Secret Sauce I learned on TikTok

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happy dance and today we are looking at the secret sauce we're looking at what we learned on tick tock have you ever wondered how taco bell cleans its floors at night me neither and the video's private so don't worry about it but if you've ever wondered how the beans look like work at taco bell they said it'll be fun they said these are the beans what those do not look like beans to me it looks like dried up cat food or like even cat litter box stuff don't say this to me because i really really really like crunchwrap supremes have you ever wondered how girls deal with periods in prison i've actually wondered this things that you guys may not know about periods in prison number one there's like two big bulks of periods because everyone syncs up so normally about half the dorm gets their period at one time and then the other half so it's like always a mad house i would really want to be like the end of the month group i don't know why like even if i didn't have anything to do i like to know when it's happening and i like it to be like on the tail end of something because i feel like the tail end of anything doesn't matter as much now as far as getting your period supplies it is on you to purchase your own tampons or when you're in county jail they don't sell tampons you have to make them yourself stop it are you kidding me what year are we in i feel like in a facility such as this like it should be provided it should be easy to get a hold of it it should be free they will always supply you with the bare minimum amount of pads and by that i mean just enough to get you by and sometimes not enough you have to bond that's definitely a today i learned but sad to hear about it well you look to the side and then you blink so you look here and then you blink what that's an interesting way to get rid of your contacts what how does this girl have such good hacks that's crazy that's a new thing i didn't know that i want to learn how to sleep on my back because i've been trying to do it i'm a stomach sleeper naturally while on your back make sure you tuck the pillow around both shoulders to prevent your head rolling to the side during sleep i never do that and i end up i wake up like this and like i have like lines in my neck now from it but like what can you do it should be slightly higher than your sleep like this use a big soft pillow under your knees to take pressure off of your lower back use one or two pillows under your elbows all of these pillows should make you very comfortable and can be the same pillows you use to sleep on your side if you do both that's a lot of pillows how's terry gonna sleep with me i'm gonna i'm literally going to become the pillow boogeyman at night i feel like you can't really cuddle with this person but i have injured my back recently so maybe i will become he's about to swallow this pill that's blinking yes it's a camera that holster is going to be doing the reading so in about five hours we're gonna see what's going on in the small intestines amazing that's crazy i didn't know that technology has gotten this good i didn't know that and also like what if it what if it flips the wrong way i mean i guess the small intestine all looks the same so that's cool 20 seconds i ever wanted to know how a concert interview was i feel like it'd be so nerve-wracking to be like a pop star and be counted in like this and then all of a sudden you just have to be ready three two roll it oh this is south korea is this a k-pop idol cool this is like the behind-the-scenes stuff that i never think about that it's like so cool to see how it would be done doesn't the star hear all of this in their ear the whole time like i feel like that would really distract me a lot today i learned what adhd paralysis is yeah i mean adhd paralysis what's that my brain physically won't let me do anything what caused it sometimes nothing causes it but today it's because i have a package that's coming at 8pm you can't do anything before that package comes yeah i like to call it my waiting mode everyone in my family does this everyone in my family and i'm not diagnosing anybody in my family but everybody in my family does this like if we have something to expect later in the day it's almost impossible for us to do anything before that we just kind of like we get ready and we like wait for it it's frustrating but it's what we do this is how they clean the grill at mcdonald's i'm learning so much about fast food because of tick-tock that would be satisfying though because it would come off so easily after you kind of like deglaze it with the water yeah what is the boot i guess like soap maybe i was just like kind of cringing thinking about how they cook all of our meals on this in one day so many burgers be touching it i don't know why but there's something so satisfying about this to me oh it's gonna look so clean after this one dang i mean that seems fun i it's very gross but i feel like it's also very satisfying at the same time i've never worked a grill before but if i did like cleaning would be definitely my favorite part of the day so this man is going to teach you how he gets his hair looking all cute what [Music] he's as meticulous as i am it looks so good it looked good before too but that looks great that was not a trust the process this he's just got a great head of hair this is like things i've learned on tik tok but this is one that i actually wanted party shirt to test apparently if you microwave an oreo for one minute it's been a minute it becomes a homemade as fluffy but it still blew up and it came out pretty good i'm in it and i might even test it test it boys i need to know all right oreo microwave give it to me please does it work i need this to work because i'll be so happy if it does because i love homemade oreos ah it doesn't work rest in peace well thank you so much you're doing god's work what is this thing ready that's your mentalist muscle it's in your chin and is very weird almost every muscle in your body connects the bone to another bone like your bones yank on each other and that's how you move there are other muscles like sphincters just yank on themselves heart is a totally different kind of muscle also yanks on itself okay i don't need to know about my muscles yanking each other around i'm scared we have a bunch of muscles that do not connect to other bones and you can tell this right like all this movement that faces do so that we can talk and emote and stuff we're not yanking on bones here we're yanking on skin the metallus here doing like an absolutely wild thing just go like sticking all this little muscle fibers into your skin when you contract that muscle it yanks on your skin and makes those little dimples that's crazy i feel like my chin doesn't do what it did when i was like little it doesn't really get as bumpy as it used to be does your chin still get bumpy do you grow out of it you can't grow out of something like that i know somebody in the world doesn't know this show me ah there's no way you're telling me that i've lived with this kind of stove for like decades and i never cleaned underneath it when i could have if it lifts up like a car hood oh my gosh oh he's got some swiping to do i mean thanks but oh yeah yeah i'm sorry that's embarrassing that's so embarrassing i have still yet to hear a logical explanation for why ships can float and please do not come at me talking about some okay knowledge education listen educate us ship water ship water water ocean okay okay hollow ship has air ship has no thoughts got it okay ship thank you so much buoyancy buoyancy i've never thought about buoyancy before repeatedly blink for 30 seconds this will physically tire your eyes out making it easier to fall asleep if you ever feel anxious or stressed out the tip of your thumb this should slow down your heart rate and calm your nose if you ever feel sick then squeeze your thumb and press here on your wrist this should stop your gag reflex and get rid of your nausea two of the three were true and they're really interesting to know i love how doctors have tick-tocks because i love how they're like calling whether things are true or not it's just it's cool you get to learn things how are exit signs clear but say exit on both sides i'd love to know hi hank again it's not transparent it's a mirror damn it i knew it was gonna be something that easy how rare is your body let's find out twenty percent of people have a gap between their two i had a gap when i was little and i hated it so much that i got bonding in between my two front teeth but then when all of my adult teeth grew in it made them super crooked because that space was supposed to naturally close so don't do that maybe i was a 20 or when i was younger or maybe a lot of people have gaps when they're younger what normally causes this is a discrepancy between the jaw size and the teeth twenty-five percent of people have something called hitchhiker's thumb hitchhikers the upper part of the thumb can bend 90 degrees backwards only 10 of people have something called darwin's tubercle this is the little bump on the outside of your ear and it's believed that people who have this are better at sensing voice tonality what of the population can lick their elbow and the people that can normally do this usually either have a long tongue or a short forearm or both well my body's not very rare then great tell me the biggest lie an adult has ever told you and when you figured out it was a lie david if you want to grow up you need to eat all your vegetables and you didn't grow oh you're 5'3 i think what they mean when they say that is that you need to eat well and be well nourished to grow to your max potential perhaps your max potential was 5'3 but if you weren't properly nourished or malnourished maybe you would have been shorter than that hmm you ever think about that although i think this is just a joke so i don't know why i just did that tattoos every cell your body replaces itself every seven years then how do you have a tattoo like how does that stick around i was wondering that because i was like okay so like i know how the tattoo works i know that it's like in there and it's stuck in there but what if all of my cells turn over at the same time your entire skin new every month new skin every month that's why you need to sweep your floors tattoo ink isn't inside your skin cells it goes between your skin cells these macrophages come and they gobble it up they hold it until they finally die and then they release it and then another one comes fine gobbles it up again forever i've heard that people with tattoos have better immunity because like a tattoo like keeps your immune system going if this is how it works why doesn't my tattoo migrate more like you would think that it would migrate and that it wouldn't be such a clean process that it would like stay perfectly well i guess we'll see in a few years so i thought of this business idea that's going to test how honest people are i put a cooler full of waters a cash box and a sign that says one dollar per water please respect the honor code the results of day one out of the 48 waters i put in this morning there were only nine left there was 24 in it and 15 in my venmo meaning that not a single person stole a water today whoa that's crazy and honestly that's kind of a cool side hustle like if you could just set up little water stands like if that was legal i feel like you you'd make more money than you'd lose if the honor code is this strong okay so this is me pregnant my hair was super long super healthy and then this is me four months postpartum my hair was falling out and then this is me a month after using my mom's home remedies put some water to a boil then you're going to add your rosemary and then you're going to add your mint add a cap full of apple cider vinegar it's not cap okay hey that works i feel like if that works like i i feel like we should all get i mean i obviously don't need it but i kind of do my hairline's like gone a little bit further back uh because of a medication that i was on i was told that it'll grow back but uh that works that's pretty cool [Music] nails her nails oh my goodness i just learned that your nails can get credit for a music song music song what's wrong with me well guys those are just some cool things that i learned on tik tok that i thought i would share please check out the creators that were featured in this video and if you'd like to see me again make sure you hit push notifications i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 1,505,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, best tik toks 2021, best tik toks, best tiktok compilation, tik tok, tiktok, tiktok memes, top 10, secret tiktok compilation, secrets i learned from tiktok, secrets, secret tiktok
Id: Hvr0ySFqtXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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