PET SEMATARY (2019) Ending Explained

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hey what's up guys welcome to found flicks I'm Nessa sending explain we'll be looking at the new adaptation of the beloved Stephen King novel Pet Sematary where a family moves to a rural Maine town discovering a mysterious burial ground that leads to a perilous chain reaction that unleashes an unspeakable evil with horrific consequences the tradition of adapting horror legend Stephen King's books to the big screen has been going strong for quite some time now about 40 years or so and perhaps now is even more ubiquitous than ever especially after the huge success of it it's no surprise that many of king's classics are being adapted anew redesigned for modern audiences which is definitely the case with Pet Sematary we already have an original 80s version as well as a sequel but the original came out in 1989 literally 30 years ago so it does make sense to dust off the cobwebs for a new adaptation what the new Pet Sematary has going for it is that the original isn't very good while it does have a lovely Sheen of cheesy 80s goodness with some incomparable highlights like Fred Gwynne aka Herman Munster his legendary performance as judge or the extremely frightening meningitis afflicted Zelda the look of which is the stuff of nightmares as well as the unforgettable weird hilarious and downright bizarre final showdown with a resurrected gage wearing a dandy little suit and wielding a scalpels also the unforgettable end credits title song by The Ramones apparently King is a fan just love how and especially the 80s every movie needed its own title tune that's all the kind of stuff that sticks with you for a lifetime and makes the 89 version a classic in its own right yet it does feel especially dated and other than the old man and the three year old the acting is shaky at best especially from our lead so this is one case where I'm actually glad to be getting a new adaptation one that could really tap into the horror and fear of the story and delivers some big scares and truly frightening moments overall I'd say the new adaptation is superior to the original just better crafted and executed also being aware of the audience's expectations and a case subverting them the biggest example of being the switch from gage in the original story to le being the one killed here which was already spoiled in the trailers definitely would have been better to have this be a surprise in the theater my major complaint is that it still left me wanting more than what we were given despite some changes things play out as expected and I really wish they had pushed things further into a new different direction as well as the horror and gore which was surprisingly a lot tamer than I would have thought especially coming from the directors of starry eyes which have some wonderfully unsettling body horror so I still enjoyed it but it didn't quite reach the heights or push the envelope nearly as much as I wanted so maybe you've seen the movie and still have some questions especially if you haven't read the book as many important aspects to the story are relegated to the background including what is behind the evil forest that surrounds the curse burial grounds so let's check out the new pet cemetery breaking down the movie everything you might have missed that fills in the bigger picture comparing the major changes in the new adaptation to the original and explaining the ending that is also quite different than what we would anticipate our story begins with the Creed family leaving behind the hustle and bustle of living in Boston for the simple small town of Ludlow Maine but since this is Stephen King's Maine literally every inch of it is covered in evil in some form though initially the family seems content with their change and tell the evil begins to seep into their lives when daughter Ellie spots a group of creepy children in a procession wearing animal masks carrying a dead dog in a wheelbarrow she decides to follow coming across a makeshift pet cemetery misspelled as we know with one side barricaded by a dead fall of branches and debris into a high wall Ellie tries to ascend it stopped in her tracks by a bee sting luckily their neighbor the grizzled Judd Crandall comes to the rescue tending to her stink and the two seemed to form an instant bond though things turned serious when Judd warns her about the woods being dangerous and tells her to never venture out there alone this experience brings Ellie to consider questions about life and death like why do animals not live as long as humans and in particular about what happens after we die father Lewis has a cold clinical perspective that our metabolism simply runs out over time and death is all there is Wow mom Rachel feels otherwise hopeful that there is more to life after we shuffle off this mortal coil and more or less refuses to even broach the subject of death with her daughter this is due to her own personal experience with death as a child having to watch her sister Zelda who suffered from spinal meningitis get progressively worse over time Rachel eventually becoming frightened of her appearance and threatening behavior the night that she died only Rachel was there to take care of her but not wanting to see her sent up her dinner through a dumbwaiter which her parents expressly told her not to use sending up the meal the waiter begins to come down with Zelda inside I'm not able to handle her weight it breaks sending Zelda plummeting down the shaft to her death due to this Rachel feels responsible in a way for her sister's death and feels even guilty err because she actually wanted her to die so she wouldn't have to be afraid of her anymore so we see why she has a strong aversion towards death or even discussing it at all with her daughter later Luis gets his first indication of the dark forces in the area working as a doctor usually dealing with trivial injuries is shocked when a mangled car crash victim Victor is brought in despite Luis doing his best to save him the student quickly passes from his injuries only to somehow come back to life to give Louis a warning don't break the barriers between worlds good advice but just as suddenly his body returns to normal as indefinitely dead well he could have just been seeing things that is until he has a vivid dream later featuring Victor who leads Luis to the cemetery warning him not to venture beyond the deadfall or perhaps it wasn't a dream at all Luis waking up the next morning and disturbed to find dirt on his feet and the sheets indicating that his late night trek to the woods actually did occur though it's not until appropriately enough on Halloween that things take a darker turn when their pork at church is killed by one of the never-ending semis constantly barreling down the road behind their house probably not a good idea to have kids with a road of death right behind them but whatever expressing concern over what Ellie's reaction would be to church's death John suggests they bury him at the pet cemetery and merely tell Ellie that he ran away as to them it's better to still completely avoid the concept of death at all in their daughter's life but rather than bury the kitty at the cemetery John guides them deeper into the woods climbing over the dead and entering into a foggy filled area known as little god swamp which is actually an ancient burial ground that was used by the Mi'kmaq Indians unaware of the repercussions they bury Church at the grounds the next day about to explain to Ellie that he ran away surprisingly her beloved cat has returned though looking much more mangy and acting a lot more aggressively than before obviously burying the cat at the cursed ground has brought it back to life but now embodied with evil scratching Ellie and tearing a bird to shreds on their bed a confused Lewis confronts John about what they did and he tells them about the power of the land to bring back the dead the town believing that the area is inhabited by the spirit of a Windigo from Native American folklore the Windigo is a mythical man-eating creature with some human-like characteristics or alternatively is a spirit that possesses humans and makes them more monstrous the Windigo is what is actually responsible for the evil in the woods and has been here for many years as it is what Kurt's the burial ground forcing the Micmac Indians to abandon the area and resettle elsewhere and it was lurking in the background as the town of Ludlow was created manipulating events throughout its history similar to penny wise in the nearby town of Derry man man sure is [ __ ] according to Stephen King both film adaptations regulate the creature to a background present distant growls and cracking branches amongst the trees what it is as we can see actually extremely important to understanding what is behind the evil going on in Ludlow so in the case of Church or others the Windigo brings back they're actually possessed by its malevolent spirit which is responsible for their aggressive murderous behavior the situation becomes severe enough for Lewis to take action deciding to try and euthanize a zombie cat but he can't bring himself to do it instead driving him far away and dropping him off hoping that's the end of it huh done and done but of course it's not he's already brought the evil into his life by burying Church and it's not about to give up on the Creed family throwing a birthday party to cheer Ellie up she spots Church in the road running to get him as gage stumbles after her they really play up this moment making us unsure of the outcome too bad it was fooled in the trailer and we know that Lewis snatches of gage and is rescued while Ellie suffers his fate of the original the truck swerving after narrowly missing gauged the back tank coming loose and sliding down the road slamming right into Le flinging her into oblivion and while the impact killed her it has surprisingly little physical impact I'm picturing this huge semi tank coming at you at full speed and what the impact would be like smoosh you think it'd be like a blood bag exploding or something but nope just tossed her away I guess the family is of course heartbroken over losing Ellie especially Rachel still dealing with issues related to her sister and can't handle being at the house anymore taking gage to stay at her parents for a while leaving Louis all along with his overwhelming grief and sensing what his plan might be jug discourages him from burying Ellie at the cursed crown telling him that sometimes dead is better and recounts his own experience with the swamp told about it by another local judge buried his own dog there who came back mean and uncontrollable just as with Church so then the question becomes why did Jud take Louis to bury Church in the first place if he knew what would happen there's some element of not wanting Ellie to be hurt by losing her cat but also his dog was already mean before being buried and hoped that church might be different but the real reason is that the grounds have a kind of pull on people that venture there by visiting the swamp at all you become kind of entranced by the area wanting to return to it despite knowing better the same idea of Jud taking him there in the first place he really did hope it might be different this time even though he already knew the likely outcome this pull in addition to of course the difficulty of losing his daughter helps us understand why Lewis continues with his ill-advised plan drugging jug then exhuming Ali's body and repairing it at the cursed grounds and I'm not a hundred percent sure but I do think we catch a glimpse of the Windigo watching over them in the woods it was hard to make out in the theater but it sure looked like something was out there overseeing the scene as expected Ellie is soon resurrected returning home seemingly unaware of the fact that she died only remembering getting hit by the tank and things going black though she initially seems less erratic than changed by her return she soon manifest similar traits to church no longer the sweet and friendly girl but now disturbing and cold later telling her dad he was wrong about there being nothing after death that there is some where she went saying that it was only darkness well that's pretty bleak Ellie thanks a lot meanwhile back at her parents house we see that the evil has attached itself on to Rachael engage even outside of Ludlow Gage seeing Victor while Rachael is plagued by visions of her sister her unable to reach Lewis she grows increasingly concerned deciding to head back to him on the way calling jawed to try to check in John finds Lewis cagey and avoided telling him that everything is fine but he knows better when spotting Ellie looking down from the upstairs window knowing Lewis didn't heed his advice horrified he returns home to grab a gun to kill Ellie and the girl turns on her old friend Church distracting him and using one of her father's scalpel slices John's Achilles heel standing over him Ellie's face changes to that of Judds dead wife Norma saying that she liked Ellie will also be suffering for eternity thanks to him implying me he had also buried his wife at the cemetery and already gone through the same exact situation as with Ellie prior though presumably having to kill his reanimated wife further showing us how much way the curse grounds have over people that have been there he knew the whole time the Creed family were doomed yet still led them right to their demise 'as ultimately leading to his own at Ellie's hands that kind of come up and for his responsibility in their fates don't no one knows Ellie has killed Jud returning home undetected as Rachel and gage awry reintroducing yourself to them without a second thought though her mother is clearly shocked and disturbed seeing Ellie alive again realizing what Louis has done and fleeing upstairs with gage he tries in vain to get her on board with their zombie child then realizing that she's vanished rushes over to John's house and discovers his body leaving a perfect opportunity for Ellie to attack Rachel getting stabbed but escaping to the bathroom attempting to carefully lower gage from the second-story window Lew is showing up just in time to catch him however Rachel is distracted Ellie stabbing her in the back brutally goading her about her sister and the real Ellie being gone before finishing her off with a series of calculated stabs deep in the gut dame call [ __ ] Cole get engaged in the car locking him in and telling him not to open the door for anyone Louis rushes into the house discovering his dying wife who pleads with him not to bury her in the cemetery but that won't stop Ellie who knocks Louis unconscious then dragging her all the way to the cursed spot they're burying her mother later Lewis regains consciousness finding Ellie in the woods leading to a fight between the two he eventually gets the upper hand knocking her down to the dirt and lifting a shovel into the air just about to decapitate her a steel pole rips through his body from behind coming out the other side that's right Rachel is back and with very good timing well very bad for Louis who now dead is also buried soon after being resurrected and a zombie family joined together set fire to Jed's house before coming to the car where little gage is still locked up inside Church pounces on the hood eyeing him hungrily as his father comes to the window beckoning him to unlock the door this final shot of the undead family coming up was actually quite haunting and also a quite downbeat note to end on with assumedly gage joining the others in the end none of the family surviving which leaves me wondering okay now that they're all zombies what the heck are they gonna do now just keep bringing others to the cemetery I guess to kind of continue the spread of evil further into the world outside of the swamp I don't know the novel clearly states the reanimated bodies live for 10 years and that would be a lot of time to be out there killing and burying people could wind up with a whole town of zombies before too long which brings up an interesting idea that is kind of hinted at but not really seen the possibility that there are already other undead people or animals out there this in particular ties to those kids in the masks they only appear in one scene and we don't see what they do with their dead dog possibly just burying it in the front cemetery but it's also entirely possible that they actually took it to the burial ground knowing full well what would happen as it was a shot from a cutscene showing the kids at what certainly looks like the area past the deadfall and it stands the reason that Jud wouldn't be the only one aware of what it could do especially if it's been part of the town's history for generations these questions are new for this adaptation of the book which the 89 version adhere to in the end both having a substantially different outcome than the new version they're instead of being unable to euthanize Church Louis does follow through with his morphine injection killing the evil cat for good then when confronting gage in his adorable little suit Louis kills him with the same injections though gage still kills Rachel this it's Lewis once again left alone as le does not return with Rachel from her parents and clearly not learning his lesson so far as well as the sway of the grounds overwhelming Louis he convinces himself this time will be different with Rachel feeling he waited too long to bury the others if he buries her quickly perhaps she won't be evil he's wrong of course waiting patiently for Rachel to return the two reunited and embracing sharing an extra gooey kiss as Rachel picks up a knife about to kill Lewis ending with this kind of cliffhanger this outcome is much more conclusive and close feeling than the Dooley incarnation which also takes a different direction with zombie Ellie being the one to bury her mom to bring her back the resurrected here is seeming to have the specific drive or purpose of creating more lichen rather than just killing for killing sakes as it was in the original also as I mentioned in the original Ellie doesn't return from her mom's parents and is spared from the slangs that befall the rest of her family the original sequel concept for a pet cemetery - would have followed a now adult Ellie learning about her past and no doubt tangling with the evil all over again of course what we actually got with Pet Sematary - was drastically different than this original idea it's still appealing in its very silly and own bizarre kind of way well that about wraps it up for this ending explained on Pet Sematary it is well done and overall still superior to the 89 version and successfully updates the horror for modern sensibilities however I still wish and had done more in that regard and really amped up the scares and even the gore the initial scene with Victor was gruesome boasting some unsettling wonderful practical effects and I honestly thought that this was just a taste of things to come but it weirdly was much tamer after this than I would have anticipated in every aspect I also did appreciate the few different twists it took on the original material now it overall still stuck very closely to the book and I actually wished it would have also done some more surprising things with the story because if you've read the book or seen the previous movie things unfold pretty much as expected regardless I understand that this is designed for a new modern audience and the new adaptation stands up better than most as being a worthy new addition to the increasing pantheon of Stephen King big-screen adaptations what did you guys think of Pet Sematary and it's in what did you think of the changes they made to the story and conclusion what's your favorite Stephen King movie let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching bound flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 2,241,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pet semetary, pet semetary ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, final scene, pet semetary remake, pet semetary 2019, original vs remake, wendigo, trailer, clip, end, stephen king, sequel, remake, twist, offical trailer, spoiler, pet semetary movie, movie, review, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: ISsulLLeTM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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