Minimal Hikers Survival Kit

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] hiking is one of the most popular outdoor activities not only for here in the US but also around the world millions of people hit the trails every year and sometimes it can be a planned trip just sometimes it can just be a short impromptu time just to get out hit the trail and you're not really prepared for much you know you might just get out of your car and go and I've done that myself a number of times one of the things the National Park Service has done is studied you know people getting lost and how many search and rescues have had to take place annually and sometimes it can be up to 3,000 search-and-rescue missions to find missing hikers or people that have you know fallen off a rock or hit the river and gotten lost I mean there's just so many things that can happen one of the big things is there's about 32 deaths a year in the National Park Service that's not including state parks and private property and a lot of other things where people hike and get out into the outdoors we get out of our car we may just say hey let's go for a little hike we have the family and we take off very ill prepared in case something goes wrong so because of that I've decided to put together a little something and this is just your basic emergency kit it can be really small it can go in your belt and yet you can have all the life-saving things you need here now half of these fatalities were people that were hiking alone the other thing is just lack of experience was the top reason just poor physical condition and lack of knowledge so really if you have a little bit of sense about you you should be good to go but for those times especially when you have your family with you you know you can find yourself in a bad situation in a hurry my brother is a big advocate and he goes on the trail goes on the rivers all the time does a lot of fishing and it's really funny him too a lot of his stories in fact that's kind of what led to this little video how people are so ill-prepared even experienced people getting out into the outdoors and not having the things they need in fact my brother keeps an extra or in his boat at all times and the guys he goes acting with used to give him a hard time about it until they lost one of their Wars and he had one to give them you know it takes a little bit of preparation so what we're going to do is we have these little packs I have a couple of different ones for us to look at just the basic survival needs they can fit on your belt and yet give you a good chance to make it through about any situation now advise you the number one thing is to let someone know your plan where you're going to be about what time you're coming back and you can just text someone leave them an email or whatever and if there are any details that way they can remember you know if you just mention it to someone they may or may not remember what you're doing so give them a little bit of detail take off even if there's two or three of you because you could be out of cell phone coverage or you know different things can happen and then if you're not back within a reasonable time they at least know where to start number two is keeping a level head you know when you find yourself in a critical situation staying calm and starting to think it through getting upset getting worried you can make rash decisions and then you're really in trouble then now this assumes that you have your standard EDC which you should be carrying with you of course you know my phone my keys having a little good flashlight this is the o light s10 but I'm in titanium and then we have the zero tolerance zero five six six CF and I have a leather billfold which I got for Christmas I do like the hellbent leather billfold as well to Kydex but whatever your EDC is and of course a nice good holster which Jackson leather works is a great source but these are the items that I have so this is going to add to the rest of the kits that I have now here are three little packs that I have set up now before I get started you can definitely use a little backpack a lot of people you know will just pack things in their food and you know just for an enjoyable time hiking that's definitely a big option in fact when I used to do a lot of hiking especially having a day off on Monday I would take up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and spend the day up in the graveyard fields it's what they called it it was a beautiful area and by myself you know just had a little day pack one of the things though about this is it's very easy to just on your belt and you can carry it without having to put on a backpack and it carries the essentials and what's funny is sometimes you carry a backpack and you won't have the items that you need necessarily you know you may have a book in some you know a little water and you know just at your lunch so this gives you some extra things really that you can pack even throw in a backpack now I want to start out with this little van quest bag this is actually a small ice pack bag and I did put a first-aid patch on here just for you know if you need to get to this it's really important to know that there's first aid material in here I've got a little SEO Zula on the side and on this side I have ajust a small flashlight you can put different things on there but what I really like about these kits is that they actually strip so I can just pull it and open it up like this and all my contents are right here some of the big things though to consider of course medical is probably one of your most critical because typically in a bad situation you've injured yourself and you know that's something that you could lose your life very quickly so first thing I have of course is just some band-aids and these are always good to have around and antiseptic wipes but I also have a abbreviated trauma kit which I have some compressed gulls this is great for packing a wound if you have a puncture wound and then I have some sea lochs which is great for stopping the bleeding and this is a hemostatic agent so it really allows the bleeding to stop and then another bandage here but this is probably one of the critical things is a SWAT team tourniquet there are different type tourniquets this just happens to be the one that can fit in this small of the package and these you can use it on your own arm it's a little more difficult than the cat tourniquet but it's definitely something because if you sever a you know your artery or something like that you're really going to need to be able to to seal that off but then also along with medical and this really serves a lot of things you know in case you go into shock but having a small emergency space blanket can give you keep your temperature core down and even if you're not injured this is great if you have to spend the night out in the woods to wrap up but one of the other big advantages of a mylar space blanket and there's just one of the cheap ones you can signal with this and that's one of the things you're really going to want to be found so being able to signal is also just as critical hopefully you should have some water on you but a lot of times if you're just going for a short hike you don't and so here I've got one of the frontier filter straws this is one of the most portable water filtration systems out there and it takes care of a lot of the microbials and the Giardia and Cryptosporidium so this is a great little thing to have I have a lot of these in different packs because it's so small and so this is not the best but it's definitely the best for this kind of kit and guys you can only live three days without water if you drink water that's tainted you can get really sick and that can be a bad situation now because I just showed water I do not have food in here food would probably be something kind of nice to throw in here but I want to keep this as minimal as possible another thing about signaling is I have a whistle here and you can blow but then also it has a compass and so compass is very important in fact a lot of people get lost because they don't have a compass or they don't know how to use a compass so not only having a compass but knowing how to use it's important as far as medical goes I do have some nitrile gloves right here and this is especially if you're cut or you know you may have debris on your hands and so having a good pair of little gloves they're very small and easy to be compact having a flashlight is also a backup to your regular EDC flashlight but at night if you don't have light you're going to have a hard time seeing what you've got so having a good flashlight and really an extra battery is really important now here a major element that is fire and you need to have the ability to start fire I have fire kits in all my different packs now this little kit I got this at a local gun show in fact the guy doesn't even have a website this is one of the coolest things I've seen for a fire kit you have a striker back here with a magnesium rod which makes that nice but then we've got a fair seam rod or firesteel right here so I've got two different methods of fire right at my fingertips and of course this helps to get the fire started also we have a compass on the bottom here and then we have paracord all the way around so this is a really multi-purpose you know little tool and of course you may or may not be able to find one of these but it's definitely gives you some ideas and it all just goes in this little tight little package but along with that we have some Vaseline and cotton balls this is just regular cotton balls and then I just mixed Vaseline with it this is one of the best fire starters and it's super cheap and you can make a lot of it so a great fire starter and here in the back I have a bandana and this is really just to cover your face or to keep sweat off and things like that this may or may not be like critically important but it could even be used as a sling if you need it and then I have a multi-purpose knife now very much like the Swiss Army knife this is a bokor and there's a ton of different things on here to be able to use for a lot of different situations so this is just a great piece in itself but of course the knife is really important to what you need but all the other things could come in handy for sure and a lot of different tools in fact I'm going to do a review on this coming up so that's pretty much what it is and of course with the stuff on the outside this gives me a lot of the things that I need for my rule of threes guys there's a lot of gear for this package in fact it is stuffed it takes a little trouble to get those zipper zipped up but one thing I did fail to mention is you'll need something to attach it you have Molly back here and I have some of the Maxpedition tack ties where I can put that on my belt and I can adjust it to however or I can just attach it with a carabiner or something like that now we have one of the Maxpedition EDC packs and this is really very nicely organized a way to organize all your gear and one of the things up front is the Renault Vogt Rio this is a great water filtration it's a little bit larger than the frontier straw but it's got a lot more capability also we have a fair cm ride with a striker we have a lighter and we have Vaseline and cotton balls I do have a headlamp for the flashlight in here headlamps great for hands-free and if you have a little extra room this is excellent to go with your standard EDC light nitrile gloves and I kind of went a little more Mentalist with this with the Israeli bandage this is a six-inch hemorrhaging control bandage and it can also be used as a tourniquet it can be used to pack wounds I mean the Israeli bandage is just one of the best out there then here we have some more band-aids a bit larger we have a knife which we're not a fixed blade knife but this is one of the benchmade Viraj and it is excellent and I've really put this one through the wringer and then it kind of went a little old-school and I have a whistle a little brass whistle but definitely something for signaling and then I also have this little small whistle with a compass and got matches in here and to be honest with you I found this after I put the brass in if we got to take the brass out I probably wouldn't have both but this is really a great little tool and these are pretty inexpensive I think these are like three dollars at Walmart or something but just a great three-in-one tool and your emergency space blanket again for all the reasons to keep you warm in case you get shock or for signaling then I have one of the i7 arias and I love this because all you have to do is to pull it loose for it to turn on so I keep in my pack pull it loose and then put it back and it's ready to go now on the outside of the kit I have a pair of cord bracelet it just hooks well in here but yet I have some paracord and I have a little carabiner here that or grimlock that I can lock things down and just attach that to my belt or my pack slip my belt through here if I want or I could attach tack ties here but this is just another example of some items you can use for kit now this is built on a water bottle container which I thought was kind of you know a little bit cool idea to be able to have your water which you're going to use on the trail anyway and have it set in here now some things could actually fit in the top but I was slow to put anything with the water in case it got wet and here on the outside I have one of the light Mike fires these knives are great and what I really love the ones that have the fire steel and so you've got your fire steel your striker these work super great it's a redundancy and you got your fixed blade knife on here now inside this little pouch it's a lot smaller but we've already got water and we've got fire starter so when I open it up of course we have our band-aids I did put another one of the Israeli bandages on here I really like those especially if that's all you've got this is really a good stand-in we've got our Vaseline and cotton balls we've got our signaling and our compass and we've got matches we also have a small little O light flashlight this is great again for darkness and we have our emergency space blanket and that's pretty much all we have in this kit this is probably the most minimal of all and everything fits back in night nice tight package you could put some things on the outside if you wanted to but you're starting to get heavy because you've already got your water but again really should be carrying water guys these are definitely not the end-all there's a lot of things that can be changed a lot of styles it's one of the reasons why I chose three to kind of show you you know typically I just maybe grab this one including my pack is my preference but there are other ideas out there please share them down to the comments it's great for people to be able to see the different ideas it can help us all and you know I hang around for a day or so looking through the comments and so I can answer some questions while we're there but anyway guys number one is just have a few supplies for survival that's all you need a little bit of redundancies nice have a good head knowledge of where your doing let somebody know and just keep a level head and you'll be good to go so guys from your hitting the trails just make sure you have those few little items to be able to get you through you know there's it's not a lot doesn't weigh a lot it can fit on your belt and you know hopefully you'll not need it but if you do it'll be worth its weight in gold or khaki and this video is dedicated to all the men and women who serve on search-and-rescue teams all around the world they risk life and limb to keep you safe and to bring you back home in one piece be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] now first and foremost this is pretty cool I found this is your new patient and this is one of their neat new okay now this was build upon now this one's built comissions built on a water medical condition of some sort or a medical experience if you don't have them you really need them and an emergency situation but if you don't have it it could be a life-threatening situation that you're not able to adapt to so let's get negative but you're really negative [Music] you
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 321,979
Rating: 4.8867369 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Emergency, Hiking, Search and Rescue, Falling, injured, lost, Hiker, Survival Kit, Trauma Kit, 1st Aid, Water, Survive, Climing, Mountain Bike, National Forest, Minimal Hikers Survival Kit, Minimalist, Essentials, Vanquest Fatpack, Maxpedition, EDC, Sootch00, Sootch
Id: QZixjNmb16o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2017
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