5 Minute Crafts replaces your mom in 2021

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happy day i'm glad and my generation the millennials are to blame for the ipad generation a lot of the moms just give their kids ipads and they're like have fun with that we've talked about the ipad generation and the ipad moms but i don't think we've talked about the five minute crafts moms 11 million parents watched this video i feel like we're gonna get a lot of kids on tick tock in like 2025 who are like remember when mom put toothpaste in a pocket you remember that that was one of my favorite times mom is cold sleeping with the baby um that the bed is way too small yet put your hands in your pants and i bet you'll feel nuts what do you just go to your room or get a blanket oh this is what it's come to hello do you remember when mom let me squirt toothpaste all over the place while she was going through her makeup cabinet oh my goodness look at all those toothpaste bottles are they depicting this like it's normal look at that she's like there there goes the last of them yep there goes our quarantined toothpaste i solved it well guess what the five-minute crafts mom is going to put toothpaste in a pocket now i've tried this and it didn't work you can't pick that up the way five minute crafts makes you feel like you can because the toothpaste on the bottom doesn't absorb the baking soda so it doesn't dry and you can't really pop it out that's false advertising but i feel like some of these have to be good mama bear is putting skittles in a waffle maker but why would you even do that it just it just skipped right to the next one she put skittles in the waffle maker what if you're trying to come up with like an easy healthy alternative then make the alternative healthy this just give her a bag of skittles like i feel like it would taste better than like these weird melted waffle maker popsicles oh my all right the kid is sick that's a really cool thermometer five minute crafts mom i like that what is she going to do to fix the sick give the kids some tea give the kids some tea that's too hot burn their tongue nothing brings a fever down like a good old burnt tongue and then fix the burn with a lollipop there there's just there's too many steps i do not understand the assignment that okay that's a really really close shot of the tongue licking the uh they were like here son all right lick the popsicle and just put the camera right here five minute crafts mom our little girl here she's a picky picky eater she eats the bread except for the crust and throws the plate at her mom just here okay stop showing me that tongue take your stupid bread mom get it out of here what is mom gonna do with these crusts is she gonna make cinnamon rolls i think i saw these on tik tok and i think that five minute crafts watches tick tock for ideas yes uh-huh just bathe it in butter and sugar i mean it's a kid right the kid can surely stand the butter and sugar why are you putting ketchup on top of a burger dude wait i thought that these parenting hacks were for children this is the birthday cake for someone's 21st birthday this is what it's come to parenting never ends i our kitty boy will not eat his yogurt so mom is going to put sparkles and water in a bag okay make a sensory toy but how will that make the yogurt taste better here play with this now eat your yogurt what how does that work i bet you they had like greek yogurt like something that tasted really nasty and then they like did the old texas switcheroo and swish it with some like nice like vanilla yogurt kitty girl will not eat uh-uh i don't want apples i don't want carrots those are gross what are you gonna do to make them taste better you're putting them in a mcdo a trademark mcdonald's are you gonna deep fry them are you going to huh that's not gonna make them taste better whoever made this hack never had a picky eater for a kid you can't just put vegetables in a mcdonald's package and be like here fries like you associate this carton with like a nice savory salty crispy bite of french fries and now it's i'm hitting you with some apples how would that work don't steal her fries all right the kid is having trouble using utensils it happens to the best of us so now we're loading up the flying saucer oh that thing's actually cool she's trying to spill it but she can't this is like the ultimate prank you can play on your child but it doesn't even tell you like where to buy it ew okay the kids spitting all over themselves so what you're gonna do is you're going to take the the the fruit that the kids spat out and shove it back in their mouth i can't i don't know that does seem smart it does seem clean and it does beat just giving the kid an ipad and being like hair mom has taken a little walk with a stroller she can't handle everything at all you're such a busy bee as a mom she discovers the use of the baby bag she would have never known had it not been for five minute crafts the little girl keeps stealing candy she's a little thief she's got the stickiest little fingers and mom's like um i'm gonna put the fruit over the candy and let me guess she's gonna eat the apple hole do not tell me she's gonna eat no that's not how it works that's not how any of this works okay so we're in front of the greens i mean the picnic and uh it's time to do not let the kid go to the bathroom apart [Music] don't do that i'm speechless i just no no you did you keep the toilet where you're keeping the fruit girl i'm sure there's a porta-potty like 10 steps that way she didn't wash her hands after that kitty poo is so sick and five minute crafts mom is like listen here is your medicine oh she's like no how are you gonna make the are you going to put a bowl of fruit underneath it it seems like wherever you put the fruit the kid will enjoy oh she's going to dip a lollipop in it yes i mean that works what's with all the close-up tongue licks there's something about it that's just freaking me out okay the kid again she's she's picky these kids are picky and the oscar for greatest face goes to this kid okay when your kid's doing the little squeaks like that what do you do what is a mother to do put fruit on top of a toy huh i guess like make a game out of it right but then i i feel like if she doesn't want to eat the garbanzo beans then she's not gonna eat their garbanzo beans what are you so upset about i'm exhausted i'm not a parent but i'm exhausted from watching this okay taping up the floor and making a little track for the kid that is actually really sweet and really thoughtful and it doesn't involve putting fruit all over the rug to make the kid eat the fruit oh he's scared he's a scared little guy there's eyes in his closet there's actually a boogeyman in there please check the closet why are you doing crafts somebody is in your child's closet monster spray it's a dude with an axe i wouldn't let the kid go in there first you saw there there's some activity in there actually that's really smart that is really really smart to like make them spray to make monsters go away i remember when i was little my parents were like if you get out of your bed and you run around at night that's when the monsters get you and it was a really good way of like keeping me in bed at night but it was also a really good way of like scaring me badly so at least the five minute crafts mother is doing something that makes the kid feel like they have a little weapon all right kitty poo is getting the chocolate out of the freezer interesting place to keep your chocolate but i i respect it this is a child lock child locking your freezer i feel like even a little kid would be able to break that though i certainly would be able to or i get a stool and stand on it and like unlock it like it would take all of two seconds to solve that problem and then you're stuck with these two knobs on your fridge that are really hard to get off all right this little guy's going for a swing he's having the time of his life and the mom is like i wanna help oh my gosh now you can watch all of the tv and the twitch that you want and then pull on the little string and it's like disneyland it's just like disneyland oh my goodness that shot okay take a plastic bag why are you taking a plastic bag put it on your kid of course dress your kid up like garbage how cute oh oh okay all right yeah i mean it's like a painting apron that's sweet i bet this mom in yellow feels real stupid should have brought a garbage bag oh oh what a cute little picnic oh the kids knees got all dirty oh cut the jeans make the kids some daisy dukes daisy dukes what are you doing five minute crafts mom you're freaking me you're getting real crafty i don't know about this do not tell me you made a purse do not wha she's wearing a butt purse this looks like a butt all the kids are gonna be like look at the butt purse nice purse it looks like a front butt i mean that's yeah that's crafty that's crafty uh folding kids clothes can be such a drag so you're gonna take some cardboard and tape and paint that's actually pretty cool that that you know what i like that i like that i was very skeptical i was terrified but that's that's not too bad what is mama bear doing now in her little shower oh no she's out what does this have to do with the kid she's putting teeth and oh oh she's making her kid a minion she's not making her kid oh that's not bad that's pretty cute i mean it never hurt anybody to upcycle these are gonna be the things that the current little generation alpha are talking about they're gonna be like remember the conditioner remember the butt purses i do mama bear is about to take a heck of a spill what pink ouch that's gotta kill and what is she taking her kid's sock off why did she have to fall for that to happen okay so these are the kinds of socks that you can wear and like you won't slip and fall but did you steal the sock off your kid and now you're wearing it for yourself all right daddy boy's got the laundry going he's got doing laundry outside everyone does laundry do not that thing can like fall forward so quick oh i thought he was just gonna launch the kid off of a mountain and be like have fun that's just i mean you can't hate it because it's recycling but at the same time it's just it's kind of sad you're not gonna be able to go down any hills in that thing your dad's just dragging you in a laundry basket all the way over to 7-eleven oh no these kids they just they're so much they can't stop drawing on things and this looks like a job for fruit or cardboard fruit or cardboard are the key to the city they are the key to enlightenment oh it's a cute little coloring book i guess you'd have to be a pretty good artist but what five minute crafts mom isn't a good artist after watching this amount of five-minute crafts oh my goodness you can redo that's not bad i just hope the kid doesn't mind coloring the same three things over and over again okay so the i it can't fit over her head so you just slice it just cut it ruin it destroy it make it into a purse don't make it into a purse i was kidding i was kidding she made it into a purse that's pretty cute though i mean at least it doesn't have back pockets and look like a butt this kid though he's a little bit older so modern problems require modern solutions how are you gonna clean up this kid's toys glue them oh ruin them oh boy i don't think he's gonna like that remember the time mommy glued your toys to your toy box like the ipad's gonna be glued on front and oh my well he doesn't seem to mind oh he likes playing with it maybe he's just not too into cars there's a rip on the shoe so you're drawing on it that's cute that's fine that's not bad don't put your mask on your eyes the mask is too big how do you make a mask fit a kid i've actually never thought of that that's smart well the kid really likes her yogurt now why do we have to look at the dirty mouths like there's nothing more disgusting to me than this i feel like if it was my own kid it would be okay but like i uh i just can't even look at it oh okay can we have a fix to that a straw maybe the save the turtles thing was such a meme that the five-minute crafts moms are just done with it and maybe they're just as disgusted as i am by like the food face okay little girl is putting on makeup are you gonna give her a makeup lesson oh boy don't eat it oh no are you making her an edible lipstick i swear like the more mistakes these kids make the more time you're spending in the kitchen just like making them fake stuff that they can put in their mouths i feel like we're enabling them at this point that looks good i would eat that actually oh it looks really crunchy but i'm sure it tastes good what are you teaching your kid how to floss with corn and a flosser i guess so that was the end mom's trying to eat her vegetables and the kid is just going wild useless dad is rolling in not really doing too much so you rip his shirt off you put it on the oh my god she took dad's shirt and is the kid is stuck to the chair now this is literally a watered down straight jacket like this is just the kid's like stuck to the chair and can't move now that is some fantastic parenting well guys i think i've had enough of uh five minute craps parenting for one day i've learned i am reformed i will now be the finest mother in all the land thank goodness for five minute crafts in 2021. i mean i was taking the piss of them this entire time but you know check out their channel i feel like it's some pretty good entertainment if you'd like to see me again make sure you push notifications and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,185,235
Rating: 4.9480581 out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, 5 minute crafts, five minute crafts, 5 minute craft, replacing your mom, mom hacks, mom life hacks, life hacks for mom, toothpaste hacks, pop it hacks, 5 minute hacks, do it yourself, 5-minute crafts, diy activities, diy projects, life hacks, proyectos faciles
Id: OxBaBPqtKmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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