Annoying Things We Can All Relate To

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hello friends it's me and today i am cozy but for today's video we're going to be checking out some things that are very annoying when you step in water wearing socks oh no they ruined this even where's when you're at somebody else's house you have to ask to borrow socks it's annoying hacks this is what i do it's actually salvageable if you just get your toes wet because then if you get your toes wet you know what i do i just like stretch it out let my sock chill like this until this part dries we got wet socking don't even get me started about wet sleeve gang i've really seen people wash their hands without rolling up their sleeves they just like will go in there and be unbothered by it are you okay like i hate wesley those like top ten uncomfy things when you order a glazed donut but you only order one so they give you a baggie and not a box and then you take it out and then it's all smeared all over the bag that they put it in the bag was like well you didn't eat it in 3.5 seconds so i helped myself but you know what i do i got me a nice chocolate dip and just take it and then just delicious what the [ __ ] it when your roommate is so lazy they can't take two and a half seconds to take the empty toilet paper roll throw it in the trash and put the new roll on it really doesn't take that long it's so easy especially when you have like one of these holders where you could just like slide it off it's not the one that you gotta like pop back into place how can you be this lazy that they just don't put it back on you know at least they put the role there at least the role isn't on the sink but still y'all making this annoying for no reason no you didn't no you didn't they were like you could have one slice of pizza one slice whatever slice you want okay i don't like crust though that's fine just don't eat the crust okay you said i have any slice so they just slice that in the middle just ruin the entire pizza for everybody else you get a slap for this i'm not gonna lie that would have been a nice piece though perfectly cheesy got all of the center cheese you're going to jail for this oh nothing like having some good ol syrupy pancakes and then the fork falls in then you gotta look around wave at your waiter and ask for another one you know i always used to avoid talking to my waiter and then my fork fell on the ground once and then i was just like yanked another fork from another table ain't nobody there yet free real estate i made this mistake once never again where your cookie is too big to fit in the milk whenever i'm eating cookies and milk i always evaluate the size of my cookie then i go get a glass that has a rim big enough to dip the entire circumference of my cookie into the milk preferably submerge it entirely but yes this is unfortunate it's not like you can just snap it in half no we ain't got that kind of upper arm strength y'all ever feel that random poke in your back when you're just chilling on your couch or bed and then a whole entire duck feather emerges from the pillow like you was there all along spiky this photo right here this is photographic pain when you got one of these little mother effers just growing in the crook of your thumb it's like no matter what you do to it you pull it off don't stop bleeding it's gonna hurt if you leave it i don't even wanna look at this anymore this has done ruined my whole night if uncomfortable was a picture oh man i hate this it's like when your sleeves are so tight and then you put on a big jacket and then once you're putting on the jacket the sleeves go up with it like no and then i learned you have to like hold them like this grasp onto them while you're putting on the jacket it doesn't like roll up with the sleeve very uncomfortable do not lie or you're wearing those little ankle socks and they start slipping down your heel and you got to keep pulling off yourself why you don't stay up i didn't want a piece that touched anybody else's piece y'all already took the corner pieces so i'm gonna take this corner piece okay i understand that because i am quite the connoisseur of corner pieces actually so if i'm on a corner pcs i'm gonna ruin this whole dang pie for that corner piece bite me stop struggling with those stubborn plastic packages i'm sorry what did you say you are literally supposed to be the anti-plastic package you literally come in one of the packages that i struggle with this is the final boss of plastic packaging get it through this guy and then he'll become an ally and help you with all the rest but y'all are scumbags for packaging this in one of these packages when you rip off a piece of toilet paper and you got a little squiggly line every time i rip off a piece of toilet paper and it got one of these like little danglies i always have to rip off the next one so the next one is clean and it's like if it doesn't rip perfectly i have to cut another one because it drives me insane i don't appreciate my end piece being defective cbs is known for their very long receipts they bought one item and this is a hundred pound dog for comparison y'all see how long that bad boy is what's even on it cbs secrets let's increase our prices so we can make our receipts even longer ew i don't know what they stepped in but that's gross y'all ever stepped in something you're like what is this i don't know if any of y'all like taste it no that's weird sometimes i smell it make sure it's not just find some grass and just like move that ass nothing like a brand new pack of batteries and then you rip the back off of it like bruh you know this is one of the many reasons that i have long nails so i can just like use them as a little box cutter you know i looked at the beginning of this pick and i was like that's a mighty fine wooden porch and then you keep going and then ever so slightly they just disconnect from each other oh the bloodline ends with me they just don't connect throw the whole thing away putting my rocket chair back inside i don't want to sit outside and look at this i don't know which is worse putting your feet on the back of somebody's seat or your whole entire scalp and all the hair focals oh man what if i gotta pull down my tray what if i want to eat weed and hair i don't care i'm hungry i made this hair i really can't believe people just don't care they're like all up in people's face this is just straight up rude somebody did this on tick tock i got fat what a gum in their hair plus some extra this is horrible they shipped their toothpaste in the same package as a dumbbell amazon this you i'm surprised they didn't give you like a human-sized box for just your toothpaste no bubble wrap or anything y'all got the employee that was going to quit after wrapping this package sir your milk literally has a cap you could open it and close it we had to do it the old-fashioned way i mean it is a carton you could do it either way but we gonna ignore the hole that has its own cap slightly infuriating oh no now you've done it now you have done it i was fine with the last one but they took this juice opened it from the bottom your child does this there's something wrong you got a future psychopath in the making those have a hole specifically for the straw all of these lights are off yes this is exactly how my home is built it's like in a perfect world when you hit the lights and it's pointed down they're off this one wanna be different and be like yeah yeah i'm off but i'm on it's up down is off why do you have to ruin the whole wall with your shenanigans don't you just love going to a public bathroom and they got one of these things you got a good inch of space between the water and the wall and these bathrooms got the nerve to put up those signs like make sure you wash your hands lather them up for 20 seconds like brad i could barely put a finger under this water what do you want me to do i might just watch one fingertip at a time is that all right with you no matter how slow i peel something this always wants to happen every time i buy something with a sticker on it and i try to like go so slow and then it leaves a little residue this is very annoying i paid money for it and now i really gotta waste my time peeling the sticker off like if i pay for it y'all should remove it for me get rid of it i don't want it anymore there's always somebody who loves to ruin it for the rest of us on this pie there are lines clear lines they did you a favor so you get the perfect slice every time but no this slice is too big for me i want a slightly smaller slice we'll completely ignore these lines this ain't no rebel this is a whole entire criminal y'all probably been to jail a few times to be able to pull this one off calm down man we just talking about pie amazon shipped my hot sauce without any padding i guess the box couldn't help himself why is it spicy okay but every time i order a bottle of something they will wrap it up really good and it still somehow finds a way to like leak all over i don't get it it's like they know they're shipping a liquid and they just take the box and just onto your doorstep this has only happened to me once i have no idea how it was a very old soda can when you try to open the can and the cap is already like a little loose and then it just pops off like what now you take a pair of keys stab that bad boy and shotgun it or i tried this hack a few days ago where you can actually use a can opener and take the lid off and just drink it like a cup problem solve coke consume hotel trivago how to be the most hated person in school instead of sharing your gum just take out some pop of a bun just take a chump out of it hubba bubba this you've ruined it for everybody at least now nobody's gonna ask you for gum ain't nobody wants that don't you just love when things are on sale the sweet tea was six dollars but it's on sale it's bright text for 5.99 if you go to the grocery store they do this all the time y'all can't bring it down one penny and be like whoo big sale something about the human brain you see the big red and yellow sticker and you're like oh i'm getting a good deal without even looking at the price reduction and that's how they get you a lot of places will do this where they will double the price of an item and then put it on sale for 50 off so you think you're getting it for half off but really you're just paying the actual price they do be playing these mind games with you oh don't we all just love picking up a pistachio and it's one of these with a little slit it's not ready yet here ready to come out when you pick pistachios off a tree are they just like closed up and then they put them to a factory and then they slightly open them so you can get the nut out easier how do they come naturally because i know they ain't like halfway open anyways these are going directly in the trash cause i've broken way too many nails trying to struggle pop these open it's like a pimple but worse people on the plane who sit like this oh let somebody try to do this to me i can't even stand it when people like touch the back of my seat when people touch the back of my seat i'm actually like no be gone and she got the nerve to put both her sticky crusty musty feet on the back of somebody's head like that's all right it's a good thing people aren't allowed to sit in middle seats anymore definitely a karen here but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that like button the first and comment below let me know which one was the most uncomfy for you and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolfpack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,942,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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