BRIGHTBURN (2019) Ending Explained

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hey everybody welcome back to found flicks I know it's been a bit since I've uploaded as I've been on vacation the past couple weeks but now I'm back and ready to rock with a whole bunch of new videos coming your way so let's kick things off with the new superhero horror film bright bird or a child from another world with Superman like powers turns out he ain't no hero at all but something much more sinister the idea of the film is basically that what if Superman were evil which is a pretty weird high concept for a movie in and of itself not something we've really seen too much of in the superhero genre an obvious subversion of the standard Superman origin story and that's about all the movie has going for it it's a much more simplistic and slight film overall than I anticipated really only working on that basic level and not much else well it definitely has its fair share of problems like incredibly dumb characters who make terrible decisions all the time and a bare-bones plot that leaves many more interesting concepts unexplored it still works to me and what it's set out to be an antihero horror film it plays like what if instead of Michael Myers or the like our slasher is a super being from another world these aspects to the movie are all well-done the horror ask scenarios are tense and thrilling also boasting some surprisingly over-the-top gore that is always welcomed in my book however it still left me wanting more particularly in regard to how simple the story is and there are many grander ideas that feel dropped without much consideration as such there are many questions left in the end that I will do what I can to tie together because even the main point of why the kid is here in the first place doesn't really get the attention it deserves so let's dig into bright burns exploring the overall movie and its concepts what some of the bigger missing pieces to the story are and explaining the ending that opens the possibilities wide open for a sequel we open on a farm in the middle of nowhere in the small rural town of bright Byrne Kansas where a couple Tori and Kyle are attempting to conceive a child based on several books turn around the house related to pregnancy and fertility it appears that they haven't had much luck so far in that regard and perhaps they are unable to have a child of their own that will all change in a moment though when a sound is heard outside by Torii drawn outside to a glowing red still smoking object that has crashed there we don't see the immediate aftermath instead flashing forward through the life of a young boy Brandon their adopted child who was discovered in the crash the object that brought him not a media or but in fact his spaceship though it does seem odd anyone who finds a kid in a crashed spaceship would have the first thought of sure let's adopt him as our own but if the previous indicators of them not being able to have a kid or true this helps us understand their motivations and in a sense it could feel as though their long-held prayers for a child have been answered from the heavens above even though he's from space and tactically an alien he on the surface appears to look like any regular boy and throughout his early years there seems to have been no strange incidents tied to his origins no when discussing him Kyle mentions that he has never bled or gotten a cut or bruise of any kind something that would be impossible for any average kid to avoid we didn't pick up with the family on the verge of Brandon's 12th birthday and things begin to quickly turn sour as the approaches the hormone fueled age of puberty huh which is where he first shows signs of being something far different and powerful than a human being one night on the farm Brandon is awoken to strange growling distorted voices causing him to convulse violently in his bed his eyes changing to a piercing red glowing color in a daze he sleepwalks out to a nearby barn drawn to a locked trap door more red white glowing from underneath it's a spaceship his parents have kept hidden from him down there all these years and it seems to be kind of awakening the alien side of his physical body tugging at the chains on the doors and chanting angrily Tory finds him and manages to calm him down the boy snapping back to his regular self asking his mother where he is unaware of what he's been doing showing a divide exist internally between the boy and his true self for now another incident lets us see just how powerful the boy is when his father asked him to mow the yard a frustrated Brandon launches the lawnmower high into the air landing at least a hundred feet away the blades still spinning he curiously his hand into them which breaks them on impact but leaving him without a scratch and his darker and more detached nature becomes more predominant not even answering his father when sitting silently chewing on a fork which has been mangled in his mouth though has no effect on his teeth whatsoever Torian Kyle chalking strange behavior up to his changing body I remember when I ate Forks when I was 12 and decided to take him on a family camping trip and his dad awkwardly tries to explain to him about growing attracted to girls and then it's okay to play with his penis as I said awkward and Brandon not fully understanding the right way to go about this disappears into the night showing up at the house of a classmate he has a crush on at least setting the romantic mood with some nice music on her computer which even after she shuts it down opens itself up and continues playing Kaitlyn getting frightened she freaks when catching a glimpse of Brandon amongst the window curtains but just as quickly as he appeared he vanishes back in the woods Tori and Kyle search for him and discover him nearby brushing off their concerns of his whereabouts saying he was just using the bathroom nice cover up buddy though he won't be able to hide his changes much longer at school scribbling a series of odd symbols into a notebook which looked like two bees like his initials opposite each other along with a rudimentary mask and costume sketch his mom catches a peek complimenting him on his skill but instead of answering her he angrily closes the book and rushes off secrets secrets Brandon his path to full-blown murderer almost perfectly aligns with that of a serial killer later found in the barn by Kyle staring blankly at their chickens all freaking out in his presence though he assures his dad he's fine later that night we discover how very wrong that is when Kyle is awoken to noises and bright lights at the barn coming to the chicken cage and finding them all brutally mutilated the door and lock ripped off Kyle tries to confront Tori about it thinking it must have been Brandon responsible but she refuses to believe that her baby boy could do something that horrible and blames a wolf despite a wolf not being able to you know rip door off showing us how much he truly cares about him turning a blind eye to the many indicators that there is definitely something off about him his violence only gets worse from here the next day as school turning to his first human victim doing a trust fall exercise in gym class the other was all push him back as instructed except for Caitlyn who moves out of the way disgusted Branden falling to the ground the teacher demands she helps but she refuses calling him a pervert and he orders her to help him up but when reaching out with her hand Brandon takes it his grip getting tighter and tighter snapping all the bones in her hand in the principal's office Caitlin's mom Erica is pissed why Brandon thrown in jail and accusing whoever his real father is of being a psycho well it certainly is starting to seem that way but torie ever in denial about her son being anything other than good declares it to be an accident and things like this happen all the time yeah maybe like one finger breaking or something but not crushing her whole damn hand lady but the reality about who Brandon is which has been kept a secret from him all this time comes bubbling up to the surface that night drawn back to the barn by the voices he begins to decode what they are saying into English which turns out to be take the world ominous enough for you tearing the chains off the trapdoor hiding his ship Tory finds him levitating in the air the ship glowing beneath him again calmly trying to approach he loses his concentration plummeting down the shaft and on the way down cutting his hand on the edge of the ship his first injury that they've ever seen him display in 12 years just like was Superman the only thing that can hurt him is kryptonite from his own planet same thing with Brandon here his ship being also from his planet it's the only thing that can hurt him and she was forced to spill the beans about his origins explaining that he fell from the sky but that doesn't mean to her that he's not their son and that she and Kyle truly do love him believing him to be a miracle from God but he's not having it launching into a tirade about them lying to him and feeling betrayed as he wanders off in his anger he screams and lasers fire from his eyes a twisted turn on Superman's own heat vision and it's from this moment of the reveal to Brandon of where he came from that the boy is no more now completely dominated by his evil alien side losing the rest of his humanity in the process which he never truly was in the first place though he is still consumed by his infatuation with Caitlyn paying her visit at home clutching some flowers for her ah isn't that sweet he tries to encourage her to not be scared explaining that he now understands that he's special but she's not interested saying her mother told her to never talk to him again and Brandon's like Oh in that case I'll take care of that little problem before suddenly disappearing showing up at the diner where Erika works in the middle of closing up shop suddenly the lights blink when the lights come back on seeing the same BB symbol brandon was drawing earlier scrawled all over the diner's windows they shatter along with the overhead lights the piece is cutting Erica's face and one falling right into her eye which she is forced to extra painfully removed a moment it was horrifying in so many ways usually stuff just goes into people's eyes and movies not having to pull the dang thing out a figure speedily flies by the room sending her back to hide in the freezer which doesn't do much good Brandon making quick work of it with his laser eyes cutting the door clean in half and descending upon Erica don't we assume idli kills her when the police investigate the scene the next morning there's no sign of a body however the sheriff does discover remnants of the Beebe logo on the window which appears to be Brandon's signature something also synonymous with serial killers leaving an indicator behind of their deeds and after the hands mashing incident Brandon has been ordered to counseling sessions at school with Marilee Tori's sister who approves mostly inapt at her job she does try to get him to show any kind of remorse or understanding over his actions but Brandon is complacent I'm not willing to give much of any kind of response only admitting that he's glad that Tori and Kyle aren't his parents as he's not the spawn of some backwater couple but in fact of a superior being I would say a response like this would warrant some follow-up questions but she doesn't seem to think so even if the thought is maybe this kid is just nuts or whatever that would still be the kind of answer that you would want to inquire further upon oh you think you're a superior being what makes you think that oh well and after asking like three more questions and spending maybe five minutes with the kid she gives up explaining that without him giving her anything to show progress Marilee will have to inform the police about the results or lack thereof from their session this of course isn't what Brandon wants to hear threatening heard that it be good for anyone to tell them about this and it's obvious that anyone who stands in his way or shows that they are against him is going to get killed has that night discussing things with his friends including Marley's husband Noah everything going on has caused Kyle to begin to question the boy and beginning to wonder if he is maybe truly evil he offers to give Noah a ride home as they've been drinking which he refuses bad idea as it turns out drinking and driving too but also you got to watch out for [ __ ] super people from outer space Brendan surprises merrily at their house but before getting the chance to kill her Noah comes home finding Brandon in his outfit hiding in the closet annoyed he drags the boy outside to take him home Brandon pleading with him not to tell his parents but Noah says that he'll only do that if he's lucky pretty much dooming him to die next throwing him up against the garage the boy vanishes and Noah for some reason hops in his car and begin to drive somewhere this is a really odd choice not only because he doesn't know where Brandon is currently but because his leaving his wife helpless and alone at their house fighting for her and not for him it turns out as Brandon attacked the car smashing through the windows and rendering it unable to function he didn't lift the car into the air slamming it into the ground face-first the impact causing Noah's jaw to smash into the steering wheel tearing it almost completely off of his face nice score here terrifyingly gross so good still alive somehow Brandon stands there watching for a moment to appreciate what he's done before approaching a dying Noah taking a finger to collect some of his blood drawing his BB symbol on the pavement before leaving returning home shirtless after being missing for hours to a worried Kyle and Tory he gives a lame excuse of having been playing soccer and been bullied by some kids who tore his shirt foolish Tory buys it but Kyle isn't so sure like yeah I don't think so kid you weren't playing soccer because you don't have any friends nice try pal and it's clear that Kyle is starting to really doubt his son and that night he has a really cool nightmare sequence retelling the first night they found Brandon the door to his bedroom leading outside to a forest there he finds Tory at the fresh seal and his spaceship clutching the baby as black ooze fills from her mouth and her eyes turn white the baby's eyes glowing red then lunging at him which seems to indicate that it was actually her desperation for a child that led this whole adopting his face baby thing in the first place like she found him and was like hey we're gonna adopt this baby and he's like okay I guess so are you sure about this all right fine let's see how it goes it didn't go well they were welcome to a phone call from Marilee at the hospital who relays what happened to Noah and mentioning that Brandon had been at their house earlier Kyle again is starting to finally put the pieces together here thinking that it must have been their son who killed him despite Tory's still insisting otherwise Kyle remembers back to that bizarre shirtless incident thinking Brandon must have been hiding it for a reason finding it jammed behind a dresser and covered in ominous bloodstains and guess what still blinded by her maternal love Tory rise off the blood-stained shirt saying they could be any number of things not specifically blood I mean that's crazy right that's gotta be like chocolate or something realizing she won't ever understand what is becoming a substantial problem Kyle instead plays a different strategy with his wife convincing her that he does truly love him and is going to take the boy camping - hopefully mend their relationship even though he's obviously going to try and futile 'i kill him moments after they leave for the trip the sheriff shows up with a concrete connection between the murders showing tory that BB symbols left behind at both and finally finally she gets it after all this time having the truth shoved in her face and everything it's kind of hard to deny at that point I guess she brushes the sheriff off to his face though not acknowledging the symbols but quickly rushes back upstairs to where Brandon keeps his sketchbook inside seeing the exact same symbol she saw him drawing earlier along with some colorful drawings illustrating both of the murders take the world scribbled repeatedly on every page after seeing this it finally dawns on her oh [ __ ] I've been protecting an evil alien monster this whole time and he's not normal at all he's here to kill us all that is embarrassing meanwhile deep in the woods on their hunting trip Brandon comes across a pair of deer tracks going down to look in detail and Kyle seizes the opportunity to strike firing directly at the back of Brandon's skull but the bullet bounces off unsurprisingly having zero impact on him at all but it does have an emotional impact now knowing his supposed daddy isn't really on his side just as with the others who turned on him vanishing as Kyle fumbles to reload Brandon back in his costume flies around that appeared Kiyo feebly attempts to apologize but he's already made his intentions clear and branded unleashes his laser eyes on his face flame-broiling a hole through his head nice understandably worried about Kyle back at the farm Tori calls him repeatedly and getting no answer until Brandon answers the phone asking where Kyle is he simply answers that he's gone and that he's coming home seeing he's floating just outside the farm he rapidly flies through the house tearing holes in the wall each time Tori calling 9-1-1 as he continues his destruction crumbling the house to pieces the sheriff and deputy arrived on the scene soon after she rushes outside to meet them but before she can even talk to them Brandon rushes at the sheriff out of nowhere flying at him tearing his body into a bloody explosion in an instant the deputy makes it a bit longer is searching the house for the boy and he surprises her appearing in front of and then behind her grabbing her tearing her apart and smashing her into the walls repeatedly and tell tossing her dead body away Tori doing her best hold back screams hiding under the bed as Brandon stalks the house for her once he leaves she makes a break for the upstairs window and hightailing it to the barn she grabs a shard from the spaceship which comes off surprisingly easily calling out to Brandon now if you ask me I would have just waited at the ship you know the one thing that can maybe hurt him like hide inside of it or something and pop out yeah gotcha but she's proved so far she's not always capable of making the wisest choices and I messed up my chair I hope you appreciated that little performance art now Brandon returns to her and as before she pours out her heart to him promising that she still loves him and removing his hood and the to embrace as she raises the shard prepared to stab him and he stops her grabbing your hand and now knowing that she like everyone else is actually against him flies high into the air clutching his mother exchanging one last look he drops her to the ground to her death falling helplessly from the extreme heights as Lights crest the cloud near him that of a passenger plane coming right for him no worries for his indestructible body though the screen cutting to black and then witnessing the aftermath of a crash as the next day wreckage of the plane has shown scattered all across the ground their farmhouse completely destroyed by the plane crashing right into it and conveniently covering up his parents deaths in the process along with no sir drivers being amongst the 200 plus passengers on the plane geez Brandon sitting in the back of the ambulance he munches on a cookie with an innocent gaze somehow after all of this able to escape anyone discovering his murderous personality and this is only the beginning of his wave of destruction after his parents deaths moving on to killing more people as we see several underground recordings of other similar cases of him doing so in the area all part of a conspiracy theorists show run by the crazed the big t played by a james gunn regular michael rooker who believes each of these acts of destruction were caused by the same person whom he refers to as bright burn also works with the BB thing like his initials so I guess he's just bright bright now that sounds better than Brandon whatever anyway the big t also shockingly reveals that Brandon isn't the only super being on the planet specifically referencing a half fish half man most likely a reference to Aquaman and a so-called witch that has been killing people with her chains I don't know what the hell that's a reference to maybe Wonder Woman but a witch woman I don't know showing us that there are potentially many other beings like Brandon out there and that is not a good thing according to him big t shouting and spitting then if we don't stop them now that our entire planet is doomed but they all appear to be villains so are there heroes out there as well well amongst the photos flashed on the screen of potential super beings is another familiar face the Crimson bolt he is not super-powered at all but a mere mortal so chances are you wouldn't really stand a chance against Brandon if it came down to it but it was still cool to see him referenced amongst the others here and it does open the possibility of actual powered heroes out there who might be able to go toe-to-toe with Brandon and the others like him which really opens up the world story-wise for a potential sequel or continuation which I actually would like to see it sounds interesting though there is a major aspect to the movie that is left extremely underdeveloped almost feeling like it was completely forgotten at one point not involving Brandon's infatuation with Kaitlyn even after he goes full evil he still seems to harbor some kind of romantic feelings for her in a childlike sense by bringing her the flowers and then killing her mother who didn't want them to speak the problem is after doing so Kaitlyn has never heard from or mentioned again it's like why did he even kill her mom if there's no payoff to any of these scenes it seemed like he wanted them to be together so definitely feels like a huge loose end in the final product apparently there was an idea at some point in the script to have her show up at the end and given a robot hand implying that she would be seeking revenge on Brandon after what happened but this still misses the seemingly bigger point of the whole story which ties in to why Brandon is here on earth which I feel is brought up in an earlier classroom scene now if you've been watching my videos for a while you know that if there's a classroom scene in a movie even if presented in a metaphor it always ties in to the story in some way there the class is discussing the difference between wasps and bees both of which utilize hives and Brandon mentions a particular kind of predatory wasp they can't make hives of their own so they attack others and take over their already pre-built hives this must also be the case for Brandon's interstellar species he does appear human on the outside and must have been sent to earth to not just destroy everything like the wasps the hive in this case being our planet but also to help propagate his species which is where a Caitlyn factors in he definitely could have just killed her when he showed up in a room that second time but chose not to do so for a reason and it appears to me that he has future plans to breed and spread his species as they would be able to blend in just as he did for all these years but you know since they're both 12 at this point I can see why they didn't even go there with a story though it does appear from everything presented this must be the reason behind his clumsy infatuation otherwise what that could be the point of any of those scenes at all there's quite a bit that feels underdeveloped even beyond these main plot points and maybe if there is a sequel they can utilize all that stuff we don't know about to help flesh out a lot of these questions but since the movie didn't do that well financially or critically this unsatisfying conclusion with only a hint of bigger stakes teased and never realised is probably all we're gonna get I did still like the movie for what it's set out to do even though it's very limited but ultimately it could have gone to a lot more interesting and unique places than it did beyond only working on the surface level of a slasher movie featuring a super-powered evil being but oh well it was still amusing and had good gore and kills and that isn't up on its own for me to be worth a watch what did you guys think of bright burn and it's ending what would you like to see explored further in a potential sequel let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 3,760,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brightburn, brightburn 2019, brightburn ending explained, ending, explained, brightburn explained, explanation, brightburn sequel, sequel, end credits, scene, post credits, trailer, clip, review, spoilers, dc comic, bad superman, brandon, brightburn movie, foundflix, foundflix ending explained
Id: 0y35-k9Bkm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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