People Who Have Accidentally Showed NS_W Things During Work from Home, What Is Your Story?

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people over indeed who have accidentally showed nsw things from your computer during important presentations what is your story i was being presented to rather than presenting my boss called our team in for a morning review he was a bit like david brent michael scott so at the end of the meeting he liked to show motivational videos this one time he goes on youtube and as he starts typing his laptop freezes with only the letter in the search bar he was looking for the any given sunday speech as i'm sure you know when you start typing youtube will make suggestions or show previous searches so on the screen the first result under the a was asian lesbian massage everybody saw nobody said a word before his laptop had unfrozen he closed it up and said the video could wait until next time it was never mentioned around him again but the rest of us laughed about it for weeks why would you go searching for a youtube video instead of just saving the link that's just asking for bad things to happen i used to work for a point of sale systems company my co-workers and i would frick with each other's demo accounts put in very inappropriate easter eggs etc which is okay because we weren't in customer facing positions all of a sudden i get asked by my boss to go on site to a very important customer to train them and demo the system i go there quite a formal setting the customer sets me up with a projector about seven people in this meeting i start showing everything everything is fine until i show a lesser known function of the system it makes a picture pop up of a food item or a product or whatever my favorite butthole co-worker had changed all those pictures to some very explicit gay pee so i projected this picture of two guys freaking each other with a dj do my immediate reaction was to just start laughing luckily the other people started laughing too and i said well as you can see you can add any picture you want to this function so if you're selling the giradoos back at the office everyone thought it was hilarious luckily the customer thought so too and is still with our company that worked surprisingly well d old story but that context is important for understanding the why i was interning at a small u.s ad agency in the early days of the internet boss principal wanted me to do some internet research on something mundane u.s automobile market share me thinks he was going to be out of the office for a couple hours and i could use his desktop computer to do it as intense back then had no computer to call their own this is pre google when p companies would manipulate keywords to show up in your yahoo search results no matter what so i search for automobile market share or whatever and get a list of links the whole first page of the list is p sites and my curiosity gets the better of me but i click on a few just trying to understand what they could possibly have to do with automobile market share poking around the metadata etc and yes of course just a bit titillated as internet p was a new concept at the time however i am in someone importance office door open etc so i quickly shut it down without any self-service and continue the struggle to complete the task at hand leaving the browser window open with the data i found to satisfy his question boss gets back and quickly calls me into his office asking basically what's the meaning of this well unbeknownst to me pop unders has just been invented so i unknowingly left a dozen small browser windows full of p ad sitting open under the main window with the research in it that was a seriously awkward conversation trying to explain that yes i did click on some things but honestly wasn't being inappropriate and was more just baffled and confused even worse the data i had found was pretty much useless so he essentially thought the intern had just been jacking it in his office the last two hours instead of doing the requested task so i wasn't the one presenting but i was involved in the situation by my twenties one of my college friends was in a slump with the ladies like seven years w no freaking dates he was in graduate school for art and i was out of college and working he sent a text out late at night on a thursday with news that he had gone on a date and hooked up with a woman i didn't get the text since i was asleep and when i saw it in the morning at work i hopped onto aoli and this was like 15 years ago to congratulate him he was away so i sent a ton of messages like yeah dude good job what's her name what does she look like what did you guys do did you fricken emojis and meme pictures of cartoons freaking etc etc after about 10 minutes he signed off without responding and was a flying the rest of the day i didn't think anything of it and then i got a call from him at like 8pm all upset apparently when i i met him he was doing his thesis defense and he had his laptop plugged into the projector at the back of the room and only had a little slide advance at all so when i met him they kept popping up on screen and he'd have to stop talking until they went away or i sent another message finally after a long enough time that he realized i was not going to stop himing him he paused his presentation and ran to the back of the room to log out he was really mad but mainly out of embarrassment my im's actually helped him out because most of his thesis questions ended up being about the girl and his dating slump and not hard questions on his work so he was mad that it happened but also relieved that his thesis was over i was running a training class offshore we wrapped for a break and i decided to check my personal email didn't think to turn off the projector cause everyone was exiting the room and just didn't think about it i was expecting an email from my mom maybe was really just going to quick scan the headers to make sure all my bill pays had processed any sales i see an email from my bestie header says we miss you here's your christmas card this should be sweet so i click and for a brief second all my friends were on the projector naked posing in front of a christmas tree wearing santa hats i'm sure a few of the trainees saw but no one said anything on a family vacation we rented a house about 15 people my ex-wife decides she wants to connect my laptop to the tv and play family videos instead of double-clicking the video file she just opens windows media player and clicks play and the most recent video starts playing the last thing i had watched was p asian i believe dad let it play i want to see how it ends when i was a kid i went to a friend's bar mitzvah probably 150 so people are attending halfway through the service there is a time where everyone prays quietly to themselves at this point in the service it's dang near silent in the room except for some quiet muttering at that point the rabbi decided to go to the bathroom he also didn't turn off the lavalier mic on his lapel and we heard him peeing farting and saying well goddamn and yawning at first no one knew what the sound was and then everyone figured out at once by the time we all knew what we were listening to it was pretty much over i did feel awful for him when he walked back out i'm sure someone said something at some point but i never saw it i was in iraq part of my job was to publish this report that was sent out to basically every unit in iraq my co-workers and i had got into the habit of messing with each other on our shifts and leaving random things like don's and shoots on the screen for the next shift to find one of my co-workers changed the title page of this report to say frick this report i didn't catch the change until after it was already sent out to high ranking officers throughout iraq almost instantly i was bombarded by equal comments of wtf and that hilarious thankfully our commander fell into that hilarious category so we didn't catch too much crap for it but i am sure that ominous feeling i had took at least a few years off my life not me but i was in that meeting and i've been dying to tell this story once upon a time we had a client that built agriculture machinery i'll call them john stagg their logo is a green and yellow silhouette of a leaping stag notice i'm being very careful not to say the actual name i don't know if they still do social media monitoring but back then they'd listen for mentions of their brands and redid posts would get pulled a lot anyway when we do a presentation we slap the clients logo on the cover page and usually we get the logo from google image search we've occasionally used the wrong logo by mistake when two companies have the same name bit embarrassing but no biggie this time my manager 50 f took it upon herself to do the final edition including finding the logo for the cover what happened if i recall correctly is that she saw the pretty popular instagram post that featured the logo so she decided to screenshot and crop that i didn't see the finished presentation beforehand we get to the meeting she opens the presentation in front of a couple of john stag execs the logo is not their actual logo but rather a parody in which there are two leaping stags one of which has a silhouette dong and is mounting the other if you google john's tag parody logo it's one of the top results me and the others were speechless my manager didn't see the problem oh there's two stags instead of one how funny and nobody did point out that lady the stags are butt freaking even when she finally figured it out she tried to brush it off as it's good that your logo is so popular and recognizable that people make parodies the execs were not amused so very much not amused that company is not a client anymore nothing ruts like a stag in the sixties my great-grandfather used to show slideshows of the family vacations he knew vacation slideshows were super boring so he would randomly slip in a slide with a pin-up girl on it classic it wasn't a presentation but a funny story anyways in college we were working laptops and lab and i left mine unlocked when i went to the washroom when i came back the room was silent because everyone was working until i get a msn message and my computer screamed at top volume hey everyone i'm looking at gay p over here my usually stoic teacher just calmly said mr mackie can you please do that on your own time i was presenting to our biggest client that morning i was browsing radit and came across a picture with the title frick that crap and it was a cartoon visual of two turds freaking i somehow accidentally saved it to my browser and it was labeled [ __ ] that [ __ ] jpg while i was presenting the client said what's that and pointed to the [ __ ] feature jpg and i embarrassingly tried to explain that i accidentally saved a pick a friend sent to me but it set the tone for the rest of the presentation kinda close to this but instead of a presentation it was a big all hands with a big company three officers in the us and two international we were all on slack and this one guy was on their mobile said guy didn't know his camera was on and proceeds to walk into a bathroom stall sits down mounts his phone on the toilet paper dispenser and watches the presentation luckily unluckily there were a lot of people on so his thumbnail got kind of lost but i and quite a few other people noticed we slacked him the panic on his face and him fumbling for the phone was priceless back when i was doing tier 1 help desk i was scheduled to remote into a doctor's computer to troubleshoot something minor at the scheduled time i called the doctor's office in the front desk admin picked up she told me oh he's in with a patient right now but you can go ahead and remote into his computer and do your thing remote it into the computer and my screen was suddenly filled with vigorous ball slapping gay freaking not me and not technically an important presentation but we had an art homework project once just to research an artist most people usually didn't do art homework but the teacher said that failure to hand it in would result in detention this one guy copied and pasted a random website and emailed it to her and included in what he copied was a link to some sketchy p site she clicked it in class everyone laughed that guy got detention my husband and i do this thing where we change the background or lock screen on his phone to things to either grows out or make the other person laugh it was my turn and i set the background picture to some fanner from tumblr of rick from rick and morty with his dong out bid my husband didn't check his phone for ages and i forgot about it his mum came over and i showed her something on the phone and i pressed the button to go back to the home screen but i didn't really look at it i just had it in my hand still talking my husband took it off me and i just thought he needed to check something but after she left he was jokingly like yeah i don't appreciate you waving rickstone in my mum's face and for a second i was confused that he showed me the phone and i realized what i had done i laughed but i was like shy she obviously never said anything but she definitely saw this made me laugh so hard this was back in freshman year of high school for me i was seeing my biological father at the time and my one-year younger step-brother who was also visiting decided to use my school laptop for extracurricular activities i had been building a website for the web design class i was taking and my brother just opened to a new tab did the deed minimize chrome and put the laptop to sleep come second period i plugged my laptop into the class projector woke it up and turned chrome on to find two male midgets being butt pounded by some very butch women with rough looking corn cobs there was a week of time where the school recommended i get disciplined outside of the school environment for that no one believed it was my step-brother he got away with it yeah your brother well i was giving a technical legal presentation alongside another lawyer from a different but related specialism on a topic that spanned both areas to illustrate that his area was taking a very conservative view of the subject matter i had a slide of a monastery for the next slide to show that my area of law was being far more daring i pondered and decided i wanted something like a go-go bar clearly to do this directly would be inappropriate inspiration struck and i found a silhouette of a pole dancer tasteful yet making the point brilliant the day of the presentation came i got a good laugh at my co-speakers expense with my slider of the monastery my co-speaker was undeniably monkish himself next my slide what i hadn't noticed when i found the original picture was that the silhouette was quite emphatic in some areas blown up to the size of a projector screen her perkiness could not be missed at a time when i was trying to make one point very clear she was doing twice as well what happened next this was a british audience no one said a word not a presentation but close enough i have this setting on my laptop that plays my photos as a slideshow when it's plugged into power i'd uploaded all my photos from my phone onto my laptop one night family and i are sat around the table and eating dinner my laptop is doing its slideshow thing and we're enjoying the variety of photos coming up memes photos of my friends and i scenery photos whatever some odd stuff comes up but nothing inappropriate that i would be ashamed to show them and then it happens a few months ago i'd done that kink test and sent a screenshot of the results to my friends i hadn't deleted that screenshot before uploading my photos to my laptop a picture of our beloved family dog derping fades away we eagerly await the next photo only to be affronted with vanilla 77 submissive 65 masochist 55 etc not actual statistics i scream slam my laptop shut my parents stare at me their youngest daughter horror on their faces i'm frozen i feel shame anguish regret and eventually acceptance briefly consider moving to scotland in the night finally my sister sets down her knife and fork and says well that's ruined my appetite we were very quiet for the remainder of the meal i no longer keep my laptop at the table seriously a sister would say that if that was me and one of my sisters did that i would have dub on that grenade to help them out i would have faked a seizure or started speaking in tongues to help them out new work pc signed into chrome with personal account and forgot to turn off the sync everything setting which also brought search history kicked off the video conference and was asked to navigate to whatever url there wasn't a single letter i could type into the address search bar that didn't or to complete into some disgusting filth best i could do is type their url as fast as i could and hope nobody noticed not on my computer but one of my butthole friends keeps sending me videos that start off normal but end with a really loud moan i accidentally played one right before class with max volume my chemistry professor was not impressed to say the least this happened at my second high school back in 2007 the juniors and seniors take a business class starting from junior year and the capstone project is called the pitch where a group makes up a fake business plan and presents it to real judges when i was a senior i was doing my school's required community service hours and offered to help man the check-in table for the judges guests and students it was quiet for a few hours while the presentations were going on but at one point the teacher stormed out of the room completely steamed when i asked around apparently one group left on one of their slides thank you for coming you condescending buttholes i don't know what the punishment was but it's surely a good lesson in why you always check your work bold on you to assume they got punished for their awesome bamfness in high school this guy saved his presentation through his phone and when he took his usb and plugged it into the teacher's computer dozens of nudes from the girls at the school showed on the smart board even the teacher saw it a few of the girls in the class were on the board my teacher was frozen and the girls were mad in eighth grade we had a project to create a commercial for a product of our choice keep in mind laptops weren't common for students so we all had our commercials on phones or ipods and would plug it into the computer which projected onto the wall one kid plugged his phone in and the teacher went to downloads instead of the gallery the poor kid just knew what was happening and yelled new but it was too late and he put his head down the file took us to straight to pornhub and even the teacher couldn't stop laughing at him one of the funniest moments in middle school don't move even if it was an accident not a presentation but i had a co-worker helping me with something use my phone to look something up on google afterwards i went to look up that thing again as i was typing i saw two teams forcefully freaking pop up in the autocomplete had a quick panic attack in the bathroom and i refused to believe that she saw that incognito mode use it back in college's classmates would mess with each other from time to time one day a couple of us decided to replace another classmate's desktop background with a very explicit image of a naked crack or smoking a cigarette with a load of juice all over her face little did we know he would be presenting an important graphic design project to the rest of the class that day we had forgotten about the desktop background until he logged into his account on the computer that was connected to the class projector with about 40 students in the graphic design teacher needless to say it was an awkward couple of minutes as he stammered and struggled to replace the background lots of gasps a couple of us decided to replace another classmate's desktop background with a very explicit image of a naked crack or smoking a cigarette with a low dodges all over her face the 14 year old boy who somewhere still inhabits my soul is freaking dying laughing at this my friend didn't realize that he had a text message pop up on his screen that basically relax mighty from his frick body as he was training a dozen people it was there for an hour straight the screen share dialogue was perfectly covering the pop-up on his screen which is how he didn't notice it until he ended the stream of his desktop i was on a skype call with around 10 developers from our office in india when working from home i was sharing my screen to show them an issue when i accidentally hovered on the camera icon this displays a preview of what the webcam would show which in this case was me completely horizontal topless on my sofa the guy speaking paused for a second when it popped up it was so awkward i started putting tape over the camera after that not really what you're asking but i was giving a demo of some software to a buddy of mine and he saw some mostly sfw furry images i have saved off i tried to play it off and he never spoke of it sylvester's can be hoped for i guess in college we all joked in class about this happening so one day i filled a folder on my flash drive with joke dirty files to open while i searched for the correct one some of the titles were fat black asses big booty hoes bad donks the donkey donks good christian girls not me but one of my teachers got fired because some kids went on his laptop and found out that he had been watching asian child pee in college i took a chemistry class for an elective my college required you have at least one science credits to graduate it was actually really fun and i leaned a lot one of the requirements was to give three presentations and during my second one i made a sweet powerpoint calcium i'd emailed it to myself because i couldn't find my flash drive at 4am when i finished the presentation i get to class set up the projector and open my email on the computer i'm taking to the professor and not really paying attention to what i was doing and i clicked on a spam email that just popped the screen to a video advertisement of a girl just getting destroyed by two huge guys her massive boobs swinging towards the camera there was no sound thank god but the professor and the 19 or so students who were at class already just burst out laughing i was on the other side of this it's not super terrible but i was running a small branding agency and websites were a part of that i had contracted the development of a client site to another friend who had a dev shop things were going okay not great but whatever we had a beating over hangouts and after he stopped showing me the site progress on his screen share we chatted for a bit about life and work not then he just starts pulling up p and browsing through things on his screen totally unaware that he was still sharing with that as the context his distraction was super apparent just a lot of a hus and yeah very strong bad it was just me and he was pretty religious and we had talked about religion a decent amount since i had a pretty strong background in it and honestly i didn't want to hear anything about struggling as a man or accountability or anything like that so i just told him i needed to go and ended the call i really hope he got a little you are no longer sharing your screen it didn't really change much we didn't really do much more work together after that but it was unrelated not nsw but once i was trying to get my partner to label the numbers correctly on his charts so i numbered them like 1200 watt unicorns label the numbers neither of us remembered to remove it until we were mid presentation if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 62,105
Rating: 4.9214501 out of 5
Keywords: work from home, webcam accident, conference, accidental, camera was on, camera was on the whole time, camera on, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: D5sf2-_uB4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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