People who decided to be SMART about their problems

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happy day i'm glad some people are just too smart for example this guy he's being a little sneaky he's looking at girls on his instagram she would never know or would she she was looking the whole time oh my goodness he's in big trouble what's that a smell it's a big fight a big fight is going to happen after this unless she doesn't care unless she's like oh she's pretty in which case she's just like me this i thought was really smart because i didn't know so your your boy here has all these like elastic bands like these elastic hair elastics elastic hair elastics i don't want to call it a ponytail every time people call it a ponytail it makes me anxious so anyways these plastic things stuck on this guy's head a really smart commenter said bff take a hot flat iron and tap them with it and they should snap and won't hurt your hair like what i thought that would melt it i thought this was fine but um unfortunately this is not fine and it actually oh oh oh oh boy oh boy oh boy boy all right let's give it a go my thought is like isn't it gonna melt how is this working how is how are these elastics just popping like popcorn it doesn't make any sense i think it's like melting that's what i was saying how are they oh okay he's holding his head a certain way i was like why are they flying upwards oh my gosh do straighteners also cure gravity oh my god oh no way fantastic fantastic yes jimmy neutron 90 000 fathoms that's more than 60 000 fathoms so this is something that i never really thought of and would have never thought i've ever worn for tick tock whoever named frogs got it 100 right those are frogs [Music] they are look at the shape on this thing this thing could be no other name other than a frog all right pov you've married an unromantic man so i assume she's placing some stuff for him maybe like get him in the mood to be a little bit more romantic so he knows how good it feels [Music] oh my goodness he's going to be so surprised oh no she's pretending he did it for her i mean that's smart right that's one way to do it oh my goodness it reminds me of when i like played like paper dolls when i was little and i used to like pretend that my guy paper doll was like doing all these cute things for me and in real life like i got the same butterflies i was like ah you shouldn't have even though i was like giving it to myself rest in peace so apparently on your iphone if you type certain emojis these specific emojis in a sequence the brontosaurus the t-rex and the asteroid you get this lovely little thing going we all went extinct we went extinct i'm actually going to try it right now here we go let's go it didn't work nora's gonna be like what are you doing um oh she just said babe oh no no no what what uh sorry i was testing a hat okay so this is how to make your eyeliner come back which is what i need right now the felt tip after that dip it back into the component until it reaches the product at the bottom then just pull it back out and replace it like normal and your eyeliner will be saved do i try it i don't know if i try it because like i only have one eyeliner i have one black and one brown i use brown more and the brown is starting to dry up but if i don't have the brown then i won't have eyebrows so i'm a little nervous i have to do it for the memes let's go okay here we go we got a kat von d tattoo liner my fave i just crushed it that's really nice okay this one won't pull out very easily and i don't want to ruin it oh it's not felt tip what am i doing ooh website's like your boredom if you go to this website type in random phrases in the bottom left we'll go to sheesh you know play scenes from random movies with that phrase i feel like if you're an editor like that's really really that's extremely useful if like you're trying to look for a clip for something editor hit me up with a yabba-dabba-doo let me take you into a japanese woman's restroom some department stores will actually advertise some of the products that they have by displaying them in the room that is so smart when you go inside it's usually really clean and there's pleasant music playing let me show you the toilet clean pleasant music they are advertising stuff toilet so in every stall there's this little machine looking thing all you got to do is push where it says push and this little liquid comes out and you get to wipe and clean your toilets that is so smart if okay so it's gross if you're the only one who did it that day but if everybody does it if like the honor system of listen we all clean the toilet before and after we use it then that's what happens but some places even have this changing deck where you can take your shoes off and change your hair without getting your feet dirty it's actually quite useful and of course we have a sanitary box as well everybody in japan is just like they're just living life better than we are look at their bathrooms you go in there you close the door i've never seen anything like this in na i'm sure that maybe we would have one but look at that it's see-through he's clapping he you wouldn't if it was a clap though that could be potentially disastrous because imagine if like you fart so loud that it thinks it's a clap and then the light turns on like let's be thankful that it's an actual light switch that you hit that makes it opaque cool so this comment here saying are the beds really cardboard beds of really cardboard but it's really hard cardboard so it's not gonna break so apparently this is like the olympic village beds then made out of cardboard i mean i do think it's really smart like i feel a little bit inspired like if i'm ever in a pinch i guess i could make a bed out of cardboard because this thing can customize the mattress as hard or soft as you want what we were also given mattress toppers to make it even more comfortable and for the taller athletes there are bed extenders that's so cool they're making it a more environmentally friendly olympics japan [Applause] this could either be very very smart or very very stupid a drinking game where the person who hits the nails down wins imagine that you could you could get a whole house built in one night although it probably wouldn't be safe to live in that house we've all seen the five-minute crafts shirt designs with bleach but this is probably one of the better usages of bleaches of bleaches i've ever seen how cool it's like a little play on color that's gorgeous i'd buy that so this girl runs a small business and she's gonna make a fake airpod order until she gets a real one this is a really i feel smart way to market your brand she's showing you what she can do here she's got this beautiful butterfly print out a little airpod thing did she like 3d print the airpod thing here it comes she looked so sad in the beginning and this looks really cool 4.3 million likes i i assume maybe your small business got some orders i hope so because that's cool take all my money this is a really smart gadget that i feel like we need to get for our dog ej water cause this you could share this bottle with your dog i feel how cute oh i like the sound that dogs make when they're drinking water but i really need one of these we actually have like this little touch hole that we take out with anjing that he like gets trained on and also doubles as a water bowl but this is really cute and like portable so this is smart but in a bad way today a female customer came in to fix the charging port of this phone so this is the boyfriend's phone and uh she wanted to get it done as soon as possible so she could like go snooping through it so the guy puts a 100 bill in the phone and then says tell my wife it's broken 100 is yours like what a risk he's trying to hide secrets on his phone so he's like bribing the person who fixed the phone this is one of those like crappy pro-life tips like it's smart but man it makes you feel bad doesn't it and also i didn't realize that phone chargers were so deep you could put like a whole dollar bill in there i don't think they are like i feel like your phone's already broken if you could fit that bill in there when you buy a 44 flight but can only bring a backpack she is about to solve the world's problems by looking pregnant and then getting on there but the problem is is that how would you get through security i really don't feel like you would get through security with this i mean you get through the front desk and i guess that's all that matters it's smart it's smart feels bad but smart sometimes the smart people of the world tell us something that we really didn't want to know i really didn't want to know this this teenage girl has been wearing oh god no oh geez no god oh why did i oh no this girl's been wearing eyeliner on her waterline since she was a teenager and um apparently optometrists and ophthalmologists tell you shouldn't do that because it dries it out i can't watch this okay but i i didn't want to know thankfully i've not worn eyeliner on my waterline since like middle school like ever since i learned about the cat eye and liquid liner i just wear it on the top and i wear nothing on the bottom and a lot of my friends think it looks really weird that like i just kind of look like there's nothing there but i yeah the water line thing i already wear contacts like my eyes are already messed up like i didn't want to keep putting stuff in my waterline here we have a money-saving hat saving tips right every 100 dollars you make you fold it up so every fold you see here is a hundred dollars it doesn't exist anymore once you make a hundred i got 80 here and a 20 right here 18 ones a 20 bill 100 dollars fold it up put it away it doesn't exist anymore this is what i have really 20 30. i have 37 dollars right to my name i feel like to save it actually is really good to like make rules for yourself of like things that you're not allowed to touch i definitely have that rule for myself where there's just there's just certain there there's certain income that i'm just not allowed to touch and won't be allowed to touch it for a long time and i yeah i feel like that this is a really smart way to do it on this level when i was younger like in my early 20s i feel like my biggest issues were probably food and skin care and like food i just you love it so much and it makes your quality of life so much better but um i was pretty bad at like getting paid and then going and like blowing it on food so that was bad here we have a phone case hack let's try this again [Music] oh my god this time it worked why don't they teach you this in school just kidding why doesn't it say that on the box or someone talk about it like there are so many products that i haven't used to their full potential and i didn't know that until smart people on tick tock were like hey this is a cool thing you can do so the best way to reheat pizza apparently is to add water to a hot cast iron pan cover it i would have never thought about this because wouldn't it make it greasy but that pizza looks fresh and new who taught you this what's going on oh this is a classic when you're hungry at work you cut your pizza a certain way you take those little middle slices out of there keep them for yourself and then you push it together and what do you know the customer will have paid for a smaller pizza than they initially thought they were gonna get unethical yes but pizza looks really good slicing that rectangle i don't think i've ever had rectangle pizza before i kind of want to try it now did you know there's a fruit that tastes like ice cream what is it it's called white sapote freeze it if you don't it'll be like pudding what is this fruit peel it and there you go ice cream fruit is it because you froze it though and like it which makes like the cell wall burst so it like makes it a little bit more mushy like i feel like you could do that with an apple and also i really feel like it's not pronounced sub hope but i'm just out here with suppo we talk about how smart humans are but we never talk about how smart the ants are no one suspects the ant pulling the dorito to the nest they're gonna be like queen we got you a dorito we have you riches all right guys that is all i have for you today please check out the creators who are featured in this video and if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 839,121
Rating: 4.9698653 out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, genius tiktok, smart tiktok, brilliant tiktok, smartest people on tiktok, life hacks tiktok, life tricks tiktok, hacks tiktok, lifehacks compilation tiktok, genius hacks tiktok, tiktok, genius, smart, brilliant, smart people, creative solutions, everyday problems
Id: 11hSXezWF-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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