How To Boil Perfect Gulf Shrimp ~ Boil Boss Review ~ Shrimp recipe

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welcome back to smoking ribs I'm Russ Jones today we're going to be doing another seafood ball we have hurricane Nate coming in tonight somewhere between 7:00 and 10:00 so I'm trying to hurry up and knock this video out so we can get everything put up and hunker down for this storm what I'm going to be doing is another seafood Bowl this is my 2017 seafood boil and in this video I'm gonna be showing you some pro tips to where you can really make the finest best ball shrimp there is I'm gonna be review on a brand new product this is called the ball boss I met two owners yesterday they came from New Orleans to my house here and discussed how this thing works the right way to use it so we'll be showing that in the video as well stick around you don't want to miss out we're gonna see how this bad boy works and if you're wondering what it does instead of icing your ball down to stop the cooking process this is gonna cool that pot in like three to four minutes just like ice wood let's get busy [Music] [Music] all right we're gonna fire this pot up we have ignition all right I hope y'all can hear me over this loud pot that loud burner what I've done is I took all these lemons earlier and I stood them I've got all the sets removed from the lemons and I'll show you a little later what you do with the zest and I actually learnt that yesterday from one of the owners of the ball balls so we're just gonna cut these in half get them ready for the pod now I'm addition to that I also get some mandarin oranges Centris safeand balls go fantastic together I realize a lot of people on the East Coast and they're there shrimp I've done steamed shrimp they're good they cook good but I promise you you can get more flavor this food by ballin that any other method hands down all right we got stayed come out his pot so it's telling me we got a roll of ball oh yeah she's ready now the first thing you want to do is that in all your powder seasonings let them start dissolving and while I'm using one of the things I'm using it's a trans Pro Bowl this is three pounds entire contents going in now I was talking with the owner of the ball balls yesterday and he was telling me how he takes that pro ball and he does a mix between that the cage of land ball this smells really good good stuff going in I got two of these going in actually there's the second one now one thing I always add in my crawfish and shrimp boats is also the latter and that iran's they're concentrated liquid crab ball i usually go in with a whole 16-ounce bottle and the reason I am is because this is 20 gallons of water in this pot 20 whole gallons it's a lot of water all right now here is a trick that I learned from my good friend Keith Jenkins this is pureed onion you just take onions of pureed and a processor along with a little water did the same thing with celery about five or six stalks of celery that I pureed now putting in six heads of garlic I took and cut the tops off this garlic to expose the garlic is toss it in there in addition I've got these flow-through crab ball bags I throw about three or four of em in there's three let's do one more for good measure now you can't do a ball without citrus so I have all these lemons around 10 lemons actually that was more like a dozen lemons and I love to put the addition of oranges in this as well there goes some mandarin oranges I think I had a total of four of those before can slice them I know people also use grapefruit anything what a good citrus flavor goes really good in these boils all right we're just gonna give all this a really good stir we're gonna let this bowl like this for at least another good five minutes I dissolve all that now what I want to do at this point is I'm actually gonna extract a little bit of this water I'll let that cool for a few seconds whereas you gonna taste it for saltiness that way we can kind of Judge tell me the salt has to go in you do have bad salt because of the potatoes the corn the mushrooms things like that going in it requires it clustered shrimp needs it crap all really didn't quite have enough or most of them that I use some of them are real salty so you had to really be selective on what kind of ball makes you use all right so we definitely need salt I'm gonna go in with one cup of this Jacobsen the deck of son pure kosher sea salt that should all right why don't want to add in now is the thing that takes the longest to cook and that would be these little red new potatoes over 48 ounce bag of those going in you can always add more there's plenty of water and season to do more but for the amount of people we're feeding today that's plenty all right now what I have I got some poke brand this is a Cajun style sausage but I took earlier and I fried it in a pan to try to get rid of some of the greens you're not gonna get rid of all of it the grease really had no hard anything but man you go buy some delicious sausage this stuff's got some heat to it as well but not overdoing it you know just a good nice Heat sausage goes in and we're also going to put in a carton of these button mushroom and these are one of my favorites always on one of these balls if you don't like mushrooms you might find you like these a lot we're gonna put the lid on this we're going to go about another ten minutes right now for the next five minutes we're going in with this corn it's just frozen corn like you get your supermarket a lot of people will put this in at the end to help cool the pot down but that would kind of defeat my purpose today of trying out this ball boss to see just what it can do now it's time for the shrimp we've got a mix for shrimp here this is jumbo shrimp going in and I've got some medium going in this is where you want to take and turn your heat wide open get it back to a ball just as fast as you can with a lid on should take roughly two minutes about a minute and a half we do have a boil let it go Bob another 30 seconds all right spent two minutes let's take a look oh yeah we're bowling where we cut our fire off cut it completely off remove the lid right now the way they explained to me and by the way this fits multiple putts these are swaying instead of trying to latch use on just take it and push down and there it is he's hooked I've already got a water hose hooked to it right here it's got a valve that comes with it there we go now I need to take a paddle the whole thing about this is you got to keep the water stirring it's only gonna take like three minutes it's not like you're gonna be here for very long time about three minutes but you got to keep the water moving they said the whole thing about this is you got to keep it circulating that way it keeps new water so to speak up against the walls of this pot is it's cooling it off and it is definitely cooling that pot off it's cold to the touch all right I think we've been going about a minute and a half we'll see how much we drop too [Music] Wow check that out I'm not there yet but I'm close I'm at one 160 degrees I ain't got 10 more degrees to go and we're good I tell you what while I'm doing this I'm gonna take this lemon zest if you've been wondering what its far it goes in at the end and while your water is going through the cool down process you don't want this to boil you want all these flavors and oils to get into this water at this state this is going to really make these shrimp pop amazing product man it throws some water out here you know I got a driveway that's all running down the drive it's only for three minutes that works every bit as good as ice does unbelievable super impressed Taylor and Robert man I'm seeing it firsthand let's see what we got now I hadn't been going three minutes yet I'm at 1:50 not even 1:55 that man that's unbelievable you're not believing my eyes here folks it absolutely does what they say Lord all right I'm gonna cut it off we're good enough now all we do at this point just let this soak for a good 2530 minutes unbelievable all right let's see what we got head off this is always a telltale sign on how well you're doing on your ball if you're pilling comes right off like that did take this other ring off squeeze the tail pops right off mmm oh man that is shrimp perfection right there I am super impressed with this ball bossman the ball balls worked fantastic they actually sent me to different sizes and keep in mind these two sizes will fit multiple putts this will fit like a 60-80 probably up to 100 court maybe but other one the big one I've used that will fit I know 100 120 and 160 is actually on a 160 would probably fit fit even a 200 not sure about that but outstanding product it did exactly what they said it would do the claims are real I didn't think it would happen and I'm glad to win just lay down enough for me to talk I'm hoping that wins not in fairness might too much storms coming in we got to hurry up and get all this stuff put up and hunker down and uh I heard it's already a category 2 possibly gonna make category 3 before it comes in here and I'm right here close to the beach so y'all wish me luck until next time smoke your ribs [Music] [Music]
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 995,883
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Keywords: how to boil shrimp, how to cook perfect shrimp, low country boil, seafood boil, how to season your boiling water for shrimp, boiled shrimp recipe, the right way to boil seafood, the right way to boil shrimp, boiling tips and tricks, how to boil perfect gulf shrimp, how to boil shrimp cajun style, low country boil shrimp and sausage, how to boil shrimp potatoes corn and sausage, how to boil shrimp potatoes and corn, how to boil shrimp and potatoes, boil boss reviews, shrimp
Id: K2d5sZBQrC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2017
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