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happy day and this is the worst please enjoy this video of my friend falling she looks so beautiful everything looks so perfect no she's just trying to pick up the pieces this kind of fall where just something doesn't connect it doesn't connect and you hit your butt like that hurts so bad it makes me so sad today we're doing some big sads this is a big sad y'all know because i found this pic my dad sent me and he doesn't realize it's a live photo oh my god he takes the picture and then he's just he's like trying to look happy and then he's like oh i'm tired of work i'm tired of life i'm tired of everything oh my goodness and he's such a cute dad too look at him ah oh no the pain of a toll that is so bad but on the bright side like i think it's so cute how much that touched the daughter she cares about him so much and like that's really sweet it started pouring so i ran into my car then realized oh it's pouring out there what you're taking too long i'm nervous this is not my car how does the car look exactly the same and why is the person in there so chill about it they're just like yeah it is pouring well take a seat bud take a seat we're both gonna wait this storm out together that's terrifying okay so this is a worst fear look how unstable this thing is it is flying everywhere i cannot imagine somebody please stop it it's gonna fall oh my goodness look at all the people coming to help ha honestly if when that thing dipped i would just jump out and pray for the best you might actually be safer locked in though like if it fell backwards i feel like you'd be safe if it fell forwards though like these two are running away like these guys are like no this is an apocalypse scary movie waiting to happen this is some final destination stuff i'm not going to be here for it i don't want to even watch it i'm the kind of person that just doesn't even like to watch something where something bad could happen like my anxiety would just be through the roof up every day at 7 00 am to get on to work instead of staying in bed scream at the top of my lungs that's really sad really sad really unlucky very good comedy i mean they say that some of the greatest art is made in a dark painful place and i think this is a great example of that but i hope that she gets a better job and or like a better lifestyle soon that's more attuned to her they're swimming here and that's a shark that's a shark right that's a hammerhead i he's not afraid of them at all he is coming through he wants some brunch he wants an arm with a slice of cantaloupe at the end oh i hate that i think i know where this is going and i don't like it one bit i do not like it one bit wait it didn't even break this guy like tried to stop it i think watch it wash his feet watch his feet wait no something happened it did break i'm with you on that oh my goodness well it looks like there was like a bit of an edge there so they didn't fully fall off because you wouldn't put a swing here especially in a tourist destination without some fail-safes you just wouldn't do that i feel like it wouldn't have been posted on tick-tock if they weren't okay it's obvious that i'm worried and trying to justify the fact that we all just witnessed this terrifying thing today while i was cleansing my clients lashes i noticed so many natural lashes that looked like they had been cut they looked blunt look at those little short things and do you want to know why they look this way it's because she uses eyelash curlers we do not recommend anyone use eyelash curlers on natural lashes so i thought they were going to say don't use them on eyelash extensions i don't know if i can ever use an eyelash curler again but i did notice that every time i use like especially like my cheaper eyelash curlers like it's kind of sharp and it makes me realize that like a lot of people who accidentally rip their lashes off when they're curling like maybe it's just too sharp and it's too clunky and it's like not smooth and like the cushion is like really cheap and not like so thick that it would actually just curl them i don't know that's that's a mess why do bad things happen to sexy people i don't know i'm too sexy for this i don't know but you have the nicest eyes and i'm sure you'll get over it soon i want to know what happened and i love the confidence so you have to be pretty unlucky when you hear an emergency alarm thankfully i've never heard one but look at this trend eas alarms from different countries okay the us one's okay it does sound like a computer why is the japan one so cute i would i would panic what do you mean where's the spice i would panic if this was blaring through the streets oh my god that is so ominous i wonder if there's something about the frequency like if it's like a kind of a low quiet noise like that it travels further i don't know no there's no way new zealand doesn't travel the furthest italy slabs france just sounds like profanity the the really like quiet ones for some reason like they scare me really bad it feels like you're under water or something i don't like it i don't like it at all most petty thing you've taken from your ex after y'all break up the most petty thing i've taken from my ex after a breakup i don't know maybe i've like stolen some sweaters just a few days before christmas um my ex informed me that he was no longer happy he was seeing someone else okay first of all why would he say he's no longer happy blaming it on you and then say he's also seeing somebody else i hope she got him good and he suggested that i move out after the holidays because you know it was his house i left that same day i called my sister she brought a u-haul good girl cut your losses stuff out of there i took everything oh that he had nothing when i got there i left him with nothing and to top it off it's what he deserved at the damn christmas tree yes i did i felt like the grinch it was exhilarating it was exhilarating oh my goodness i guess he just got a little bit too comfortable i can tell you were the one who bought the christmas tree you put all the ornaments up you probably bought the couches the coffee table like everything that made it a lot warmer like the decorations and stuff and like i think he got too comfortable and was like the only thing that would make my life even more perfect is more girls in this relationship no honey i'm so glad that you left i've never been so proud of a grinch in my life it's more time sorry mom i literally don't even know how to help you how did she do it how would you do that it's like she took the top off pressed her hand in the marshmallow and started walking around with this spider web on her head it was really cute though she's like sorry mom just taking full responsibility mm-hmm my bad i forgot to give you all blankets oh you can't do that to people oh no every time somebody is sleeping at my house the first thing i'm concerned about is that they have a pillow and they have blankets because i have slept at people's houses before and they didn't give me blankets it's always the worst sleep ever like one time i'm pretty sure i slept on somebody's pool table and they didn't offer me a blanket no matter how ignorant no matter how belligerent i am i will always be there offering you a blanket no oh he's stubborn [Laughter] this video when i watched it like the first time it kind of made me sad because some dogs like all they want to do is play with their mouths like when dogs are playing with each other it's a lot of like wrestling and biting and rolling around and it makes me feel bad for dogs who just aren't allowed to do that ever you have to sit at the dinner table with me and use a knife and fork and never do dog things that dogs want to do i guess the reason why you train them to never ever do it is because it's the safest but it doesn't hurt to like take an extra step and like have like boundaries when your daughter gets home and you can't wait to see her and she hates you oh my poor mom that's so sad ooh it makes me think like i wonder if my mom's ever felt that way she probably has right i feel like if i had a kid and they came home from school like and i made like a bomb dinner i'd be excited and like i feel like kids just don't really think about that and i i hope my mom didn't like me very much and that she never like really looked forward to me coming home i feel bad when i think about it if you're a teen definitely like you know spend time with your parents and enjoy it broken up 20 times but we're still here four years later i mean that's so cute but i can only imagine how hard it must have been if you broke up 20 times 20 times it's like you guys like aren't soul mates and like you weren't meant to be together but you like forced it to work together i feel like you can make a soul mate out of somebody i've had my fair share of fights and i feel like like all those fights if you're like willing to change you can but the whole saying that you can't change someone you should probably err on that side of caution because you really have to want to change to change and it seems like these two really wanted to this is kind of sad too my ex cheated man she said she loved my hair so i wanted to get it off oh that's sad how he's like cutting off his beautiful hair that was like kind of probably a hallmark of like his aesthetic oh but it looks good oh you're killing it now though i'm cool with that i'm cool with that i wish i was a guy and i could just like go to a barber and just like get like a real shortcut like that i mean i i don't want to part with this so i won't like this is kind of lucky but they're at the wrong house but i'm not going to stop them because i would love to have free concrete or a deck whatever they're building i'll let you know part three how it looks so the comments in this were like yo wrong for this and i 100 agree like look at this poor man like getting his work done and he's at the these guys are at the wrong house like i hope that it's a joke i it's got to be a joke it has to be a joke because like i feel like someone with 400 000 followers would know how this would play out if it was real like taking advantage of the working man you can't be doing that if it is real it's unlucky that it was posted because what i thought i looked like in my friend's party okay i mean you look cute what i actually look like girl you're beautiful what are you talking about oh look how much fun you're having your outfit is so cool your style is so cool and you know what like photography is 100 all about angles i took all these pictures when i was on vacation right and like i looked really good in all of them and then i started taking pictures in toronto to like kind of mix it in so it isn't just like all me in a bikini in my feed it's really hard to take good pictures out here don't feel bad if there's a bad angle of you and don't feel bad in general because 2021 has been a long year well guys that is all i have for you today it was some big sads and it was also some really unlucky people i hope that you guys check out and support the creators who are featured in this video though and if you'd like to see more of me make sure you hit push notifications i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: Gloom
Views: 585,260
Rating: 4.975595 out of 5
Keywords: gloom, gloomgames, kassie, gloomy kassie, gloomykassie, 2021, kartha gewart, bad day, unlucky, horrible luck, gone wrong, embarrassing, sad, oof, delete this video
Id: J5tUEsu-57g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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