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Phin black guy kicks him in the balls as he bends down in response to his annihilated testicles what is the best you messed with the wrong person moment you've seen seventh grade science bully almost more of a bully's henchman said something about a quiet kids mother quiet kids mom was dead quiet kid also apparently studied boxing who knew what did you say about my mum Wham what did you say about my mum wham bully henchman was so shocked he did nothing and took the two straight punches to his face I don't think he got in trouble happened before the teacher came in my high school boyfriend and my elder brother my freshman year of high school I met Gotti he was a little on the weird side as seen kid but he was nice enough until the day he decided to hit me I said something he didn't agree with and in retaliation he slapped the bejesus out of me if there was an award for 'best be slapped then Scott he won it my head snapped back saliva flew from my mouth tears formed in my eyes we had had been in the car sitting in traffic behind some accident or other he kicked me out of the car and made me walk home i sat down on the side of the road and called my brother because I wasn't ready to deal with my mother's reaction my brother showed up in his Jeep held up traffic on a Friday afternoon to make sure I was okay he had even stopped at the store and bought me a bag of frozen peas for my cheek we drove on the car was deadly silent my brother was steely faced white knuckle gripping the wheel pure white anger in his eyes we drove past our road and kept going he pulled into Scotty's yard and stormed up to the door I stayed in the car Scotty came out five foot seven to my brother six foot three my brother grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him a good foot off the ground I didn't hear what was said all I know is my brother never had to hit the kid whatever he said to him made Scotty go pale and shaky brother laid him down on the front porch came back down got in the Jeep and record boys front yard tore it the hell up Scotty's dad was one of those guys who won awards for his yard Scottie had to explain to his dad why his yard was messed up his parents called in apologized for their son's behavior we never heard another word from Scottie was riding the bus home from school one day bunch of a-holes messing around in the back throwing food and other junk a quiet overweight kid sat in front of them minding his own business when one of the a-holes thought it would be funny to shove an old sandwich in his face and call him fat boy quiet kids stood up and knocked him out in a single hit then grabbed his bag and walked up to the front of the bus and got off at his stop as if nothing happened yuppie frat boy in an econ course I was taking my freshman year got caught cheating at my university we all sign a contract agreeing to their honor code policies and cheating is an automatic expulsion but the professor decided to be nice and was just going to give the kid a zero on the exam frat kid doesn't think that's enough and it turns into an argument kids start saying how in his family is at the University and how none of this matters because he'll just pull some strings long story short our professor is actually close friends with the Chancellor of our school not only did the kid get expelled from the school but they somehow got him into legal trouble as well for some of the comments made in class that day I don't know what was said that could have been used against him but the kid ended up in some deep trouble there was this guy who was part of our group in college he was a rectum Milty was one of the guys brothers so he hung out with us a lot whenever he would get drunk he will try to pick fights we would just shake it off and ignore him one of the guys has still a pretty big New Year's Eve party as it goes this dude got drunk and tried to pick fights again people were getting uncomfortable there was one guy at the party who was about six feet four and built like a tank who was just not having it he waited to be confronted and then immediately carried the guy outside and threw him down on a stair and broke his leg he stopped picking fights after that I didn't witness it but when I worked for AT&T a gentleman and his wife came in because his iPhone 6 was bent so they wanted to get him a new phone how did it get bent some turd held the boy up while he was walking home from school taking his money and his phone both of his parents were retired police officers and his father trained SWAT tactics and hand-to-hand combat the son went home empty-handed and was initially scared to tell his parents because the thief told the boy he knew where he lived and threatened him his parents eventually got him to tell them what happened the thief was hanging out at a laundromat near their home when the robbery took place the dad called his cop buddies who immediately rolled up to the laundromat along with the dad where they apprehended the guy who still had the phone in his pocket it got bent during the ensuing scuffle dude stole from the wrong kid the kid was very polite and kind while in the store he seemed pretty shook up I was glad for him that his dad had his back there was this guy who played drums all the time in Hawaii on the city strip nice guy never chatted much except for a wave and to throw him a few dollars some drunk tourist decided it would be fun to mess with his drums guy gave him so many chances to walk away drunk tourists winds up for a punch in the dude just knocked him out in one punch I just stood there and my buddy had the presence of mind to tell the guy to pack his stuff and leave before the cops come guy was pretty effed up and we helped him til the ambulance came I'm pretty sure with the way that his jaw looked it wouldn't be a short recovery this is low-key but I enjoyed it my first week at a white-collar job my first such job and we were in the middle of a department-wide meeting about 17 co-workers and supervisors all together the person leading the meeting asks a question of no one in particular and several of us answer my arm said the fit from the rest one guy turns to me and says let's leave these questions to the people who actually have a master's degree shall we I looked at him and said I have a master's degree the room went silent except for one guy who loudly who had I had given the correct answer to top it off scrappy Chihuahua man Road rages at me I flip him off and pull into the growth to restore parking-lot I needed to get formula for my daughter he followed me oh dear get out of the car effort I'm gonna kick your butt okay I'm six five inches bald bearded and since I lost weight and started lifting I've been mistaken for similar-looking NFL defensive lineman I got out of my bright green Fox vagan beetle crossed my arms and looked straight at him for about ten seconds before he got back in his little Honda and peeled out of the parking lot good thing too I don't know how to fight there was a family in my neighborhood that fostered a lot of Asian boys one was in my class a couple were older they live three houses down from my best friend and he became very close with the boy in our class we can call him John in retrospect it seems obvious that while he was in our class he was obviously older and was probably placed with us so he could catch up with his education he was a great guy when we were in a high school a kid from the class ahead of us took a special interest in picking on my friend he was constantly effing with him it escalated to him challenging my friend to fights and finally showing up in our neighborhood eventually he shows up one day and confronts my friend in the street John witnessed this and comes out to challenge the bully and utterly and completely destroys this kid who had 250 pounds heavier he was one of those big redheaded kids and the much smaller much faster asian kid beat the poop out of him before he knew what happened it was watching a Bruce Lee movie live afterwards my friend just walked up to me and said well I guess that's the end of my bully's name problem it was another time different kid was fostered by the same family was getting picked on relentlessly by some upper-class men they were using racial slurs running him off the road with their cars when he rode his bike around finally he had enough one day at school and gets into with the ringleader of the bullies through a broken English and a lot of Vietnamese swearing he agrees to meet them at the only gas station in town after school to settle things kid shows up to confrontation and removes a glass bottle from his bag promptly breaks it and brand is the jagged glass like a knife cue the bully immediately running to his car and taking off while the kid says that this is how you settle your honor in his country or something to that effect no one messed with him anymore after that incident we had a vendor who showed up once a week and was a bit of a hand masher like to crush your knuckles in your hand the boss had just hired a doughy looking middle-aged guy for the sales department I told him to be wary shaking the vendors hand a few days later the vendor shows up puts his hand out to the new guy with a big smile and goes in for the kill at first everyone is smiling the new guy is looking him in the eye while pumping his hand furiously then stops the smile melts off the vendors face he had a pained look on his face as his lips pursed together the vendor yelped a long EE and dropped the new guy's hand like it was lava pulled the new guy aside and asked how he did that 10 years I drove a tow truck must have changed thousands of flat tires with just hand tools nobody crushes my hand I was in a bar in Missouri it was on the outskirts of Jeff City had a nice mix of customers with various backgrounds college students city dwellers country folk etc there was a group of white preppy 20-something guys acting douchey king of the douches marches up to two bar and tries flirting with the bartender she smiles and listens to him but clearly doesn't care he keeps spewing stupid pick-up lines while his friends egged him on next to him is a thin black guy drinking a Cosmo after the last failed pickup line the thin black guy says she really doesn't give a flying F about your pickup lines she's just doing her job King douche doesn't like that starts talking crap about the black guy very immature stupid crap the thin black guy keeps his cool sipping his Cosmo King douche calls him at a gay slur for drinking a Cosmo continues on a homophobic rant thin black guy finishes his drink and turns to King douche King douche says what you gonna do far thin black guy kicks him in the balls as he bends down in response to his annihilated testicles black guy uppercuts him in the throat while king douche full tries to comprehend what is going on his friends come up behind him thin black guy kicks King douche until his friends the bartender tells the flock of douches to get the hell out they help King douche to his feet and leave thin black guy goes back to the bar to pay for his drink the bartender says thanks Marcus Marcus replies no problem see you later he walked out of his car and drove off that is the last time I saw Marcus my grandpa was a numb vet really nice guy kinda your typical portly boomer type well one day we were at the mall and on the way back to the Carson frat douche looking guy was walking along singing a dirty song comprised mostly of profanity my grandpa told him hey there's kids around here watch your mouth guy sizes up my grandpa sees he's kinda old got a belly and decides he's going to prove to his two buddies how tough he is by bowing up on an old man he flexes his cut-offs lead arms juts his barbed wire tribal neck tattoo chin out and kinda tries to chest bump my grandpa my grandpa suddenly is in this perfect boxes stance and just rocks this guy in the gut frat dude goes down on his knees winded and my grandpa says I said watch the air mouth boy guy starts to get up and say fu but my grandpa puts a left hook into his face and a right punch into his neck under his ear and the dude goes down spread-eagle and out cold my grandpa steps over him walking towards his two buddies who Bork it we got in the car and he made me promise not to tell my mom my twin sister had just gotten dumped by her a-hole gross boyfriend I never liked him he made her life miserable and was spreading rumors about her she didn't want to have sex with him so he dumped her I was minding my own business walking through the packed cafeteria when he says that goes her [ __ ] of a sister loud enough for those at nearby tables to hear at this point I had had enough of his BS towards my sister and now he was dragging my name into the mud what did you call me I said a little hush falls over the cafeteria the football team on the other side of the table stands up ready to fight I worked with one of them at Pizza Hut so I knew they'd of my back he says you heard me [ __ ] this part happens in slow motion in my memory that's what I thought you said and I hit him with all the force I had across his greasy face I left a handprint from his ear to his nose the whole cafeteria gasps he looked surprised at first then embarrassed then fuming mad he looks for the nearest teacher there's no way they didn't see or hear what happened aren't you going to do anything he yelled across the room at them nope they said in unison unless you want to go to the office with her for sexual harassment gotta love the female gym teacher he never spoke a word about me or my sister again I became a - school celebrity for a while the football team came over to check on me and offer to finish the job it was a good day the comment of the day is from Gabriel Adair in response to the video people who regret meeting their online friends share their story Gabriel wrote I just married my best friend who I met forever ago online a few weeks before we met in person that is nice Gabriel I am happy to hear there are not only weird people showing up when meeting an online friend thanks for listening to radio edit hit the subscribe button and activate that bell for more videos like this by the way I have not chosen a name for my subscribers yet someone suggested to call you meet popsicles is that how you want to be called let me know in the comments [Music]
Channel: Radio Reddit
Views: 300,455
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Keywords: radio reddit, r/askreddit, reddit channel, reddit, reddit stories, reddit funny, askreddit, askreddit funny, r\/askreddit, top posts, story, Instant karma, reddit instant karma stories, messed with the wrong guy, askreddit instant karma, r/askreddit instant karma, reddit revenge on bully, reddit revenge, top posts of r\, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, reddit compilation, subreddit, Updoot Reddit, messed with the wrong person
Id: OD0eK3F681k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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