Raising Yellow Jackets as Pets in My Closet part 1: Releasing the Queen
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Channel: Just Joshing
Views: 1,369,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yellowjackets, yellow jacket, wasp, wasp nest, sting, stung, bite, keeping wasps as pets, pet wasp, yellow jacket nest, nest, hive, bee, queen bee, paper wasp, umbrella wasp, huge, gigantic, insect, antscanada, adventure, removal, infestation, ants, ant farm, fire ants, hornet, hornet king, trap, vs, queen wasp, science experiment, massive, honey bee, brave wilderness, coyote, swarm, crazy, ants canada, colony, habitat, wasp farm, wasps as pets, taming, spider, tarantula, snake, catching, murder hornet
Id: WeL9OZdrC2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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