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[Caption by Richmond M. at Y Translator] Dumbest criminals ever. If you're gonna break the law and be a criminal, the least you could do is be a little smart about it. Only the criminalist and the dumbest. So, this guy trying to rob a house. He went in through the window, he got his pants caught in the window. Though his foot became caught, leaving him dangling upside down in plain sight. Hello police, I'm stuck I need help. Everybody was making fun of him until the cops got there. Man, I wonder if you can like play this off, like he just got into the house, he didn't even steal anything yet. I would've just been like, "Oops, I swear, I just tripped and fell into this house that I had no intention of robbing". Whatever you do, just be good at it. That's a lot to ask. This guy, aaaaah. Okay. So, an Ohio man reportedly called 911, numerous times threatening to harm himself after he had downed an entire bottle of Everclear because his pet pig Millie, ate all of his weed. His pig ate all of his weed and then he called the cops on his pig. Or he called the cops on himself because he was threatening to hurt himself because the pig ate all of his weed, and now he doesn't know what to do because he's severely depressed and everything is falling apart, and he's in hell. So, he was charged with disorderly conduct and later said that he would keep his weed out of reach of his pot belly pig. I wonder what happened to the pig. What's gonna happen to the pig after he saw that weed? Will he get high? I bet he would get high and start talking to spiders. This next one, this man cyber bullies himself, Facebook post lands him in jail. So, I have 16 warrants out right now. Lol, they know where I'm at though so, it must not be too bad. Well shit. 16 warrants for his arrest, and Eddie is gonna post on Facebook about it. Uhhhm. So, they got him, arrested him, and he had a ton of fines. So these next people, accidentally report themselves to the cops. So, they were transporting weed. They had over 20 pounds, just chillin' in their car. That look like grass. They ain't even gonna hide it, it's just can you go anybody who drives by, can clearly see that they got a whole Christmas tree in the back. Get this, they called 911 because they thought undercover cops had discovered their secret. That they had all this grass in their car. Hello, police! Is this the real police? Because I believe undercover cops are after me. Can you help me? Take a second. Let that all soak in. This is the dumbest for a reason. This guy, with majestic hair, Andrew Libby pretended to be a porn inspector. So, he go to the stores, be like, "Excuse me, I am an age verification detective. I gotta make sure the girls in these movies are actually 18." And so, they'd be like, "Okay, there you go, we'll give you the movies, we'll let you inspect them, and then you'll give it back to us, like red box, right?" Right! And then he would just take it and keep it and one day, they caught him. It just blows my mind somebody would actually believe this. Okay, so this genius over here, wanted to rob a convenience store, that he is a regular at. Like he's always going there and then decided one day, "Hey, you know what? If I rob this place, I could get this shit for free". So, he didn't have one of those ski masks. So, this master of disguise over here, glued tissues to his face, and told them to put the money in the bag. Obviously, they all knew who he was. A couple of tissues ain't gonna stop us from recognizing your dumb ass. We've got a lot of burglars and robbers on this list. A lot of them, they don't know how to do it right. This robber fell from the ceiling into police custody. So, he was looking to make a quick score at the dollar store. See, you already messed up. Of all the places you can rob, you choose the dollar store. So, when the cops are coming, he climbed on the roof of the store, and managed to get into the ceiling, and then he fell through the ceiling, on to a cop. And, you know what he stole from the dollar store? Two packs of Q-tips. That's two dollars. Was it worth it? Stealing two dollars worth of q-tips to go to jail, and pay hundreds or thousands of dollars in fines. If I was a cop, I would have just felt bad for him like, "Man, you don't even deserve to be arrested. You deserve to grow some brain cells". I feel like they deserve another chance, like a learning experience, like, "Man, don't do anything stupid in your life again or you're gonna get it." This is disgraceful to robbers. This guy faked being his own twin brother to try and delay court hearings. Forget faking your death or like leaving the country. He pretended to be his twin brother to delay court hearings. So, like he got caught and then he made up a twin brother, like, "No guys, you got it wrong. My brother, he was the one that committed this crime. I'm his twin, I'm the innocent twin. My brother did it. I don't know where he went, you y'all go find him". This guy tried to get a free flight to London. Get this. He was hiding in the plane, until it went to the next flight. You know where he messed up? He got caught taking selfies in the cockpit while there was no one on the plane and posting them on Facebook. Come on. You were so close to getting your free flight. Were the selfies worth it? He's like "Yeah man, just snapchatted this whole thing, like sneaking on a plane for a YouTube video. But, they're all idiots. I can't believe nobody has found me here." And then decides to post it. What did you think was going to happen? Like they caught him before they even took off. Someone on your friends list they snitched. No. This woman tried to steal a flat-screen TV by putting it between her legs, like in broad daylight. Not even at a Walmart, at a damn pawn shop! She's was trying to steal a flat-screen TV, she puts it between her legs, stuffing it up her dress, like she legit just walks, Dead ass, just walks into the store. She did it so quickly no one had time to notice or react. So the shop assistant. I don't blame them, I will be a disbelief. It's not every day a woman walks into a store, shoves the TV up her cooch, and then just crab walks out. I wouldn't even know what to do. I feel like if somebody got those balls, they deserve to have it. But she got caught. That one takes the cake, that's the dumbest. I can't with Mrs. Krabs over here. Bra bandit wears stolen bras on his face and chest. Police in California are searching for the bra bandit. A man filmed stealing clothes from a pickup truck while wearing a skirt and two bras. Digital Next, is that you? What is up you guys? Not all heroes wear capes. Some like to wear bras. And by heroes, I mean criminals. This is getting ridiculous. Just when I thought, this couldn't get any worse. Man decides to set off a fire alarm after clogging his toilet with potatoes. All I wanted to know is why. Why? Like was this at a school or something? And he just had a bag of potatoes and just started putting them in the toilet, and then realized, "Oh no, it won't flush! What do I do? I ruined this toilet with all these potatoes. Fire alarm!" Solves all problems, temporarily. And then causes more problems. And a fire is not one of them. Why the potatoes in the toilet? I genuinely want to know. You're gonna put a potato on a toilet. What did you expect to happen? You think it would flush it? These robbers decided to use a tin foil disguise to rob a bank. Police in Brazil say during an attempted bank robbery, head-to-toe aluminum foil. The suspects were most likely trying to move around the bank undetected by its alarm system. The alarm, as they hoped, didn't sound, but police officers rushed to the bank when the robbers were seen through a CCTV monitoring system. Of all the disguises you could use, you can wear like a full body suit. You can just need to cover your face. No, we gonna go all out and be the baked potato bandits. They'll never know, nobody will ever know. This woman was accused of threatening to kill the President. Christine Wright-Darrisaw. Smile for your mug shot. Man, f*** the police. The right way to take a mugshot. So, this guy comes home from work to his house, and sees his house has been burglarized. Somebody stole his stuff, and he looks out the window, and he sees his neighbor is running down the street with his TV. His neighbor, the guy that lives next door. Neighbor, he'll never suspect it. I wonder how fast they caught him. You live right next to this dude and you're gonna steal his TV? Come on, man. Dinklebergs. So, Google Street View catches lawn mower thieves in the act. They, are literally stealing a lawn mower, and good old Google Street caught them. I mean you can't do anything about that, this is just really bad luck. This must have been crazy how they found this out. Like the guys steal lawn mower, they report to the police that their lawn mower was stolen, and then the detective checks Google Earth. "Oh, my God! We got my criminal right here". It's too easy. This couple tried to steal 57 blocks of cheese from Walmart. Does Walmart even have 57 blocks of cheese? They literally scooped up the whole cheese aisle, and try to walk out with it. Y'all crazy! What the hell? Y'all tryin to have a cheese party? What in tarnation do you need 57 blocks of cheese for? It's like they got a family of mice. It's Christmas, everybody gets a block of cheese. But anyways that's all for today. I hope you guys enjoyed this video. Comment below. I want to know which one was the dumbest. And, make sure you hit that like button in the face. And subscribe to join the Wolf Pack! I love you guys, so much! Thanks for watching. Bye guys! [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 10,131,762
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, funny, cops, crime, dumbest criminals, stupid people, stupid, criminals, dumbest
Id: zJeqtLUIMpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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