People Share The Brokest Thing They've Ever Done

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what's the broadcast thing you've ever done went to bed for dinner paid for a loaf of bread and pennies and had wished sandwiches for a few days wish sandwiches two pieces of bread you wish you had something to put between told the kids we were going to pretend to be camping for a few days lit candles cooked food on the grill opened the windows at night and took cold showers for three nazir opal days to get to the next pay day because my now X was terrible at handling money and we didn't have enough to pay the damn electric bill kids thought it was great my mum single mom of three kids and us were having sleep parties where we all gathered in the living room with blankets and pillows we watched TV and stayed up till midnight we had to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. usually it was so much friggin fun years later I realized that our house was just too old to heat my mum could not afford to refill the tank for our heating and for people in one closed room stay warm enough with blankets that moment of realization rifled through the couches at Goodwill for change to buy a $1 burger I remember one time when I was little my mum went into a Wendy's or something like that and grabbed some crackers and ketchup for me and my brother to eat from the condiment section that was pretty bad times I'm just glad I can barely remember it long was buying tampons from the dollar store and my card was declined nicest cashier ever just told me it's okay and to go ahead super embarrassing I'm still a regular at that location I'm gonna useless thread to save is it a local food bank that's why we have them they can provide food for anybody in need just please donate when you can my husband and I have been in a pretty tough spot recently and I looked into food banks all of the ones near me require income proof it doesn't seem to matter that our income just barely covers the bills and debt payments we need to make I have a disability but I'm not on disability yet because I don't have health insurance and you need a doctor who knows your condition and can verify the need for assistance I've looked into cheaper clinics for poor people but I don't qualify for the ones nearby there is one I would qualify for but I love a few miles away in the wrong County there are still plenty of holes in our social programs when I was a child I had not discovered my mother was an alcoholic drug addicted horan Atos why we were so poor so she takes my sister out one time leaving me to watch my brother in a hotel I was point eight making my brother fall and of course she went into labor with the next kid and didn't come home for three days so we ate ketchup on bread day one day two he had ketchup and bread I had ketchup and day three he had ketchup and I had nothing my mother meanwhile forgot entirely about us told me when I was about 12 and she wondered why I hated her so damn much I had other times in my life where I passed food over to someone else first but those three days are absolutely crystal clear in my head trying to make sure he ate first and didn't realize how bad it was keeping him distracted watching what he wanted on TV et Cie etc my stepkids asked the other night why I wasn't eating dinner they're young but they know that I'm out of a job so money is going to be tight for a little while I explained to them how the hierarchy of food works now that since we don't have a lot of food I have to make sure they eat first so they can keep growing big and strong and then we have to make sure daddy eats so he can stay strong to keep working and I will eat once everyone else has eaten because I'm done growing and don't need as much energy to work as dad does found a hoody on the side of the road washed it and have been wearing it since I was 15 it's night so very good quality in college I would go fishing to catch trout for dinner not because it was fun that I wouldn't eat otherwise carpel with equally broke friends to donate blood at the local blood bank for cash in the free snack juice and cookie pulled all-nighters so I could sleep in public the next day to avoid hostel fees I was homeless in Las Vegas for a summer after a series of ridiculous events capped off by the guy I had paid three months advanced rent - getting arrested for fraud and a landlord kicking us out I managed to get room key cards for several of the hotels in Las Vegas that people had thrown away then I'd stay up all night and sleep in one of the chairs at the pool during the day you had to show a keycard to get into the pool area but once you were in they didn't pay much attention that what you did the pool at the Paris had a handicapped bathroom you could lock so I'd shower in there I managed to survive through the summer on about $20 without stealing or begging it probably helped that I was an early twenties white guy and decent clothes I got away with a lot lived out of my car and bought a $10 slash per month gym membership to Planet Fitness just so I could shower every day one time in college I paid for $0.47 worth of gas my entire savings at the time shared account of Dinty Moore beef stew with my two roommates we heated it a little with a Zippo lighter and ate it with a shared spoon constructed from a coat hanger under foil inside a pack of Marlboro cigarettes made pancakes from a stale can of Italian breadcrumbs one egg and water sprinkled them with sugar in there or I taken from a Dunkin Donuts when I went in to use the bathroom ate nothing but packets of sugar and ketchup when I took the one week trip by bus from LA to Bangor Maine cooked and ate an animal I saw get struck and killed by I car first I eat him in two days when I was in college I found a pair of thrown out shoes in front of an apartment they were soaking wet but otherwise knew and were my size I took them home wash them in the sink dried them out and wore them for two years I was that broke my shoes had holes in them so I wasn't going to let free shoes go away when I was a waitress if someone didn't want to take their leftovers home I'd hide in the freezer in back and eat the remaining food left by strangers I was unemployed for a year and prioritized shelter and internet / food so I lived off two eggs every 48 hours for about three months drove the town over to my mom's for a home-cooked meal and hopes she would give me 20 for gas for the ride back because the gas light was on sold plasma twice weekly to pay for food got my student had renewed a month after I was kicked out of school because it doubled as a free bus pass I still can't believe that worked popcorn was an integral part of my diet at the time because it was dirt cheap summer 2011 was rough but now I'm much better off in college I used to take a packet of ramen and crunch or into little pieces and pour it into a bowl and cover it in Taco Bell mild sauce and eat it like cereal I called it bachelor Chow I ate a $1 can of cold chunky soup with a plastic spoon while sitting in my car in the wall parking lots in midwinter in the dark crying because I was poor and new to the area and had no friends that was a Christmas Eve to remember I went out on a date because I hadn't eaten in three days and I was so hungry I tried to order off the cheap list and be the best date ever I'm still ashamed almost 10 years later hunger will make you do things you never imagined you'd do I felt really dirty afterwards and never did it again husband donated plasma twice a week I'm ineligible we ate a lot of rice got some dried beans when we could afford to and we learned how to do urban foraging sometimes we ran out of rice so we'd pick some plants out in a nearby park or we would just not eat also discovered that by taking a Mayo packet a relish pocket and a ketchup packet you can make pretty tasty Thousand Island dressing we had two caps during this time and they always got their food it wasn't their fault that 2008 punched us in the face a decade on and we are still trying to get solidly back on our feet but doing well enough to have ecent food every day and not have a meltdown when renters do caps are doing well too just very old restaurants typically have huge trash bags that take a long time to fill up this means that dumpster diving is almost guaranteed to be disgusting but did you know that if you wait till the end of a shift 10 a.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. most places will have emptying the trash as an end of shift duty and if you keep an eye out you can grab food off the top of the bag that's still pretty much fresh because I know that I had just started a new job after barely scraping by with my old one there was a lapse in paychecks so I was super extra broke at the orientation for the new gig they had snacks granola bars chips fruit etc so I stopped up grabbed a few when people where --nt looking or tried to be the first in slash out of the room so I could sneak more into my purse one night after an evening of bar hopping I got her a scratched my nether regions after eating a bunch of sliced Georgia lapis that I picked off some leftover Natchez drunk and in a panic I remembered that milk supposedly nullifies spicy I don't drink milk aside from a little bit in my coffee so I usually kept a quart in the fridge I pulled the rest of the court into a whiskey glass and it my balls into it for a while until the burning was gone not thinking I put the glass of bulls infused milk back into the fridge and went to bed woke up the next morning and made a pot of coffee as usual I went to grab the milk from the fridge and saw it and they're already poured into a whiskey glass a reminder that one I dipped my balls in that milk last night - that's the last of my milk and three I don't get paid until tomorrow well heat kills germs and coffee as hot right the coffee tasted fine you
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 587,714
Rating: 4.9248562 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, people, share, brokest thing, reddit top posts, r/, best of reddit, ask, askreddit, r/askreddit, brainy memes, tumblr posts
Id: KaroNlgD3FY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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