STEPHEN KING'S 1922 (2017) Ending Explained

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what's up guys welcome to found flicks on this edition of ending explained we'll be looking at the winner of our last vote Stephen King's 1922 where a farmer is forced to take drastic action to save his lands but first let's vote on our next viewers choice inning explained your first choice is Silent Hill the name of a mysterious otherworldly town where darkness and monsters are taking over the second choice is dead silence where a man discovers a curse involving a murdered ventriloquist whose presence still lingers in town vote on which one you'd like to see me do by voting in the comments below or over on the poll in the community tab and for any video suggestions of any kind I'd love to hear them send them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundlings now onto the subject of today's video 19:22 a morality tale light on scares and heavy on atmosphere which is perfect for fans of rats lots and lots of rats or Thomas Jane speaking in an inexplicable yet amazing accent damn damages you fix you mo can help destroy I'm not sure what kind of accent that is supposed to be but I love it to keep you really in your pants so let's turn back the clock to the simpler times of 1922 breaking down the main story and explaining the ending which ends a bit abruptly without a definitive conclusion we first mean a grizzled anxious wolfred James walking the streets of 1930 Oh Mahalo braska settling into a room where he begins to dictate his story involving the murder of his wife as the story is told from wilford's perspective that makes him an unreliable narrator and thusly it makes us unable to know what actually happened or if it's just his interpretation of what happened he then begins the tale of his downfall back in 1922 where he lived on a farm with his wife Annette and son Henry Wolford own land and compass Seng eighty acres while Annette owns 100 acres attached to it inherited after the death of her father the family live a simple farming life tending to their corn crop which Wilford and Henry both enjoy and are accustomed to however Annette never took to the farming life and longs to move to the big city of Omaha her intent is to sell her 100 acres to the Farmington company and use the money from the sale to leave this life behind according to Wilford back in nineteen - the most important thing to a man was his son in his land and wants to pass on the farm to Henry so he's adamantly opposed to the idea of selling it isn't a fan of cities either declaring their for fools but Annette is unwavering in her decision and comes up with a compromise of selling the land the two splitting the profits in getting a divorce since that's what he really wants she says over time he has grown to hate her she does also appear to be having an affair but he doesn't ask you about this wondering instead where their son fits into her plan well he would come with her of course saying a boy of his age should be with his mother none of this sits wild with Wilfred as Annette is essentially trying to take away everything he cares about though rather than show his emotions he asked for time to think it all over it's clear a plan is brewing in Wolfers head about how to take care of the situation and decides he needs Henry on his side taking advantage of the naive boys blossoming relationship with neighbor girl Shannon Wilfred tells Henry that if his mother follows through with her plan he won't be able to see Shannon or his father ever again telling him they have to protect the thing you care about even if that means someone gets hurt or dies Henry isn't so sure but Wolford spins a tale telling Henry what he wants to hear if his mother is gone there will be no more arguments everything would go on just the way it has been and there's only one thing they can do to make this a reality of course implying murdering his wife so the two set out on their plan first deceiving Annette into thinking that he had come around to her idea and wants to join her in the city she's excited and she celebrates by getting way too drunk getting a bit out of control in saying some inappropriate things about Henry's relationship with Shannon upsetting the boy Wilfred tells him that's just how the good Lord made her and again guarantees that he will split him and Shannon up the possibility of being without her causing Henry to cry Wilfred finally has the boy in his grips asking for his help he wishes that there was another way and his father says he wishes there was - passed out from all the drinking and that is unaware as Henry carrying a sack and Wolford with a knife into the room get ready Wilfred tells his son who crawls onto the bed apologizing and putting the bag over his mother's head struggling uselessly to get three held down by her son and husband who slits her throat Annette's flailing finally ceasing and it's done she is dead and there problem has been taken care of but the whole thing is pretty [ __ ] up and Wolford in the motel room recalls this moment but especially involving his son as something he regrets even more than the murder this is only the beginning of wolfertz problems as his life from here spirals further into misery he dumps Annette's body into an empty well getting his son to help him clean up the bloody aftermath the next day he returns to the well hearing rats from within discovering them crawling all over Annette's body one crawling out of her mouth which is really gross the site freaking out Wilfred throwing a piece of luggage down to get the rats to scatter from the body but the rats aren't going to be going away for Wilfred ever again after this moment rats are a major symbol in his story tied to the idea of death and decay which he has brought into his life in a sense cursing himself through the selfish action of killing his wife to get what he wanted so he is the one responsible for bringing the rats in the first place as they are attracted to Annette's fresh corpse which also represented Wilfred's increasing guilt over the sin he committed he continues with his cover-up seeing that Wilfred is actually quite clever concocting a specific detailed story to explain Annette's sudden disappearance only taking what she could carry and not taking in the car because the sound would have woken him up and with this made-up story he has a pretty solid cover-up for her disappearance something that isn't entirely out of the ordinary out in the middle the description assigned to the expansive mostly empty farmland that made up middle America like Nebraska at the time however most farm wives aren't in the middle of a substantial land deal like Annette was and it's not long after that a representative of the Farmington group shows up to the farm in search of a net an attorney indefinite city boy all greased up in a fancy suit and Wilfred feeds into his story and that she got tired of him in the boy and left but Lester finds that strange considering the amount of money on the table and Wilfred gets Henry to corroborate his story still a lester isn't buying it declaring things to be unfinished here but leaves him alone and for now their story worked henry is worried that they'll get caught but Wilfred is already considering their next moves knowing that Lester will students in the sheriff so they have to find a reason to fill in the well where Annette's body is which could look suspicious otherwise does Lea the plan is to say one of their cows got out and fell into the well and was forced to be put down and now they have a legitimate reason to start filling in the well with the actual intention of permanently hiding in Nets body just as Wilford suspected Lester went to the police and the sheriff arrives Wilford quickly mentioning the cow story as soon as he's there but the sheriff is focused on wanting to take a look around the house related to the missing Annette he shows him the closet with the carefully selected dresses missing and impressively Wilfrid at every step shows off details to make her disappearance look reasonable getting the sheriff to pay attention to what he wants him to showing how much thought he put into his story as well as how cunning this seemingly simple farmer really is when he needs to be and even when a small detail they missed is caught by the sheriff that she left behind a pair of broken and boots that would have been ideal for travelling Wolford has an answer suspecting that she must have taken her canvas shoes man this guy is pretty quick it looks like he's got this thing in the back asking him this sheriff if we're done here saying they need to get back to work filling up the well even offering to show it to the sheriff but he's not even interested in what appears to be a triviality thanking them for their generosity and leaving without suspecting a thing for a brief moment everything is just like they wanted just them and the corn even having what Wilford determines to be a pretty good harvest but Henry isn't holding up so well after what they did first brought to wilford's attention by Shannon who thinks that Henry has been different recently and it's much more Moody and quiet than she's used to Wilford reassures her telling her that what she thinks is brooding is actually just him being so lovesick over her smooth talkin as usual wolf later Wilford has woken to the sounds of cows mooing incessantly and disgustingly discovers a rat eating one of the cows utters then crawling away into a pipe and Wilford knows there's only one place and one place only that pipe leads to the well where a net is his guilt is starting to weigh on its consciousness such as when he comes home seeing a flash of his wife but it's just Henry this so far calculated an in control Wilford is starting to lose out over his emotions which have started infesting his mind just like the rats but that's not all of Wilfred's issues as he's got another new concern that will wind up with him losing his son permanently as Henry has gotten Shannon pregnant now wanting to marry her and now Henry is annoyed over him not selling the land since he now can't afford a wedding believing his mom would have found a way to help out Henri's priorities have quickly changed thanks to Shannon getting pregnant and is moving away from what Wilford wanted for him is some how much more successful neighbor Harland and father - Shannon wants to send his daughter away to have the baby he feels that Wilford should pay for part of the stay as he is also responsible for his son's actions demanding that he come up with a whopping $75 for his share and for the first time really laying out that wolfertz plan wasn't necessarily the best Harlan tells Wilford if he had just sold the land a net would still be here he'd have money in his hand and his daughter wouldn't be in this position well that's a good point neighbor when seeking a loan from the bank to pay his part to Harland the bank instead offers him seven hundred and fifty dollars to mortgage his property but he leaves saying he needs to discuss it first with his son upon exiting he discovers the truck is missing in a note left behind by Henry telling him he took the truck in tinning to run off with Shannon and to not follow him or he will tell the sheriff everything now utterly alone he has only his land left and he's not gonna be willing to give that up anytime soon saying the only way he'll be leaving is in Chains eventually he does decide to take out the mortgage on the house but doesn't use it to make any repairs or anything seeing flashes of his wife along with more rats significantly growing in numbers and even eight years later at the motel the rats are still there his past continuing to haunt him as a rat crawls out from a hole in the wall seeing more are crawling inside and the rats have to be real at least to some extent as when putting his hand into a closet a rat bites his hand causing it to get gross and infected and that sure looks real he attempts to head out to get it looked at but the blustering storm has rendered his car unable to start so his backup plan is to pop a bunch of pills with a liquor chaser I'm sure that's where the doctor would have suggested anyway it's important to note that by this stage of his infection Wilford is most likely suffering from a fevered state disconnected from reality and as creepy Scott Joplin music plays he gets closer to the walls hearing the scurrying of legions of rats within catching a glimpse of his wife he tumbles down the stairs into the basement rats descending down after him followed by his wife who gets right next to his ear and as recalled by Wolfer later whispered to him secrets that only the dead could know seeing the tragic outcome for his son and pregnant girlfriend after taking the truck he breaks Shannon out and desperate for money go on to commit a string of crimes and robberies becoming dubbed the sweetheart bandits a Claire take on the infamous Bonnie and Clyde as her notoriety increases their recognized in a diner Henry pull a gun to help them escape but as they make their way out the owner shoots Shannon in the back their luck only getting worse their car gets stuck in the snow forcing them on foot to get shelter he feebly tries to start a fire but it's for nothing looking over to seeing Shannon's eyes glazed over motionless and without her henry chooses to not go on anymore revealing the two dead in the snow well that's just depressing and we see how much wilford's decision has spread out to affect others and then ended up in him permanently losing one of the only things he cared about and now has no one to pass on his land to literally his driving force to being alive sharing this tragic tale his wife is now satisfied disappearing leaving Wolford miserable and shell-shocked knowing the hand he played in his son's death though if Henry was just willing to wait the four months for Shanna to give birth she would have returned home and avoided that outcome but I guess it's tough for a hormone driven fourteen-year-old to think straight when love is on the line but what about a net was she a ghost or zombie or what I don't think so in a traditional sense or a monster or an actual being but another representation of the emotions and guilt that Wilford has been struggling to deal with especially now that his choice is having a greater and greater impact rather than it being something like her being a resurrected spirit though the story she tells Wilford other son turns out to be correct so how did she know these things well don't forget that Wilford was suffering from infection and not thinking clearly at the time he could have read about the robberies or learned the fate of his son in any other number of ways without hearing about it via the prophecy of a ghost luckily the sheriff eventually takes him to get his hand taken care of which means losing the whole thing now losing even himself physically to the curse he has brought upon his life maybe things are looking a bit up though as the sheriff tells him of a woman's body found and he believes it to be a net based on wilford's previous story tying up him being implicated over the crime quite conveniently sometimes you just got to look at the silver lining buddy come on you got away with the murder as the hard winter continues Wilford spends his time and his broken home drinking having to even now keep the cow in the house with him who passes like hey you got to share any of that booze or what I'm freezing man desperately he approaches Harlan hoping to sell him the land which must be difficult for him to even consider but we learned the impact has even further reached into Harlan's life his wife having left him declaring them both to be in the same broke wagon both had wives had kids and now have nowise and two dead kids but hey at least he still got both hands this guy really has a way with words defeated he heads home finding his cow dying and inside rats all over the floor doing a little pest control by firing at them and as he puts his cow down Wofford informs us that this was the end of 1922 after this exactly what he was trying to avoid happens losing the farm to the bank unable to pay back his mortgage and was forced to sell it for a low price a bank then turning around and selling it to the dreaded Farmington company literally the worst thing Wilfred could imagine came true and even the more successful Harlan lost his farm only a few years later so it looks like they were screwed no matter what to make matters even worse for Wilfred he has no choice but to move to the big city of Omaha taking random jobs only to quit because of all the rats all over the place these again here are most likely real considering the environment but of course rats have a greater meaning to Wilfred as he says whenever he tried to keep the thoughts out they'd find me even though he technically got away with the murder his guilt over this sin has consumed him and no matter what he does can't escape it especially since he literally lost everything he cared about he's a lost man with no more purpose and after drinking through the money from the land sale pins the confessional letter that frames the story hoping to find some absolution by admitting to his wrongdoings but his soul is beyond saving hearing Henry call out that it will be quick a net Shannon and Henry all standing there mangled up by rat bites Henry pulling up a knife knowing this is the end of the road for him Wilfred says as he said before in the end we all get caught the movie ending here leaving his fate up in the air that was clear what it intends to represent these ghosts at haunt him are manifestations of his mistakes since his selfish choice is what led to all three of their deaths and no matter what he does he can't escape what he's done or move on in any real way in the end this is what destroys him go on the original story they have an edition after this that reveals in the paper that Wilfred was found dead apparently from self-inflicted wounds from rat bites in this case it's the same sort of idea the rats being metaphors for the spreading of the repercussions of his actions and the guilt spreading in as well his son mentioned that all murderers must hope that there is no hell since they will certainly wind up there but Wilfred knows that his sin cannot be undone and that's why he is doomed in a sense either way his fate is sealed by being selfish in making a short-sighted choice he destroyed not only his own life beyond repair but that of others in his radius as well basically the moral of the story here is don't be like Wilfred he did something wrong and it spiraled into destroying everything he had and wanted to protect in the first place so you know don't do that all right guys thought I wrap it up for this inning explain on Stephen King's 1922 don't forget to vote in the poll for our upcoming viewers Choice episode what did you guys think of 1922 and it's ending what do you think happened to Wilfred at the end in the hotel room let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 3,344,004
Rating: 4.9375134 out of 5
Keywords: 1922 netflix, 1922 2017, 1922 movie, 1922 stephen king, stephen king, 1922 ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, netflix movie, netflix original, 1922 trailer, 1922 ending, trailer, clip, scene, movie, end scene, final scene, thomas jane, molly parker, wilfred, 1922 rats, rats meaning, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: FRQL_CXrqzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 26 2018
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