People Who Got Caught LYING

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love friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some people who got caught lying this guy pretends to drop a hundred dollar bill oh shoot is that a hundred bucks whoa came out of my purse sorry did it really yeah it did i did it i don't know you're in a line i'm just sorry i just found 100 bucks i know did you know it's crazy i literally set this down as a prank and you're lying to me no it isn't it's fake too is oh i don't know if it's your hundred dollar bill wouldn't you know if it was fake she really turned around like oh somebody said they found a hundred dollar bill that could have been my hundred dollar bill i swear i just happened to lose a hundred dollars that's embarrassing caught in 4k i wouldn't normally do this but i found out i was pregnant last month but i lost my job due to the pandemic and i'm really scared about my future so anything would help thank you and then posted her pregnancy test and her cash app but wait somebody zooms into the pregnancy test and they're like this is fake you can see the sharpie lines on top of the window that's a terrible job she literally sharpened in the line for the pregnancy test it's not even peed on girl why are the lines drawn on and she's like i took a picture to send my mother but the lines were hard to see her eyesight is really bad so i marked it over so she could see them if you wanted to be honest i'm not actually pregnant just lazy i don't want to work feel bad for me and fund my lifestyle come on now can you speak german uh no unfortunately not do you speak english no i'mma stop you right there do you speak english no uh how many wins do you have what how many wins do you have like victories uh 20 what that's cool yes there's no way this kid has 20 wins he's level one wait how are you level one whoa he's being held hostages that was basement they finally got me a playstation let me play fortnite level one first game on uh i got like 20 wins stop capping sometimes the best pictures are the ones that i take on accident lol bessie i'm gonna have to fight you on this one so let me get this right you accidentally open your front facing camera hold up your phone make sure you do a pose and then oops i accidentally took a photo while looking and posing at the camera and someone called her out on it and she was like wow creep you sound like a psycho up block don't question me in my captions ever again so this big youtuber actually had a photo of him in a chair and then a gaming chair company actually took that photo of him and photoshopped it so it looked like he was sitting in one of their chairs and then used it as an ad like oh look we got celebrities buying our products using our products check this out i will admit that is some good photoshop it looks very convincing and he's like i've never seen this chair in my life don't buy it it's very scummy when companies do this also pretty illegal personally i had several companies take my face video footage whatever to promote their mobile games to promote their products i'm like i ain't never work with you within my life i don't even know you like that they caught this accident on their gopro oh this car just rolling back like going hit the motorcycle going to hit me he honked stop stop right there hey [Music] backed up into the motorcycle and had the audacity to get out of his car and was like you hit me police come here claire you are an embarrassment to corvette owners worldwide like what were you hoping to do oopsies i backed into a car oh wait i could just blame it on him good thing he had that camera footage my mom saw that her eggs were missing at work so she posted this note attention attention attention to whom it may concern i had a carton of eggs in the fridge and it's gone whoever took the eggs please know that those eggs are not chicken eggs they are not meant for consumption if you have not consumed them please discard but if you have then please see me for the antidote they are eggs from a rare bird in africa thank you very poisonous by the way you will be diarrhea-ing for days and the culprit came running to her immediately like i'm so sorry i ate those eggs oh well i guess she just figured out who's been stealing her food genius i sleepy as heck i thought i put on my work shoes and walked out the house said no one ever why would you do that you literally laced them up over your sock you didn't even put the shoe on ties laces over your foot man that was a lot of effort to get wrong mondays am i right i just wanted people to think i was quirky this dude posted this pic of his teeth before and after teeth whitening wow look at the difference it even brightened his skin y'all just brightened the photo no they actually added a yellow filter to the first one sneaky but y'all got caught this girl made a tick tock showing that vinnie hacker asked her what's your snap and then he's gonna do at her tick tock and be like no that's not what it looks like girl i didn't message you you messaged me hey how are you gonna spin things like that i would have done deleting my tick-tock right then and there like man this is fan behavior i couldn't get out of bed this morning and then took the selfie and posted it oh you couldn't get out of bed but you were able to like do your hair makeup put some earrings on and take a selfie like yep you know i've just been in bed all day and i came out of the womb looking like this my friend and her wife adopted a girl this is not yours this is christian gabrielle and her family her child is not adopted well excuse me that's kind of creepy imagine posting this couple and be like oh i know that that's that's my friend here's this whole fake made-up story about the stock photo i just found on the internet you know the other day on tick tock i saw somebody duet at tick tock explaining his stock photos also y'all realize stock photos are like people in real life with their own life i don't know why it sounds so weird i'm like not ready to accept that fact somebody listed a funko pop of kurt cobain if you guys don't know that is the singer of nirvana who died in the 90s they're like autographed kurt copeland funko pop very rare autograph autographed by who uh kurt cobain uh do you have a time machine he's been dead for 25 years well he must have signed it before he died do you want to buy it funko pops haven't even been around that long how are you gonna say oh this last dying breath signed my funko pop or he must have came back in a time machine like you've been trapped inside his funko pop for weeks [Music] i have been your fan fan since 1995. that was a long time ago darling well look at that four minutes ago stop lying to mother maybe she's a time traveler i've been a stan since 1995. you know it all started when i saw you go down the slide in seventh grade there wasn't even tick tock back then don't make no sense so this girl posted this photo and was like nature is the ultimate healer to all our problems hashtag nature lover she even put the location as a part and then her sister was going to take a behind the scenes of her photographer taking photos of her in their backyard my sister said she was going hiking this is actually our backyard literally just went outside with her photographer like yay nature is the ultimate healer goes back inside to scroll through tick-tock when she's done on wednesday i took a covet test results came back negative but i sneezed and this came out of my nose oh no a minecraft cube is anybody supposed to believe this like it's just so perfectly photoshopped on the thumbnail like yes no snot or anything just guys the government is tracking me it's a microchip pretty sure that i don't track idiots after a week of hard work i finally have a six pack skin is off color due to hard hours put in daily it hurts but it's worth it i hope i can keep it and color heals up soon tell me you've never worked out without telling me you've never worked out yeah it took me a long hard week of this acting like it's a tattoo like it hurts now it's a little sore and red i hope my six pack heals up nicely what what where's this movie button who knew when you get a six-pack is swallow up the belly button nowhere to be seen i'm so powerful knock the belly button out of existence this has got to be one of the most insane stories i've ever had the misfortune of reading i had to share this so the kfc i work at is actually using fresh chickens on site to make their food you know chicken's so good it's like they got the farm in the back oh we have a big coop in the back and each morning the butcher does his thing and a lot of our staff is really upset at this as they hate the fact that we basically slaughter these animals and the premises we just don't say much because our general manager is really straight and argues with us every time we bring it up and old staff members got fired for threatening to expose him answer me this when you worked at kfc did you know what the fried chicken was made of i'm have to ask you to put two brain cells together and tell me what the second part is you need chickens you know live chickens to make fried chicken y'all acting like chickens are the secret ingredient to making fried chicken some krusty krab drama anyways last week i decided to take action and hit a camera inside the coop and videoed what was happening i played it on a projector i set up at the restaurant all of the customers and people got so mad they started throwing their food at our manager the police showed up and arrested him you can't have chickens here this is the kfc this is a vegan establishment i let all the live chickens free into the eating area and everyone started clapping they all escaped out of the door and now i'm headed to bed i've got an early shift tomorrow as the new head manager the whole thing start to finish cap that was funny though here's a photo of the defaced lincoln memorial a man who helped abolish slavery got graffiti all over abraham lincoln wait i took this an hour ago he's clean he's fine so somebody just edited this some people do anything for likes this news site literally photoshopped a photo of somebody's dad social distancing to make it look like he wasn't so here's a picture that they photoshopped literally editing him in the photo of his dad so it's like oh they aren't social distancing very naughty but this was the original photo dad just chilling alone apparently they took it very seriously i would do if a new site tried to make a liar out of me for 250 dollars we got a couch flash sofa for sale it's slightly used soft gray and no pets wait whoa whoa wait wait you said no pets what is that in the background uh that's my pet cat he don't use it he don't even live here full time what if someone happens to be allergic to cats and you're like no pets what is that you couldn't have moved him for the picture he did a little sneaky sneaky i did not catch him unfortunately someone posted this and was like the beauty of ireland and posted this photo what when you go to ireland a group of gingers and horses just greet you at the border like hello welcome to our country these kids are dutch and this was a photo shoot for vogue why are y'all posted this to making up a fake story oh for upvotes but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 9,098,985
Rating: 4.9319239 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, people, caught, lying, social media, internet, caught lying, people caught lying
Id: lyR7glRTKyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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