Jamie's Mushroom and Courgette Flatbreads

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so you want a nice midweek meal that's fun exciting affordable and healthy I've got a great recipe the heroes mushrooms they count as one of your five fruit and veg a day and they're really affordable you can do so much with them and in this healthy delicious recipe I'm going to give you a method for cooking mushrooms that maybe you haven't seen before we're going to stuff them into homemade flatbreads with pickle and feta it's going to be delicious it puts veggies at the heart of the dish and it's also really affordable so I got 400 G of Clos cut mushrooms so I have a nice large pan right non-stick I'm going to put it on a high heat get these clean mushrooms they go straight in there's some big ones feel free to half them now the thing that's genius about this sort of dry frying method is we don't have to use or waste oil things like mushrooms corett OB jeans they absorb a lot of oil you've got a nice extra virgin olive oil you don't want to cook with it at high temperatures you don't want to waste it so what I find is if you grill it then dress it you get the most delicious flavor flavors so look you can see you have got a bit of caramelization happening and it's starting to dehydrate smells really good the other veggie I'm going to use is a really underrated veggie corett let me give you a little trick cut down the length like this if you look at this slightly fibrous inside that tends to be the part that people don't like eating so we're going to take this half and we'll cut it into a quarter just use the knife just to take that kind of fluffy CD Inside Out you will find that people will love what you do with this much much more so look I've done that to two cetes and then with these kind of off Cuts you can put them in soups but you can just put them in the composter as well and these can stand by to get charring okay we're going to make some homemade flatbreads this will serve you really really well it's humble it's cheap it's delicious and it's fundamental right how many times have you wanted to go and eat something and you've run out of bread so in here is 300 G of self-raising flour in here is 160 mL of water cold water I want a good pinch of salt it is so simple it is so cheap and it is texturally so delicious just use the fork to start with so you don't get sticky fingers unlike bread dough with yeast you don't have to let it prove for hours we make it we roll it we cook it we eat it right we're talking 15 minutes like that's pretty good right so look just move the dough around and what you want to do is just roll that dough around the bowl so you clean the bowl you want it to be sort of elastic you want it to be smooth right how quick was that and that will serve four flatbreads so let that rest let's look in the pan what we've done is create the most perfectly delicious thing to suck up dressing flavor so in a nice big bowl like this go in with a couple of nice tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil we're making a dressing so three parts oil to one part acid use any vinegar you like season with sea salt some black pepper then I got a secret ingredients this is Ras EL hanut this is a North African spice mix in one thing you've got sweet paprika we've got cumin seeds salt coriander seeds chili flakes fennel seeds black pepper cinnamon nutmeg Red Onion turmeric pimento rose petals cardamon black onion seed Ginger star and E clove so let's get that in there so we're going to go in with three teaspoons this is going to be good you could do this with many different vegetables so if you come over and have a look at this it's gnarly it's dark it's hot when it's hot and steamy like that it's going to absorb amazing flavors so what I'm going to do is do exactly the same with the corett and then mix it all up and I promise you these will blow you away even just as that with grilled meats that in flatbreads you know that as a side dish that as a kind of mes anti pasty sort of tapash vibe like this has got such potential delicious ious get a small clove of garlic and just grate some garlic it gives you a really amazing fragrance and actually heat who doesn't like garlic mushrooms right it's a good vibe I think this is a really intelligent way to cook veggies I'll put that to one side I'm going to show you now the quickest pickle her o in something that you probably walk past every week radishes get yourself a standard box grater and just grate it I'm going to turn this into a quick pickle that is amazing with salads fantastic grilled Meats it's really really good with like chili con caries or sort of like stews it just brings a little bit of texture and life and acidity to a dish I want to be fairly generous on salt and then vinegar again about 3 four tablespoons of of vinegar and then just use your fingertips just to mix it in but that is it my friends that is a really really quick pickle and if I have a little try it should be yummy and delicious now let's have a look at the cor jetes look at that yes they're nice and colored so now we just do the other side can you hear that and once you've done that put it onto a board that's what I want like it's still got its shape it's still firm enough but it's nice and caught on the outside I love that take a knife and badly cut it up any old shape and sizes that's what I want and now while it's hot and it can take on flavors we dress it in that beautiful dressing it smells amazing so this got as a side dish brilliant to have it beside meat you know lovely roasted fish it is a good all around thing and now I want to do the final little flourishes I've got feta cheese break the feta up like this and it crumbles so beautifully then iceberg lettuce finally slice it so let's do the fun bit now the flatbreads now the pan is still on give it a little wipe out like that I'm going to turn it up to medium high if you wanted to do this dough in advance just make sure you cover it with a damp cloth and then you just want to divide this into quarters gently roll that a little bow use a little flour roll it out 7 8 in in diameter there's nothing more delicious than freshly cooked flatbread super easy you can't get them wrong if they're round great if they're wonky great you can go a bit thicker a bit thinner there's no right or wrong it's you know one of the most ancient breads ever such a great little simple recipe and there's the last one pan nice and hot medium high heat you can feel it's hot don't have to put any oil in there at all um we've got the self-raising flour so as soon as this hits the heat it activates that raising agent you're going to get little bubbles it's going to be beautiful this is all about speed and texture so look at this this is the beauty of making your own flatbreads these little bubbles of gas here it's going to give you crispiness lightness and then just turn it over look at that super simple super quick pretty much 1 minute it and you get this look at that gorgeous so let's serve it up take some of that lovely refreshing iceberg lettuce that's going to be fresh and crunchy look at these beautiful veggies absolutely beautiful you could do this with peppers asparagus squash you know Obin so many things it's an amazing technique these will be delicious delicious mushrooms and corett if you wanted to make this not vegetarian right you could get a little slice of chicken through there some prawns some fish you can do whatever you want but these principles are about flavor and they're about getting more of the good stuff into your diet with a nice little pinch of this beautiful radish I love it and don't forget the juices that have come out just beautiful and then last but not least Mr feta cheese that my friends is a brilliant really affordable healthy little dish let's roll this up let's get busy with it I'm going to cut it in half a look at that come on really juicy really tasty really good fun to do this is a brilliant way to celebrate mushrooms and simple cooking done good so good I'm really pleased with that guys if you want the recipe just go to Tesco real food and let's give this a go
Channel: Tesco
Views: 91,479
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Id: vWVr4FypkxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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