Creating My Opossum Habitat

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i just spent 300 on fake plants all for the new opossum habitat these better be some realistic fake plants before we unbox them really quick let's go find out if rocky the opossum wants to join us possums are nocturnal which means they usually come out at night however a little daylight is actually healthy for them okay so this is actually the habitat that we will be putting the plants in rocky i think is sleeping right down here hey rocky you in there where'd you go girl hey baby girl oh she's not asleep at all hey you want to come visit all right hey rocky there you are hey for those of you who are wondering about my pet wasps sadly as you can see the nests are empty because they knew winter was coming and they all tried to hibernate again i know i've let a lot of you down i've let myself down but let's get over it we have our whole lives ahead of us tell you what guys rocky's actually getting pretty restless and a little bit skittish so i'm actually going to unbox something that's not a plant this is actually going to be her new little home kind of where she will sleep so i'm actually really excited about this this is you will see it's an owl habitat hey rocky she's just chilling down there it's an owl habitat or like an owl box but i thought it would be perfect oh come here rook rock is trying to escape i thought it would be i think it's going to be perfect for rocky let's see oh yes this is awesome check this out boom that's so cool she's gonna crawl in and have a nice safe place to sleep let's see how she likes it all right rocky here's your new home let's see oh snap oh she just went right in there oh okay guys i can't even see her in there she's just chilling i didn't think this through there's actually no way to open this well rocky's chilling in there let's open the plants we'll start with the smallest ones i have no idea which ones these are oh okay all right oh yes yes so these are like little bushes that you just put in the ground to kind of give a really natural aesthetic even though they're completely fake let's see what else we got oh yes okay these smell like mint these are gonna kind of be on the side of the wall and then boom okay these actually look a lot more natural than these ones oh yeah i like that oh wait there's more check these out oh i think i just broke it whoops it actually does look pretty realistic you can literally bend the leaves oh i actually don't think i broke it i just you can pop it back on nice so this is like a little baby tree and then i thought well all these things are green i want to add a little bit of color so i got these whoa that actually looks pretty realistic smells like plastic fake lavender these look amazing check that out this habitat is going to look spectacular now for the really fun stuff the little baby trees what is this oh yeah this is the baby fig tree okay honestly not too impressed with how this turned out but let's see what else we got oh yeah this looks pretty cool last but not least i actually think i actually think this is i actually think this is going to be my favorite one because it's an olive tree olive trees mean a lot to me all right there we go boom voila it's a little baby olive tree okay let's set these up in rocky's new home i'm gonna put rocky and her new little house kind of where she's gonna sleep i'm gonna put it right in this corner and fill that in there put a nice log next to her so she feels more secure bam okay this corner i want to be a place where it has kind of the little shrubs so i'm just putting some wood chips down this is honestly my kind of gardening fake plants i've always loved plants even even when i was a kid i loved growing plants but they would always die and that's the problem is they die these won't and that's the beauty of it shazam boom boom boom we're gonna put the fig tree right here nice the olive tree back here behind the [Music] shrubs [Music] foreign
Channel: Just Joshing
Views: 709,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pet opossum, possum habitat, cute, baby opossum, training, eating, eat, fuzzy, pet raccoon, baby raccoon, raccoon habitat, rescue, rescue animal, animal, wildlife, wild, mice, mouse, natural channel, unboxing, plant, forest, wild opossum, playing dead, tame, environment, science, taming, baby, breeding, adorable, fun, tito, making, brave wilderness, weird pet, raising, marsupial, facts, cage, reptile, feeding, virginia opossum, virginia
Id: ku5B7FahNnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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