't be able to fly for at least two days and kind of hang tight on the nest I get the camera set up and girls are peckin like we don't get too many shots of pigeon so I wanted to include some of her voice all right everybody's ready to eat that's angels voice now right there I know it doesn't look like the pigeons eating but she just grabbed like a whole mouthful level then scurried off with them so nice slender shot to see what it looks like to see a chicken pick them up and toss them into their mouths they don't just bite off they like toss them and then bite forward and then just keep doing that till the grub is all the way in the back of the throat they do have tongues thanks I have something I just don't have anything right now I got to pluck them out yet I have to pluck them out yeah ginger thank you that's nice and gender or angel to groom gingers tail I did just sigh there because I did about 20 minutes of plucking larvae out of the comb just to find out what I was doing to change shots that I never pressed record so that's why you're not seeing too many shots of me plucking larvae help but I got the important shots if you want to see me plucking out larvae just check out some of the to earlier videos more recent videos I did a lot of it there I still plan on doing it too but um I was pretty frustrated after that and decided not to film another section of it and I got a phone call where I'm discussing my YouTube stuff discussing you guys but I see the real-time views where show me like they're like up over a hundred thousand like holy crap so this larva is weaving her silk cap and I was able to get a nice zoomed in shot of her doing that and I I was just so super super excited by this shot so you can see the individual strand she almost like weaves it like a bird weaves and nest just did a little bit of time-lapse try speed it up to see how she does the layers and then she actually like turns in the cell and then just keeps going around it's pretty cool and this is like a this is a suck that she's weaving similar to like a spider does with its but this these larvae do it with their mouths and their little mandibles kind of like press it like the strand it they pull out and they like back up with their head and then they they press it into another spot and then their mandibles kind of pinch it in place it is just super incredible to think that this creature right here in front of us is going to be a completely different creature when it's done pew paiting it's a grub it's like it's got a whole different life here sitting in a Cell eating food it's barfing it back up so that so it's parent figures can eat something and then they just sit there and grow and then eventually they say you know what I guess it's time that I have this instinct that I'm just gonna just like hey how about I build a white cap over top of myself who knows what's gonna happen when I'm in there and then comes a freaking Yellow Jacket that immediately knows what it needs to do it's like oh well I think I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna go kill something I think I'm gonna go out and chew on a piece of wood and then come back and barf it up on the side of the nest like it's just incredible what these things do and know how to do this is just a regular time shot of her weave and every now that you can see a really good shot of the strand I'm not sure if this is gonna look a little bit grainy or not in there in the final render but you know I was really hoping to get some of the some really fine pieces of thread show up really good on them on the camera yeah that catbirds really annoying in the background I threw my hat at it and it got stuck up on a tree branch so I guess that's what I get Twila teeth like uses its chin dude it kind of pop pop them in place oh here you can see her kind of start to spin here I thought it was so cool you can see that the the little basket weave is now like practically over top over I think that this shot altogether I think this came out to be about maybe an hour and a half from the point where the the silk was like kind of up on the side of the comb till when it was completely covered over so that's not that's really not bad however I was watching another larva do this and I was getting ready to set up the shot and by the time I came back out which like an hour an hour later it was completely covered or solid white I couldn't believe it Leah are you freaking serious so luckily I found this one so just get some nice slow-motion shots of her attaching it up on top of her I know this might be a little maybe a little bit grainy but it was worth it to see some of this uh he spots you shake pushes her head and it was really cool so he gotten dark so I had to move the whole nest into my music room and I was able to get some light set up to get some shots of her finishing up the the silk and I've actually touched that silk a little bit while she was laying it like this in between shots and it's wild because it actually feels a little bit soft it doesn't feel like the ones next to it where they're really hard and like stiff not that they're really hard they're just they're just kind of feel a little bit like like thin cardboard but hers kind of felt more like paper and then once she was actually done weaving it it it was a head I guess it had gotten a chance to set up a little bit and it got hard and if and it felt like the cardboard II feeling like I'm used to feeling so I get some questions in the in the comments I'll just kind of address here while while we're watching this happen is how you can tell when a larva is either a male female or queen and how you can tell is if it's a larger cone or larger cell then that's an indication that it's going to be a queen or male larva however when the silk cap is weaved if the silk cap is like flat or below the the height of the cell more than likely that's going to be a worker because they're not quite as big and they they don't take up all that extra space so they kind of weave there so caps down at their level you can't technically tell the males from the females as far as as far as I know I've pulled them all out I can't see a difference between one or the other however I've seen adults that I pull out from those particular cells next door and I see males and females so it's I don't know the rhyme or reason as to where one is late and one's not but interestingly enough is a queen cell will be a larger cell and a male cell will also be a larger cell and what makes them male or what makes them a queen is the same egg that would be late as a worker is late in a larger cell and given more sustenance that's it that's what makes a queen turn into a queen it's not a special egg or anything like that it's bedtime for the girls here but I picked out a bunch of the larvae and I didn't want it to go to waste because some of these are gonna start turning soon so I want to get the girls fed even though it's past bedtime start they came in about him probably 45 minutes ago but that doesn't mean that they won't eat pidgins over there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everybody thanks for much for watching this episode if you guys enjoyed this video please drop into comments let me know what you thought if you have any suggestions of any future videos you'd like to see regarding my girlfriend's here or wasps in general larva how I picked them out if you have any question drop them in the comments as well if your evidence absque Reiber already please consider doing so i have new content coming out at least several times a week at this point regarding my girlfriend's loss pretty much anything if you guys have any suggestions again put them in the comments I'd appreciate hearing from you guys seeing what you guys like to see and if you are returning subscribers and you've been here before I really appreciate you guys supporting my channel I'll catch you guys on the next video
Channel: Hornet King
Views: 1,762,513
Rating: 4.8718405 out of 5
Keywords: Bald Faced Hornets Nest, Yellow Jackets, Nest, Infestation, Wasp Nest Removal, Paper Wasp, Bees, Honeycomb, Hornets, Wasp, ASMR
Id: ouN9Mh-TIZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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