Perfect Veggie Chilli | Jamie Oliver

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Hey guys! Hope you're well. So this recipe you're  going to love it's a beautiful smoky veggie chilli   with salsa, homemade flatbreads, it's really  comforting to eat. You get four of your five   fruit and veg a day in one dish, come on! What you  need is a large non-stick casserole-style pan on a   high heat. We've got about three or four beautiful  sweet potatoes. I want a kilo of fresh tomatoes,   a bunch of spring onions like that, and then one  of the heroes of the veggie world, sweetcorn. Get   your two corn, put it in your hot dry pan, turn it  like every minute and then after about five or six   minutes it will be lightly golden all over and  that's what we want. At the same time get your   spring onions, just take that funky little wafty  end off and these can go straight into the hot pan   as well. We're also going to put in four cloves of  garlic so I've peeled this garlic here. The sweet   potato here will just slice up into little kind of  two centimetre chunks. Okay so the sweetcorn needs   a little bit more time. The actual spring onions,  they're done. I'm going to take the white parts of   the spring onion off and put it here and that's  going to be in our salsa. Green part is going to   go in a liquidiser. If we look in the pan here  can you see these lovely garlic cloves, they go   in the liquidiser as well. So next up we'll just  get this sweet potato in here, I'm gonna put about   800 grams of tomatoes. I'm gonna put like two or  three of those tomatoes over there, the rest of   the tomatoes just cut in half and we're going to  put in the liquidiser. So two tins of black beans.   We're going to put one tin, juice and all, into  this liquidiser. Also I'm going to use a spice,   so I've settled on a beautiful Cajun seasoning.  Two heaped teaspoons. Right, let's blend it up. So in literally seconds you get all those  ingredients turn into the most amazing   sauce. So let's take the sweetcorn out,  that's going to go on to our salsa board   over here. Now what we can do is go in with  the last two things. We've got this sauce,   straight in. The flavour is going to be amazing.  And then in with the rest of the black beans and   the juice so you've got nice whole beans in there.  So now what we have to do is turn down this heat.   Let it simmer away for about half an hour, twenty  minutes, until the sweet potato is tender. So as   that does its thing I'm going to show you how to  make beautiful homemade flatbreads. So here I've   got 150 grams of self-raising flour. What I want  to do is add to this a good pinch of salt and then   80 millilitres of water, that goes in. I tend  to use a fork and just angle the bowl and mix   it around and then we can start using our hands.  As soon as it's cleaned the bowl then just give it   a little knead. For about a minute, you don't have  to do sort of too much. Cut it roughly into four,   right? There's your four balls, and I tend to just  put my hand on it, push down, and roll it around   and you just make a little ball like that. So  roll these into four lovely balls, let them rest   now for a couple of minutes while we turn this veg  into an amazing salsa. First job I'm going to take   the beautiful charred sweetcorn and then I'm just  going to get my knife and just carefully hold it   and run the knife down the sweetcorn. Do that to  the second one. Then we can push that to one side,   we can go in with the beautiful spring onions  so that goes into the bowl as well. And then the   tomatoes I'll cut in half like this, see where  the little core is here? Just cut that out,   then just squeeze the juice of the tomatoes  away. Just like roughly slice it up and then   the tomatoes go in. Salt and pepper is really  helpful in this story but also vinegar, so mix   it up. So salsa done. So look I'm going to put the  lid on the chilli now and then I'm going to get a   pan on full whack okay? It couldn't be easier to  turn those balls into a lovely flatbread. Put a   little bit of flour on the bottom, a little bit on  top. Press your balls down and then get yourself   a rolling pin and just roll it out and go as thin  as you can using the flour as you go. You can see   how thin and fine that is. But then what's really  important is to keep them warm so get yourself   a clean tea towel, just lay that out here, and  every time you do a flatbread you can cover it up,   happy days. Straight into the pan. Pretty  much straight away you should start to see   the self-raising flour kick into action and the  little bubbles come up. So see how this is soft   and spongy and this is charred and toasty?  I like that! Right so straight into here,   cover it up. So third one down, last one  in we go and then we're ready to serve.   Okay so time to serve up now. Get yourself a  nice generous serving of the sweet potatoes,   the beans. We'll take that salsa and on top we  go. We've got the flatbread here so we take that   and we can kind of tear it up. Literally shove  it in the side. Let's just take a little bit   of coriander, a little bit of yoghurt to kind  of contrast it. That's an optional as well,   I mean it was a vegan dish now it's a vegetarian  dish but you can kind of get vegan yoghurts   and stuff like that. Let's get amongst it I  love just tearing up our homemade flatbreads.  Oh, come on! Mm! That is delicious.
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 58,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamie oliver, nakedchef, homecooking, cookingram, lovecooking, cookingclass, cookingtime, healthycooking, cookingathome, cookingwithlove, easycooking, vegancooking, homemadecooking, quarantinecooking, cookingvideo, mycooking, happycooking, foodporn, foodie, foodphotography, yummy, delicious, foodblogger
Id: AHgHeao2kew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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