How to Boil Crawfish | New Orleans Style | Spicy Potatoes, Sausage, Corn, & Mushrooms

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all right y'all today we're going to do the big one we're doing a crawfish ball down here in new orleans y'all it's a beautiful day outside i got my hands on some crawfish let's go so now we're in december but this is the crawfish we got they're really not all too big or too small they're pretty decent like i said crawfish don't come in until february that's prime time but we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna have ourselves a crawfish ball new orleans style something else i wanted to tell y'all okay of course you're gonna get some of the crawfish that are gonna die right before you cook them okay hopefully you don't get too many but you're gonna get some and if you do what's going to happen y'all when you boil it is the tail is going to be straight just like that the good ones that you want the tail's going to be curled up okay when you boil it this tail going to roll up like that okay if it don't and it's straight like that that means he was dead and you just don't eat that one all right y'all so to start off let's go ahead on y'all and get ready and get six lemons cut in half okay uh the water like i said it's already gone the propane's gone so just go ahead and get you some lemons cut up at least six lemons okay we're gonna need some celery okay so grab some celery it's really good in a bowl and just cut it like so okay about like that that's a good little size right there okay just like so and then when you get to the back part y'all go ahead right here and cut that off but look you're gonna go ahead and throw this in the bowl too okay so all this is gonna be used up in that bowl but when you're gonna do a bowl and using propane the heat comes up so high when you're using your garlic like i said you're going to leave the skin on you leave it whole just like this okay and what happens is it's going to get soft it's going to get good but it's not going to fall apart and be all mushy okay so you have to leave the skin on your garlic and you just throw it in whole just like that about 15 minutes or so and it'll be ready to go down here louisiana you're gonna notice that we use these little baby red potatoes okay they're already clean they're ready to go like i said look so when you go down to like a seafood shop or something and you you go buy you some crappie say you get five pounds of crawfish the officer will offer you like like five of these in a bag for like a dollar fifty or something like that okay so everybody use these little baby red potatoes okay so get you a couple of bags of them if you can to go with your balls all right donna look take it about three onions and just cut it right in half like so all right now look let me show you something when you're gonna go ahead talking about a bowl you're gonna leave the skin on the onion as well okay because if you don't it's gonna get too mushy and it's gonna fall apart this onion is gonna turn sweet when we boil it okay so leave the skin on your onion otherwise it's gonna be mushy it's gonna be no good have to leave the skin on the onion now once you get take your crab ball seasoning y'all and go with half of the container okay you want to make sure they're good and spicy all right let's see a little bit more and i hurt my bottom and i'm about to eat too much okay that'd be good okay y'all so you got your pot the water's hot okay what you need to do first thing first and get you some potatoes in there okay because crawfish gonna take for a couple of minutes to cook so you need to get your potatoes going they take about 12 to 15 minutes okay as well as your garlic okay so go with your whole garlics right throw them up in there y'all all right and then as well as you can go ahead and throw your onions in there okay on top of that time to go in with some celery all right going with you some celery okay put the rest of these potatoes up in there all right now of course next your lemons okay take your lemons on just squeeze them in okay as much you can out go ahead and get as much that juice out here you can okay like i said go with about six lemons okay then what we're gonna do y'all and like i told you i'm gonna let everything imma let the garlic and the potatoes and everything i'm putting in there but mainly what i'm doing is the garlic and potatoes right now i'm letting that cook so it's ready it's gonna be ready to eat by the time i put the crawfish in because the crawfish don't take long they take a couple about two minutes to cook and uh about 15-20 minutes to soak so you see you need everything ready and that's how you get it all ready at the same time now listen y'all i wanted to tell you something about these lemons okay because i told y'all to squeeze the lemon in there right but don't just squeeze the lemon in there and throw the throw the whole lemon away all right you don't want just the juice okay the lemon is going to give it zest okay it pairs perfect with the seasoning that you use it okay so go ahead on just throw it in the pot of course we don't eat them but i guarantee you you're going to taste that flavor in there so make sure you don't dispose of this lemon so now we got some more steps we're going to take but for now let me show y'all inside the pot all right y'all check it out so now this is what the inside of the pot looks like okay like i said we're gonna let this run for 10 to 15 minutes or so because we want the potatoes and that garlic ready to go okay so we know in about 10 or 15 minutes i'll go ahead and check it put a fork through it all night for whatever you have at hand and if they're ready that's when it's time to add your crawdads in okay so right now like i said go ahead and put your top on it and let it rest for about the last 10 minutes when you check it now i'm gonna deal with this here smoked sausage okay listen the crawfish amount that i'm showing y'all right now we're gonna boil 15 pounds of crawfish okay so you know about where we at if you get your hands on the crawfish that's the recipe you want to follow all right now you get you some sausage like i said it's already pre-cooked let's go cut it up i like to do it like this okay not too small okay but something like that's real nice you know when people go to eat it and all that what have you so i'm gonna do another one here just take your sausage here like so love boom and like that okay that's nice pieces of sausage like i said same with the potatoes i was telling earlier if you go to the seafood shop y'all you can get your about if you go to seafood shop and buy you some boiled shrimp or boiled coffee you get your bag of sauces like that for about three dollars okay so they sell everything individual okay when they sell them when they do it at the uh seafood shops around here take them sit them to the side i'll tell you why get your sausage remove these the sausage oh your corn as well as your mushrooms don't go in until one minute before the bowl is ready to be shut down okay because all of these three items they soak up the seasoning very fast if you put them in too early it'll be too hot to eat okay so go ahead and take these three right here sit them to the side so check it out y'all i just want to show y'all what it looks like at about five minutes okay things are starting to cook up in there you see how the onions starting to soften up right there you can see all that happening look we're getting there okay i'm gonna give you a five minute look though that's where you're gonna be at okay ain't ready yet but look let me tell you something i guarantee you the whole neighborhood knows somebody's balling okay you gotta hide this in your backyard otherwise you get about 80 people in your front okay to let them potatoes in that garlic bowl y'all for like 12 10 to 12 minutes something like that that's what i mean that kind of ball okay i'm talking a rolling ball i wanted to show you all that i know a little baby boy i'm talking about a ball okay so just wanted to show you all that also the potatoes are done the garlic's done let's go ahead on and throw the crawfish in there all right y'all so look let's go ahead and work them in okay now like i said y'all want to just grab on now get a little mix around okay like this everything mixed up like that so the crawfish are in it killed the ball right because they cooled it down too much so now what you're gonna do is you're gonna let them now come back to a rolling bowl and you're gonna time it for two minutes let them at a rolling bowl two minutes shut it down i'll show you after about one minute from being done so we're gonna go ahead on and add in everything else let's go all right y'all i'm gonna go ahead in there with the sausage okay get your sausage up enough and you're gonna go in there with your corn and some mushrooms of course all right check it out mushrooms up in that room we got us almost about a full pot check it out like so one more minute y'all we're gonna shut it down and we're gonna go ahead and let this beautiful thing just go ahead and sit there and soak up all that seasoning okay let them soak so that's what you're looking for okay that's that's what it looks like right there okay look at that that's beautiful that's what you're looking for like i said that's a hard roller ball for two minutes with the crawfish and they're done okay they don't take a long time now it may take 10 to 15 minutes to soak up the seasoning but i'm going to shut them down what i want you to do is i'll just go ahead and give it a little push down right there or if you want you can take a bag of ice and you put a bag of ice on there to stop the ball and it gets them to suck up the seasoning okay either or they done and they're going to be ready in just a few minutes to eat watercraft has been soaking salt about a good 10 minutes go ahead and lift that up put your paddle underneath it it's kind of heavy you're going to go ahead on yellow take this and sitting inside your pot being careful that that hot water don't get on you or your feet okay let the water drain for a couple of minutes so now i'm gonna go ahead and take this we're gonna go inside to the table and we're gonna eat let's go go ahead and just dump them out on your table after you put some paper down okay catch that juice it's time to enjoy it okay y'all this is a traditional new orleans crawfish bowl either depending what you like either gonna have some water goes good with it or a beer okay coke don't go too well with it i don't find because they're spicy y'all and let me tell you some coke don't do nothing for it all right so you better take your crawfish pop it open right by the tail like so let you bite it down pinch the tail soak the head and move to the next okay nice to meet y'all how good the sausage is okay i mean it's wonderful a little bit spicy but it's good i might add that butter to the potatoes okay you can rub it on the outside you cut a little slice cut it in the middle whatever you want to do but whatever you do add some butter to that good spicy potato y'all let me tell you something it's delicious so your garlic looks like that okay you should just peel right on off push it out boom that's good onion down down in it held it together take your onion okay that's good so how i feel my crawfish now we're gonna let sarah show you how she does it check it out okay she does it a bit different than me look y'all see me i just bite the tip and pinch the tail she goes ahead and peels the majority of it off like so and you pinch them down she's pinching the tail boom she took it right on up time to eat my favor if you liked the video hit the like button y'all leave in the comments what you want to see me cook next boil next and subscribe to my channel i truly appreciate y'all
Channel: Ralphthebaker
Views: 214,578
Rating: 4.9444575 out of 5
Keywords: seafood, mukbang, crawfish boil, how to boil, how to cook, cooking, food, cajun food, recipes, shrimp, spicy food, eating, new video, ralph the baker, new orleans, diy, tutorial
Id: OmciRCwyWSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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