Veggie Black Bean Enchiladas | Jamie Oliver

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I'm going to show you how to make a beautiful  veggie enchilada. This is a great Mexican inspired   dish. It's a great way to get veggies into your  life in a cool contemporary way that makes you   feel happy, right. So let's start off with the  tomato sauce, very, very simple. Get yourself a large   casserole pan, right. We are gonna prep in this and  we're gonna cook in this and we're gonna serve in   this, right, so one thing to wash up. We like that. I  am gonna blacken and scold vegetables. So let's get   flavour happening. So this tomato sauce happens  using peppers, four tomatoes as ripe as possible.   A handful of spring onions. I'll nick one out  for the salsa later. A couple of garlic cloves   it is simple as that. So let me show you a  cool way to deseed the peppers. Use one thumb   and shove it in there and then you can crack it open, right. Tap out the seeds. We'll put the peppers into our pan. So thumb in, tear, tap, squash. Spring onions if you've got a gas hob you might not but if you   have you can just put these onions on the gas and  scold them up. So let's just jiggle those about.   Same thing with the tomatoes but I'll do that in the pan. Two garlic cloves can go in there's no   oil in this pan, it's dry, like you're dry frying  you're scalding, you're charring. Chilli, you take   your choice, right, but what I would suggest is  just take the little green bits off the end and   I would probably advise removing the seeds just  because that's where the heat is. If you don't like   hot food that's fine use a little bit of chilli  in the background. It doesn't have to blow your   mind or even be registered, it can just be there  supporting all the other flavours. This little   bit of blackening here is just what I wanted. If you just have a look here can you see we've just   steamed it and charred it. See how that's just  soft now so that's what we want. We're going to   take our liquidiser. A lot of parents talking about the trouble and strife of getting the good stuff   in their kids and the reality and the true answer is there's no one silver bullet. It is a life   long battle and if you get it right half  the time you're extraordinary. So don't beat   yourself up parents. So in here I'm gonna  add just a kiss of olive oil. I'm going to   put a little bit of coriander in there. I love  using herbs I just think it's a beautiful thing.   So I'll just take a little wodge of this  like let's just put the stalks in there right   don't waste those beautiful flavour. I might take a  little cup of water in there just to get it going.   Definitely a pinch of salt and pepper. Secret  ingredient for me is either lime or vinegar   as we are trying to salute our Mexican brothers  and sisters. Lime is such a brilliant fruit.   Lime skin has gone in we've rolled it and that  kind of breaks all the little capsules. Look at   that these are nice and juicy. Let's say one  and a half limes goes in. Whiz this up right 30 seconds. How many recipes around  the world just have a basic tomato sauce? So it's not hot chilli hot but it's just full of  flavour. So I'm going to put half of this on here   now. That will actually start softening all  the caramelisation off the bottom of that pan   and now let's do the filling it's really, really  simple. Black beans I'm gonna drain it like that.   Look have a look at that, they're really  amazing. They're the most beautiful colour.   Really nutritious, great source of protein really, really cheap. We'll season it with salt and pepper.   If you want to give a little kind of twang the  chipotle chilli sauces have a smokiness and a   deliciousness. You could use the smoked paprika really, really nice. In here as well I'm going to   put a little bit of feta. So feta is not Mexican  but I can't get any Mexican cheeses but actually   feta which is normally over salad raw is brilliant  cooked. So what I'm going to do is get a fork   and fork it up. I like to go half mushy like mashed  potato and half semi chunky just for texture.   You can dress this with some nice heart healthy  fats, olive oil, cold pressed olive oil to give   you flavour to give you that shine. Let's see how I'm just mushing up the feta some big, some small   and you can put a little bit of  herb in there as well, just a bit.   Go chunky, go fine. There's no right or wrong.  That is the filling. We're gonna wrap that   in this so I'm using tortilla. If  you wanted to be more traditional   use the corn tortilla. We've got eight, right.  So two each. So lay out your eight tortilla.   Let's stuff these bad boys let's  just do a good spoon on each one. Okay filling done. So I'm going to turn that pan on just to get it going why not I'm going to cook it   straight away so I'm going to get that sizzling  and I'm just going to squeeze it and roll it.   So that's coming up to a simmer. Let's place in our beautiful little wrapped black beans. Snug   them in there and the sauce goes in and around  them. I'm going to pour on the rest of this sauce   as it bakes some of this sauce will disappear.  Everyone's pan is a little bit different but   ultimately our job is to cover these tortillas  right. If you want to cover it in some cheddar   cheese you can. I'm just going to put a little bit  of this feta on top like this. I quite like some   of the tortillas showing themselves, the edges. I quite light crispy bits. So this goes in the oven   for about 20 to 30 minutes at 180 degrees celsius  which is 350 fahrenheit. When is it ready? When   it's golden and blipping and looking gorgeous. 20  30 minutes is more than enough to make a delicious   salsa and this one is a little bit different  than your standard one. Let me show you it is so   fast so fast, I think you're gonna love it. So I'm gonna take like four sweet corn. You can use a   pan or a griddle pan if you wish. Can you see how  quickly it's just scolding. I'm just trying to get   that smokiness happening so all I have to do is  literally just turn it. Let's turn that into a cool   little contemporary salsa. So look turn that  gas stove off, obviously these are quite hot.   Now get a little bowl put your cob or cobette  in there, hold it with your finger at the top   get your knife and just very simply run  it down like that. Turn it, run it, turn it   run it, very simple to do this. There is your  sweet corn. The juice of your lime goes in   for that acidity. Let's try and go quite delicate  with the spring onions go as fine as you can. So   just a little onion just to give it a little hum.  Herbs, use any herb you like. I'm using coriander.   Seasoning for sure. Pepper  yeah you can join the party.   Chilli, a little or a lot it's your vibe and then  just mix it up. Mmm sweet, smoky, fresh, crunchy.   Really, really delicious. Okay so the enchilada  has had 25 minutes. Let's have a little look it   smells amazing in here. Come on! Look at that. That  is proper. That is comfort food. Look at that, that   imagine that putting that in front of your friends  or your family delicious and all I would do   is finish that with a little fresh coriander for  a punch of colour. Look at that. Exciting food, right. So let's put it together. I've got a little sour  cream here, got the salsa take it to the table.   Let's get a little plate just get in there.  Look how it gets crispy around the edge. It   just is beautiful. Hopefully I can get it  out in one, sometimes it wants to fall off. Scrape up a load of that lovely sauce. Look at  that. Let's put it down there. I love to have that   contrast with the sour cream. You could use yogurt  if you haven't got sour cream and some of that   beautiful salsa just lobbed on one side. Maybe a little shake chilli sauce. Let's have a little try... hmm wow. Just look at it look at that  lovely little mouthful. It's crispy,   it's got sort of spiciness but then it's  fresh with that salsa and that sour cream.   So there you go guys, that is a one  pound wonder and a family favourite.   So guys what are you waiting for? Take  care, happy cooking and lots of love.
Channel: Jamie Oliver
Views: 438,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamie, oliver, cooking, food, cook, recipe, tube, chef, foodtube, jamieoliver, mexican, tortilla, enchilada, vegetarian, midweek, meal, cheap, feta, smokey, beans, blackbeans, baked, onepan, one, pan, char
Id: Vq1JLLuor3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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