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hi I'm Julie Lynn Marais welcome back to my channel I know it's been a while since we film thank you for your patience we're back today we're gonna do something special my husband is an expert when it comes to crawfish boil so tell us what you're gonna do today so we're gonna be balling crawfish I'm not fancy as she is I'm not as fabulous as she is and I don't think I'm frugal because I had to be able to afford her so today we basically double occasion I'm gonna take you from step a all the way to the end step B so from the time we clean them season them cook them and peel them join us we welcome you into our family this is a Louisiana tradition and Leslie the bond tone relay so first thing you really need ultimately is a good knife I prefer a bubble blade test it is true greedy n't allow you to do what you need basically all it is is a souped up to late night so when you get your fish typically your sacs range anywhere between 25 to 40 pounds so when you purchase in your crawfish yeah that's the guy how much a pound therefore you kind of have a good idea of how much you buy-in and you're also the price typically if you get in crawfish from Louisiana if you're in Louisiana usually your crawfish is gonna run anywhere between two to three dollars a pound now if you're getting it in another location like we are in Georgia it's gonna get a little bit more expensive you're looking at $4 a pound ideally the season runs and usually kicks off around Good Friday and I'll run all the way to the beginning of June now being that we're in a panda we've got more supply than demand crawfish is a social food a lot of people eat it with family friends have a good time obviously social distancing and some of the different protocols out there is kind of curved that so when we open up our sack we're gonna take our side straight open it up we got a neat invention out of Louisiana called the crawfish Walker crawfish washer is basically like a hot tub not a hot tub but like a whirlpool for crawfish typically all your crawfish that you getting are gonna come from either the basin or crawfish farms so they come in they're bottom-feeders everything's pretty dirty we want to get out all that dirt and mud and everything that they've been you know somewhat filtering themselves with for the past a couple weeks and then there we go so what we do is we dump them in the crawfish washer like I said something really unique to Louisiana they didn't have it growth when I was growing up we used to always wash them in an ice chest anything that you can put your crawfish in that's gonna hold water and potentially you can run it through a couple cycles of water fill it up let me drain out there for the crawfish you have a chance to really wash themselves off defecate in the water and you get a lot cleaner crawfish versus you just throwing it straight into the pot [Music] you'll sit spend a lot of time on the other pot if you put dirty crawfish in you so they're called crawfish crayfish mud bugs and swamp bugs so as our prophet Walter is starting to fill up typically all the devlins will float to the top good time filter out the dead one the devlins you'll see they'll sit with their tails almost extended this one still got a little grease left in if it's a straight tail is dead yes that's it if it's got a straight tail it's typically dead if it floats to the top is typically dead now depending on where you live some people take the devlins and use them for bait some people say you know oh well that's part of it but the dead ones definitely have a different taste you want to be as fresh as possible look how dirty this water is this is why you definitely need to clean your crawfish before you boil them that's it that's it if you don't clean the crawfish or clean any type of seafood or anything especially during this times I mean you putting yourself at risk you're putting your family at risk you putting your party at risk last thing you want there's a lot of people to come over have a good time pardon then the next thing you do is you send them all home with a case of diarrhea as a whirlpool it basically keeps the water circulating and then on the side we got a drain once you get it up to the top and what we'll do is we'll connect our drain system for the sake of trying to keep everything as dry as possible I'll connect the hose to it some people just will connect the street drain yeah a nice tip it's not hard at all to do the same thing basically what you're gonna do is put your crawfish straight into your Irish chest fill it up with water crack it once you get to basically the whole top is filled with water just pull your drain and run them through two or three different cycles now we're going to wash them a little bit here and then after we lost them we're gonna purge them we're gonna put some salt in there there for the crawfish have a chance to kind of cleanse themselves the salts also start to give them a little bit of flavor as they soak so we'll let them soak and then we'll start prepping our ingredients as you're gonna see Wallen crawfish it's not something that you can just say hey we're gonna boil crawfish today it's a process to go from the beginning to end it's gonna be all day from the time we pick them up we clean them with prep our ingredients we get them in the pot we serve them and then you really find out who your true friends are because usually the last batch is the best and us the people that are gonna stick around to eat the last batch but also help you clean up usually most people they eat one train out to the and quickly tell us so about so many challenges in a sack so typically you're looking between 25 to 40 pounds in a side mostly of sex honestly in south Louisiana are gonna be 30 to 40 pounds now depending on where you're going get them you know you can call ahead and have the sack customized to how big your party is gonna be you know if you don't have a lot of crawfish eaters or people that are familiar with it because it is somewhat of a delicacy you can figure two to three pounds per person now if you're doing a crawfish ball in Louisiana we figure anywhere between 5 to 10 pounds of person I can personally anywhere between 20 to 30 pounds typically in Louisiana when they serve on they serving their needs what we call like a crawfish tray you can serve crabs ball shrimp pretty much anything you know that you're boiling plastic trays but usually one trail hold about 5 pounds so that's a good indication you know one tray one person now obviously like I said non-call fish eaters two to three pounds call fish eaters 5 to 10 pounds and then your heavy eaters I mean easily 15 to 25 we're gonna do to get you Cajun cards and I'm gonna make the cameraman see if he can get his Cajun thaws you stick your hand and I thought this pot crawfish water and move them up and down no let's be honest these pensioners they'll get you I'll get you every time so that's why you got to be careful if you're gonna pick them up the best way to pick them up is behind the head when you pick them up behind the head right through here therefore those pinches and claws can't get you all right pk a lot of people have different methods different things that they like to put in it some people put the Cajun Trinity in it which is celery bell pepper and onions I like to call what I put in it the coming out of trilogy onions garlic and lemon you'll see a couple different seasonings Saturn's is a big hitter it's a little bit more commercial swamped us swamped us is a little bit more I guess authentic less commercial you got new news you got slap your mama's there's a ton of different Cajun all seasonings that you can use in your pot you just want to make sure you have enough seasoning typically we'll use anywhere between three to four pounds of Cajun seasoning if you look at it on the bottom you'll see four and a half pounds on this one four pound bag there this is the concentrate I like to use it as well gives a little bit more of a kick you don't have to add a ton but it gives a little bit more kick sausage sausage depending on where you're at what you can get your local grocery store usually we like to try and go with some type of ragin Cajun andouille sausage or any type of smoked pork sausage usually kind of complete the boil corn always a staple red potatoes whenever you're preparing your corns you want to cut them into almost like bite-sized pieces almost threes usually one a year we can get three pieces out of it when you're looking at your red potatoes you definitely don't want to cut them in half you want to leave them whole because if you cut your potatoes in half they're going to disintegrate with a boil if you're having a hard time getting seasoning into your potatoes you can take a toothpick puncture small holes into them but you never really want to cut them in half or cut them into quarters because they'll disintegrate in the boil and then it gets all over the crawfish lemons personal preference how many you want to put onions personal preference how many you want to put typically for sacker crawfish will go anywhere between two to four onions and three to six lemons garlic if you're not a big garlic fan then you can leave it out but ideally that's part of the common oddity trifecta all right so I'm gonna start with the chopping or the cutting actually I'm gonna cut the onions in half and that's put on lengthwise that way the root will hold them together if you cut them the other way they're gonna these were gonna leave whole like lakeside so they don't disintegrate kind of cut open the sausage you don't want them too small because you small is no good either so and you can't forget about the ragin Cajun this is my favorite spicy sausage I'm telling you I use it for all my apps for my Cajun cuisine when I did the video with the shrimp and sausage the ragin Cajun bites I use this one these are gonna cut slightly smaller because it's thicker and it's spicy and not all of your guests can handle spicy and now for the garlic you want them naked so you're going to split them garlic kind of smash them that way you can feel them around now you can also buy this at the store already peeled which would save you a lot of time so if you look at the water the water is pretty clean now in comparison of what we were looking at earlier but you did drain it the first time yeah we'll drain it two to three times therefore it cycles on a lot of that dirty water that the crawfish just either had mud on their bodies or the sack was dirty and you'll see the same color change if you're doing it in ice chests or not and now you're gonna put it in salt for what yeah they're usually I'll put in salt towards the end and just let them soak in the salt a little bit they call it version the crawfish allows the cross-cutting ingest some of the salt salt water therefore from a seasoning standpoint just gives it a little bit extra kick to the tail meat and to the headset also typically some people say coffee she's a freshwater species if you add salt it forces them to throw up and get rid of any of the nastiness so you definitely want to rinse them from that so you would use about a whole container of salt not necessarily I mean usually quarter to about a half of Morton's or any type of salt that you're gonna see you know in the big can generously apply it's not like you have to measure it out then take your hand or if you have a bigger spoon this was a gift Christmas gift I got two big spoons and on the tip of it it says cooking like a Cajun so so you can see solver also makes the devlins float up to the top see how this one didn't make it he started to kind of float it up to the top like I said before some people eat the dead ones they don't care they don't worry that you could use it as bait typically will throw out the dead ones is getting the puck so rolling boil so depending on the size of the pot how long it's going to take you there are many gallons and spotters these islands are so super things you could probably do about these guys forth here the surface of one side most of the time you're doing one sack at a time on one single burner if you got a double burner system you can put out more profit I'm quickly gonna say something if you're hosting a crawfish boil it's probably smarter to fill this up ahead of time put all your seasonings in it and then get that broth going because the longer it sits in all those seasonings with the lemon and the garlic they paint or not start nothing it is the lemon the garlic the onion the salt and the swamp gas or the batter and boil the better you want your office to really take on those flavors so it will save you a lot of time that when your friends are starting to come on in that gets are a nice spot because you can only fire it back up but if you're going to wait but to go from this temperature all the way to a rolling boil it's going to take what an hour it usually she gives me a hard time because says the process takes too long but that's the beauty of boiling coffee it's like putting things on the smoker time-consuming process but let's be honest fellas gives you a little bit more chance to drink more beer all right now it's time to fire it up so you hear that sound pretty distinct sound in south Louisiana on a Friday Saturday coming through that high output gonna do something for this size got to make sure that you've got you know playing make sure you've got a backup propane tank telling everybody hey to get my ball back I gotta get everything's back hot again so all right back up okay like I said my personal favorite swamped us we're going to put almost the entire bag we're going to leave some of the bag for the end once we put them back a nice you can see nice mouth a nice flavor Cajun put our onions it's mark to like three separate eats and see what's gonna go into your broth which is the onion and lemon and the garlic versus your corn sausage and potatoes typically your corn in your potatoes it's gonna take a little bit longer to cook so we'll drop those in before we put our crawfish in there for when everything comes out everything's cooked at proper temperature and it tastes really good if you try and put your potatoes in too soon or your corn in too soon also if you put it in when you put your crawfish in it won't cook it in time [Music] dropping on harlot [Applause] [Music] bring it to a rolling boil once you bring it to a rolling boil she can't smoke going out the pot and that's one I like to use a little diner hands concentrate give it a little extra kick this is obviously güstrow size they come in small portions depending on how spicy you like it worse your audience flair for spice some people just put a drop being that we have some pretty good eaters today but we already have enough seasoning the distance will give it a little extra power make your lips swell up and you it's not come out you know so like I said earlier you can get a toothpick or you can use your knife but if you really like your potatoes to have some flavor other than just steal potato taste just puncture holes in them aren't you having trouble getting potatoes to give season because a lot of times that's people's problem not like just the surface yep it cooks the potato evenly so this is our cajun challenge down in louisiana if you can drink a beer without the crawfish pension you know I cannot believe it oh yeah baby we got lucky that time [Music] Prabhas challenge [Music] nice say ball just like the Pope in the white smoke and truce on a tower part ready to go the white smoke coming out 2530 minutes how much you need to fire like I said any gallon pot we're able to get into a rolling ball about 25 minutes get that nice white smoke see all our ingredients we be turning up oh you can listen you didn't listen so now that we've got our rolling boil what we'll do is we'll start with our potatoes our corn and our sausage typically I like to do that about anywhere between five to ten minutes before I drop my fish I'll put it separate therefore they don't overcook and then I can dress it on top you can see turning and burning now it's America I'm not a sprint so any minutes I'm a fool my sausage corn and potatoes strain them real quick let it drip off put it back in once I get my big Paul in case you're Thomas that's barrel passing you right get into the targeted snack [Music] one last time before we dump them into the basket [Music] you can see my water's cleaner so at least I'm going to get clean if your water was dirty you definitely probably want to rinse them a little bit longer [Music] back in the fight everybody kind of goes back and forth took time good time so what's my good time depending on with family here raised in everybody's kind of got a different theory 325 for 2530 so what I like to do is on microfiche once I have my rolling ball I go to 420 method I let my crawfish boil for four minutes then I shut my fire off let them soak for 20 I'll pull them at that twenty mark and then I drop them into my cooler and then just let them sit for about five what I like to do is some people do some people don't once I finish ball them and have four minutes before I let them soak with the fire all I drop a bag of ice in it that allows the crawfish to cool down a little bit quicker make something easier to peel and then they suck in all that flavor let's do it baby you see my water heights perfect I've been worried about anything rolled forward sparrow onions and garlic turned up in there [Music] 4:25 Lord warned [Music] [Music] corn and potatoes up on top like I'm up on top therefore they don't undercook if I've even won the Bob [Music] say ball baby that's gonna be a good one I'll tell you what it's like they say in the South it's gonna make you slap your mama bar [Music] fires off looking good in there and then like I said what I like to do that some people don't make sure you ice clean and we're gonna dump it straight on in and we'll let them soak for 20 minutes make sure definitely have a good strong hold on it because that water is hot we'll let it drain a little bit super heavy we got 35 pounds of crawfish plus everything else in there so let them drain oh my god oh so good straight into the ice chefs put some swamp dust on them and then let them sit for about five minutes before we serve and then after that they'll be ready not a whole basket of crawfish at one time then throw them on the table if you're trying to keep them warm and then we'll just let them smoke for about five minutes steam like I said usually one tray will serve about five pounds in it you see we got our potatoes we got our corn we got our sausage and we've got our crawfish so if you got some heavy eaters fill the tray up if you light on eaters you want to definitely serve your crawfish hot you don't want to serve cold crawfish that's why we keep them in the ice test if you got a big party you'll see a lot of people throw them all on the table but they're betting that they can consume them before they get cold like we say in Louisiana Leslie the Balto rule a which means let the good times roll eat up like my dad used to say oh you better eat because if you don't eat you're gonna fall through your butthole and hang yourself you're gonna get so skinny so we've taken it from the beginning to the end now we're at the best part of the day where you get to actually eat it enjoy the fruits of your labor enjoy the process so peeling a crawfish a lot of different methods to it first-timers beginners obviously where the head and the tail come in to join each other most people are gonna eat your tail meat tell me is pretty white now all your fat that's my fave all your seasoning is gonna be within the head we call it crawfish butter it's so good crawfish butter crawfish fat love in the head however you want to refer to it if you overeat too much of it then you won't be able to eat as much tail meat I personally like to eat nothing but tell me so once I have my tail off then it's gonna appeal just like a lobster tail as you can see I can take it all the way down to the bottom knuckle and it peels right off and then you push and it comes right out the tail some people like to pull out the inside the intestines the poop line is some people call it and then this is the tail meat that you eat like the butter you either can smash it and then suck it to get all the yellow orange butter out of it or you can do like my mom does which is she removes it and then she just takes it insects it and that way you don't get splattered with the butter either way it's so good Bon Appetit right that's it I personally I just like to pinch the tail meat off I eat for volume pinch the tail off and don't even feel the tail tension and struck it straight on out I do have some uncle's back in the day part of the Cajun challenge they would take the whole crawfish okay hey so if Blake's way doesn't work for you the other way you can do it they get the tail at ease is if you gently twist it then you crack it along all the segments if you crack it along all the segments it loosens up the tail meat and then it comes out usually Bon Appetit thank you for tuning in please don't forget to Like and subscribe we appreciate you coming in having a family experience with us crawfish is definitely something that's unique to the south it can be unique to any party special thanks to Paul Boudreau with boudreaux's and feast 26 that whole crew was amazing and supplying the crawfish another shout out to Atlanta highway seafood if you're looking for some of the freshest seafood in the area definitely check them out shout out also to pelagic fishing Co and bubble blades without them none of this would be possible you guys have a blessed day as we say they say levanto rule a let the good times roll say ball baby
Channel: Julielinh Mouret
Views: 244,444
Rating: 4.7707844 out of 5
Keywords: How to, how to make, food, recipes, how to cook, food network, cooking channel, best appetizers, best snacks, asian food, Tailgating, How to boil crawfish, how to make a crawfish boil, crawfish boil, real crawfish boil, julielinh Mouret, boiling crawfish, louisiana crawfish, louisiana crawfish boil, crawfish season, crawfish seasoning, how to cook crawfish, cajun crawfish, how to boil cajun crawfish, Chip and Joanna Gaines, Chip and Joanna
Id: 1AS7QC7l0qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 42sec (2202 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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