What's your "F#CK this, I quit!" story? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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once your [ __ ] this I quit story was getting screamed at in a meeting by some marketing jerk that was literally demanding my technical group perform magic on a completely and realistic time schedule with almost no resources literally screaming at me in front of about eight of my peers calling me incompetent just do your job all of that I stood up said I refuse to be talked to like that and left the meeting normally if you just get up and leave these types of meetings you're fired boss scheduled a meeting with me later in the afternoon after hearing about it figured I'd be walked out was told they fired the marketing guy that was my effort I quit moment but the company kept me on and fired the other guy pretty happy it's been a solid place to work ever since my mom's I was studying overseas and my parents booked a trip to come out at the end of the school term bringing along my two siblings one who lived away from home the other about to start college it was a month long trip with lots of prepaid flights trains hotels plus it would likely be the last big trip we all took together obviously both my parents requested and secured approved PTO months in advance it was the month of June typical summer vacation a couple days before the trip was to happen my mom's boss hands are an assignment mom hands it back saying she can't take it on if she has a month-long vacation about to start my folks don't believe in hyperbole but trip of a lifetime would be a fair description boss says oh yay sorry you can't take vacation anymore mom says if you cancelled my PTO I quit boss blank stare mom handed in her notice and left we had an amazing trip she got a new job on return joined a call center with the obvious shady pay structure they said the calls are inbound so I thought hey that's not too bad man turns out the inbound calls were generated by their robber call system indirectly implying that they were googled but never saying so and we were directed to use some dubious answer if someone asked are you Google ' after getting yelled at and cussed out and constantly getting people who had been called many times before and were clearly irate I just got up and left in the middle of the day I also complained to Google that these guys were pretending to be Google and these guys wished he's scared of getting complaints like that seriously f ked up people had a super shitty job at a donut shop I was promised a raise which I never received we always worked alone at the shop so I never got to know anyone else never got their phone numbers yet an unwritten policy was that he would find someone to cover your shifts one day I woke up and knew immediately that I had strep throat went to the doctor and he confirmed that it was strep and it was really bad worst I have ever had it so knowing that I was contagious for at least two days and knowing that I shouldn't be around people or food and I'm not even able to speak I texted my boss I didn't have a shift sheduled until the next day told her I won't be in for at least a week because of my strap she told me I will have to find someone to cover my shifts I told her that's not possible because I don't have anyone's number I can't speak and in all honesty was in so much pain I just wanted to pass out she told me that if I cannot find someone to cover I will have to come in and if I don't come and I won't have a job I replied with cool guess I don't have a job then I returned my gear two weeks later once I had recovered never spoke to that C NT again kind of long sorry I was a manager at a company where the executives were ineffective I worked 60 hours a week most of the time and had to do all of my directors duties because he didn't understand our systems the work environment was also pretty hostile and passive-aggressive people cried on the job in other departments slightly less in mine managers and staff would snap at other departments the same way the executives did because of the stress I tried to take care of my department and make sure they weren't being abused or taken advantage of I had three days leave for a death in the family but had to work every day from home and the funeral itself it was especially vexing because it was to Ray do the same thing every day that my boss would just forget to complete and need done again the next day I brought this to his attention as well as all the other issues and he said he would try to do better months went by and it got worse finally our team sat down with him and told him things needed to change I told him that the environment was more hostile and aggressive than ever and the team agreed he told me that was my perception and we needed an attitude change then left for a meeting which I had provided him the data for I cleared out my desk and left quit with HR for me the kicker is that he kept assigning me tasks and insisted that I was still working there for days never be more relieved to quit in my life my first job at a pizza delivery place I was almost 18 and I overheard my manager in his 40s comma and a few delivery drivers talking about throwing me a birthday party and spiking my drinks so they could do things to me they had no idea I was around the corner listening maybe they were joking maybe they weren't I didn't care I quit right then and there update row people seem really interested in my pizza place experience thought I'd share some other crazy stuff that had happened prior to quiz day all of which should have made me quit a long time ago but again a combo of fear and just plain really uncomfortable with confrontation causing problems - lesbian co-workers that were dating each other and would pinch me a lot and tell me how perfect I was for the two of them because one liked straight girls and one liked underage girls my manager would straight-up tell me to show him my tits I declined he would get mad if any of the male pizza delivery drivers talked to me for long I was cooled Barbie around the pizza place one time I said like me sarcastically and my manager bit me I almost quit from that but I did get a slap in that I did not get in trouble for other than my manager saying if I hit him again he would hit me back scared of not having a job scared of manager finding me at my house that he had my address etc still glad I finally quit when I did though and didn't let things progress any further my first job was at a fast food restaurant I only lasted about three months the manager was sleazy the employees were straight-up lazy I had to mop up one day there was an area in the kitchen where you kind of have to lean forward so you can slide the mop under a counter the manager decided to come out of the office and just stand behind me and watch I looked at him and asked is there something wrong he said no but just wanted to make sure I clean correctly right because there was no worry about how well I cleaned the rest of the kitchen but now that I'm bending over there is I immediately stopped and walked out had a catering job at this restaurant we had a big event and had to move all the furniture downstairs the event lasted until like 2:00 a.m. and then they made us move all the furniture back upstairs while all the servers were literally sitting there counting their tips from the night that we didn't get any of ended up getting off work at 4:00 a.m. and they expected us to be back at 8:00 a.m. for a breakfast event said f ck late I quit and never went back it sucks when you are the hardest-working person at a job and gain no recognition 16 and working minimum wage at a movie theater for a wallet to his great fun got to go see movies for free on my off days free popcorn from whatever was left at the end of the night [ __ ] co-worker who showed me her boobs then new manager came in I'm sure a lot of us have had this type overnight no more free movies no more free popcorn she drilled a hole in the wall between the office and the concession line to make sure we were const working and never talking to each other she was a huge fan of the phrase if you don't like it then leave you're all a dime-a-dozen double-quote final straw came when I was working the box office with a line out the door and she walked in with her six-month-old screaming kid put her in the box office and told me to watch her while she counted drawers nine of us quit the next week the day before Phantom Menace came out he might have been lying but a co-worker claimed when she was near tears about what she was going to do without half the staff he handed her a diamond told her to go hire some more I was a waitress at a shitty diner the fellas there were always flirty and hansi they'd talk about me in Spanish so I only understood a little of what they were saying one guy tried to follow me home so I went to a friend's house instead the customers would complain about the cockroaches and the owner would yell at us for relaying the message the waitresses all did a lot of drugs and would try to pressure me into their lifestyle one day while I was filling the rice pudding cups one of the bar employees mopping walked up and demanded I move I asked him if he could ask instead of being rude and he hit my legs with the mop and knocked me over I went to the bathroom and cried in private for a minute pulled myself together handed my tickets to the manager and walked out my father's story he was a 22 year old millwright and he had been working for the company for four years he asked for a raise because one was given to a co-worker who had the same job he was told that his co-worker has kids and a family to provide for and that's why he was given a raise and since my dad had no children at that time he didn't need one my dad applied for a job that paid almost twice as much with great benefits he gave in his notice and the manager said will you stay if we give you the raise he wanted he declined and worked for the second company for 35 years and retired last December close bracket I started smoking when I was 14 and I tried quitting several times the smell of tobacco was so alluring the thought of it brought mild euphoria I couldn't get rid of the positive associations that went with my smokes one hot day I played racquetball for two hours with a friend I was dehydrated and spent when I got home the kind of spent where your body refuses to do anything I ate and lit up my post-meal smoke and it didn't take but about two minutes before I threw up violently I went to bed early and slept late the next morning when I went to light up my first cigarette all I could think of was the smell and taste of vomit I put out my mole bro and swore I'd never smoke another one I haven't I work at an ice cream place during the winter season we get almost no business about 10% of the summers business with the coronavirus many businesses are being closed I had to leave early one day because my mom did not want me at work I still live at home come home I work with a few different managers shift leads but our boss is very selfish and careless he called me the next day to tell me how f ked up it was that I left that day he knew the whole story and knew it wasn't my fault and I said I'm sorry but I am not even 18 yet and don't want to get kicked out of my house from not obeying my parents he then said that he needs me to be reliable which was the last straw mind you this is the first time anything has ever happened like this since I started I've never called out once I was 16 last summer and at an ice cream place there are a lot of teenagers who call out half of their shifts the whole summer I work six or seven days a week because I always took people's shifts when they called out I was so reliable summer and him saying that to me was the end I'm not working a minimum-wage job and not being appreciated for anything I do their [ __ ] him I quit back an old one I was working at Blockbuster as a cashier my boss called me up and said that there was some new policy that said men were not allowed to have long hair at this time my hair was around my shoulders and I had been growing it out for about a year or so I was not about to cut my hair because f ck but so I told my boss I am NOT my hair he said something about how it was policy and they could work with me if I cut it a little or something I was like nah man I'm not doing that I quit and that was that personal story as part of a college course I had to get some work placement hours at places related to the field of study because it was hard to find available places they allowed charity shops we were allowed a maximum of 16 hours a week and we needed 500 hours to pass the course when I started I was averaging 1012 hours but a month in I needed a minor procedure on my foot which meant I had to miss a couple days after which I would have been fine to return to my normal hours when I came back I was scheduled for an hour and a half they told me they didn't want to push me too far I thanked them and let them know that I was fine to return to my normal amount of hours and showed them the information pack that said oh such next week the same thing happened an hour and a half for the whole week there were others from my course volunteering there who were still getting 10 16 hours a week the third week I asked for my hours to be increased only to be told that it wouldn't be fair on the others I stayed for five weeks after my house were cut before I said f-ck it if I stayed I wouldn't have met the course requirement it wasn't the only reason I left but it was the final straw the general manager was a bit of a b tch but the assistant manager was cool I know I am late but this is my disgusting story a friend of mine killed himself nearly a decade ago when I requested the day off for his funeral my request was denied I had to go to work after going to the funeral of my 21 year old friend I was an event captain so I had to be the face of the staff for the contact of the event I tried my hardest to put on a happy face but I failed my mood was [ __ ] and the event contact complaint of my boss after the event the next week I was scheduled as an event server for my whole schedule less hourly pay less tip when I asked my boss I was told that I had been demoted because of the complaints from the prior event I quit on the spot I should not have been forced to work that day and I should not have been demoted for being in a bad mood after burying one of my closest friends f ck that place two cases one 16-hour days at an amusement park there's an exception in the US Labor Code that says that amusement park employees don't have to be paid overtime if they're seasonal and wouldn't you f king know every employee in the park was seasonal too one workday at a greenhouse was 8 0 a.m. to 1 0 a.m. you are not miss reading that I didn't even bother coming and to work the next ever f ck that [ __ ] I worked as a server at a fancy theater we were all students but were expected to be professional servers even though they hired everybody without experience because there was such a high turnover rate so New Year's Eve comes by nobody wants to work into my best work friend female volunteers to work that night the night is a huge [ __ ] ow the manager already had some existing anger issues and because of a misunderstanding he thought my friend was trying to steal money what could have been talked out easily escalated to him pushing her against a wall so hard that she dislocated her shoulder she went to the hospital after because the police told her that she needed a doctor's confirmation if she wanted to press charges one week goes by she decides she will not press charges and the guy is still working there she is getting no shifts and when another server gets sick she just takes the shift and shows up the manager that pushed her and a higher manager that also worked there call her into the office and tell her that she is fired I just took of my apron and walked out with her after one month about three strokes four of the staff also quit and it really f ked them over worked at the source Canada and had a weird situation we had a PlayStation one in the back that never hit the shelves many years before and kinda just sat there after almost a year of working there we got to talking about this PlayStation 2 finder didn't show a normal price in the system a month goes by and we're still discussing it when a fellow employees PlayStation died another employee sold him the one from behind that the price listed in the system six months later get a list from corporate to return items and sure enough somehow this many years old item is on the list the source came in and cleared house of anyone thought to have interacted with the transaction I was the only employee remaining they had me run a store solo for a week impossible before bringing a manager from a neighboring town the manager walks in and starts running his mouth about everyone and everything while literally having me do every single task by myself while he yelled buy lunch break I had enough walked out back grabbed my things sandwich in hand I walked out telling him to have a great day and went back to my previous tech job worth it I used to be a server at a restaurant that was a quarter mile down the road from a large concert venue in northern Michigan concert nights were always f king crazy but paid well so it was all good I was assigned patio which had 13 tables split between two servers the issuer's my other server didn't show up so I had the entire patio to myself for ZZ Top night on top of this I had a 21 top come in and take up half of my section they weren't attending the concert and I told them that due to it being super busy and them being a large group food would be at least an hour they were fine with this I'm with them every three five minutes filling drinks and bringing booze wine it took about 1:30 for them to get their food and everyone was in good spirits the entire time they ended up staying for four hours raking up a 4-digit bill thank you booze for that and everything was fine until I being that out it was like a switch flipped they started yelling and complaining that I was horrible and all went inside to speak to my manager who mind had not helped out a bit during the entire ordeal she comped everything but alcohol removed the 20% also gratuity and the table ended up leaving me 12 bucks my manager then pulled me aside and gave me a warning telling me she didn't think I could handle being a server yo I was pretty well f king done if you are reading this barb f ck you you were the worst boss I have ever had works for a boss who micromanage everything and was just an ass about everything in general I came into work at 6:56 a.m. and clock in time was seven zero zero instead of clocking and then going to the bathroom I went to the bathroom first instead of using company time I clocked in at 7:00 1 a.m. and he went off on me for being one minute late he saw me sit my stuff down and go to the restroom so he knows I wasn't truly late this wasn't the first time he yelled about something so small but that day was the last I didn't say [ __ ] this I quit I said [ __ ] you I quit dot I reported him to Human Resources two days later for the ridiculous behavior come to find out this was not the first time he had been reported for a toxic work environment all my friend in that department told me he was fired that next week happy ending to my [ __ ] this I quit story asterisk asked for a small raise after one year one dollar HR and was making $20 I was underpaid and we all knew it they offered me 50 cents I showed them I was saving them 70-100 k year they wouldn't budge I gave my notice right there got my last check no yearly bonus I was owed $1000 they told me they didn't have to pay me since I quit I said that's cool I'll call OSHA later today and cited five big violations they hadn't addressed suddenly I got my bonus had an internship at a big supermarket chain in my country it was July and it was hot as f ck in fact it was the hottest ever recorded in Mew country during the last two decades and it was also Ramadan where we have to all day my internship should have consisted with desk duty and how paperwork is conducted instead I was told to go to the delivery area and help load and unload trucks I had a whole month of this I did five days and I almost broke my fast a few times because of how hot it wasn't working directly under the scorching Sun I just said f ck it it's not worth doing slave work with zero pay and people yelling at me every 10 minutes my first job I was assigned to a specific area and I thought I was doing my job well one Monday I was pulled into the office and asked why whatever thing it was I don't remember hasn't been done for the last two weeks I replied I wasn't aware it was part of my duties my supervisor said he was putting me on a mandatory non paid vacation for two weeks no warning no explanation on why I all of a sudden had to do work for a different Department so I said don't worry about it I quit double quote it was a lousy job anyway I was only getting paid eighteen hours a week that was doing more than that sixteen and stupid I guess first job at McDonald's three different managers all telling me to do different things and getting mad when I listen to the others I overheard the worst manager say to the people at the register and many customers behind the counter that someone needs to teach Alice how to do her job double quote I didn't even say anything just walked out I was fractured my orbital socket in an industrial accident another employee lost focus at the wrong time was supposed to wait for a hand signal and didn't we had been working over 90 days straight of 13 14 hours shifts and living in crappy motel a 45 minute drive from out work site we were supposed to be on a rotation where we didn't work more than three weeks at a time it was a close call and could have been a lot worse I'm glad I saw it coming and had time to at least try and get out of the way I got sent away after a night in the ER while the Wester that crew continue to work after spending two or three days at home the boss called to say that he needed me in Alaska in two days and that my flight was already booked told him I quit right on the spot [Music] you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 44,835
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: 8Av_xu-q3M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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