Personal SHTF : Be Prepared

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when we talk about shtf we usually consider that to be something where society just breaks down we have an economic collapse we have the zombie apocalypse and law and order are gone and food and water everything and violence is everywhere and while that may happen one day really the chances of that happening are very slim but one thing that can happen is you can have your own personal shtf you can have your own personal day where things start to degrade where you're at the end of your rope you may even be at the end of your life if you're not prepared we had a couple of events that happened just recently that made me really think about our own personal shtf and how we would handle situations that could be an emergency situation and not necessarily affect the whole community but just maybe our family now one of the things that happened was there was a rumor that there was a meth lab up the street we were kind of like seeing this one place and it did look kind of shady and some of the other neighbors had started talking we started noticing some unusual cars around and we lived out at the end of a road so when cars come down we notice and so one night I was working late I was editing a video and it was about 2:00 in the morning and I started hearing a truck outside of the shop and I could hear it down at the end of our road so I kind of stepped out with my flashlight and as the truck was moving real slow I just shined my flashlight on them and so they kept going up the road really slow and then stopped about a couple of hundred yards up the street and went up to a neighbor's driveway and pulled in went up and started beating on their front door and yelling and this went on for like 10 12 minutes just beating and yelling to the point where I went back in my shop got a larger pistol than I had on me at the time and started heading up that way so just listening and wondering what was gonna happen I know that there was a young family that lived there with kids and so I was really concerned for their own personal safety on the other hand I didn't want to get involved in something that unnecessarily didn't have any business getting involved in but I still kept my distance well after about 15 20 minutes the guy did pull out and he left it wasn't long after that the the place that was rumored to be a meth lab was busted by our County Sheriff's Department one morning we were leaving the house and there were 15 deputy sheriffs at this one place and so of course they won't tell you what's going on and I stopped by and I said look thanks for coming by we've been wondering about this place for a while and so ends up that it was a meth lab and they ended up arresting these guys what's even crazier is two of these guys had been breaking into homes during the day while people were at work and they were working a ring all through this whole area the night before last my son woke us up in the middle of the night he said he smelled something burning and I got up and sure enough you could smell something really burning a very strong smell it was an electrical smell and so we started looking through the house going all around I got up into the attic started looking around never could find anything we started looking at our vents of our AC unit and through the vents you could see smoke coming down and so this ended up being a problem with our air conditioner our fan had burned up but at the time we didn't know it and so this really though gave us pause to think you know what we have fire extinguishers and they're nice and they're sitting in a closet and so we got those out and so that prompted us to go ahead and get our fire extinguishers out and to revisit our plan for our family in case there is a fire and whether it's a house fire whether you're in an automobile accident anything could happen at any time and so it's always great to be prepared is we're living day to day things seem to be normal but your situation can change at a moment's notice and it can be just you and your family it can be a neighborhood it can be a community but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a national or regional event guys if you're following the news at all man it's like violent crimes are happening everywhere multiple attackers are getting people and killing them if not just beating them up really bad so always carrying your firearm if you are a concealed carry holder legally having your firearm with you at all times even when you're at home knowing where they are in case you need to get to it you know shortages can happen and they can happen at any time and it's just like this 22 I purchased this day before yesterday at a local Academy sport this is the first 22 that I purchased since the Newtown shootings because you can't get 22 and I was so excited to find 22 now the one thing about 22 is is I actually have plenty of 22 and had stocked up before but because it was available and I thought you know what you never know when things can get crazy you know guys I'm gonna tell you and if you may have a couple of boxes of ammunition and you know you may even have a couple of hundred boxes of ammunition but if another shooting occurs like the one in Newtown we're really gonna see mo dry up again yeah it's starting to come around now but guys I'm telling you keep buying your ammunition making sure that you're prepared with your firearm you know maybe you need a few mags loading see these are unloaded but I do have now magazines with my rifles that are loaded a good fire extinguisher is very important listen you can stop a lot of damage by just having a good fire extinguisher and if you need to get to other family members in other rooms having a fire extinguisher can at least make a pathway for you to be able to get there to rescue having a first-aid kit available one that's really well stocked and well supplied is really important keeping one in your car is important you know you may not be able to get the bleeding stopped before an ambulance could get there and so I have a well-stocked first-aid kit and this is a trauma kit and it's not just a little boo-boo kit this is something that if I really have a serious accident or I come across an accident and need to help someone I have the means to do so or even having this at home because that can also be a place that you could have a real situation and not even know where your supplies are if you're driving in your car make sure that you have a good knife in your vehicle this is a benchmade triage it is an excellent rescue knife even has a hook to cut your seatbelts clothing the way this blade is shaped is excellent to be able to get out of clothing if you get trapped in your vehicle you could really be in serious danger for your life and it's good to be able to have something like a knife to be able to cut loose if you need to you know having extra food on hand is another thing that will help in a personal shtf now this is long-term food storage but one thing that you need to consider if you have food setback and of course you're saving it for a rainy day in case really some serious things happen if you lose your job and you're on unemployment and you can't pay all your bills you need gas in your car you need certain things up at the store you know there are different things you might need instead of going and buying groceries you could take that money and spend it on other necessities and you have food to put on the table and so that is a really great reason to put food back and to have extra it's like savings in the bank listen you'll eat it sooner or later it's better to have it and not need it so thinking about having extra food around your house could really save you in a personal shtf now I just kind of threw the tarp in there at the last minute but this is something in fact it's even a space blanket I did a review on this a while back and one of the things about having a good tarp is that if you're broken down on the side of the road or you need to walk or you're in a wreck you can take this and cover yourself and keep yourself out of the rain you can keep your whole family out of the rain for that matter if you need to walk somewhere this will keep you dry and will help and so this is something that in a personal shtf will give you some comfort but also will help you from getting sick having a lighter or a way to start fire is really important there are so many times even when it's not necessarily a survival situation is to have a good lighter a way to start fire now this is a four in one emergency tool a way to cut off water to cut off gas and to be able to pry and hook whatever you need this is a great tool to have around in case something goes wrong with your utilities and just to have this at your house when it comes to your personal safety you need to be prepared and you never know when you're gonna find your own personal shtf situation the things that I listed obviously are not comprehensive and if you have some things that you want to add to this list just put them down in the comments below because a lot of people do read the comments and look through and that'll help to kind of solidify maybe a better plan to be prepared in case you have a situation for you or your family be strong be a good courage god bless america long live the Republic now there are a heck of a lot more items that you might even think of that would go with this and if you can think of something that would be really pertinent to a personal shtf then put in the comments below you know there go bags we have get go you know there may be other things
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 284,092
Rating: 4.8661876 out of 5
Keywords: SHTF, Survival, Self defense, House fire, flood, Car Wreck, Prepared, prepper, Sootch00, Sootch, Survivalism, Camping, Zombie Apocalypse, Zombie, economic collapse, civil unrest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 26 2013
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