What Is Toxic Femininity? Does It Exist? - AskReddit

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we should be equal put out the garbage and mow the lawn hell no that's men's work if toxic masculinity is a thing what are examples of toxic femininity [Music] learned helplessness stupidity traditionally a woman who is too smart or too competent is seen as unattractive to men a girl is taught to ask a man for help making things fixing things taking care of hard work moving heavy loads to do anything with technology etc this is inwardly projected in the form of acting stupid to attract boys or even believing oneself to be incapable of certain tasks it can be seen in girls sabotaging their own education when they previously used to be good students it can be outwardly projected as a negativity towards competent or educated women and an insistence on teaching their little girls to be little princesses just like they were to me it would mean women who bag on other women for womaning differently than they do this becomes really toxic after childbirth some women will feel nothing about letting you know how you are parenting wrong by using this product or letting your child do this particular thing women who are able to stay at home will be made to feel guilty for not helping to provide and women who work are made to feel guilty for abandoning their child i wish women were more understanding about dealing with differences and letting things slide a bit more you should never feel higher after putting someone else down women who get mad at other women for warning them that their man is cheating on them i'll add on to this women who get mad at only the other woman instead of both the other woman and their man i once had a girl who i barely knew messaged me begging to know if her guy had cheated on her with me so i apologetically told her the truth that he'd harass me for ages then they both proceeded to blow up my phone with insanely cruel messages so toxic and cliche a girl in the grade below me i'm a senior in high school at this point passed away unexpectedly due to sepsis our whole city was in shock as the girl was in the school just days before her passing i remember i met up with my girlfriend at the time and she asked why do so many people care about her dying it's not like she was pretty anyways this was the type of girl that says what i am so nice safe to say the lord blessed me with a brain and i cancelled that relationship to this day she is still in contact with me and recently she complained that guys use her and she can't figure out why nobody will be with her well honey i don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure that one out women judging other women for using different types of menstrual products the menstrual cup crew are the worst for this in my experience like yes i'm trying to be an environmentally friendly woman but seriously there are legitimate reasons why a large number of women cannot just shove a cup up there i don't mean all cup users most of you are lovely but i've seen quite a bit of elitism and pushiness from friends who have switched i recently learned about gold star lesbians who've never had sexual contact with men and discriminate against other lesbians who have ain't that some bs like i'm sure many people who now identify as gay or lesbian went through a lot of experimentation before they figured out who they were that's not something to berate people over my best friend just started dating a woman for the first time in her life this woman was a self-proclaimed gold star lesbian and constantly was dropping comments about how fake other lesbians and bi women are that have been in heterosexual relationships instilling so much shame onto my friend because she isn't a gold star this chick was a full narcissistic manipulative piece of work well from what i understand toxic masculinity is when men practice objectively self-destructive behaviors like alcoholism avoiding medical treatment violent criminal behavior etc all for the sake of proving how manly they are the equivalent for women would be self-destructive behavior that's connected to being seen as feminine i guess some examples would be eating disorders which are more common for women excessive plastic surgery large breast implants or other body modification surgeries women face more social pressure than men to have an attractive appearance while men face more pressure to be tough the self-destructive behaviors of both genders tend to reflect these pressures the idea that a woman should be let off for hurting her spouse since men are stronger as if the definition of abuse changes depending on your gender i remember seeing a new segment online where they hired two actors to go to a park and act abusive like shouting pushing slapping verbal abuse etc when the man was the aggressor people would jump in shout at him etc when the woman was the aggressor nothing people walked past didn't care or even seemed to show support for her their reasons ranged from he's a man he can't be hurt by her to well he must have done something to deserve it absolutely vile abuse is abuse regardless of gender or anything a lot of the women in my life have been in abusive relationships and i don't mean to belittle what happened to them or anyone else but we need to take abuse from women just as seriously as if it were from a man getting pregnant in order to entrap a guy then alienating the kids from him when the inevitable breakdown of the relationship occurs it's insane how much in our society women are just automatically assigned the role of primary caregiver in custody agreements the shock horror and even anger i encountered when people discovered my dad got primary custody over my mom was sickening like the woman was not fit to raise us but sure she deserves custody because she's the mom also have a friend who just won custody of his daughter back after fighting for over a year mom is a very non-functioning alcoholic that would forget to feed her kid never cleaned the house or bathed his daughter even attempted to end her life in front of her when she was five years old our custody system is whack women objectifying young men as sexual play things like hey pool boy wanna come rub some lotion on my back if a cougar does it it is supposed to be empowering but if a man said that about a girl waitress by the pool he'd be a sexist misogynist pig i remember a couple of years back i was working at a small company and we had a new guy start on a short-term contract nice bloke actually clearly worked out a lot and took good care of himself he was by most conventional standards pretty attractive and he was young basically right out of college first day he's there and i walk into the break area to hear our head of hr yep the head not that it's overly relevant but she was late 40s and divorced talking to another female colleague about how gorgeous the new guy was and all sorts of outwardly inappropriate comments especially about his young age i'd also noticed previously in the day a few comments to the guy's face which he politely ignored i actually called her out on it there and then basically saying that if she walked in on this conversation between two men loudly talking about how sexy and young a new female employee was she would should be hauling them in for a serious discussion about what's appropriate in the workplace we should be equal do your own damn dishes and laundry put out the garbage and mow the lawn hell no that's men's work i've literally met women who refused to learn to cook because they didn't want to be shoved into female roles like geez that's not a female role that's basic survival and independence thinking females are better than males that's not what feminism is feminism by definition is believing that females and males are equal if that is not what someone believes then they are not a feminist i just spent 30 minutes at work the other day trying to explain this to a male co-worker who was appalled when i told him i'm a feminist his response was no you're not you're way too cool to be one of those weird women um thanks turns out like many others he was mistaking feminazis as feminists the whole makeup culture to be honest telling their friends you look like an entirely different person with makeup like it's a compliment always peeved me on the other hand judging women who genuinely enjoy makeup is the same thing i'm not attacking you just making a point i rarely wear makeup and used to get annoyed at women who were constantly done up but then i realized that i do feel cute when i wear makeup so that's probably why they do it to each their own women who simultaneously call men things like heartless violent neanderthals incapable of feeling emotion yet if a man were to cry and show emotion these same women would laugh and call him things like manchild or beta male and tell him to man up etc physically assaulting a man and playing the i'm a woman that means i'm invincible and you can't hit me back or else you will go to prison card and don't get me started with gold diggers who date men only to exploit them for either money or ordering an expensive meal at an expensive establishment for him to pay and do this with no intention whatsoever of pursuing a romantic or sexual relationship with him but letting him think he has a chance the inability to congratulate any other woman genuinely on their weight loss i once put a lot of work into getting leaner in preparation for a power lifting competition wanted to drop a weight class i took a smart and careful approach i dropped about 20 pounds and at the end of the cut was hovering around 19 to 20 percent body fat one of my best friends told me that i needed to stop losing weight because i looked bulimic i felt pretty damn sad that day 20 body fat which might i add was measured via dexa so i can trust it was accurate is by no means dangerous territory and is considered athletic at best she did all sorts of bad things and was a terrible person so i'm glad she's no longer in my life when are you having kids or i just don't see how you can be happy without kids basically anything that equates femininity or being a woman to pop things out of your uterus the same way lots of toxic masculinity boils down to men use their muscles alternative version what is your ideal husband's job or are you planning on marrying a doctor or a lawyer which turn being a woman into mary as important to man as you can but that tends to be the step before and then allow that man to bestow his seed onto your fertile soil that he may fulfill your role as a walking uterus which is just a slightly different flavor of the original when are you having kids picking a fight and then pulling out the vajayjay card when you get hit back beating up your boyfriend then calling the cops on him when he only tries to defend himself from your onslaught crying about how he beat up a girl so he gets taken to jail telling the father of your children that he can't see them if he doesn't pay child support in our circle of friends are a few very affluent single white women over the years since they couldn't land a husband they start to double down more and more each year on their staunch feminism it's almost like they just sit ready to pounce on anything to virtue signal how strong and brave they are and they are ready to help the world against evil white men like me when my wife and i were planning our family we had a child a few years later i decided i wanted no more children and got a vasectomy this same circle of friends went absolutely crazy i was called selfish not a real man not a good husband not willing to man up in a whole slew of other things when i kindly brought up that it was my body my choice they wouldn't listen at all my body my choice apparently is only for women another fine example is this same circle of friends they are all over 40 years old highly educated very professional careers and there's not a day go by that they hashtag your face off on social media what woke strong brave and educated women they are three of them took a trip to kilimanjaro for international women's day i have no idea if they actually saw anything in africa as much bs as they were gushing on social media so many post again and again about how brave and strong they are this is the exact definition of toxic femininity first world upper-class white women paying a bunch of poor black men in a third world country to carry their stuff up a mountain so they can proclaim to the world how strong they are on instagram to be fueled by likes and emojis mocking men for doing unmanly things an ex of mine who cheated on me said that i was like the girl of our relationship when i started to show signs of jealousy because she was spending way too much time with the guy she ended up sleeping with but hey i should have just been a man and allowed it and stopped being so jealous of their time together telling women that they can have it all without telling them that it will never make them happy sure you can try to have it all but is it possible that women would be better off deciding what they want in focusing on that rather than just chasing the impossible dream of having it all and never being satisfied there was a video on twitter of a girl who prepared the dinner to his husband while he is playing on the pc she do it because she loves him and he works to sustain the house and doing that is a form to thank him but in the comments there was two or three girls angry with the girl of the video because he doesn't deserve that or he can makes his own dinner you don't have to be her chef i know a woman one of those self-proclaimed feminists every conversation with her at some point is about feminism it is tiring and obnoxious a girl got promoted over her she's a [ __ ] who slept with the boss few years later same thing girl gets promoted so she is a [ __ ] who is sleeping with her boss this lady is an in-law so i don't really have the option to just remove her from my life what bothers me is not the hypocrisy so much but that any woman she sees succeed ahead of her has to be a [ __ ] who slept her way up the ladder doesn't sit well with me the absolutely toxic mommy culture if you have kids you're raising them wrong if you don't have kids you're missing out on the joy of children if you're never had kids you will never really know joy birthing a child does not make you special or better than the millions of other women who have done it for centuries long before you used your uber expensive doula at your birthing center to connect with labor so you could mommy shame women who gave birth at a hospital or god forbid had a c-section i used to work with a few larger women they would sometimes focus on me being slim and it felt super awkward you're so slim and me not daring to say that it was good jeans or my parents forbade junk food because those are both the wrong answers there is no right thing to say when larger women express their envy of you it's kind of expected that it's accepted as a compliment but in reality it was on welcome attention one other girl at my work was also slim when she was pregnant they talked behind her back about how she looked when i got pregnant one of them after years of just being facebook friends no longer my co-worker she requested pics of me while pregnant her comments you still look like a stick false allegations to ruin guys lives women having multiple partners and getting pregnant by different guys then getting mad at men for not wanting to date them or marry them using it's sexist or misogynistic because you're doing something they don't like and want you to stop doing what you enjoy hobby or exercise asking you to be vulnerable with them and show some emotion once you do that they mock you and belittle you will even sometimes lead to them just rejecting you to find someone more manly and cheat on a man get pregnant and then try to lie and pass off the child as the man's sometimes this is found out years down the line and sometimes it's found out in the maternity ward warrior moms who look down on other women for deciding to use an epidural for giving birth or not having a natural birth women who shame mothers for formula v breast milk i had zero problems nursing my daughter joined la leche league for the companionship and support but whoa at the anti-formula bs my bff from high school had her second child and that girl would not nurse from the breast was i supposed to lecture and guilt tripper over something that she had little to no control over that's when i quit them it's when women bring other women down like shaming women who naturally like things typically associated with females such as the color pink or cooking or being a housewife it's being judgmental women who have premarital sex and aren't as pure as them it's thinking females are superior to men it's othering people and how their views on women can't be questioned unless are a sexist pig thanks for listening to 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Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 140,483
Rating: 4.9311013 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts toxic femininity, toxic femininity reddit, toxic female behaviour, toxic female behavior, toxic females, toxic women and toxic relationships
Id: GylCbOwx0g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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